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03-03-2006, 11:12 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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Kilsa walked up to Otto , a apologetic smirk on his face.

Kilsa : Alright , ill make this a long story short . I am the new vice president of the well known Fee co depot. My older brother was killed by the terrorrist abe , so i took over . I came here to inspect your trains , and your tracks , and if i saw some things that were unsatisfactory , the magog cartel would order me to give you some more efficient trains , I can see that a new train will be needed now. I can get a slig crew over here in about three hours for repearal and to deliver the new train. Well , that wasnt very short was it?

Kilsa walked past everyone , to the back of the cafeteria , where he popped on the glukkkon phone.

Kilsa : give me fee co depot. please.

Kilsa waited and waited.

"Sorry guys , i may be some time" Kilsa said as he glared up at the fee co train in awe and yet a hint of a sort of " why the hell did i get this job " feeling about him.
Hopefully Arnie and Otto would forgive him when he showed them the new trains.
Thanks for this oddish!

03-03-2006, 01:31 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Molt smiled and said "V.P. Kilsa. That jerk never does anything right. He doesn't even know you're not suppose to inspect factories without an inspector."


Gappiqu saw that Goresplatter was the only one that ever cared him and probably will ever would if he sticked up to the sligs. He remembered that back in the old days with Furz, that they would always play practical jokes on muds. Ever since Gappiqu's accident and Furz's death, he was always depressed that he never had that enjoyment for years. He decided to respond to those jerks by standing and angerily said "Yeah Stivik. Don't you have something better to do? Like fixing this mess?! You are the slig around here." He faced the dark mud and said "How dare you disrespect you're auotheries! What makes you think you can stick up to the man?!" Gappiqu lifted his leg and swung it the mud's face. He grumbled " Go eat your own sh*t." He looked at the other muds and said "Go do your jobs or would you like your head in a shedder?! I guess not." He took another swung at the dark mud's face and smirked. But one side of him still wanted to cry on the ground still.

03-03-2006, 03:45 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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Kilsa finally finished his call .

Kilsa : He he , sorry bout that , i promise it wont happen again. My slig engineers should be here soon with your new trains.

Suddenly , the cafeteria door opened , and out came Tooley , stuey , and a very munted looking slig , with rusted pants , a cheap , prototype visor ( like the ones in AO , the single eyed ones ) and A big metal plate banged into his chest . He was riddled with bruises.

Kilsa : Errr , Hows chewie?

Tooley : hes right here baus .

Kilsa : Yes i can see that , but i thought you patched him up!!!

Tooley : Yeah , well , you see , We got down to medical , but there were no staff there! We had to do the job ourselves , so we found some old pants in the rubbish bin , and goggle visors behind a refrigerator! Then he was leaking stuff out of his back , so we nailed this metal plate on him to clog all the ooze.

Kilsa : He looks terrible! Like some kind of ...... FRANKEN SLIG!!!

Stuey : well soreee! We got lost!

Suddenly tooleys phone rang , he took it out of his briefcase , and listened in .

Tooley : yeah..... yeah i know..... Okey dokey ........alright.......ill go get him.

Tooley exchanged a glance at kilsa , it was the kind of glance that meant " theyre here "

Kilsa : Splendid ! Could someone please bring me mr Arnie or mr Otto please , their trains are here!
Thanks for this oddish!

03-04-2006, 08:53 AM
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Stivik and Dionysia both expertly ignored Grappiqu.
When Otto asked Stivik if he knew Dionysia, he shot her an ungly glance.

She smirked at him.
Dionysia: "Yeah, Stivik was working in a place where I'd been asigned, right before it was shut down. We really had a lot in common."
Stivik: "She was a psychopath, trying to get everone around her in trouble."
Dionysia: "Exactly."
He glared at her again but the tense moment was brought to a close by Kix.
Stivik growled.
Stivik: "Anni? Oh, no trouble at all, We'll be fine when she realises trying to escape will only get her killed, and that being a worker usually involves some work. Speaking of which, I have something I need to talk to Arnie about." He faced Otto. "If you want I'll take the princess back up there with me." He motioned Dionysia with his gun and she bared her teeth at him for a split second, her eyes flashing with anger.


