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05-12-2007, 01:01 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: I didn't think Dek knew Ralph's name, but anyway... Come to think of it, I don't think Ralph has introduced himself to anyone yet...

And the award to Oddworld's most subtle-as-a-brick vykker goes to...
Haha, classic. Let me guess... It must be... Krik!

By the way, good to see you back, Slaveless. I know what it's like, as I'm sure you all know I've had times when I've practically disappeared.


"That answer was a little too quick for my liking," Ralph muttered, more thinking aloud than talking to Kix. He stepped up to the X-ray machine, which the vykkers, in their hurry, had left running, and glanced at the display. But Ralph's medical knowledge was about as great as Arthur's cooking skills, () so the image meant nothing to him.

He stepped back, looking at Anni, and put his hand to his chin. There was something odd about this mudokon...


Just so you know, what Ralph has noticed is not anything to do with what the vykkers are panicking about. As I said, Ralph's medical knowledge is... yeah

05-12-2007, 02:00 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
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Cylepso: *looks down at the mudokon child, which was clinging to her leg* Hey hey, *pats his head* Its alright. *looks at Seb, who had turned his head around and was looking curiously at the child*stop that, you’ll freak him out.
Seb: *straightens up* Mghhan, ghhan, muggy mahhh aghhnf.
Cylepso: I might. *sees Dimitrio and Scarface (that’s his name, right?) * Oi, no fighting, you guys!
Vester: Don’t worry…
Lenny: Yeah, don’t fall into their pens and you’ll be alright!
Jatt: *Hums as he limps along*
Jutt: *still asleep*
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

05-12-2007, 02:28 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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Galaleo sensed the BigBro before he saw it. This ones front left leg was obviously ruined, so the BigBro was limping. More surprisingly there was a meech sneaking behind the slig. Galaleo scratched the side of his head before writing down in his note book, "Meeches? I thought they were all dead..." Finishes writing before walking off, towards the cafeteria.
Martha overheard the request aboutn the wild animals and gasped, “Oh no! Peach is out there! Do you think she’ll be alright?”
Rusty nodded, “Yes, Peach tough, she animal, others no harm her.”
“Yezzir sheh bef rift!” Niko added.
Peach looked up as a fuzzle, Alexander II it said its name was, talked to her. The fuzzles shinny teeth made Peach cautious, “ Hi, Alex, my name is Peach. I’ll have you know, I can look after myself. I should be asking you what are you doing down here, Fuzzles are prime meals for hungry beasts. I wont eat you, as I know you know, and I am in mourning.”
OOC: Sorry for the mess up.
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

Last edited by LadySlig; 05-13-2007 at 12:55 AM..
05-12-2007, 03:52 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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OOC: So sorry! I've been gone for a while, but I'll pick up where I left off soon! Again, I am so very sorry....

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

05-12-2007, 05:07 PM
Venks's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
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OOC: Dripik feel free to control #9 and #10, in the current situation they will obey any order given to them by #7. #10 will be less reluctant to put his life on the line, while #9 will jump at the chance to shoot something. Don't forget #10 has a very powerful fire-arm, it acts as a: Shotgun, flamethrower, sniper, and grenade launcher. Plus it has a flashlight attached. ^^

IC: #9 and #10 followed #7 towards the cafeteria while staying in formation. #10 flashed his light at any shadows and down every hall as he followed his temporary leader. #9 stuck close to #10, but not too close due to military training reminding him about the importance of not sticking too close. #9 was running backwards watching the party's six in case wildlife decided to attack from behind. The two Sligs entered the cafeteria from the general direction of the stairs and fell in behind #7.
#10 introduced himself to Arnie, "Nice to meet you Arnie. Sir, I'm #10. Joe, CEO of Gloke-Gola's personal-aide. Joe has ordered me to assist you in your current predicament as a friendly gesture from himself and Gloke-gola."

#9 also introduced himself to Arnie. From his current position behind the other two Sligs, "Too bad we had to go and meet like dis boss-man, I'd love to get a job working and I guess dis be da best way to show what I can do."


