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02-20-2006, 02:22 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)


How long have you been readin'!? Anyway, cheers for takin' the time and update coming your way soon.

02-20-2006, 03:13 AM
Annouka-BadCat's Avatar
: Feb 2006
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Annouka-BadCat  (10)

Forever, I think XD
It's their fault *points to Maika and Stranger* they keep distracting me from readin'
[sig out of order... just imagine it's here till I gets a new one, k?]

02-20-2006, 04:31 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

HAR HAR HAR! *rotfl*

Alright, yer excused, but jist because I like Maika and Stranger so much.

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 04-23-2006 at 04:34 AM..
02-20-2006, 06:01 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Yew can't 'elp but just look back and read the earlier chapters, Lobo. It makes you laugh, doen't' it?
The Stranger's girl

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02-20-2006, 10:34 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)
Oddworld Just Got Stranger

Don’t yer just love all the mushy crap?

Prepare to squee…

Pain In The Butt
The bowstring drew back smoothly with a slightly creak as it took up the tension. The wooden bow bent slickly and the arrow quivered ever so slightly as it rested on Bailey’s hand. Squinting one eye Bailey sighted the other down the arrow shaft.

She released.

The bowstring relinquished the arrow with a twang and it vibrated madly from the aftershock, the arrow, spinning on it’s axis, sped through the air and hit the target right in the centre with a knock and thud.

The human drew another arrow and set it to her bow, she drew back the string, allowed herself a couple of seconds to aim and then released, the arrow, driven by the pent up energy of the bowstring, once again flew as swift as any bird and hit the target again, so perfectly it cleaved the first arrow in two.

Bailey grinned, it had taken over a year of hard practice to get herself up to her current standard and she had reason to be proud of herself. She was also pleased to find that the several months she had neglected her archery hadn’t seemed to have unduly hampered her skill.

“Bet you couldn’t do that again.” Said a soft voice by her ear. The hair on the back of her neck rose and Bailey jumped around. Haigar stood behind her, grinning that grin that was for Bailey only. Bailey returned the smile, her heart thumping, half from the surprise Haigar had given her, and half just because of Haigar.

“Oh yeh, how much ya bettin’ blue?” she answered teasingly. Haigar crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

“Hrm…I’ll think-a somethin’.” He said after a pause. Bailey grinned to herself, confident she could win.

“How about whoever wins get one thing, anything they want. Agreed?” Haigar thought about it.

“Fine, fine, now stop stalling.” He said, smiling. Bailey grinned wolfishly and drew another arrow, nocking it to her bow. Haigar stood innocently behind her, slightly to one side. He waited for that few seconds between the draw and the release before he moved. Leaning down, the Steef kissed her, just below and behind her ear.

The arrow flew wildly to one side, missing the target completely and plunging into the forest behind. Haigar chuckled in a satisfied way. Bailey turned on him, eyes narrowed.

“Ooo, you sneaky Steef.” She said in a deadly whisper, but Haigar heard the humour tinting her voice. There was something else as well in her tone, something Haigar couldn’t quite distinguish. He hoped it was what he thought it was… He grinned in answer to Bailey’s accusation. He bent down slightly, so they were more at eye-level.

“I still won.” He said in an amused voice. Bailey narrowed her eyes, then she huffed and stood straight, folding her arms and giving Haigar a half amused and half incredulous look.

“Fine, whadda ya want?” she said in resignation. Haigar’s eyes glowed.

“Don’t worry,” he said deeply, “It’s nothing that bad.” He moved closer, so that he and Bailey were almost touching, Bailey quirked a curious half-smile and looked up at him, raising her eyebrows momentarily in a challenge.

“So sure of yourself, oh great Steef?” She said mockingly, Haigar grinned. Gently, careful not to hurt the human he clasped her upper arms in his huge hands. The teasing look went out of Bailey’s eyes, replaced by confusion and not a small bit of uncertainty.

“Don’t be afraid.” Haigar murmured. “I won’t hurt you…I’d never hurt you…”

“Haigar, what are you…” Bailey’s voice died in her throat as the young Steef lowered his head and tentatively brushed her forehead with his muzzle. His warm breath washed over her face. It made her heart flutter, then go wild in her chest. She fought to keep her breathing steady as Haigar’s soft, nuzzling snout moved across her temple and drifted down her cheek. Bailey felt herself trembling. Haigar drew back slightly, an apprehensive look in his eyes.

“Are you afraid of me Bay?” he questioned quietly. Bailey swallowed and looked into his eyes, some unfathomable expression glowing in the blue depths there. Her trembling stopped, like icicles melting in the sun.

“No.” she said firmly, “I’m not afraid of you…I, I just…it’s so strange…” Bailey whispered. Haigar, looking slightly relieved, moved closer again, this time brushing his nose down Bailey’s neck and across her collarbone.