Jim stirred, sat up on his bed, rubbed his eyes and gazed blearily around.

A couple of seconds later he burst out of the door of the R+R like he'd been shot from a cannon, mentally kicking himself for oversleeping, praying that it wasn't that late and he could sneak off to where he was supposed to be without being punished.

Where was he supposed to be?
He hit himself with frustration and stopped and looked around. Nearby he heard voices and he crept towards them.
Peeking round a corner he spotted someone he knew. And the corridor was completely slig-free! (stop me if I'm wrong).
Jim: "Scruben!" He ran out and froze, seeing Anni slumped against the wall.
Jim: "Wuh... What happened?"

ooc: What, you didn't expect him to admit to it did ya?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-04-2006, 09:09 AM
Jarnww's Avatar
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OOC: Jeebus, two pages?!!? I've been gone for a while!

Sev fell out of the tunnel and looked around. If anything, Boogie was hiding something. He looked on the ground and noticed foot prints of what seemed to be a horde of paramites and one big scrab.

Sev:"Bingo. Guys, over here! I think I know where our not-so-little friend is headed."

During his frequent rest periods, Sev had studied the layout of Rupture Farms. If he was correct, the scrab was heading to a place underneath the main water pump. Sev grinned.

Sev:*Hmmm...If someone were to blow a big enough hole in that pipe, this whole area would be flushed out... There'd be no hassle of killing the little buggers and there wouldn't be a scrab anymore! Heh, how did I become so amazing?*

He then walked over to Boogie and stared him in the eye...er..visor, and said,

Sev:"The thing which really confuses me is how you didn't notice these before. Are you holding something back from us, Boogie?"


2590 sat down next to the Alpha Male.

Alpha:"Well now, what seems to be the reason for this? It's not every day that a giant and a horde of paramites comes to our dwelling."

2590:"I've come to warn you that you and your clan isn't safe. If you stay here, the security will attempt to flush you out."

Alpha:"Well, our numbers versus theirs will outdo them. Besides, this place is our own paradise. We have food, space, and we get fresh water all of the time."

The last sentence slightly worried 2590.

2590:"Where do you get water?"

Alpha:"A giant pipe up above. there's a nice gap in a part of the pipe where we can drink our fill. We don't need to leave, friend, and if it isn't mandatory, we won't."

2590 thought about this for a moment. He quickly stood up and headed out from the Alpha male's nest.

Alpha:"Where are you going?"

2590:"If those sligs know about that pipe, your entire tribe will be doomed! I will return!"

He ran over to Somi and said,

2590:"I recommend you and your friends get out of here. If I'm correct, this whole place will get very, very wet."
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

03-04-2006, 09:31 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu was not interested in the conversation Dionysia, Stivik, and Otto had, so he walked away to one of the tables. He sat down and felt like that he might not take a job here. He still belonged to Vykker Labs, but since the Vykkers sent him here, he had to stay here, job or not. But Rupture Farms had no different sligs who treated him differently. All sligs, even muds, treated him like like a slave. He was harrased for being shy and hated for his surgrey. He knew he needed to stand up for himself, but no one cared if he did or didn't. Gappiqu knew he couldn't even be a normal, harsh slig anymore. Furz's death was the worst thing that ever happened to him.

But that Gorespaltter guy. Why was he treated him nicely? He had no reason to. Why, he had to ask himself. Then Gappiqu slapped himself. Why was he questioning people for being nice. And that Stivik jerk. He had no reason to ignore Gorespaltter's needs. Then it hit him. He was trained in Vykker's Lab for repairing and building weapons and maskes. Gappiqu walked over to Gorespaltter and said "Hey, sorry for ignoring you. To solve that broken stuff problem, I can repair that gun using those broken parts in the grinders and rewire your mask. Is that OK with you?" Gappiqu didn't care if Kilsa was waiting for Arnie, the jerk needs so disobeince anyway. And it wouldn't matter if he took parts from the grinders, as long as Otto and Arnie didn't find out.

