I moved in to my own apartment at the beginning of the year. At first it was pretty bare, but I've slowly accreted stuff to make it more home-y. Here is some of it.
The top shelf of my computer desk. In the middle is my collection of opp-shop bought glass stuff; I've always love the way blown glass looks. Theres also a Galileo Thermometer and my teddy bear, Pants. The Peter Pan hat at the top right is involved in House Rules Jenga; whosoever knocks down the tower must wear the hat until s/he is replace as loser by someone else. You can't see it very well, but the vasethingy just to the left of the hat is a blatant ripoff of Piet Mondrian's art. Looks nice though
I couldn't find a wall clock I liked, so I decided to build my own.
The newest edition to my apartment is this bookcase. It still only has half of my stuff on it; I only brought the rest from mum's after the photo was taken, and I haven't even unpacked it yet. Also in this photo are Socks (the sheep), Jacket (the frog), a bunch of random twigs (you can't see the vase) and my other Galileo thermometer (it's bigger and prettier than the first one, but completely inaccurate).
Wide shot of my corner shelf with other bunch of twigs. These ones light up! Also, most of the pictures on my walls are photos I've taken myself. I want to get them blown up and printed on canvas, but that's freaking expensive.
Closeup of the same shelf:
Top shelf: fossil ammonite, small piece of meteorite and a Stirling Engine.
Second shelf: trophy from Israel, my Barbara Streisand cup (I hadn't intended it to model it after her; I made it in art class and accidentally gave it a massive nose), Rubik's Magic and a shofar (Jewish ram's horn trumpet).
Third shelf: Mancala set (with real crystals as playing pieces), Empty Fuel Tank Trophy, Arabic sheshbesh/backgammon board, faux Thomas the Tank Engine.
Bottom Shelf: toys & games.