Titan Quest. IMHO this game is better than Diablo III. I put a long ramble about it on WAYPRN, something I don't do... every day, at least.
£2.49 for the lot. You'd be a sucker not to buy the expansion with it - the bundle costs the same as either individually (making the expansion essentially free), plus the more important factor that THE GAME DOESN'T WORK ON MODERN HARDWARE WITHOUT THE EXPANSION.
Don't let that put you off, though - the whole thing runs perfectly well (better than DIII ever could with its laughably tragic DRM), since all it comes down to is a patch, included in the expansion; which has since become unavailable to download as the developers' company folded.
But all that's irrelevant. Same low price, so you're all going to buy the expansion anyway. And this is a proper game, not some shoestring indie thing with all style and no substance.
It looks better than DIII, too! Just buy it, for crying out loud. It's something violent yet unrealistic to plough into when you need to think about things without actually thinking.
*Click* *Click* *Click-click* Ahh! Run! Damn undead!
... *Click*