Wait, so it's wrong for me to think that it doesn't matter what game peripheral you use,
I believe so, but it's not a fact. Views on other peoples' views are still views.
and to get annoyed at people trying to one up the Mouse,
Yes. They should be able to be happy about things. Neither of them were arguing with you, in fact in this entire run of posts there were only two sentences that amounted to 'The mouse is better'-'No it isn't'. There has been no argument over which is better, only one of whether it's actually possible for a certain peripheral to be better than another (The Forums vs. You).
but it's okay for you to call me stupid for disagreeing?
Ah. Here we are. That's probably my fault for not specifying. It's not stupid for you to disagree (I think you're wrong, but again that's my view and I'm trying to be impartial here - at least on the whole controller issue). The stupid thing you did was get completely riled up and attack largely irrelevant...
You know, the 3rd paragraph you helpfully edited into your other post and the rest of your most recent one pretty much says what needs to be said. I called you stupid because you're being a big gasbag. Acknowledgement does not equal resolution. Try and work on it.
Or wait, am I stupid for looking down on the peons subjected to nickel and diming, at the 'conveniece' of a mouse?
I'd just like to point out that I try games with different controllers if I think it'll be better. I'm not a slave to the fucking thing.