“Don’t you want this?” Haigar asked, still in that same, soft, slightly worried voice.

“I…I don’t know…” Bailey answered truthfully. She felt overwhelmed, so many things in her head – and in her heart – clammering for attention. Haigar was her friend, her dearest friend. She didn’t want that to change, but then there was this feeling in her heart, one she wasn’t entirely sure of. It was like what she felt for Stranger, but different somehow, more confusing. Part of her mind, the part that was still only young, was confused and slightly scared, through those eyes she saw Haigar only as a friend, someone she could trust and confide in. But then there was another part of herself, an older, maturer part. Through it’s eyes, she saw everything her younger eyes did, that and more. She saw a handsome young Steef, unappreciated by all the female Steef, who was also her dearest friend. And to whom she found herself irresistibly drawn. Something about him, something about Haigar drew her. Made her stay here now, and relish his touch, made her need him. This part was glad none of the Steef females wanted him. Because she wanted him.

Bailey’s mind reeled. She wanted him. She wanted Haigar. She looked up sharply and met his eyes.

Haigar looked down at the human. She really had no idea how she made him feel, how crazy she sent him. Had no idea how wild her very scent made him.

It had started when she had asked him to teach her to fight. He had admired and respected her then. Haigar knew he’d always cared for Bailey, ever since she had arrived. She had been his best, his most loving friend and he had cared so much about her, had wanted her to be happy. But then, when he taught her to fight, she had surprised and impressed him. She had become dearer to him then, for her fiery temper, her wild, completely untameable spirit, her stubbornness, everything about her had endeared her to him.

When she had fought, he had been in constant fear that she would get hurt, the feeling intensified by guilt at the thought it would be his fault. But she hadn’t been beaten. She had conquered, she had won. He had never been so proud of her. He knew then, how Stranger felt towards the young human. He could feel it too. When he’d gone to see her afterwards, and Stranger had voiced Haigar’s feelings, Haigar realised then that there was something more to his feelings for Bailey, though what, he couldn’t say.

Maybe it was during their conversation, when Stranger had allowed him to see her, that Haigar realised what the feeling was. When Bailey rubbed his shoulder as he’d spoken of his ‘girl problems’ and been surprised when he’d explained. Bailey had not laughed at him, in no way had she been mocking or amused, but truly surprised. She’d even called him a ‘cute studmuffin’…

Haigar blushed almost every time he thought of that. It had taken him a few days to realise that he frequently re-played their conversations in his head. Every time she had spoken fondly to him thrown into sharp relief. But it was only when he had spoken to Chiron had he known, right then, deep down, that he loved Bailey. More then a friend, more then family. Loved her as he would love a female mate of his own kind. But he’d denied and fled from those thoughts, from those feelings. Convinced himself he was imagining it, coming up with all sorts of reasons why it wouldn’t work, why it was wrong; She was his cousin, his friend, she saw him as only a friend, dear maybe, but only as a friend nonetheless. And she was not a Steef, however much she may have been like one. She wasn’t. She was human. These and countless other reasons he repeated to himself until he’d believed it.

But then, then, he’d taken her to his secret place, that place he went too to be alone. His sanctuary, it was a secret part of himself that he’d revealed. And it hadn’t stopped there. When he’d caught Bailey, just before she’d fallen into the water, he’d held her, he’d felt her, smelt her and he knew. He’d been fooling himself…

He loved Bailey. He loved her and wanted her.

Haigar met Bailey’s sudden gaze. For a moment he thought she would push him away, disentangle herself from his arms and flee from him. And she did – in part; Bailey slid her arms from his hands. He thought, for that horrifying moment that he had ruined the special bond he and Bailey shared.

She surprised him again. She didn’t back away, didn’t stammer that it was wrong, that maybe they shouldn’t see each other for a while. Instead she moved closer to him and slowly, tentatively, raised her hands and laid them on his chest. Haigar, with equal slowness and the same hesitancy, put his arms around her.

“Bailey…” he said her name in a low growl that rumbled in his chest and stomach. He saw Bailey’s eyes close for a moment and she shivered with pleasure, her fingers dug themselves into his fur, clenching. She looked up at him again. Haigar couldn’t wait anymore, he leaned down. “Bailey,” he growled her name again, saying the only thing that sufficiently expressed everything he felt; “I’m amazed by you…” He kissed her, gently, softly, still afraid that she would turn away. She didn’t. She melted into him, and she wondered dreamily why she hadn’t done this first as Haigar’s kiss caressed her senses. It only lasted a few moments and then Haigar drew back slightly, looking down at her.

Bailey tilted her head slightly to one side, then she quirked a half-smile at him and leaned her head against his ribs. She felt a purr rumbling deep inside him and she smiled into his fur.

After a moment, Haigar backed away. He let Bailey go. Bailey’s eyes opened slowly. She gazed at him in wonder and awe.

