I was thinking that too. For me, it makes sense on his hands- he was a cleaner working in a factory with dangerous machinery. Let's face it, the hands would be the first thing to go!
But seeing the deep scars on the shoulders, for example, I'm a little concerned there's a concerted effort for, shall we say, more obvious grit? Like, for the sake of being darker, covering him in terrible scarring just to prove a point.
Can you imagine? 'Scars! Deep ones everywhere! People need to be able to see how much he's been through! Ooh ooh, and he's got an eye missing! And a dent in his head from having part of the skull caved in!'
I jest, I don't think it'll be that severe

However I will say that too much detail for the sake of it might be a bit of a detriment, and it'd be a shame if he ended up looking too different from the Abe we know and love.