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12-14-2005, 09:53 PM
Havoc's Avatar
Cheesecake Apocalypse
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OOC: We're in the holidays, maybe he's on vacation.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-15-2005, 12:37 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: I wish. I don't start the holidays till the middle of next week! We're the only school I'm aware of finishing so late. Lack oif writing is basically due to a mix of no ideas and 2000 word peice of English coursework in for Monday.

Grace paused with a sudden sinking feeling in her chest, realising she was wasting her time here, it was a flipping circus, no one cared. And these guys would have nothing to do about it, they were a bunch of ecentrics dressed up in costumes! Not dangerous arsonists!
Grace: "You know what, sorry for bothering you, you really ddn't have anything to do with this did you?"

SHe was about to leave when her mind took in what this new arrival had said.
Grace: "Hang on, hit? Ambush, mobsters? What have you been doing?"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

12-15-2005, 04:34 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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'Nothing you would be interested in,' Charger said and turned around to Streak and the rest. He made a paw gesture to Art, telling him to follow. 'Now if you'll excuse us. We must be off.'
He walked up the hill, with Kaira walking next to him. Hopefully that cop would go away now. He looked over his shoulder to Streak.
'If she keeps being anoying, put her on the roof of the Lirage hotel or something...'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-15-2005, 09:18 AM
Dave's Avatar
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We're the only school I'm aware of finishing so late.
Finals at my school run until the 23rd. And back in my hometown, they don't get out until then, either.

Streak snorted. At least this Charger guy had a sense of humor ... but then, he didn't look like he was joking. Ah, well.
Art and Blaze sliently followed Charger and the others up the hill.

12-17-2005, 05:56 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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Charger led the group over the hill, no longer botherd by the cop or the stuff at the circus. It would be a wise move to figure out what to do from here, but going on the streets and sit at a local restaurant was probably not a good idea. Even though they were in the city where anything could happen and where probably everyone would think they were a bunch of freaks in costumes and not even blink at it... no, sitting at a bar or restaurant to relax for a bit and discuss was still a bit overdoing it. So Charger decided to carry on his original plan of going undercover in the subway tubes.
After about 5 minutes they reached the base of the hill, where the freeway was. Traffic was speeding heavily over the asphalt. He quikely made his way over to the ventilation unit. It was a small, square, concrete bunker with some vents and a solid steel door that read: No Trespassing - High Voltage, Danger.
He examinded the door. It has three locks, and altough they were rather outdated, they would be more then strong enough to stand a blow from Charger shoulder, or a firm pull. However...

'Art... did you bring your guns?'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-17-2005, 10:01 AM
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Art cocked an eyebrow and stared for a minute.
"No, Charger. I'm an idiot who doesn't go around armed."
He rolled his eyes and drew a gun. He looked around to make sure there weren't any potentially suspicious onlookers, and unloaded a few shots into each lock. The locks broke away easily.
Dave was getting impatient. If Charger and the others were still in Los Santos, he might be able to find them ... but this drive was taking so long, he was afraid they might leave town.

12-17-2005, 10:30 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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'Don't get smart on me, Art.' Charger said as he put a firm grip in the doorhandle. 'You know better then that.'
He gave the door a firm pull. It budged a bit. He gave it another pull, at which all three locks gave in and the door flew open. The coolness of the underground tube, combinded with the stench of oil fumes, flew at them. It was like walking into a garage.
Inside Charger found a small electrical unit, locked behind fence. Again the fence was litterd with warning signs, but Charger savely ignored them. He was more interested in the stairs that led down into a dark gap. While the others were still waiting outside, Charger went to look for a light switch.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-21-2005, 02:48 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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OOC: Splatty... your move . Or can we just move on without you for now?
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-21-2005, 01:29 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Sorry, not been on much lately, too much going on.

Grace followed the group up the hill (from an inconspicuous distance). She was definately interested now, they were hiding something and it could finally be what she was looking for. As she came over the hill she saw them breaking into the tunnels beneath the highway. She pulled out her radio to call for backup, then paused, wondering what she could say. She was meant to be looking for the arsonists. That had got her nowhere, and no one would be interested in this. Returning her radio to her hip, she moved quietly (and somewhat sneakily) down the hill.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

12-22-2005, 01:08 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: I'm confused... what happened to this?

Dave heard a door open behind him, but didn't register it ...
until Fisher's hand clamped down on his shoulder.


