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11-21-2006, 03:14 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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Yeah, I'm slow. I like things to be complicated.
11-21-2006, 03:19 PM
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I wasn't saying you were slow, I was just saying everyone is different.

Unless you weren't poking at my post, then....

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11-21-2006, 03:33 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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lol. Let's just -cough- Drop this little moment. I'll work on some better questions...
11-22-2006, 08:48 AM
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Why is it that the industrialists produce... well... products?
I mean, the closest things I've seen in Oddworld to civilization are the industrialists. There doesn't seem to be any actual cities or countries.
The reason we have’t seen any densely‐populated areas yet is because Abe hasn’t reached them. The Quintology is the story of his following the distribution channels of consumer goods from the exploited, polluted third world to the heart of the big cities. He’s got three anchor titles left to get there.

No article on TOE about Khanzumers? Hmmm, I can picture it now: “Khanzumers are a group we know nothing about. Last edited: seven years ago.”

11-22-2006, 01:01 PM
Bonedust's Avatar
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How much longer is an Oddworld year compared to a Earth year?
I would think it would take longer because Oddworld is 10x larger than Earth

11-22-2006, 01:14 PM
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Size does not affect year length, as years are determind by the distance the planet is from the sun. There have been gas giants in other systems discovered that speed about the parent star in 1-2 days. Logically the distance from the sun would be similar to that of Earth, given the climate. But this is an example of selective accuracy. If Oddworld truly is ten times the size of Earth then the gravity would be much stronger. Regardless of the explainations for this, the implications for climate, plate tectonics and just about every other geological, biological and environmental aspect would be affected in huge ways because of the massive area of the crust, the Coriolis effect, speed of rotation and the length of days...

Better of move it into the blind spot of your mind and apply Earth-norm standards to it until they are officially stated otherwise.
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11-22-2006, 01:23 PM
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plate tectonics
Well, we don't really know that other planets have plate tectonics, so it could be that that doesn't apply to Oddworld.

But yeah, new question.

How in the hell did they develope a perfect English vocabulary?
11-22-2006, 01:28 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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You know, the developers may have just made it seem that they were speaking English. When in fact, they are speaking another language. But I couldn't answer that. That's just my theory.
11-22-2006, 01:43 PM
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No article on TOE about Khanzumers? Hmmm, I can picture it now: “Khanzumers are a group we know nothing about. Last edited: seven years ago.”
Heh. I was thinking that but I wasn't going to say it. I just wanted to provide the wording of the official (if brief) description of Khanzumers.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

11-22-2006, 03:55 PM
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Well, we don't really know that other planets have plate tectonics, so it could be that that doesn't apply to Oddworld.
BUT the evidence of tectonic activity is all around. Mountains are a dead giveaway, as are the very pressence of continents in a planet with such large oceans. Otherwise the land would be liable to total erosion and levelling below sea-level.
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11-23-2006, 10:28 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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The fact there are islands and continents on a sea seems to suggest there is plate tectonic activity. Also, obviously mountain etc. Perhaps if fossils are found in Oddworld that could help explain even more.
As is said, Oddworld being x10 times larger than Earth would suggest x10 gravity, but maybe not to. Gravity is affected by mass, not size. So if Oddworld, as a planet, was not full of magma, but full of a lighter product, or maybe even a gaseous core surrounded by liquid, with the gas being condensed enough to keep the liquid around it in an orb. As a result, magma may swirl around differently inside the planet than the Earth, affected by the gas.
Dpeending on how much gas in relation to liquid there is, the planet's mass would vary, resulting in its gravity varying. Also, if not a sinlge 'lump' of gas, it may just be a number of bubbles that may never reach the surface because of the planet's rotations, or they neither rise or sink, depending on what type of gas...

Before I forget, partly related to this, though not necassarily and Oddworldian question, how come magma inside the Earth stays so hot? Surely it would eventually cool and solidify after long enough? The Sun is a mass of burning gases, but magma is merely molten rock. it's not burning anything. So how has it stayed hot for so long?

A real question, though: How exactly do Slig's pants operate? Do the vestigial legs/tail have enough muscle in to twitch slightly to make it walk, or what? It's not connected mentally or anything. is it? There was always that pipe thing going in the mask, but, you never know if that's something else.

Last edited by Zerox; 11-23-2006 at 10:31 AM..
11-23-2006, 10:33 AM
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Pretty much the only thing I remember from AS Geography is that the Earth’s core remains hot thanks to radioactive decay. But there will be hundreds of places you can find fuller, more accurate answers than an Oddworld discussion board.

Bullet Magnet, no. Stay boy. Let him find it himself.

11-23-2006, 06:30 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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By BM to stay, does that mean I'm out of the doghouse now?

The whole 'Slig pants' connection thing is probably something that has to with mental connection. When the Slig gets into his pants, the pants actually regonizes the user of the pants, and follows his gentic code that has brain wave activity. While this happens, the Slig is able to control the pants even without the pants even on. You can see that in MO good ending, when the Valet falls out of his pants and when he is twitching in what just happened, his pants are still moving with him.

Oh and, Zerox, are does Mudokon skeletons in Necrum consider 'fossils'?

11-23-2006, 06:43 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Those skeletons haven't undergone fossilisation yet. Fossils are made of rock, but they used bones in SoulStorm Brew. Also they weren't old enough, or in the right conditions.
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11-23-2006, 06:52 PM
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You can see that in MO good ending, when the Valet falls out of his pants and when he is twitching in what just happened, his pants are still moving with him.
I always figured that that was because the pants suddenly found themselves uncontrolled. You throw yourself (as the driver) out of a moving car and you'll see my point. PLEASE NOTE: This was a thought experiment only. Don't do this at home, kids.

Psychic thought control is rather implausible.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

11-23-2006, 06:54 PM
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Like when you cut the head off a chicken.
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11-23-2006, 06:58 PM
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Yes, an even better metaphor. Especially in that it is one everyone can do at home. Fun for all the family.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

11-23-2006, 07:13 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Hm, those are nice responses. But why did Toast's pants didn't respond the same way as Valet's? Is it because the pant's fuel probably died when the electricity hit Toast, the pants couldn't react to sudden lose of host?

11-23-2006, 07:15 PM
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They had fallen over. And had been fried by a lightning bolt. I wonder though- did he survive?
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11-24-2006, 08:27 AM
Bonedust's Avatar
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But why did Toast's pants didn't respond the same way as Valet's? Is it because the pant's fuel probably died when the electricity hit Toast, the pants couldn't react to sudden lose of host?
Valet was angry/depressed because Lulu spent all of the money.
Toast's pants were shocked causing the electronics to malfunction and lost the connection between him and the pants.

11-24-2006, 09:31 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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I say that probably, Valet sort of got stressed and shook, and started waving the legs as he fell over. Toast was not moving and just standing there anyway, so no response was given to the pants.
Plus they got hit by lightning.
11-24-2006, 02:26 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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They had fallen over. And had been fried by a lightning bolt. I wonder though- did he survive?
Molluck did, I think it is safe to assume that Toast did too.

11-24-2006, 05:08 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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Hey wait, have you guys been talking about the last scene in Abe's Oddysee? I just remembered that they got struck by lightening.. or a similar feature.
11-25-2006, 01:45 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Hmm...sort of spiritual lightning or something, aaj111.
11-25-2006, 09:10 AM
aaj111's Avatar
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Yeah, It wasn't exactly "Lightning". But it's a good way to describe it. lol
11-25-2006, 09:14 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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I think it was lightning. Maybe that little circle that the Mudokons were around was a Storm Circle.

Now I have a question relating to OWI current business. I know that they are trying to get themselves an Oddworld movie. If they make an Abe's Oddysee movie, how will that effect the game they made? Is there something OWI will do to the orginal game or something? Re-adversite it? Make new copies of the game? Make a new game?

11-25-2006, 10:43 AM
aaj111's Avatar
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If they made a movie of Abe's oddysee I think they would go more in depth with the story. A little more than what was in the game.
11-25-2006, 11:02 AM
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When I meant effect, I didn't mean the story itself, but rather how it would effect the game, adverstiving wise. Like, I know that OWI doesn't make AO games anymore, but if an Abe movie came out, will they make new ones? Or will the fans have to buy old copies off from Amazon or local stores?

11-25-2006, 11:50 AM
aaj111's Avatar
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Oh, I see what you mean. I am sure that'd be up to them... That decision has Pro's and Con's.
11-25-2006, 05:32 PM
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It's more up to who has the legal right to publish the games, now that GT no longer exists. I suspect they will do everything in their power to rerelease AO and AE. And maybe - just maybe - even put them all in a bundle with Sligstorm, like they wanted to do all that time ago.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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