“Haigar…” she said his name softly, questioningly. “Why?” Haigar swallowed and closed his eyes, suddenly angry with himself. He should have had more control. But he would not apologise, he would not say he was sorry for something he wasn’t sorry for. And he would not make excuses. Bailey deserved the truth.

“Bay…” he began, when suddenly both of them heard a roar of surprise. Both human and Steef jumped and spun around, staring with wide eyes at the forest, something was crashing through the trees, towards them.

“Uh oh…” Bailey breathed, suddenly realising what it was, she turned to Haigar. “Blue? Could you hold this for me fer a sec?” she handed him the bow and quiver of arrows before she took off like a small, startled animal. Leaving Haigar staring blankly after her, a confused expression on his face, her bow and arrows in hand. His mind not moving as fast as it normally would have been, still drifting slightly from that kiss. Haigar eyes unfocused as he touched his lips slightly with one hand, remembering Bailey’s mouth pressed against his. He’d have to do that again, he’d liked kissing Bailey…

Haigar shook himself and looked down in confusion at the bow and arrows, but he quickly looked up again as a Steef crashed through the trees and skidded to a halt a few feet away from him.

It was Stranger, he looked at Haigar, then his eyes flicked down to the bow, and then back to Haigar again, disbelief etched on his face. Haigar frowned in confusion and looked at the bow then up at Stranger again. Only then did he see the feathered shaft of Bailey’s wayward arrow, in Stranger’s backside… Bailey’s arrow hadn’t hit it’s target, but had apparently hit Stranger in the butt instead.

“Well actually,” a voice muttered in Haigar’s mind, “It’s his haunch…” Haigar’s eyes went wide, his gaze snapping down to the bow then back to the furious Stranger. He abruptly dropped the bow and put up his hands, shaking his head frantically.

Any other time, Haigar wouldn’t have told Stranger which way Bailey had gone, but this particular time Bailey had tried to foist the bow on him… Haigar felt a flash of amusement, and pointed in the direction Bailey had taken off in, his amusement growing as Stranger charged after the trail of the fleeing human.

He chuckled quietly to himself. She really was a literal pain in the butt. Haigar smiled slightly. He loved her anyway. Picking up the fallen bow and quiver, he slung them over his shoulder and made his way home, heading away from the forest outskirts, towards the Steef village.

He wondered idly what Stranger would do to Bailey…

02-20-2006, 10:36 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

I'm scared....

And you say I'M mean ter Umi and Stranger!?

Aww, but the lovey-dovey crud did scare me fer a sec. Then the pure comedic stuff came out as well.
Poor fuzz-face. Hope he'll be ok.
Then, I wonder what'll happen to Bailey....
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-20-2006 at 10:48 AM..
02-20-2006, 10:37 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)


02-20-2006, 10:47 AM
Annouka-BadCat's Avatar
: Feb 2006
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Annouka-BadCat  (10)

Oh dear... yer as evil as I am Lobo...
*in a sing song voice* Bailey's for it now... doo de doo de do doo...
[sig out of order... just imagine it's here till I gets a new one, k?]

02-20-2006, 10:49 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Heh heh heh.

She didn't mean it...honestly.

Anyway, was Haigar's fault.

Oh dear... yer as evil as I am Lobo...
Yes, yes I am.

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 02-20-2006 at 10:52 AM..
02-20-2006, 11:01 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

I'm evil, too...
I just decided to not show it off...:taps fingers innocently together:
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

02-20-2006, 11:23 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dancing Steef  (10)

Lol How I loved the face expression on Stranger when he got the arrow in his butt this part as well Lobo - post some more


02-20-2006, 11:39 AM
Annouka-BadCat's Avatar
: Feb 2006
: Hartlepool, England
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Annouka-BadCat  (10)

She didn't mean it...honestly.
Anyway, was Haigar's fault.
Yeah yeah, that's what they all say XD

I'm evil, too...
Guess we're all evil around here :grin:
[sig out of order... just imagine it's here till I gets a new one, k?]

02-27-2006, 01:27 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)
Dead Oddworld Just Got Stranger

Oh good grief… This is in serious danger of becoming a sickeningly sweet, completely clichéd, sop story… Oh well!

Dancing In The Rain
When he got back, Haigar was greeted by a rather amusing scene. The other Steef present seemed to agree with Haigar’s sentiments, as his attempts to hide a smile clearly said. There was one however, who, no doubt, found the entire situation rather less then amusing. In fact, Haigar doubted Stranger would ever see the funny side…

“OW!” he roared in pain, “WHADDA YA THINK YER DOIN’ WOMAN!? TAKIN’ OFF MA LEG!?” Alika sighed and shook her head, forever patient, with a small smile on her face, but sympathetic with her brother-in-law as she tried to remove the arrow from Stranger’s haunch.

