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12-12-2006, 12:41 PM
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I suppose it's just my biologist instincts kicking in, but without any ancestral forms to study, it is hard (impossible) to identify any homologous features from which I can work from... is all.
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12-12-2006, 01:45 PM
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Mudokons have weird black lines on their backs, maybe this is where wings were once?
12-12-2006, 02:30 PM
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The wings would have been their arms... I'm not sure what you mean by black lines- do you mean where the bones show through?
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12-12-2006, 06:34 PM
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Trivia treat for today: when the first images of Clakkers appeared, their bird‐like appearance made us think they were relatively closely related to Mudokons.

12-13-2006, 09:32 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Clakkers suck.
Jordan Boi, those are just grooves in their backs between vertabrae and ribs sort of thing.
12-13-2006, 10:35 AM
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Clakkers suck.
Jordan Boi, those are just grooves in their backs between vertabrae and ribs sort of thing.
Oh right! Clakkers DO suck lol, I love to shoot fuzzles at them!
12-14-2006, 08:36 AM
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I started liking the Clakkers when I first heard their voice at the end of the SW trailer. It just had the Oddworld quality that (in my eyes) validated the species.

I mean, there are bugs and birds and bats and other organisms on Oddworld which are very similar to their Earth counterparts, but make one 5 feet tall and sapient, and suddenly it's a bad thing.

If you look at their concept art, they do look rather more... demonic.
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12-14-2006, 09:47 AM
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I like grubbs a lot better, they remind me a LOT of Mudokons, and their voices are so cute and lispy! Are they supposed to be fish people or something?
12-14-2006, 10:27 AM
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They did indeed evolve from fish. Also, notice the similarity of the words ‘Grubb’ and ‘guppy’.

12-14-2006, 10:41 AM
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Yeah, I see! Grubby, Gupp, lolness! In the SW opening movie how come they were all looking at that freaky fish, were they going to eat it or were they just praising it or something?
12-14-2006, 04:06 PM
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Grubbs eat fish. The fact there was only one, small fish was really an example of their plight: with the river dried up, they had no food.

12-16-2006, 01:19 PM
Bonedust's Avatar
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Yeah Secto dammed up the river and that one little stream is all that makes it to the village.
Do the clackerz trade with the magog cartel or do they have their own buisness and factories?

12-16-2006, 01:32 PM
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You know, that's a very interesting question! Well Clakkerz are pretty hot-headed, they'd probably want to do things from their own businesses so they don't mix with the wrong crowds, of course, I could be wrong!
12-16-2006, 02:15 PM
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I'm going to give that a no. The Clakkerz are sort of like the representation of what kind of happened in the Old West in the colonization stages in the US. Everyone was colonizing by themselves, so everyone had to make everything by themselves. The Clakkerz seemed to have already done that. They farm their own stuff, so I guess that the Clakkerz didn't have a need for Magog Cartel products. I also would guess there would be a factory formed by some Glukkon if there was products being sent to the Mongo Valley.

12-17-2006, 02:22 AM
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I do agree with you guys, I'm not sure Clakkerz are big consumers of the Cartel's products.
But not seeing a factory around is not a proof, the FeeCo trains are there to ship all the Cartel's products to every consumer.

12-17-2006, 08:02 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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I presume Clakkerz MUST buy the few things they own (tv etc.) from somewhere, presumably mostly second hand stuff from maybe poorer Glukkons in markets or something. They're sorta like...gyspys, or hippies or something, in the sense of how they live i.e. in the caravan.
Would richer, more high up class Clakkerz live in towns, which have a less western accent than the somewhat poorer ones living out in the drier areas?
12-17-2006, 09:52 AM
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Possible spoiler?

Well, the Clakkerz in New Yolk city seem the same as those everywhere else to me...
Would the Glukkons actually want to be in business with Clakkerz? They're pretty annoying.
12-17-2006, 11:47 AM
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The Clakkerz have moolah. Of course the Glukkons would want business with them.

I wouldn't put it past them to have employed outlaws to rob them regularly so that the Glukkons can sell the same products right back to them.
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12-17-2006, 12:02 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Do the Mudokons have any kind of buisness? I mean, other than Alf's Rehab and Tea...

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12-17-2006, 01:13 PM
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they don't realy have a buisness, at least not the one we saw now

12-17-2006, 03:42 PM
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okay. thank you. I just didn't know if they had one hiding somewhere or not...

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12-18-2006, 01:28 AM
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well Lorne hinted at some much less spiritual mudokons

12-18-2006, 02:52 AM
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The native mudokons can be considered to be living a tribal/communal society. Everything done is for the good of the tribe rather than the individual, especially seeing as there are few native jobs that can be acheived by one mud alone (eg hunting, herding, farming...).
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

12-18-2006, 04:26 AM
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I think we've herd of mudokons who live consumer (khanzumer?) lifestyles in the big cities, so presumably they must earn moolah somewhere.
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12-18-2006, 11:49 AM
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5 feet tall and sapient.
Whenever I hear the word sapient, all I can imagine now is the sapient pearwood treasure chest from the Discworld novels. So now I have a cross between a clakker and a wooden chest with legs in my mind. Thank you Bullet.

And i'd imagine the Khanzumer Mudokons where the construction worker type ones shown in the 'Land Muggers' concept art from Hand of Odd, or similar in that they are voluntary workjers, not slaves.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

12-18-2006, 02:37 PM
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Well, that is the correct application of the word "sapient". Too often is the term "sentient" mistakenly applied instead.
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12-20-2006, 12:57 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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Indeed, Bullet, indeed.
New Yolk City? Was that mentioned in MO or summat?
12-20-2006, 01:11 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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It's a town in Strangers Wrath.

12-21-2006, 03:14 AM
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Oh, kthxbye.
12-22-2006, 10:37 AM
Abe16's Avatar
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Here's a question I've had on my mind.

Is Molluck a Glockstar or Big Cheese? I heard somewhere he was a GLockstar without the suit, but, I don't know.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

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