basically everything pisses me off. Alot. McDonalds ruining people and giving them heart attacks, governemnt and politics letting pedafiles roam free and blowing up people and saying they're helping them (Iraq, anyone?), oil companies for not making new car designs and buying eco-friendy ones, Blair (Son of a **********************, along with Bush) saying Nuclear is safe, Global Warming because of people, animal cruelty, killing animals, destroying rainforest, Chavs (not so much as everything else here), people being dumb etc. otehr money, celebs, celeb magazines, racism...I could go on forever. Bloody hell, I'm so pissed with everything, really...I may be a pessimist and I admit that, but, still, for pete's sake, the list of bulls*it goes on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever get the idea. Actually, probably not...
Spiders. I fucking hate spiders. And bees. But mostly spiders.
Plus all of the generic stuff that everyone else said.
What, you'd rather have a bazillion times more flies and other things like...malarial mosquitos? Spiders help us, really. Its another thing I hate when people hate them. I mean, being creeped by them a bit isn't that bad, but killing them or being cruel to them purposefully because you hate them isn't fair. Thats something I hate (not surprisngly) alot. Also, people killing insects and things because they think they're insignificant. Life in all or any from is valuable and I value it. No one else seems to understand that. Thats one fo the things that I hate the most.
I actually held a tarantula once. I was a bit worried at first, felt very nice crawling accross my hand, almost like a masage or something...seriously, I liked it. Cute 'lil buggar.
....did I really just say that? O God...
...Oh, and did I mention I hate Blair and Bush? Hmmm....just one time with a chainsaw, and I'd...