I'm afraid that is correct. (Though I've never watched Seinfield.) But maybe not 100% correct. Ocarina of Time as well as Majora's Mask have a feel I rarely experience in similar games, that sense of mystery and adventure. It does have some simple puzzles that the player must figure out himself, and exploring. New games just hold your hand throughout the whole game, which takes away some or most of the experience.
It's just the controls that are frustrating. And Navi. Assuming that the first thing is a product of unpolished-at-the-time technology, I guess I can live with that. I can also live with Navi being annoying piece of shit
, because I believe she died a horrible death in fire at the end and it was satisfying. I don't have any major complaints besides those. I found the game great and fun.
Btw. Flying as a Deku in Majora's Mask (trying not to use the acronym) is really fun and not frustrating at all. The jumping sections are also much comfortable, but yes, it's because of improved camera which rotates in a way making it less possible to unintentionally jump to death