“Now Stranger,” she soothed, “Stop making such a fuss, you’re acting like a Steefling.”

“IT BLOODY HURTS! Stranger bellowed, then; “WHADDA YOU LAUGHIN’ AT!?” Stranger demanded, looking at Daimen who stood nearby. Haigar glanced at his father. The older dark Steef had one arm crossed across his chest, propping up the other by the elbow. Even though Daimen had a fist over his mouth in what appeared to be an expression of sympathetic worry and pity, Haigar could clearly see the laughter in his father’s eyes. Daimen tried – unsuccessfully – to pull himself together before he lowered his hand.

“Ah c’mon Stranger.” He said jovially, grinning broadly, “You gotta admit it’s funny.” Stranger growled, glaring at his older brother.

“We’ll see how funny yer think it is when I ram this arra up yer butt.” He snapped.

Daimen couldn’t hold it in any longer. The sight of his brother, his hands almost strangling the post he was holding onto while his small wife flitted around his back end, and knowing that in any other case he would have been furious, but also knowing the reason for the whole affair, threw back his head and roared with laughter. Howling like a demented wolf Daimen leaned on the outside wall of Stranger and Bailey’s hut, tears of mirth streaming down his cheeks as he shook with the laughter.

Haigar hid his own smile, far more effectively then his father had managed and left his parents and uncle; Daimen laughing uproariously and Stranger alternately cursing and yelling in pain, while he snuck away into Stranger’s hut, to find Bailey.

He found her, in her room, sitting cross-legged on her bed, her cheeks resting on her fists and her elbows on knees. She winced every time Stranger yelled.

“Bay?” Bailey looked up quickly.

“Heya blue.” She mumbled miserably. Haigar carefully unstrung Bailey’s bow, knowing it was important to her to care for it and drew out the wicker basket under her bed that she kept all her things in, carefully placing the bowstring, the bow and the quiver of arrows in it, before replacing the lid and sliding it back under her bed. “Thanks blue.” Bailey said quietly as he stood.

Haigar slowly eased himself down on the bed next to her. He put an arm around her shoulders.

“No problem.” He murmured. Bailey leaned into him, putting her arms around his stomach and snuggling into his fur.

“I really didn’t mean to shoot Stranger…” she whispered wretchedly. “I didn’t…” Haigar placed a gentle finger on her lips, Bailey looked up at him.

“I know, and I’m sure he knows too.” He said softly in reassurance. Bailey swallowed and nodded, casting her eyes down. A finger tilted her chin gently. Haigar smiled softly at her, “Hey, hey,” he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “It’s alright.” Bailey buried her head in his chest, stroking his fur.

“It’ll never be the same again…” she whispered, “Will it?”

“What won’t?” questioned Haigar in a low voice.

“Us.” murmured Bailey. “We’ll never be the same again.” There was a pause. Bailey smiled slightly, but her eyes were grave, “You were always there, whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were always there when I needed you.” She whispered. “I can’t believe it took me so long…but…”

“But?” Haigar asked.

“But…I dunno…am I ready to take this step…is this something I’ll regret?” she looked up at Haigar. He was looking at her, serious blue eyes distant, obviously he had been thinking along the same lines.

“Nothing ventured…” he said at last in a thoughtful voice, “Nothing gained.” He smiled and focused on Bailey, “You are the one. A wild heart that cannot be tamed…I just…just hoped you feel the same …this is something that I can’t just forget…and I can’t stop feeling it…” Haigar took Bailey’s hand and laid it on his chest, over his heart. “You do something to me I can’t explain, but I never want it to stop…”

“I thought we were just friends…” Bailey whispered.

“This is the beginning of something deeper.” Haigar told her, “Not the end of what we had.” Bailey suddenly looked worried,

“It won’t be a secret anymore. When we tell them…when we open up the door, it can’t be closed again…” Haigar smiled reassuringly, despite the same fear he felt, deep down in his heart,

“I know that we were close before, I’m glad I realised I need you so much more, that you mean so much more to me.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I don’t care what everyone will say, this is about you and me…no-one else.” He brushed her cheek gently with his fingertips.

“But sometimes it seems, completely forbidden, so wrong, to admit those feelings that we’ve hidden…” Bailey said, Haigar broke into a warm smile, his eyes glowed with feeling as he tilted Bailey’s chin so that she was looking at him again.

“Feelings?” he whispered. Bailey looked into his eyes. She nodded. Haigar took in a deep, shuddering breath, then he smiled, “Though it’s improbable, it’s not impossible, love is unstoppable. There’s a fine line between fate and destiny. Do you believe in things that were just meant to be? We’ve intertwined our lives, we’re unified. Nothing can come between us now, and nothing ever will…”

For a few moments they just looked at each other, trying to read the other’s eyes though Haigar found it a lot harder then Bailey. Human eyes were not as expressive as Steef eyes. Haigar stroked her cheek again with his thumb, and, feeling a bit more daring, over her lips as well. He paused there, resting one finger on her lower lip. He shuddered pleasantly when Bailey kissed the pad of his finger gently.