Silvia and Daniel had been walking continuously for some time now and Silvia was beginning to wonder when they'd ever stop; she was already tired from all that had happened over the last few days. (OOC: Gee, time flies around here, doesn't it? ) While there had been plenty of traffic, there was no way she could expect any help from anyone travelling along the road; they were too busy minding their own business or something. Then, without warning, Daniel stopped and pointed far ahead, "Recognize this?"

There, some distance past the hill they were now standing on, lay the city of Los Santos... wretched place that it is, thought Silvia. It had been nearly 7 years since she had seen Los Santos, and it didn't appear to have changed a great deal. Then she noticed Daniel seemed to be watching something down below. She looked in the direction of his gaze and saw what, from here, looked like a circus ground, but there seemed to have been a fire, judging from the burnt-out remains of the tent. It looked like a small group of people were down there, too, though from here she could make out practically nothing of what they looked like. That seemed to be what Daniel was watching, but as they looked on, the group of people walked over the other side of a hill and went out of sight, followed by someone else who appeared to be alone.

Daniel just stood there looking for a few minutes even after they had all disappeared from sight, until Silvia spoke up, "So... we're going to Los Santos then?"

Daniel seemed to snap back to here and now and looked at her for a few seconds then said, "Yes and no. We are going into Los Santos, but once we get there we'll be going... somewhere else."

He chuckled softly, then, gesturing with his hand for Silvia to follow, he started walking down the hill toward the city. As Silvia started following him, she happened to glance heavenward, and almost stopped in surprise at what she saw. It was incredibly high up, but it looked like... no, it couldn't be, surely that wasn't the same eagle she had followed before! But she had a feeling she didn't want Daniel to see this, so she quickly looked back down and continued following him as normal...


Last edited by Gretin; 12-22-2005 at 01:40 AM..
12-22-2005, 02:58 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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OOC: I'm confused... what happened to this?

I've been wondering that myself, but I figured Dave would get back to it at some point. Well, Dave?! :P.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-22-2005, 03:26 AM
T-nex's Avatar
Frosties and Buttsex
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"AH!! Finally i can open my mouth!" Krisha burst out relieved.

"Yea you've just been waiting for that haven't you? Just so you can annoy us with you eternal babel?" Kix said and laid down, "Charger what has happened here? and who's.."

She looked up at streak, who looked very much like Charger.

"Who's she?" Kix asked, and aproached Streak to examine her.

"Uh hi!! I'm Krisha, what's your name?" Krisha asked Streak, and smiled.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


12-22-2005, 11:26 AM
Dave's Avatar
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OOC: Fisher is in the real world, our world, silently monitoring and contributing to the goings on of the RP. He is "responsible" for many of my recent posts. Dave, meanwhile, has "died" and found himself in the world of the RP. He is hitching a ride to Los Santos to try and catch up with everyone else. It's taking a long time ... driving isn't as fast as a plane. Once Dave does catch up, he'll begin the work of patching up the mess he's made of things.
Streak looked down at the cats. Groaning inwardly, she forced a smile. "I'm Streak. I guess I'm Charger's sister." And she promptly ignored them.
Art, meanwhile, had found the lights that Charger seemed to be looking for, and switched them on. Light flooded the area.

12-22-2005, 02:28 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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Charger looked back at Art for a moment, opening his mouth to say something but didn't at the last second.
Right infront Charger was the staircase which led down to the tunnel that was now lighted by the lamps spread over the ceiling of the tunnel. It went on for a couple of meters before making ending up a T-junction.
'Alright, everybody down,' he made a paw gesture to slur everyone in the bunker and kept a firm lookout to see if nothing was happening around them. He could hear some police cars on the other side of the mountain, police was a little late at that scene...
He also noted that the female cop from earlier was still following them. Apparently Streak didn't do her job so well afterall... no matter.
'Come on, hurry up everyone...'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-22-2005, 02:45 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Streak did her job, Grace lost interest in the arson case. Then Art started talking about the mafia and Charger broke into that bunker and she's interested again.

Pseok continued to circle, high above the group, when he spotted a pair of figures appearing from the south. Roland? He glided over them, looking closely. No, a guy and... was that the woman from the forest? He circled round again and, looking back, saw that the others had disappeared. he considered going down and asking the woman if she'd seen Roland, but then remembered they hadn't got on so well (a detail he'd forgotten in his desperation to find the gunslinger) and changed his mind. It was all going rather wrong, and he thought back to when he had been kicked out of his clan. Same thing happened, he burst into flames and they'd moved on, leaving him behind...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

12-27-2005, 03:16 AM
T-nex's Avatar
Frosties and Buttsex
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Krisha and Kix looked at each other with an odd expression.