Alexander II stared at the tiny Scrab in shock for a moment, then that was quickly replaced by rage. Alex roared, "You will not belittle my people in front of me Scrab, apologize before I rip your legs off one by one." The small Fuzzle brandished his Vykker implanted teeth, ready to kill the Scrab if it made the wrong move.


Joe walked back in forth in the R&R thinking to himself, "Rupture Farms is very different then I pictured it. The wildlife situation is going to delay my talk with the CEO, but still theres no reason to worry. As long as he sees that my plan will make things lucrative for all he will surely agree. I hope he isn't as prejudice about me being a wealthy Mudokon like my other business partners."
Problems crept into the Mudokons mind whispering his fall back to poverty and the uselessness of his efforts. "Wait with the wildlife brave enough to walk right into the facility they must be vast in numbers, perhaps Rupture Farms has a untapped animal resource. If I can persuade Arnie to let my people assist his overpopulation problem things just might turn in my favor." The Mudokon prided himself in his deduction and impatiently waited for the wildlife problem to dissipate.

Last edited by Venks; 05-13-2007 at 03:41 AM..
05-12-2007, 05:23 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: behind myself.
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OOC: wows, ive missed alot of stuff xD

IC: Scri looked at the mudokon who called himself 'nat'. "Well i guess theres nothing else to do now" she said, in a bored tone. "my names Scralina or scri for short" she exlained. "this is Aida" Scri introduced, pointing in Aida's direction. " so how did you get here?" Scri asked nat, still a bit suspicious of him.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

05-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
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Patrick Vykkers  (12)

OOC: Don't blame me. It was Slap who PMed me about the whole Queen thing. Though Praetyre's reaction is entirely my fault. He is a higher upper's man/woman/Vykker/Inhabitant. Also, it is alright if you yank Praetyre, MM. And praise the Lord, Slaveless has returned!
IC: Praetyre was about to explain what had happened to the Mudokons, thinking they would like an explanation, but Dek quickly yanked him before he could say a word and dragged him into the weapons room and began to lecture him. Praetyre quickly replied, whispering and only raising his voice occasionially.
"Sir, I'm sorry I overreacted. But do you have ANY idea just how much Scrab dung we are in if we are found to be HIDING her? They might sent in a squad of Super Big Bros to search the place if we report this, but if they find out we've been hiding a live female? The President would be furious! The entire arsenal of a Mobile Lab, nay, of all of Sam's Labour Eggs defense personnel would come deluging onto us like a page out of the book of Insights! Sure, we can operate, but no matter what excuse we come up with, we would still be exposing her as an active female in our explanation. We simply can't risk this! Medically speaking, it would be pointless repairing her, as it's fairly likely either way the Big Bro's would either shoot her or take her to a high quality medical facility! And we can't just get these Muds to leave! That would be highly suspicious! We've already let them in, and the infection excuse won't work, as they have already been near Anni too long! We can't just snuzi them, they'll wake up and have a memory of this! Even amnesiac darts won't work, as Inhabitants will ask questions when they see them lying in a random place! We can't just kill them! Not only for moral reasons, but because secrets get out! Body parts are found, recordings are seen! What I'm proposing is best for this facility, and it's Inhabitants! No pun intended."
Arrack heard the Intern speak again, and replied, still in a seminormal state;
"Yes, it is indeed quite remarkable. It seems I am recalling some of the interesting things in my life. Although to be honest, the one I recalled was more disgusting than interesting.

Praetyre? That's interesting, I think I may of heard that name before. I think one of these Vykkers, no, not the head of security.."
Arrack began to laugh like an insane Mudokon on drugs. He noticed a breath mask pumping oxygen or something similar into his mouth. He shifted his head furiously, the oxygen mask shifting to the right. The string of it became unaligned, and shifted down his neck, fully exposing his deformity and cutting through a layer of transplanted bile, which oozed down his throat and stomach, even seeping onto the bedsheets.
"Sorry, let me continue, nice Inhabitant. I think this fellow of whom you speak was one of the Vykkers in funny hats doing things to my unconscious body. I remember when I exploded. It was so funny. I just blew up, and half my organs went in his face. In the face! And when the yellow Inhabitant died, he ate himself! How funny is that! It's even funnier than when the security Vykker asphyxiated that Intern! Serves that dirty boy right, doing that to someone 3 times his age! They should both be spanked and sent off to sea, for such abuse of leather pants, and such unnatural use of a remote control! For the love of Odd, I was unable to go near that TV screen for the rest of the year, thinking his murderous hands had touched it! Don't get me wrong, I'm no bigot, but no Inhabitant has the right to interrupt anothers breathing! Except Big Daddio, of course. He was the best!"
Arrack continued to laugh, saliva and flesh flying out of his mouth disgustingly.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