03-04-2006, 10:17 AM
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Kix god a sad expression on her face, like she didn't really know what to think or say. She scratched her heada bit and then came up with something.

"Umm... Stivik, I really hope you didn't do anything too serious to her. You know, she's only a kid, and well..." she said but was interrupted by Dean.

"She's a kid from a lab if you must know and probably do. If I find out that you have hurt her in any way, I'll-" he said, but Kix put a hand to his mouth and shoke her head softly.

"You know you wont." she said, as her slave instincts kicked in, "Stivik, is she still in the lab? I wanna talk to her."

Anni WHo still had trouble breathing normal, saw Jim.

"What happened? Hehe... I'll tell you what. Stivik is a PSYCHO!! And i feel like crushing his head right now... But i guess i wont." she said and sighed, "Well, i got into a fight with him. And uh... Well I don't know what to do anymore... I'll never get away from this hell-hole.."

She lowered her head a bit.

"Well... I guess I'll have to go and talk with him... To solve this in a mature manner." she said and added, "oh i look like someone who just died... well I did... kinda... Well... Whatever your name is, are you new here??"

She looked at Jim, and noticed his nervous charaacteristics. She smiled, thought he looked cute.

"Do you wanna be my workpal? I miss being with other, normal people..." she then asked.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


03-04-2006, 11:22 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Goresplatter had been day-dreaming about torturing the mudokons (this stuff kept him pretty occupied). He was happy to see Gappiqu feeling better, and not electrocuted.
Goresplatter: "Hey mate, glad you're feelin' better! Cool, thanks! This stuff need to be put back together before I blow to pieces in my own puh... ants!"
He remembered about the comment about the gun. A child-like expression came over him.
Goresplatter: "Ooh! Ooooooh! Can it have pointy things and lots of barrels which can fire Blitzpackers!?"
You could have seen stars in his eyes. A little saliva developed on one of his tendrils.
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03-04-2006, 11:38 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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Kilsa waited impatiently , tapping his foot .... i mean hand .

Kilsa : Alright boys , who cares about Arnie or Otto , bring through the trains!

Kilsa ran outside to meet his 2nd in charge gluk , phlug.

Kilsa : Alright phlug , what ones did you get???

Phlug : Well you see , good fellow , I have invented some new ones for you! How splendid is that ? Old bean!

Kilsa : Right right right , so ..... what are the called.

Phlug showed him the first train , it was purple , the glukkon front had a big cigar in its mouth , it had a gold plated door , and gold plated tinted windows.

Phlug : Well , you see , good chap , this here is the glitzmaster , ive made it for Mr arnold . That big cigar doubles as the stovepipe , so all the furnace smoke comes out there. Inside is a jacuzzi , rest area , and Bedroom . It is not for public use , its only for mr Arnold.

Kilsa : yes yes , i see . What about this one?

Kilsa signaled to a green train . Its eyes were black , it had chrome plated doors and windows with no tint. It had a cigaretee in its mouth.

Phlug : Well you see here , good fellow . This one is made for mr Otto , inside it has a rest area , and miniature ice rink .

Kilsa : very nice. And this last one?

Phlug : Oh , that , its just a normal train , replacing the one you crashed .

Kilsa : Alright , send in the slig engineers.

Around 30 slig engineers went inside into the cafeteria , and started de railing the train off the tracks ( so they could take it away )

Kilsa was smiling , Arnie will like his trains very much , hopefully , he thought to himself.
Thanks for this oddish!

03-04-2006, 03:19 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu smiled under his mask at Gorespaltter's interest. He hasn't had someone so interested in his ideas in a long time. He unlocked another pocket and found his blueprints he made before he arrived at Rupture Farms.

He whispered to Gorespaltter, "Way ahead of you. I already have blueprints on a gun I was going to make as a suggestion to Arnie in Vykker's Labs. But to see in the position you're in.."

