Yeah, the biological argument for gender roles gets less credible every month. African-American people are generally bigger than people of Asian descent - doesn't justify a bunch of Asians beating up a black guy. If someone is being abused, they are the victim and they deserve help. And that's that.
but the shit i was babbling on about with heights/weights/muscle-mass etc is true. male (humans) tend to be heavier animals. obviously you'll have exceptions, but the majority will show that. it's just common sense. don't swing your arms around.
i'm not advocating abuse, i'm saying "if you are physically bigger than someone, you should probably be more careful" which is common sense. like i've been saying. common sense. civility. so why am i being given the fucking third degree with an Asian/African-American argument? i wasn't saying that
at all.
The bottom line is that highlighting the hypocrises present in progressive society (in theory) makes that society stronger for everyone. Awareness is not a zero-sum game; the 40% deserve a fair shout, because it makes it a lot easier for them to stand in solidarity with the 60%.
I mean, imagine if the man in the street took male rape victims seriously. Yeah, they're a minority, but they've got privelige. Rape convictions would skyrocket if people believed this was something that happened to handsome white men, and not just drunken women looking for trouble.
i wasn't saying the 40% shouldn't have their voices heard, i'm all for that. i was just pointing out that they're a minority (although a hefty chunk) and that could be due, in part, to all the shit i was talking about from the biological point of view. and no, i'm not taking an archaic WE ARE BUILT AS MEN AND ACT AS SUCH, WOMEN IN KITCHEN MAKE SANDWICHES DO DISHES
fuck that. i'm just trying to be a realist. if you are physically bigger than another organism, and you're not a nice person, you will bully and take and do whatever the fuck you like with that organism because who's going to stop you? and believe me, it's shit just like that that causes a lot of domestic disputes between partners,
and yeah, they almost
always end up being a woman under threat of violence from their 'loving' male partner.
honestly, there's almost an 'underground' element to it where people seem to grow up surrounded by terrible, violent parents and parenting so that it becomes the norm and women are treated like second class citizens, so when they find a partner they'll do exactly the fucking same. like animals. and yes, this is in England. it goes on absolutely everywhere, and it needs to be stamped out, and the biggest perpetrator
seems to be the males. the stats show it. that's allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i was saying motherfucker.
you're more paranoid than me. seriously. the entirety of this reply is just basically saying "i didn't say/mean that".