“I’m in love with you Bailey…” The Steef admitted after a while. He leaned forward and touched his nose to Bailey’s. Bailey smiled back at him, she drew back slightly, then kissed his muzzle. Haigar blinked at her, “What was that for?” he asked in surprise. Bailey grinned and shrugged.

“I need a reason?” she asked simply. She ran one hand down the thickening fur on his jaw line. Haigar blushed dark under his fur, he stammered slightly as he spoke.

“I-I-I should go an’ check on S-S-Stranger.” He kissed her cheek quickly and Bailey watched him go, with a grin still on her face.


The next day dawned dull and oppressive, Bailey had a monster of a pressure headache and the Steef seemed to agree that a thunderstorm was on it’s way. Though, fortunately for them it wasn’t the pain of a headache that told them, but the smell of the coming rain, and the static in the air that made their fur stand on end. Unfortunately no one could tell when the storm would break and Bailey had to suffer with her headache.

Being outside helped and so it was outside that Haigar found the human come mid-morning. Bailey was laying on her back, under a tree, one hand resting on her forehead. The dark Steef felt his heart tug, he didn’t like to see his Bailey in pain. He walked over to her and folding his legs, lay down next to her. Bailey moved her hand and squinted at him.

“Hullo blue.” She murmured.

“Still got that headache?” Haigar asked. Bailey made a small sound of pain in affirmative and Haigar’s expression became troubled and sympathetic. He reached out and ran a thumb across her forehead. “The storm will break soon.” He assured gently. Bailey moaned again and moved, resting her head on his flank. Haigar eased himself down onto his stomach and stroked her hair with one hand.

There was a moment of silence before Haigar began humming, a slow, relaxing tune, his deep voice melodious and soothing. Bailey had her eyes closed by this time and she smiled. After a moment longer, Haigar began singing softly under his breath, a soft lullaby he remembered from his younger days. The words were nothing Bailey understood as they were in the native Steef tongue, but it was sweet and calm and Bailey was lulled. Before long she was asleep. Haigar smiled to himself and closed his own eyes, unaware that a little way off Stranger was watching them, his haunch bandaged, arms folded, smiling slightly at them.

Bailey was woken by a rumble of thunder. A rumble that made the ground vibrate and shook her to her bones. She woke with a jolt and sighed in quiet relief as she realised that her headache had finally dissipated, the reason too, became apparent when there was suddenly a harsh shriek, like silk being ripped asunder and lightning split the sky. Bailey sat up. Haigar was still beside her, and also looking up at the sky. The grey thunderheads broiled fiercely in the sky and Steef and human watched them in silence.

Then, as if someone had turned on a giant cosmic tap, rain fell from the sky in steel grey sheets. Haigar stood quickly,

“We better get in.” he called and turning, began trotting towards the huts. He stopped when he realised Bailey was not with him. He looked back, to see the human, holding her hat, her arms out and face uplifted, her eyes closed as she let the warm summer rain wash over her. She looked at Haigar after a minute and grinned.

“Dance with me!” she crowed, laughing. She spun in a circle as the rain continued to pour.

“Bailey, it’s pourin’ it down!” Haigar protested. Bailey laughed,

“Ah, c’mon blue! It’s fun to muck around in the rain.” The human gave a childish whoop of glee and jumped in one of the rapidly forming puddles. Haigar smiled slightly. However mature Bailey seemed, she still had that thirteen-year-old kid inside her. The young Steef sighed and walked over, he folded his arms and looked down at Bailey, smiling.

“Your really immature sometimes.” He said. Bailey turned to him, her hair was slicked back and her eyes were bright.

“But that’s why yer love me, right?” she asked. Haigar grinned a feral grin. He swept her into his arms and held her tight.

“That’s why I love you!” he shouted into the storm. Bailey laughed and slid her arms around his neck, his fur thick and wet. The breaking of the storm seemed to have released something inside them as well, Bailey felt giddy and careless. She didn’t care what anyone heard nor what anyone said about her and Haigar.

“Haigar…” Bailey said his name huskily, reaching out to stroke the slick fur on his chest. Haigar broke into a smile and his eyes sparkled.

“I love you Bay.” He nuzzled her neck, Bailey leaned back, smiling. Haigar picked up his head and looked into Bailey’s eyes. “I love you more then anything.” He said, his voice firm with conviction but trembling with feeling. He touched his nose to Bailey’s. “And don’t you ever believe otherwise.” Bailey felt a tingle race through her nerves. She nuzzled her nose to Haigar’s snout before wrapping her arms more firmly around his neck and leaning into him, holding him tight. Haigar tightened his grip on the human and hugged her close.

