Type of Picture: Signature Picture
Main Text: Just simply, "Rupture Farms" will do
No Sub-Text
Font: The Oddworld font..well, the font in the first two Abe games.

Any colour(s) will do (except pink, or white. And if there's green, preferably just the color of this forum's "native" theme), but preferably just that orange-ish colour of the font in the first two Abe games.
Picture: Either some pictures of Oddworld; preferably dark, beautiful landscape images, and preferably from either Oddysee or Exoddus; mixed in with some pictures of Abe, looking scared, or happy, or smiling.
Theme: An Odd-ish, Abe-ish, beautiful, dark theme.
Notes: It's usually very hard for me to know what I really want in situations like these, but everything I posted above seems about just right to me.
So yeah, just a signature pic,
"Rupture Farms" as the main text - No Sub-Text,
Font: Just the font seen in the first two Abe games.
As for Pictures, I would like them to be dark, yet beautiful (like my avatar picture), and by "dark" I don't mean black, dark pictures, I mean pictures that have a "dark" feeling to them (like my avatar picture).
I would definitely like Abe somewhere in the picture. If you want/need me to supply some pictures, then I can, but I don't really have the exact pictures I'm looking for in the signature.
In other forums, I've been known to change my signature quite a lot, so if you notice that I don't have it as my signature one day, it's because of that reason, and that reason only.

But usually, I'll have it as my sig. )
So thanks, and if you want, I'll acknowledge the creator of the pic too!