"Pfft! Somebody is a bit moody today aren't we?" Krisha said amused, and received a paw on her head by Kix.

"Sorry..." Kirsha said lowly, and Leaped at Kix to pin her down.

They struggled a few minutes, untillKix had pinned Krisha on the floor. Then Krisha pushed kix off, and acted innocently, untill she had leaped at her again. This Time Kix had lost the game.

"Haha got ya!" Krisha said and smiled triumfly.

"Right, congrats..." Kix said, and sent her a sarcastic look.

They both got up, and followed the rest.

"Uh, Charger why are even here? I mean can't we go a place... less scary?" Kix said.

"This is cool..." Krisha said and looked around.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


12-31-2005, 10:58 AM
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'Sorry, Kix. No, we can't. Not for now anyway.'
Charger was about to close the steel door when he noticed a large shadow circling over the sand of the mountain. He looked up to the sky, looking right into the sun as the large eagle flew past. Charger opend his mouth to shout at him, then glanced over at the cop and decided it might be best not to draw attention to himself right now. So instead he called Art.

'Pst, hey Art! C'mere! That Eagle is up there, he needs to tag along. Get him in here, would ya?'
He patted Art on the back, as usual a lot harder then Art could handle.
'Good lad.'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

12-31-2005, 01:31 PM
Dave's Avatar
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Art grimmaced at the pat on the back, but ignored the extra force.
How was he gonna get that bird down there?
He thought a moment, then decided on the easiest solution.
He turned to the sky and shouted. "Hey! Eagle! Come here!"

12-31-2005, 04:21 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Happy New Year! 2006, where will The Community be in anotrher 12 months?

Any birdologist or whatever you call em, it starts with an O, would recognise the fact that birds of prey have very good human. So, despite being very high up, Pseok was able to hear Art's cry (a very feat no human could match, not that we have many of those). Pseok guessed that it was him being called, he wasn't aware of any other eahles in the area, especially none that could understand a human call. There was a seagull nearby, but seagulls of course weren't known for their intelligence, and if it wasn't for the suspected hullucinations he may have had from eating those pidgeons a few days ago, he'd have made short work of the none-to-bright bird.

As it was, Pseok spent a good few seconds wondering who was calling him, and why. After what had just happened he was a bit suspicious of anyone who'd want his attention. Many years of being a metaphorical lab-rat (a phrase he rarely associated with himself) he was not ready to put himself in danger of being captured.
However, he'd never been much of one to resist curiosity and eventuallt it got the better of his missgivings and he swooped down in the direction of the voice.

If he was right, it came from the edge of that road down there. There was that woman apparently hiding nearby, but he ignored her, it had been a man who'd called him. As he approached he spotted a doorway below the level of the road, and, peering inside he could see at least one of the tiger-people from the tent.

Grace, who was now very close to the door Charger had broken through, was a bit surprised when someone, possibly the mafia-guy, her suspect, called out, with all the subtlety of graffitiing your own name on the edge of a building in sky blue paint, someing about an eagle. She repeated his cry quietly to herself, wondering if it had some relevance to one of the gangs in the city, then she came closer to the door and was taken completely by surprise when a huge bird flapped over her head and landed in the doorway she was headed for.
Surpressing a yelp, she scrambled backwards and slipped behind a bush and peered in surprise, and, much to her own annoyance, fear, at the bird now peering through the door.
She gasped and tried to remember what she'd been eating the last few days when the bird spoke.
Pseok: "What? You don't have to worry about me you know, air doesn't burn that well if that's what you're bothering me about."
They say you could get all sorts in Losa Santos, but this was something she hadn't ever imagined to see walking, well, flying around.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 12-31-2005 at 04:27 PM..
12-31-2005, 04:55 PM
Havoc's Avatar
Cheesecake Apocalypse
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OOC: Happy 2006! I hope no-one lost any limbs. Lets bring TC RP forward another year!

Charger looked up to the eagle.
'Just wanted to say thanks,' Charger said. 'For helping out back in the tent and all.'
He made a gesture down the tunnel.
'We're heading down the subway tunnels, get to some saver place. You're free to join us, if you want. But I guess the air is even safer, so I'l leave that up to you.'

Kaira was meanwhile still snickering at the Grace's reaction to the eagle.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

01-01-2006, 03:29 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Pseok's surprise at being thanked for almost killing them all was quickly pushed aside by Charger's next offer.

Pseok: "You want me to go crawling through underground tunnels? What are you afraid of getting you out there? There's nothing much left as far as I can see, which is a long way," He sniggered at his own joke. "Anyway, what makes you think you'll be safe underground? What will you do if someone comes up behind you and you can't find a way out? You're probably walking into a dead end."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-01-2006, 06:28 AM
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'Anyone following is walks right into a death trap. In case you havn't noticed, Art here has guns with him, not to mention that me, Blaze and Kaira are almost just as deadly.'
He looked over his shoulder to Streak.
'And we have our sis, who can... write down and... uh...' he coughed. 'You know what, nevermind that. Point is, we need a small moment to get back on track to figure out what we're going to do next. And we can't sit down at some restaurant on the middle of the strip, so going underground for a small bit is the next logical thing to do. Now are you with us or what?'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

01-03-2006, 06:29 AM
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Pseok: "There's nothing logical about going underground. At least not at this time of year."
But what have I got to lose? I'm not gonna find anyone else.
With a sigh, Pseok stepped forwards into the passage, glancing somewhat uncomfortably at the closed-in walls.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-07-2006, 07:06 AM
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'Good,' Charger grunted, then slammed the door shut when the eagle had stepped inside. He took the lead down into the tunnel. It seemed endless.
'Okay, so now we're all here again. One, is everyone alright. And two, Streak could you maybe explain, in detail, what just happend back there? That gunslinger disappeard in thin air, and who was that other guy?'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

01-08-2006, 10:01 PM
Dave's Avatar
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Streak Sighed.
She knew this would be coming.
"Well, look. As far back as I can remember, I've been able to make things happen. When the circus took me, they helped me refine this ... ability so that I could control it. Now things only happen when I write them down. I can't change just anything, or else they would have made me tear all barriers between realities when they got me.
"What I did to that gunslinger was a thing I've only done once before ... imagine time as a line. Say we're at point C ... and I sent the gunslinger back in time at point B ... and he arrived at point A. He's going to repeat the track from point A to point B again and again, forgetting each time that he's doing it.
"The Circus was a front for Fisher's company, which punched holes between different versions of reality in an effort to cause total chaos. Most people don't know there are other worlds, and often don't notice if they accidentally stumble into a new one ... they're all very similar.
"Of course, there are some worlds that are very much different than others. In one world, for instance, apes are the dominant species. Another world suffered some kind of plague where the world population dropped from 6 billion to about 600 thousand. One world - that Fisher had hoped to open onto all others - has suffered a nuclear holocaust, and the radiation in the air was so potent that it could poison and kill you in hours.
"Fisher used me and other Breakers to punch holes into all worlds to open connections between them. Breakers come in all shapes, all sizes, and from all corners of all worlds. If you've ever heard of a person who went missing and was never found, chaces are good that they were a Breaker."
Streak paused. "Are you guys following all this?"

01-09-2006, 08:20 AM
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[QUOTE=Dave]Of course, there are some worlds that are very much different than others. In one world, for instance, apes are the dominant species.[QUOTE]

Heheheh. bravo!

Now you've left me with the difficult task of gouging Pseok's reaction to that...

Pseok looked confused as he tried to understand most of that, being an animal meant he wasn't quite at the point wher he could imagine othwer worlds. It was sort of like trying to explain how the internet works to a caveman.

But one bit, he did grasp.
Pseok: "You did what to Roland?? How? Why? How do you bring him back?"

Grace, meanwhile, was sitting in a bush outside, wondering how she was likely to find out what was being said in there without giving herself away or opening the door. Even if she could have changed into something to make her look like a work-man or technitian, the tiger-people had seen her and would know her. And if they were... real (you could find all sorts in Los Santos) they would probably here or smell her or something if she found another way in.

She got up and went to the door and put her ear against it. SHe could vaguely make out a voice but couldn't here the words. She glanced around and spotted a door about 100 metres down the road.