Thunder boomed, sheet lightning flashed, lighting up the sky and the rain pelted down from the clouds. None of it mattered. Bailey felt Haigar’s arms around her and his breath on the back of her neck that sent pleasant sparks down her spine. She knew she loved him.

Bailey drew back slightly and met Haigar’s gaze. She grinned, and stroked his thick fur growing on his jaw. She tugged at it gently, bringing Haigar’s face closer.

“Just you try and stop me from believing it.” she murmured. “Hey stud…” she suddenly said, her voice softer now but Haigar’s acute hearing easily picking it up. He returned her smile.

“Hey beautiful.” Bailey beamed and pressed her lips to his, kissing him. Haigar’s arms immediately tightened around her and he kissed the human back.

When they drew apart. Haigar rested his jaw against her forehead. He vaguely heard Bailey again as she whispered more to herself then anyone else;

“Never be the same again.” Haigar smiled happily.

“Let it always be like this….” He thought as he kissed Bailey’s wet hair.

02-27-2006, 10:42 PM
Annouka-BadCat's Avatar
: Feb 2006
: Hartlepool, England
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Annouka-BadCat  (10)

Oh good grief… This is in serious danger of becoming a sickeningly sweet, completely clichéd, sop story
Do we care? Honestly?
Nah. Course not XD it's sweet, its cute and the mental image of Strange with an arrow in his butt is just... *bursts out laughing*
[sig out of order... just imagine it's here till I gets a new one, k?]

02-28-2006, 02:37 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Oh WOW...
kissy kissy, PG13
That was the fluffiest moment ever, Lobo.
The most sweetest moment, I bet, for Bailey and Haigar.
Good one, Lobo. That was really...lovey-dovey...
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

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02-28-2006, 03:02 AM
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Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

I agree with Darkey a very fluffy moment indeed I loved this part ver much and this gots to be the best part this far, except when Stranger got the arrow in his butt I'll never forget his expression Great chapter Lobo I for yer writing style - I jus' love the way ya write.


02-28-2006, 03:32 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

The most sweetest moment, I bet, for Bailey and Haigar.
Good one, Lobo. That was really...lovey-dovey...
That my friend, was the whole point. Didn't you know I'm a complete soppy romantic at heart? Anyway, cheers matie, a bit more fluff, then we'll go back to action and adventure!

And thank ya Dancin' Steef. Very nice of ya to say, I'm glad you like my writing style, at least I'm doin' sumat right huh? And yes, that made me crack up with Stranger with an arrow in his butt. I dunno where it came from, it just strode onto the page all by itself...

I love it when stories just seem to write themselves.

02-28-2006, 07:35 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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GAH! I've jist realised! None o' you's seen DS Karnan picciture have ya? Well, here tis, gotta say, love the smirk. Suits him so much. Oh and to you again Dancin' Steef, you made him look nasty but not evil. Kudos!
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Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 02-28-2006 at 09:36 AM..
02-28-2006, 09:31 AM
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Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

Glad I can be some of assistant and a big help - don't ya worry I love to draw yer characters; they're so charmy and I love the story keep 'em chapters comin cuz I'll be waiting


03-04-2006, 11:48 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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Dead Oddworld Just Got Stranger

Wrong End Of The Stick
They entered the hut, laughing and completely soaked. Their hair plastered to their faces and necks. Stranger, Daimen and Alika looking up as they came in out of the rain. Daimen and Alika glanced at each other and shared a secret smile before Alika got up to retrieve some blankets. Stranger emotionlessly watched his Bailey and nephew grin at each other as they wrung themselves out and were wrapped in mantles by Alika.

“You two will catch your death of cold out there.” She said, tucking Bailey’s blanket around the human, making sure she was thoroughly wrapped up.

“It’s summer rain Mam.” Haigar said, “It’ll do us no harm.” Regardless, they obeyed Alika when she gestured for them to stay in the covers. Alika returned to the sofa and sat once again next to her husband. Haigar went to sit on the third, unoccupied couch and was pleasantly surprised when Bailey came and curled up with him. The young Steef saw the flash of pain that crossed Stranger’s expression and felt a stab of regret. He was taking Bailey away from Stranger, one who’d loved the human like a father.

But as Bailey suddenly snuggled up next to him, he pushed all thoughts of discomfort and guilt away. He looked down at the small human and she smiled at him. Worming one hand out from the coverlet Bailey’s hand found his and slipped into his own. Haigar looked at her, such open affection in front of their family surprising him, but he closed his fingers over hers and smiled warmly.

Haigar suddenly felt daring again, why should he and Bailey try and hide their feelings for each other. There was nothing wrong with him loving a human, nor with a human loving him. They shouldn’t hide it as if they were ashamed. Haigar twitched his mantle and put his arms around Bailey, pulling her into his chest and wrapping them both in his own cover. Bailey rubbed her cheek in the fur on his chest.