He unraveled the blueprints to reveal a fancy looking gun. The nozzel was short on the gun, but reprensented a cigar of a glukkon. There was a Feeco Depot train look at the shooting end of the gun and flat top on the gun as well. On the flat top, there were minature conveare belts and two switches at the hold end of the gun, that were attached to the belt. On the belt, there was consecutive pairs of thick spikes that holded cigarites between them. On the shooting end of the gun, there was a metal flap that the spikes could go in the gun, near the nozzle. On either side of the gun, there was holders that contained blitz packers, with wires connecting them to the gun. And fianlly, there was a trigger and a handle that could snap. In the corner, there was a glove that only a slig could use.

Fianlly, Gappiqu whispered to Goresplatter, "You need it more than Arnie does. You can call it... um, what is your name? Anyway, it's a rifle, that cannot, unfortunenly, shoot like a machine gun. So, what'd think?"

03-05-2006, 05:40 AM
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Gore leaned over to get a close look at the schematic. He rubbed his visor, tapped it, and began to drool.
Goresplatter: "That sure is a purty gun! Looks like it could take down a Shrykull! Erm, my name's Goresplatter, I think I musta' been named by Vykkers... but ya' can call me Gore for short. Nice to meet ya' buddy!"
Gore quickly runs to the counter and grabs a couple of Slurg Sundaes while no-one is looking. He laughs a little to himself, and offers a Sundae to Gappiqu.
Goresplatter: "To celebrate - makin' a gun that could shoot through eight scrabs and back! Heh!"
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Last edited by Goresplatter; 03-05-2006 at 05:46 AM..
03-05-2006, 07:00 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu smiled. He took a slurp from his sundae and said to Gore, "Well Gore, I gotta thank yah for this sundae. But you gaotta promise me one thing. If the Gore rifle is truely powerful as we think it'll be, you have tah not tell anybody. Wouldn't a glukkon like to know that there's a gun that terminate a mud in one shot? Imagine the drool Kilsa would give off."

Gappiqu shuddered at the thought. He then looked at the 30 sligs repairing the damage and whispered to Gorespaltter again and said, "Where is your gun anyway? It's not in the cafe, that's all I know."

03-05-2006, 09:51 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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Tooley stood there , gazing up at the sligs derailing the train. He pulled out a lungbuster , and took big puffs , he looked out the cafeteria window and saw kilsa signalling for the trains to be fixed on the new tracks the sligs had made outside. " i love the smell of train gasoline in the mornin " He thought to himself , beaming.

Suddenly stuey came up to tooley with some slurg slurpies.

Stuey : Look here! it says Xtra fatty fluids! I thought you might like one!

Tooley slurped from the green cup , then he turned around and saw that slig talking to gappiqu .

Tooley : Hey stuey , come check out this!!!

Stuey : Yeh , what is it?

Tooley : 2 Sligs talkin ! Think theyll go out?

Stuey : Tooley , thats just stupid , When a slig talks to another slig , it doesnt always mean that they love each other , And if there was any hanky panky , then skillya would know and it would be slig hanky panky pankakes for breakfast!

Tooley : Yeh , spose your right , that other slig looks like a suspicious one , God , who made him , A bum?

Stuey : Heh heh! A bum! No , i dont think so , he must be really old!

Tooley : spose. Well , im off to the restrooms , that slurg slurpie has given me the runs!

Tooley walked off , stuey stayin behind and observing the suspicius looking slig , being his rather " up front " and " unpersonal " self he waltzed right up to the talking sligs.

"Hello , im stuey , please excuse my fellow fellows , as I am not like them , and your names are? " He snarled , playing the greasy " Im a different person " move.
Thanks for this oddish!

