OOC: That's the problem now in days. In the beginning, everyone started with their own story, avoiding each other. But now, we are all too connected, so when one leaves without telling us, we find it impossible to go on. Sadly, we still need maybe two more people to join for this RPG to be more realistic. Or something like that.
Anyway, it was impossible for me to be crushed by any of those things. The temperature was too hot for snow, and the rocks would have to be disturbed by something really big. Although, I did sleep near coyotes.
Anyway, I recall that Slurp 2's brain was taken out of him,
so he can't exist at the moment. But don't worry, I will take care of that.
IC: Sindera faced the rather intimidating broadcast with guns attached to it. This Vykker really was nuts. So nuts, it probably was the one that hypostised Gillik. But that didn't matter, being that noone was there to help her. If she dragged her messenger to her mouth, Angela would consider it as a, 'I won't surrender', and kill her. Also, if she used the vaporizer to destory the broadcast, Angela would consider her a threat and order the Sligs to go after. And Sindera wasn't about to surrender to some computer. Yet she needed help.
Suddenly, she got a awesome idea. Sindera crept one of her hands along her hips, and lightly pressed the button on the messenger, (inside the pocket of her's) that read, "Broadcast to all". Now, every Slig would know what's happening. Sindera yelled achingly, "So Angela, why are you going to kill me? Did I do something wrong?"
Slurp 2's brain layed in it's spot, thinking of what it did to deserve this. Being seperaed from's it's body twice was not something to be proud of. Espically when the last time involved you not able to move. Even though Slurp two couldn't, he cried in head, waiting for someone to help him.
Just outside of the brain, the Albino Scrab appeared away from the brain, in Mudokon shaman form. Avoiding possible contact with it, the Albino Scrab started to chant. Slurp's brain was soon surrounded by blue dots, and the dots flew inside him. Slurp realized this and thought he was being killed, and tried to mentally fight back.
Yet, when he tried, a mystic, cold voice spoke, "Do not be alarmed, I am here for your own good." Slurp tried to relax, but the fact that he felt like that he was being pulled, stressed him out. And yet, that was what the Albino Scrab was doing. Once Slurp's memory and conscious was outside the Sleg brain, all that was left of Slurp was a green gas, surrounded completely by blue dots. And when he thought it was over, the dots squeezed the gas into a little ball, and made Slurp into a Zappfly.
The shaman got out of his chanting position, and reached for something. Slurp, being a Zappfly, was confused. Why was this Mudokon helping him? And why did he turn him into a Zappfly? Slurp tried to say something, but all he could say was 'buzz'. And overhead, birds were forming into one area. And all of the sudden, they collected into one portal. The Mudokon said to him, "Quick Slurp, go into the portal so you can find your body!"
The Mudokon vanished into thin air, and Slurp was alone again. Slurp didn't understand anything at the moment, but maybe that portal would help. Trying to see if Slurp could move his body, he flew into the portal, and suddenly, he found himself in the dark.
Slurp had to use his new eyes, to look for what it needed to see. Puzzled, he found it hard to sense anything in the dark, with his eyes, since the eyes must use a different system than he does. But then, he thought he saw something move. He couldn't tell what it was, but it was moving like something he knew very well. It was also bigger and darker than the grass, so Slurp found it easy to see the thing. Since Slurp figured he nothing else to do, he tried follow the creature overhead.
The creature seemed like that it was trying to look for something, seeing that it was going through many caves. Slurp was very interested in what it was doing, and it even felt a little connected to it. But once it had entered a cave with many Fleeches, Slur could see what it was. It was the exact same Sleg that he had been in for a while! Slurp felt like he knew what to do, like it was insticint.
Slurp went over the Sleg, and zapped it dramicticly and hard. Suddenly, Slurp felt like his body was getting smaller, and smaller. Then eventually, his Zappfly body disincipated.
Slurp 2's senses were a little blury, but senses kicked back in. He realized that he was in his Sleg body again. And man, was it could to be able to sense things with his mind, instead of eyes.
Slurp 2 sensed many curious Fleeches around him, which meant he was home. And he had sensed Shryke as well. He also heard what Shryke was saying, but he couldn't understand. His memory of Shryke was there, but never have he heard Shryke talk to him before. And Slurp's memory of Scrab was horrible. All he could understand was that he was questioning him. Slurp 2 tried to use his memory of Fleech speaking, and said in Fleech and in Sleg, "Sorry, I can't understand. I know you are what my half self interacted with. Remember? I'm that Sleg."
The Fleeches regonized him, but they knew that if Shryke didn't trust him, he would have said something. Slurp 2 had sensed this trust and thought that maybe Shryke would understand his Fleech.
OOC: I didn't really understand what Sklitch did.