Well, what was the worse that could happen? She was a cop, and she was armed. She jogged across the field to the door.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

01-09-2006, 11:34 AM
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Streak sighed. "Look, I can't bring him back without causing a paradox. Look at our timeline again. If we pluck ... Roland ... out of any point he was in before point B, it would cancel out our memories of him up to this point. And that would, in effect, change all events leading up to this point. I would be creating, in essence, another 'reality' where instead of moving on to point B and being sent back, he moved up to some point D before B and jumped ahead to C ... and it is quite likely that we all would go mad, because we would be forced to try and accept two conflicting sets of memories."
She took a breath. "Have I lost anyone yet?"
Art raised a hand. "Question. You say you can 'create realities' by writing things down?"
Blaze coughed loudly. He thought of what Roland had said shortly after returning from his absence. "He sent me to meet ... I suppose you would call him my maker. There is another reality running parallel to this one in which a group of people use computers to tell stories. And as it turns out, we are characters in one such story."
Streak looked at him, and he spoke.
"Streak, have you ever been online? And participated in an rpg?"
Streak slowly nodded. "I know where you're going with this. And it's true: they are all worlds created by their respective authors. Characters who disappear will more often than less prove to be Breakers that were plucked out of the story and brought here."
Art snickered. "So that's what happened to Macrina's sons."
Streak raised an eyebrow, but ignored this remark. "Can I answer any other questions?"

01-09-2006, 01:02 PM
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'When I think up some other question which I want such a complicated answer too, I'l let you know.'
Kaira looked up to him with a grin.
'Makes your head hurt?'
'As if you actualy understood any of that!'
Kaira snickerd.
'Well, no. But I'm just a mere tiger. Doesn't mean it isn't fun to see you dazzle.'
Charger rose an eyebrow and kept marching down the tunnel.
'Mere tiger my tail...' he said, snatching his tail out of Kaira reach just before she could dig her teeth into it. 'And don't even think about it!'

(OOC: Dave, don't you think it's time you slowly start to envolve story-Dave a bit before I run out of ideas here to keep the story going a bit? O.o)
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

01-09-2006, 06:43 PM
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OOC: Geez, long time no post (from me). Better make a big one to make up for it

While Daniel continued to lead Silvia towards the city of Los Santos, she was furiously trying to think of a way to get herself out of this mess. She noticed that they were passing quite close by the outside of the circus grounds, and there was a way into them up ahead. Something tells me we're getting close, Silvia thought, so I'd better make my move now!

Daniel ignored the way into the circus grounds and continued to walk past, but as Silvia came level with it she hesitated. In a second she made up her mind; she instantly drew her gun again and, putting as much force into it as she could muster, she threw it straight for Daniel's head, hoping it would at least hit him somewhere. But she wasn't about to wait and find out, no sooner had the gun left her fingers than she had darted into the grounds and was running in what she guessed was the direction they had seen the group of people earlier. She figured (and hoped) that if she could get near other people, Daniel would be reluctant to use those weird powers he had, and that would give her much more chance of getting away.

If she had been watching, she would have seen Daniel spin round in a flash and neatly catch the gun, then by some incredible power, he crushed the gun in his hand and dropped it to the ground.

But even before he had made his catch he had started running in pursuit of Silvia, and now the chase was on! Fortunately for Silvia, he didn't appear to have any power to increase his speed, and she, in her desperation to get away, was slowly but surely increasing the distance between the two of them.

But Daniel, seeing that this wasn't working, lifted his hands and a glowing ball of fire started to form, seemingly out of nowhere, in each hand. As they grew to become even larger than his hands, he threw them forward to go hurtling over the top of Silvia's head then turn downward to try and block her path. Daniel, hoping this move would have slowed her down somewhat, continued to sprint after her, but she simply dodged past the fireballs and continued running. Nearly there, she thought, as they started nearing the hills, just a little more and I should find someone. She didn't want to think what would happen if nobody turned out to be there.

Had she decided to look back at this point, she may have found reason to find even more speed to run; now, not only were fireballs forming in Daniel's hands, but he himself seemed to actually be lighting on fire! While still running, he started moving his arms forward so his hands touched, and as he did this a narrow wall of fire seemed to just rise up out of the ground in front of him. The flames kept on rising up just ahead of him until he suddenly stopped, and then fire instantly surged forward after Silvia, making one long trail of flame. But, just at the moment, Silvia reached the top of the hill and, looking down, she could see another road at the bottom and she could make out the figure of someone running down the road (Grace). But the main thing she noticed was the uniform; normally she would have nothing to do with the police at all, but right now, this was just what she needed. Without a moment's hesitation she started rushing down the hill yelling, "Officer! Officer! I need help!"

As for the wall of flame, it just vanished before it came to the top of the hill, so someone looking from the other side would see nothing. And Daniel was nowhere to be seen.

OOC: I hope this is alright with everyone, I'm not sure exactly where everybody is in relation to everything right now and... yeah...

Last edited by Gretin; 01-09-2006 at 06:47 PM..
01-15-2006, 02:53 PM
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OCC: Anyone still around? O.o
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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