03-05-2006, 10:08 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore watched the approaching slig. He didn't like the way he was glaring at him and Gappiqu. He shifted a glance at Gappiqu, and quietly whispered,
Goresplatter: "Sec, bro, we got company..."
The slig approached them and introduced himself.
Goresplatter: "Hey Stuey, I'm Goresplatter. Nice to meet ya'."
Gore sized up Stuey, just in case he was trouble. He puts his hand on the hidden baton in his pants.
Goresplatter: "Whatcha' be wantin'?"
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03-05-2006, 10:14 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu looked at Stuey oddly. Why is he talking to us? thought Gappiqu. He knew that Stuey was a slig that worked for Kilsa, so he outta be up to something. But Gappiqu knew that he couldn't be all bad, since he said he wanted to kill Kilsa and with his apology, he didn't seem all bad. Gappiqu still knew he had to be careful.

He smiled and said as if nothing was said to Stuey yet, "Hey Stuey. How are you doing?" He got up and shook the other hand of Stucey's firmly. Gappiqu continued, "It's a great pleasure to meet a bodyguard of Kilsa. My name is Phil."

Gappiqu knew it wasn't smart to tell Stuey his actual name, but lying could save his butt.

Last edited by Slaveless; 03-05-2006 at 10:16 AM..
03-05-2006, 10:55 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: I think I forgot to tell another thing. I see that there's a good amount of new posts everytime I check in. I recommend new members to post once or twice a day. If someone can't come here often, the sight of the new pages full with posts to read will make the RPer to skip reading.

And I recommend the 34th page of the W@RF Comic, which is now available at Fan Corner.


Arnie listened to Molt. "Right." He was least interested about another inspector right then. "I'm going to the office, have to start getting things done here. Stay or come, you decide." he said and entered the door opposite to the Executive RR's, which was leading to the office.

He walked to his desk and sat in front of the ComPhone. He cleared his throat. "Contact Magog Info Center..." he said to the ComPhone. After a few seconds, an InfoGlukk appeared on the screen. He was yawning, but he suppressed it when he saw that he had a caller.

"Magog Info Center, how can we help you?" he said in a bored voice.

"This is Arnie, director of Rupture Farms. I want some advertisement for the meat plant and its products." said Arnie.

"Sure, OK, the proper authorities will handle it. They'll place signs and the other usual stuff 'round other factories." said the InfoGlukk.

"Appreciated. Start it tomorrow, OK?"

"Right. What, some propblems 'round there?" asked the InfoGlukk.

"None of your business, I suppose." said Arnie. "Out." The InfoGlukk disappeared from the screen.

03-05-2006, 11:06 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: OK, this is my last post for today now.

Molt followed Arnie and said, "Erm, Arnie? I still need to know what I should do around here." He was frustrated in how distractions keep on coming up. "Should I be a guard or something else?" he said again to Arnie.

03-05-2006, 06:12 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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Stuey changed his opinions on Gappiqu , but for some wierd reason he still felt suspicious around Goresplatter .

Stuey : At your kind service , gentleman . Im just here to socialise with you guys , This is a very rare exception of free time i now have , and I plan to take advantage of it .

The very clunky looking chewie approached thae 3 sligs , His visor gurgled , and some pink fluid started pouring out of his metal plate in his back.

Stuey : Deary me! I think the poor fellows had it!

Chewie : Glurk , ......fragzzle.....shreept!

A very relieved Tooley walked up to stuey , and the 2 other sligs who he had so far ignored.

Tooley : Errrrrr , Hi . Nice to meet you both , i guess.


Stuey : Well , I think we have wasted our time Tooley , it seems that chewie is suffering , the idiot, we should of left him under that ro......

Stuey suddenly noticed that he had stopped his little " Im a gentleman " charade in front of gappiqu and goresplatter without noticing , he quickly went back into his " gentleman " personality.

Stuey : I errr , mean that we should keep a close eye on him , please excuse us gentleman , we have a matter that needs to be attended to . We will be back soon.

Tooley and stuey grabbed chewie and carefully dragged him into the toilets , they locked the door behind them. Suddenly Phlug enetered the room , he was very sweaty.

Phlug : Goodness gracious! The heat outside is simply extrodinary! He walked up to the cafeteria , bent down over the cafeteria table , And picked up a plate of fleech tongue spaghetti in his teeth . He then walked over to a eating table , sat down , and plunged headfirst into his meal , slurping it like a hungry dog. It was rather odd , since he had a reputation as oddworlds most polite , gentleman like glukkon.

Suddenly several large BANGS! were heard , and stuey and tooley emerged from the toilets , locking the door behind them , and without chewie. They walked back towards gappiqu and goresplatter.

Stuey : Thankyou for waiting , now , where were we?
Thanks for this oddish!

03-06-2006, 02:56 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu oddly didn't have any simpathy for Chewie, for Gappiqu has an condition like that and so does Molt. He closed his eyes and remembered the first time he opened his eyes in the hostipal. That was the worst moment of his life.

Gappiqu could only look at Stuey and Tooley and think, What a odd pair of sligs. He has never saw anyone whose behaviours switch from time to time, besides himself. He continued the "Phil" personality, and grinned and said, "We wanted you both to jump off that hole in the wall." For some reason, Gappiqu started laughing out loud. Normally, Gappiqu wouldn't really laugh, but Phil might. Gappiqu (or should I say) Phil continued and said, "No really, something else."
Then it hit him. An idea started to spark in his head. Gappiqu could use Phil to get what he wanted! Phil continued, "Say, as a start for our friendship, I know that Kilsa smokes, right? How about you grab us all a box of them cigars? Or y'all too Clakkez to do so?" Gappiqu put his hand under armpits and started chucling.

03-06-2006, 09:59 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Stuey grinned , he thought he was working his way into gappiqu trusting him .

Stuey : It would be my pleasure , hold on a moment. Tooley , stay here and keep our guests happy.

Stuey walked outside , and saw Kilsa gazing up at the new trains , He quickly plunged his hand in Kilsas pocket , and found a box of Rollos , He also found a pack of gumrot . He then sped away like a cheetah chasing its prey. He re approached Gappiqu and goresplatter.

Stuey : Here you go , and a pack of gum , complimentary on the house.

Phlug approached Tooley from his table.

Phlug : Mr tooley and mr stuey , It is my pleasure to meet you on this fine day.

Stuey : And its nice to meet you aswell.

Phlug : And who are these other 2 dashing sligs?

Stuey : This is mr Phil , and this is mr goresplatter.

Phlug : It is nice to meet you too! The trains are almost finished , do you want to come up and see them?

Tooley : Yeah , that would be much appreciated!

Stuey : Same over here! How about you phil and goresplatter ?, do come , as this cafeteria is getting rather stuffy!
Thanks for this oddish!

03-06-2006, 10:14 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore took the gum and chewed it vigorously. He also took the cig, but didn't light it.
Goresplatter: "Thanks for the gum, buddy. Got my own cigars though, want some?" He pulled out a pack of Lungbusters, took one and lit it. He offers them around politely.
Goresplatter: "Yeah, the trains look pretty nifty, I'll come along."
He pondered a trap for a moment, but put it from his mind instantaneously. He couldn't be bothered to think very hard. He was just looking at the train, and his visor sparked. He stopped, and looked from left to right.
Goresplatter: "Uhm, guys, I think my eyes is busted again... I'll try get to the train ta' sit down."
He sets off walking carefully, but after a high screech, one of his legs falls off and he collapses to the floor and out of his pants.
Goresplatter: "Damn it, this bloody sucks, I'm bloody sick of this bloody crap machinery, I'm bloody angry, if there were a bloody mudokon here, It'd get bloody... I'd beat 'im to a bloody pulp!"
He calmed down and stopped thrashing on the floor. He let out a deep breath.
Goresplatter: "Hey guys, could someone just pick me up and carry me over there?"
He picked up his limp mechanical pants while on the floor and threw them at a table. He looked pretty PO'd.
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03-06-2006, 10:18 AM
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outlaw king
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Stuey tried to stop himself from peeing his pants with laughter. He walked over to goresplatter.

stuey : Ill do it!
Thanks for this oddish!

03-06-2006, 11:33 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu slipped his cigar in his pocket, next to the plans. He next looked at Gorespaltter with a hint of a jealousy inside him. He had seen naked sligs before, but this made him realize that Gappiqu will never be normal.

Gappiqu diverted his attenion to Phlug and said, "Hey, how you doing today? Say, you look like you are very wealthy! Might you have materials for this weapon-in-progress?" Gappiqu showed Phlug the blueprints of the Gore rifle. He knew what he was doing. He continued to say, "Arnie wants this gun to made by me personally, but a guy with no materials needs some help right?" Gappiqu thought, This is going very well. Very well indeed.

03-06-2006, 11:51 AM
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Gore's eyes slowly came back online. He allowed himself to be picked up by Stuey.
Goresplatter: "Damn, this sucks so much. You know where I can get some pants round here buddy?"
He looked at Gappiqu a second. He was confused for a second, but he then understood.
Goresplatter: "Yeah, and we'll give ya' repayment for yer materials too!"
He smiled at the ingenius plan. He turned to Stuey again.
Goresplatter: "On second thought, could ya' take me to the boss please? I need a job round here."
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03-06-2006, 01:34 PM
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ooc: We said before a maximum of 2 posts per day, just to let other people keep up. It's hard for us who can't be online every hour to keep up, I keep forgetting whose posted. Speaking of which...
Sorry T.

Jim looked nervous, not that it made much difference.
Jim: "Yeah, i'm new here, got here yesterday... Well, uh, do you work with anyone else... I mean, who's Stivik? One of the guards beat you up?" He shuddered.


Stivik smiled. "I didn't do anything to her that she wouldn't ever do to me. I expect she's still in the lab, but who know's what that vykker's been up to. He seemed pretty interested in her." if she was in a bad way (maybe dead, he played with that thought for a while in his head) he didn't need any trouble, and he'd lost all his respect for Dek last night. "Anyway, I should take this back to Arnie." He pointed at Dionysia. With a nod to Otto he motioned with his gun for her to leave the room. She opened her mouth to speak, and then stopped, snorted, and let herself be lead out.

As soon as they were a good distance from the cafeteria she spun round, grabbed the end of Stivik's gun and pulled it away from her. he yanked back and it slipped out her hands and levelled it at her.
Stivik: "Don't mess me around Princess, I've had a rough 25 hours."
Dionysia: "Aw, someone tried to kill you?"
She thought he was joking. "So what's so bad about Arnie that the Cartel want you to spy on him?"
Stivik growled. "He's an absolute mud-lover. Won't let us beat the damn things. Surely you've worked that out."
Dionysia: "They said he was aiding terrorism. I dunno, he seemed pretty glukkonny earlier."
Stivik: "That why you ran away? Cus he didn't recognise your glory, oh Mighty Skillya the Second?" Her eyes flashed with anger. "Oh come on Princess, that's what it's all about. They made you with Skillya's blood which is why you're so high and mighty and why they dump you in with an idiot like Arnie who won't realise how much trouble you and your creators will get in if the real Skillya found out."
Dionysia: "Which is why you better shut up or I'll rip your tentacles off of your face!"
Stivik: "Of course! To Arnie's office then. This way oh mighty queen-of-Oddworld!"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-06-2006, 06:38 PM
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outlaw king
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Stuey became suspicious of goresplatters sudden ask of change of direction , but not wanting to act suspicious himself , He obeyed.

Stuey : Sure! I think i know where his office is.

Meanwhile , phlug was talking to Gappiqu

Phlug : Well , if Mr arnold needs it to be done , it shall be done. He yelled for a slig to " comere " , And the slig came up and took the blueprints out of gappiqus hands.

Engineneer : Hey hey hey! thats some pretty hot materialz , what do yerz need diz fer?

Phlug looked at the blueprint , then gasped.

Phlug : Yes yes! That looks rather dangerous , what do you need it for????!!!

Meanwhile , stuey arrived at Arnies office , with Gore tightly tucked under his arm. He knocked on the door , hoping he would answer it personally this time.

