The fact there are islands and continents on a sea seems to suggest there is plate tectonic activity. Also, obviously mountain etc. Perhaps if fossils are found in Oddworld that could help explain even more.
As is said, Oddworld being x10 times larger than Earth would suggest x10 gravity, but maybe not to. Gravity is affected by mass, not size. So if Oddworld, as a planet, was not full of magma, but full of a lighter product, or maybe even a gaseous core surrounded by liquid, with the gas being condensed enough to keep the liquid around it in an orb. As a result, magma may swirl around differently inside the planet than the Earth, affected by the gas.
Dpeending on how much gas in relation to liquid there is, the planet's mass would vary, resulting in its gravity varying. Also, if not a sinlge 'lump' of gas, it may just be a number of bubbles that may never reach the surface because of the planet's rotations, or they neither rise or sink, depending on what type of gas...
Before I forget, partly related to this, though not necassarily and Oddworldian question, how come magma inside the Earth stays so hot? Surely it would eventually cool and solidify after long enough? The Sun is a mass of burning gases, but magma is merely molten rock. it's not burning anything. So how has it stayed hot for so long?
A real question, though: How exactly do Slig's pants operate? Do the vestigial legs/tail have enough muscle in to twitch slightly to make it walk, or what? It's not connected mentally or anything. is it? There was always that pipe thing going in the mask, but, you never know if that's something else.
Last edited by Zerox; 11-23-2006 at 10:31 AM..