...what is it about this topic and attracting Zoophilliacs? do they regularly google their fetish and rush to defend it?
Ha, you should see how many non-zoophiles run to non-zoophile threads; say, they can talk!
Anyway, I am a rights advocate, also; I'm strictly here for opinions.
Define 'fetish':
"A form of sexual*desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body"
Well, uh, normally zoophiles love the animal as a person, only desperate deviants masturbate with certain components of an animals body, human or not, alive or not, whatever age, whatever gender; even if not even an animal, at that! Now that is deviancy and desperation!
Not all zoophiles have sex, but all have the sexual and romantic attraction to their partner, and the true zoophile is a monogamous one ('heh, why else do they call it the 'other' half?').
Plus, despite 'zoo' meaning 'animal'; zoophiles whom love different species don't mix.
So don't go saying 'stop having sex with that goat, billy no mates'; because I doubt a dog lover, like me (and most certainly won't), have sex with a goat, cow, or horse (let alone are those three hedonistic and understanding in compatibility of the love of our species, but whatever takes your heart :P).
But to build rights on one species, and not all zoophiles, will spark 'zoophilic speciesism', and no one will support the love towards 'animal'; hence we tend to group all species together and call it 'zoophilic zoosexuality'; despite the obvious sounding of 'animals are different, and are lesser than us', because, I for one, oppose that whole concept, as a lover of 'animals'.
However both dogs and humans are animals; despite that, 'zoo' specifies non-human animals. I can't say my partner isn't dog, because he isn't human. So, I keep the 'zoo' principle, and so do many others.
I often get called a 'sheep fucker', although, it is clear I do not have sex with sheep. I'd never have sex with something I don't think shows good signs of consent, like sheep. A dog does, and I love my dog for one, despite the numerous selection of men and women in my social life; I fell in love with my dog, and that's that way it will stay; I'd put my life on the line for my love, it is that strong, I'm sure you'd do so for your love, too, right (well, despite the coming-of-age non-passionate human-to-human relationships, for money; I'm afraid that doesn't exist in most zoophilic relationships (unless of course the animal (in the unlikelihood) has money))?
Despite my pretentious presentation towards zoophilia; I favour my sexuality, because it is my own, just as you do yours, I'm not saying zoophilia is any higher than non-zoophilia, despite LGBT's ferment on supremacy (zoophiles often adopt the peaceful natures of their partners); there are just a lot of zoosexual zoophiles about socially and/or legally, thanks to LGBT, religion, and animal rights over the set examples of bestialists and zoosadists (the media seems to pick only few of least articles where already illegal animal brutality is featured in sex (combining the two (cruelty and sex) makes it sound complimented and creates anti-zoophiles daily); ah, may be because true zoophiles keep their private lives in the bedroom like normal people do, in fear of social/legal humiliation/threat?).
ZU Research Department