Abruptly, Stranger stood, he cast one, dark look at Haigar and Bailey before stalking from his brother’s hut, going towards his own and Bailey’s. Haigar followed him with suddenly worried eyes, feeling he should go after his uncle, to try and explain how much he loved Bailey. He didn’t want his uncle angry or upset. He glanced down at the human and was shocked to the core when it appeared Bailey wasn’t in the least bit troubled.

It was as if she couldn’t care less.

Haigar’s fur prickled.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a horrible roar of pain and shock. The three Steef and the human leapt to their feet. Haigar plunged towards the door, wrenching it open and peered outside through the rain. He felt Bailey push past him and heard her scream.

Stranger lay crumpled on the sodden grass outside. Dark fluid leaked from under his body and spread out in a morbid puddle, straining the grass a bruised, painful crimson. His eyes were open and glassy, no longer their usual glowing neon green.

Haigar was frozen, he couldn’t move a muscle however hard he tried. A shadow stood over his uncle’s corpse, it’s bright eyes glittered with malice as more roars and screams rent the stormy night air. Haigar saw Steef, running hither and thither, he saw them being slaughtered by shadows with glittering eyes that flew down from the sky. He saw those that had not ventured from their homes, dragged from their huts, the shadows seeming to possess a strength that rivalled the Steef’s own. The sight was horrifying.

And then, as if it had bloomed from nowhere, tongues of flame were suddenly engulfing the huts, licking at them despite the rain. Haigar hear more screams and the gasps and gurgles and strangled cries of the dying. The young dark Steef tore his eyes from the gruesome, grisly vision as he felt Bailey leave his side.

He tried to stop her but she was already at Stranger’s side, she dropped to her knees, sobbing and crying his name, burying her face in his cooling fur. It was as if she couldn’t see the shadow that loomed above him. This terrible thought struck Haigar like a physical blow. Bailey could not see the danger, did not know of the peril she was in. He tried to roar her name, to scream a warning…

But it was too late…

The shadow lunged at Bailey, it’s eyes gleaming furiously. Haigar felt agony radiate from his chest and ripple outward as he realised with horror that he could not move to defend her, could not save her as the shadow cloaked Bailey in it’s thick, dark folds.

Bailey screamed.

Haigar heard another scream, deeper, soul wrenching, as if the screamer was having his heart ripped from his chest and ribs. He realised it was him who was screaming, his own voice that uttered the desperate cry. And he felt his heart being twisted and torn to pieces as Bailey fell. Her eyes open but glassy and lifeless. Just like Stranger’s…

Haigar jolted awake, still screaming. His breathing was erratic and shaky and his fur was drenched with sweat, he wiped his forehead and took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes as his heart slowed.

It had been a dream.

Haigar sat for a moment in the darkness, listening to the roar of the storm outside, grateful that it’s maelstrom had drowned his scream. As he grew calmer, the dream came back to him with disturbing clarity.

Bailey… Haigar’s heart thudded in his ribs, seeing her, die right before his eyes had been one of the most terrifying things he had ever witnessed.

Haigar needed to see her. He needed to see Bailey, right now, and hold her, feel her breathing. Haigar threw off the bedclothes, grabbed a cloak to keep off the rain and stealthy crept out of his room, across the front room of his parent’s hut and out of the front door. He clattered over the muddied grass, head bowed against the lashing water towards Stranger’s hut.

Knowing that Steef huts didn’t have any kind of locks on the front door Haigar gently pushed open the hut’s door and stepped inside. He listened carefully, he didn’t quite want to face Stranger right at that moment. Hearing nothing Haigar padded as quietly as he could across the front room to Bailey room. He opened the door softly and peeked in.

Bailey lay on her side, one hand laying on top of the covers and the other resting on the pillow by her head. Haigar entered the room quickly and gently closed the door. He stood at the foot of her bed for a minute. Though he didn’t make a sound to alert her, Bailey must have sensed his presence as after a moment her eyes fluttered open. She saw him, only as a dark shadow and sat up quickly, her eyes wide, her breath caught in her throat.

“No, no Bay, it’s me.” Haigar said quickly to calm her. Bailey relaxed and smiled.

“Blue?” she whispered, “What are you doin’ here?” she cocked her head to one side momentarily and smiled slightly in confusion. Haigar approached her bedside.

“I needed to see you.” He said softly, “To feel you close.” Bailey tilted her head to one side again.