Stuey : Mr arnie! Open up please!! In the order of the Magog cartel! Hey , gore , fancy some " Meech cream whip cheese nachos? "

He put Gore on the floor just outside Arnies office , and walked over to a vendo near by. He inserted one dollar , but the nachos didnt come out.

Stuey : Come on! Im hungry! Cough up the goods you stupid machine! AAAARRRHHH!!!!!! DO IT ALREADY!!! THAT DOES IT! \****in HELL! YOU STUPID NO GOOD ****FACED MORONIC CONTRAPTION OF ****NESS!@###$#!$$%$%$^^&%&$#$%^$%@@$$@!@#$^*&#$%#%#

Stuey swung his briefcase at the vendo , shattering the glass cover , He grabbed two bags of Nachos , and gave one to Gore .

Stuey : Here you go sir!

Stuey was beginning to like this Gorefellow. Alot.
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 03-07-2006 at 09:29 AM..
03-06-2006, 11:30 PM
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Constant swearing:
Please refer from swearing. It is no allowed, but your character can call each other other stuff then f*ck and stuff like that.

An example:

A shoves B again, wanting to finish the fight

A : Ran away, again?

B : **** off you ****ing ****

however, you can do something like

A shoves B again, wanting to fight

A : Ran away again?

B : Get lost you bastard! I don't wanna fight.

Look out for that one Outlaw King
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

03-07-2006, 07:13 AM
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OOC: Outlaw King, Goresplatter and Slaveless... Please stick to the 2 posts per day rule. Because you are quite new at this, and your posts can be quite confusing. Also too many posts make people not wanting to read them.

"Stivik is a moronic slig from the Cartel, who thinks he can mess with people's lives. Damn what a freak" Anni said angrily, "Yea i got into a fight with him, because i tried to escape, and then i attacked him, and then i uh... punched a random injection into to him, and then we got into a major fight, and then he injected me with something. I'm lucky to be alive. I guess there are mudokon spirits watching over you afterall. I just don't know what to do next."

She examined her tattoos. She didn't know what they meant but was dying to find out.

"I don't know... Probably my own fault... I can't control myself when I'm angry." she said in a sad tone, "have yuou ever felt like there's someone else inside you? And you find out it's the rage you've collected all these years?"

She got worried about everything. Thought back and forth, but couldn't come up with a conclusion to it all.

"I'm scared..." she muttered.


Kix kept looking at Stivik when he left.

"Well, i guess we'll have to find Anni and find out what's going on." Kix said, "I hope it's nothing too serious"

"Wait... Did he say vykker??" Dean asked really worried.

"Yea... why?" Kix asked.

"Because... Anni despies Vykkers... From what I've heard i think something very serious happened." Dean said.

Kix looked at Dean. Did he know something she didn't?

"Why...?" She asked.

"I'll exlain to you on the way." Dean said, and told her what he knew about Anni while they were walking towards the lab.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


03-07-2006, 11:12 AM
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OOC: T Nex, I know I over did it on Sunday, but not yesterday. I tried to make it as simple as possible.

IC: Gappiqu grit his teeth. He struggled to find an answer that wasn't too suspicious or too obvious. This was going to be harder than he thought it would be.
Gappiqu started with, "Erm, I seriously don't know. My guess is that Arnie needs more powerful guns to, uh, kill bigger paramites and scrabs. You know, the ordinary bullets just don't work these days on enlargened animals." Gappiqu was sweating, but was hardly noticeble. He hoped he didn't say anything wrong.

03-07-2006, 06:37 PM
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Phlug eyed him suspiciously , he was still convinced however , but still wanted a little more information.

Phlug : Mmmmmm , I see ...... But this weapon clearly shows that it violates the magog cartels weapon liscensing rules , The bullet chamber looks unstable for a start , and the trigger is not correctly placed and could cause misfires , However ...... Can you assure me that Arnie REALLY wants this weopon made , and that you will be careful when handling this gun? How many do you need?
Thanks for this oddish!

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