05-12-2007, 07:03 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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LadySlig  (10)

Peach looked at the bright toothed fuzzle. She had no idea to how she had offended him. She straightened herself up and said to the enraged fuzzle, “I don’t mean to sound stupid, but how did I offended you? It should be me offended, as you took for grated that my size meant I couldn’t protect myself. But I apologize if I have, not intentionally, insulted you.”
Martha was still worried about Peach, “Where is she? Maybe she fell and hurt herself, or a animal ate her!”
Rusty signed, “Martha, no worry! If want, I go and find Peach.”
Martha looked at Rusty, “Really?”
Rusty nodded, smiling, “Of course.”
Niko looked up, and frowned, “Buh anhant weve surkose tha’ stfe her?”
“Yes, Rusty, maybe we should just stay here.”
Rusty wouldn’t budge, however, “Me go, find Peach, bring back.”
Martha sniffed, knowing Rusty wouldn’t change his mind, “Fine, but be careful!”
Rusty nodded and grined, then went over to the doors and exited the cafeteria.
Martha blinked and then looked at Niko, “Ahh, he’s so stubborn.”
Niko snorted.
Galaleo walked down a corridor and passed Rusty as he looked for Peach. Galaleo ignored him, as he was looking for the boss, Arnie. He entered the cafeteria and sniffed, “Quite a few employees….good, at lest he is making progress…”
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

05-12-2007, 09:49 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
: May 2003
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Reiji Neko Mitsukai  (10)

Aida said nothing- of course- when she was introduced, and instead continued to watch Nat.

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

05-13-2007, 12:34 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: LadySlig, Sturg is a Meech, the six legged Scrab is Scrabbers, Chubfish's character, if you got mixed up there. Sturg is following Jatt to be precise.
Dripik, are you going to respond with Arnie and Otto to Slash, since he kinda hasn't been doing anything for about 2 pages or something.

Last edited by Zerox; 05-13-2007 at 02:32 AM..
05-13-2007, 01:14 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: After brief discussions with T-nex, we would like it known that if you do defertilise Anni she will murder you both in your sleep.
Also you might want to talk to Anni before you do anything rash. And think about who owns her, check records. Please
PMs will be sent when relevant.

The smell of anaesthetic hit Anni andvykkers leaning over her, talking about... changes and... damage and... difference...
Needles, sticking into her skin, around her head, blood running down her face, in her eyesshe shrieked, shaking, screaming.


Somi was surprised by Alexander's sudden reaction. "Hey, calm down!" She moved between the two animals. "She's just a kid." She turned to face the scrab. "We came to get some food. where have you come from?"


Dionysia looked suspiciously at CD-whatever-number-he-was-now. "I still think there could by natives in the factory. Maybe let the animals in. Maybe possessed the animals." She added to the sligs, "If you guys hear chanting just run as fast as you can. Don't look for them."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

05-13-2007, 01:49 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Dimitrio glared and walked closer to Scarface, not listening to Cy as he glared. The older slig laughed before the two sligs glared at each other. "I could just tell the management..." Scarface hissed. "That you were supposed to be fired, that'll get you screwed..." Dimitrio lifted his robotic arm as he stalked closer. Not wanting things to get ugly, Tiro the mudokon chanted, possesing Scarface. He shook on the spot, before Tiro made him dance like an idiot. "Mudokons are the supreme race on Oddworld!" Scarface sang, possesed. Agent and Dimitrio sniggered before laughing at him.
Tiny stopped as he heard Scrabbers behind him. "Lenny, Vester, I thought I heard something..."
OOC: Scrabbers is following Tiny right?
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 05-13-2007 at 11:32 PM..
05-13-2007, 11:22 AM
Chubfish's Avatar
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OOC: Yes, he is stalking him, lol.
IC: Scrabbers snuck up on Tiny and nudged into him. He then ran off in the opposite direction, hoping he wouldn't follow so he could stalk him again. He halted when he came round the corner when he saw a huge red fleech which made him run back and right past the slig he had just stalked upon.