“You sound odd blue.” She said in concern, still speaking in a low voice, “You okay?” Haigar sat on the bed. Bailey saw his glowing blue eyes in the darkness. He nodded slowly,

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine Bay, I just needed…to feel you close…” he faded off and looked at her. Bailey returned his gaze, wondering what he meant. Haigar sounded…like he wanted, or needed, something, Bailey thought. She reached out in the dark to place her hand where his forelegs were attached to his body, it was a comforting gesture that she had learnt calmed her friend. She felt fur beneath her fingers and drew back like she had been burned. Haigar wasn’t wearing his customary brown leather overalls…

A sudden thought occurred to her. Haigar was in her bedroom, late at night, saying he needed to be close to her.

What was it that he wanted exactly?

Bailey felt her heart rise in her throat. Did Haigar mean that he wanted her? Now?

Bailey felt fear flow over her. She loved Haigar, but she wasn’t ready for this, not yet, she was still a child in more respects then in which she had matured.

“Haigar, I-” she couldn’t say it, could only stare at him, her heart thumping in fear.

Haigar flinched as he suddenly smelt the acrid reek of fear roll off Bailey. His mind began racing, wondering what had scared his Bailey so much. She’d sounded concerned and touched him for reassurance, but then she’d drawn back…

Haigar’s eyes went wide as it clicked in his mind what Bailey must have thought. He wasn’t in his usual overalls, he was in her room at night time, saying he needed to feel her close… Haigar felt himself flush and his skin burned with embarrassment. The Steef practically fell off the bed in his effort to scramble away. He didn’t want Bailey to think that was what he wanted, and he couldn’t bear the thought of scaring her. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable and not for a single moment had the thought to touch Bailey in any inappropriate way, crossed his mind. All he’d wanted was to hold her, nothing more…

“Bay, I-I-I-” he stuttered and stammered in confusion and embarrassment, backing away from the bed, trying to explain. Finally Haigar’s nerve broke and he fled, tearing out of the hut and back to his own bed, where he collapsed, shivering and feeling upset and guilty.

Bailey watched him go, confused feelings writhing around in her stomach. The fear had dissipated and in it’s place was concern. Haigar had sounded so upset, and then, when he must have smelt her fear and realised what she had been afraid of, he’d taken flight.

Maybe she’d gotten the wrong end of the stick after all?

She had to find out. Bailey scrambled from her bed and pulled on boots and a jumper. Though it was warmer in the valley and she therefore slept in a strappy top and baggy pants, it was wet outside and she didn’t want to get soaked.

Silently Bailey crept from the hut she and Stranger lived in and crossed the small expanse of muddy ground to Daimen, Alika and Haigar’s hut. She too got into the small structure without any problems and was soon peeping to Haigar’s room. Haigar was lay, face down in his pillow and he was shaking. Bailey felt her heart tug, slowly she edged forward.

“Haigar?” she whispered. She sat down on the edge of his bed and touched his shoulder. Haigar jolted and looked up, he sat up quickly when he saw who it was.

“Bay…” he whispered, the surprise shining in his blue eyes. “What…?” He looked different somehow, but Bailey couldn’t put her finger on what. She looked down at the bed for a moment, when she glanced up again she realised what it was. Haigar’s thick dark hair wasn’t in it’s braid, it was loose, revealing it as a long, vaguely curly mane that came way past his shoulders. Bailey felt herself blushing slightly, Haigar looked very handsome with his hair down.

“I was worried about you.” she said quietly, “You sounded so sad…and you left so quickly, looking so scared…” she explained softly, she looked down again. A crooked finger lifted her chin and made her meet Haigar’s gaze.

“I’d never touch you unless you said I could…” he said, voice and gaze intent, “I’d never…”

“I know you wouldn’t…I’m sorry Haigar, it was just…you just surprised me, I didn’t know what to think, that’s all. I know you’d never do anything like that…I’m sorry…” she said again, “I-”

“It’s okay.” Haigar smiled, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “I had a nightmare, that’s all.” He explained. Bailey tilted her head at him,

“What about?” she asked carefully. Haigar didn’t meet her eyes, he followed his fingers with his eyes as he brushed them over Bailey’s lips and rested his palm on her cheek.

“I dreamt you died…” he whispered at last, “And I couldn’t save you… And, I just had to see you, make sure you were alright…” Bailey broke into a smile, touched by the sweet thought. She took Haigar’s hand from her cheek and held it in both her own, squeezing it gently in gratitude. Haigar brushed her shoulder with one hand, looking questioning, asking permission to hold her. Bailey chuckled quietly and moved closer to him, putting her arms around his stomach. Haigar wrapped Bailey in his arms, drawing her close to his chest and burying his muzzle into her hair, which had grown to just below her shoulders.

“I love you Bay.” He murmured into her hair. Bailey smiled.

“I know.” She drew back from him and ran her fingers through his hair, letting the soft, coarse strands flow through her fingers. Haigar felt slightly disappointed that Bailey hadn’t returned the sentiment, but he knew that the human was still getting used to the idea. Tentative affection was enough for now.

“Stay with me.” