I was starting to worry that Costume Quest wasn't going to be any good. The first review for it came out about half-way through the day which isn't a good sign (it typically means that no one was given advance copies for review (which in turn usually means that the publisher doesn't have a lot of faith in the title)), and the first review was abysmal. The guy gave it a 6 out of 10, and said that he couldn't recommend the game to anyone of any age.
Then, the other reviews started coming out, and they were glowing. All of the reviews I read after the first one just absolutely adored the game. Now, I figured that the game would probably fall somewhere in the middle of that first review and the ones that came after it.
I was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. This game is fucking amazing. It's funny, it's quirky, and it's just so much fun. This is the game that they should have followed Psychonauts with. It is pitch perfect, and I could barely stand to stop playing it to get some sleep. The moment that I walked into the camp store and heard the Psychonauts music kick in I was enraptured. Actually, it was well before that, but that was a really cool moment.
I know that I've tried to convince most of you to buy Comic Jumper, and it's true that it isn't for everybody, but people, you have got to get Costume Quest. There is almost no chance that you won't love it.
My bowels hurt.