Spleech ran after the six legged scrab and caught him sneaking up on a slig, then coming to where Spleech was. When it saw him it ran right past the slig it just nudged. Spleech thought to himself "What is going on with that guy?" and waited to see if he could catch a slig for himself.

05-13-2007, 11:26 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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Slig 7665  (11)

Slax sniggered with them "man those muds can cause trouble" he said trying not to laugh to hard.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

05-13-2007, 12:35 PM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Dek was getting exasperated by the whole situation. He needed another Chill Pill...
"Listen Praetyre, nobody knew about Anni until us just now- what are the chances of us being caught out? Even Stivik, who WAS a Cartel spy, didn't find the truth. And if we do hand her over, how will we finish the operation? she'll die before the Cartel get here."
He then heard Anni's screams and cries. "You see my point?" he siad worriedly, walking to the doorway to keep an eye on Anni.

Dean finally made it to the Labs, and saw a commotion outside. Ignoring the other mudokons, he walked to the door and spoke through the intercom "Hello in there? It's Dean. I was just wondering, after all the chaos earlier is anybody in there, and have you seen Anni?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

05-13-2007, 04:55 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
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Patrick Vykkers  (12)

"So HOW are you going to explain the fact we are reaching into her nether regions, an area completely unharmed by bullets, and perform a completely alien operation? It will cause these annoying Little
Mr and Miss Meddling Masters of Vykker Medical Morality to shriek and me to extend my knowledge of languages from university to profanity. We must get to the boss, at the very least, and discuss this, if we aren't going to Fone in." replied Praetyre
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

05-13-2007, 08:34 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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WaterMelody  (13)

Scri turned to aida while she was waiting for nat's reply. She notcied that aida was staring at him. Scri tapped her on the shoulder and whispered to her. "theres something about that guy i just cant put my finger on" Scri quietly said, before turning back to nat.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

05-13-2007, 10:28 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
: May 2003
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Reiji Neko Mitsukai  (10)

Aida nodded ever so slightly in agreement. There was something about Nat that just... felt different.

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

05-14-2007, 03:36 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Tiny squealed when he felt the scrab nudge him and turned around slowly, then saw it run past. he screeched louder when he saw the fleech as well and ran around the room.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

05-14-2007, 03:38 AM
Venks's Avatar
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Doe noticed the suspicious look the two Mudokons were giving him and decided to tell them about Nat before things got out of hand, "My tribe the Mudlos used to be powerful rain summoners, until the industrialists came by and helped us create an irrigation system. The industrialists also built roads and entertainment stores, next thing we knew we had abandoned our barbarian ways thus learning to be civilized. As of late though tourism to our little southern town has been minimum and jobs are hard to find. So I came to work here hoping to send moolah back to my family."
Doe inwardly smiled, he was sure the two Mudokons would believe this false story, why wouldn't they?
05-14-2007, 04:08 AM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
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Rusty walked around RF until he came across the basement door. He opened it and stuck his head in and yelled, “Peach!! You here?!” He trotted down the stairs, before tripping half way down and falling to the bottom in a crashing heap, “Whaa!”
Peach said to the paramite, “I’m from…” Breaks off, in thought, “You know, I really don’t know where I come from. I have three friends though, two…sligs, a big on and a little one, and a Mudokons, who is in a wheelchair…she broke her feets.” There was a crash, and Peach turned towards the noise, “ Who’s that?” Peach called out.
Rusty got up as he heard Peach, who was saying, “Chakka Rak!!” (he heard Peach in animal talk)
“Peach?! You here?!” Rusty scrabbled up, snorting.
“Charrrkara, krak.” Peach turned to the fuzzle and paramite, saying, “That’s one of my friends. I must go. Nice to see you, paramite.” With that she ran off towards Rusty who was looking about.
Rusty sees Peach and grins, “Peachie! There you! Martha worried!” Rusty bent down and picked up Peach, who hopped up into his arms. Rusty then turned around and trotted back up the stairs, Peach trilling and chirping in his arms.
Martha was getting worried, “Oh where is he? Did something happen to them?”
Niko snorted , “Dof worthy mizz, Ruzzie and Pheah beh alwrite!”
“Are you sure? Maybe a wild scrab ate them or-” Niko placed a hand over Martha’s mouth, covering her entire face, “Stohp it. Thef beh alwite, aft Ivy say before!”
Galaleo got a scrab leg and bottle of water. He sat at a table and tasted the leg and then jots down on his notepad, “Good food…” Tastes water, “And water! Very good indeed…a satisfactory meal, plain but not fancy, good all-round food and liquid!” Grins and eats the rest of the leg.
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

05-14-2007, 04:20 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

Lenny: Tiny! Calm down!!
Vester: Yeah, its just a scrab! With…six legs?!
Lenny: What? That is not normal!
Vester: *Sees the fleech* Fleech! Ohh, its red?
Lenny: What the hell? All the animals are mad! Oh the horror! Just kidding, calm down Tiny!
Cylepso: *puts hands on…robotic hips and said sharply to the mud* Now stop that, It isn’t right to make people do things they don’t want, I know from experience!
Seb: Mghan, ngham mhhan, mhgah.
Cylepso: So? Sligs will be sligs. You haven’t be forced to do something you completely oppsoe-
Seb: *butts in* mghna?
Cylepso: No, that was no a mud! But that wasn’t any better! *Looks back at Tiro* Stop that!
Jutt: *Snoring contentedly*
Jatt: *Stops and taps his left front leg* Huh, gonna have tha’ see dah boss ‘bout some new pants…
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by Splat; 05-14-2007 at 11:11 AM..
05-14-2007, 05:24 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Tiny squealed and 'hid' behind Lenny. "I don't wanna get eaten I don't wanna!" He cried.
Tiro quickly stopped possesing Scarface before getting zapped by a chant suppressor orb. He squealed before hiding behind Dimitrio who was hiding behind Agent. She slapped her head. "Oddammit..." Scarface glared at the group before stalking off. "I'll get him when you don't have that mud with you!" He spat before tripping and falling flat on his face. The other sniggered before he glared and stood there, watching. "Creeps..."
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 05-14-2007 at 07:58 AM..
05-14-2007, 06:38 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
Howler Punk
: May 2007
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Slig 7665  (11)

"Who is that guy seems a bit clumsey" wacthing him walk off.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

05-14-2007, 07:49 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry Zerox, I tend to forget about characters interacting with mine.

And Zozo, be aware that there are a few chant suppressor orbs in the factory. You could use them in your posts when you're writing as Tiro.


"Gloke-Gola?" asked Arnie #10. "I've never heard of it before. What kind of company..."

"Sorry for interrupting, Boss, but we have things to deal with here. Hope you don't mind if we leave." said #7 Slig.

"Of course, go then." said Arnie, then he remembered Slash. "Oh, I completely forgot about a Slig. He must be near the Executive Lifts. Flying Slig, might be of good use in your... mission or whatever it is."

"Thanks, Boss, we'll look for him." said #7 Slig, then added. "Shouldn't I leave a guard in the Cafeteria, for your protection?"

"Nah, no animal smacks that door down." said Otto, looking at the Cafeteria's yet-open door. "Go and take every guard with you."

"Got that, Otto." said #7, then turned to #9 and #10. "OK, let's go and find that Slig." He ran off in the direction Arnie told him, followed by his companions. After a little while, he heard the typical whirring noise Flying pants make. He spotted the Slig flying around the Executive Lifts. "Hey there! Come over here, we need to talk." he called at him.


RG accepted the gun Gore offered him. It was rather short, seeing as it was made for Sligs and not Glukkon-sized security robots. He checked if it had ammo loaded in, but he found everything OK. "Appreciated, Slig organic. Until I find my own, this weapon will be satisfactory."

He turned around to see the Executive Office's door. He scanned the room again with his heat-sensor mode. "It appears that the Wildlife creatures dissappeared from the room. I can only see three Mudokon organics in there." he said, then continued. "Might as well... interrogate them." he said to Gore, and beckoned to follow him to the door.

05-14-2007, 08:06 AM
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Gore was relieved the gun was accepted, even though it looked more like a long pistol than a rifle to the tall machine. He was told to follow, and obliged. Standing next to the door, he whispered quietly, "If these Mudokons are in league with the animals, they could be very dangerous... and also, isn't this the executive office? Where's Arnie? I sure hope he's along way away from here... from the looks of it, it could have been an assassination attempt..." He stopped and waited for RG to give a signal. He would be ready to give an interrogation of a... physical nature, if he needed to. His temporary hormones had not only given him legs, but a moderately increased muscle mass. Not Big Bro standards... but still beating standards.
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05-14-2007, 08:45 AM
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Dek replied to Praetyre "Perhaps we just leave her be, and pretend we never discovered those scans. But I agree we should discuss Arnie, but i private, not blaring it out to the world. And do you, or do you not, think we should actually save her life before we talk about handing her over? What is the purpose of turning her in if she is dead, hmm?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

05-14-2007, 09:11 AM
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IC: Slash heard a Slig call him over, and he obliged swiftly, still carrying the club "Yessir, reporting for duty, sir! What's the problem?" He said, swinging the club around.

Sturg continued 'stalking' (since he had no intention of attacking it) the Big Bro. He heard it say something, then looked down at it's legs. One of the front ones was broken. Did it not feel pain from this? Evidently not, otherwise it should be screaming and writhing on the floor by now. He kept his head down, breathing quietly.

OOC: If it's of any interest, I posted a picture of Slash in the RPG Cc (or whatever it is) thread.
05-14-2007, 09:39 AM
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IC: Scrabbers watched the slig run round in circles and hide behind another slig. He approached the sligs and did the equivalent of a laugh for a scrab and walked off slowly, feeling a little cocky. He then thought about trying to get out, as he realised what he had done would alert security to its full. Scrabbers quickly came to the cafeteria and saw a crowd of people there which actually frightened him, as he was quite small compared to normal scrabs and so he decided to take a different route until he stepped on a big fleech which made Scrabbers howl as he didn't know what it was. He noticed it say he was going to die because he alerted the crowd to him by howling, but Scrabbers just looked away and sprinted to near where the Sligs were again. He then realised that if he went that way he would get shot, and if he went to the crowds he would get shot too. It was a 2 way death trap. Scrabbers cowered at the sight of the sligs this time and stayed still...

Spleech saw the Scrab just walk past him without notice and then cower. He then looked at what it was. It was crowds of people. The commotion must have made them come. Spleech cowered away and the scrab took no notice of him until he stepped on him. Spleech squeaed and he heard the scrab roar. He was stepped of off and said weakly "You...you...stepped on me...your gonna get caught because you howled. Heheh..." Spleech was losing blood, but he was knocked out from being trodden on. He dreamed about scrabs treading on fleeches and it carried on.

OOC: Sorry dripik...

Last edited by Chubfish; 05-14-2007 at 10:58 AM.. : Didn't notice the crowds!!! ;>_>
05-14-2007, 10:36 AM
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OOC: Chubfish, there is a whole bunch of people standing outside the Cafeteria. Scrabbers should have noticed them when he arrived there. Please don't ignore them. Could you edit that post?


"Yes, this is the Executive Office, but there is no sign of the Boss nor his Assistant. They must have left the Office after that Mudokon disappeared from the corridor." said RG, entering the Office entry hall.

The hall was empty. He looked left, seeing that the Executive R+R was closed. He approached the door carefully, keeping the gun raised and opened the door. Everything was OK inside. He knew that there was nobody inside even before he opened the door, but he wanted to check if there were any signs of Wildlife. "This room is OK." he said to Gore, leaving the Executive R+R and closing its door. He heard discussion from the Office's direction.

"An assassination attempt is also a possibility. I suspect that the Mudokon organic we saw outside could be involved in this. We might be dealing with a Mudokon terrorist here, so keep your optical sensors peeled. And closing the door behind us would also be a good idea." he said quietly, pointing at the hall's entrance. He sneaked to the Office's door, waiting for Gore and eavesdropping on the Mudokons.

Last edited by dripik; 05-14-2007 at 11:45 AM..

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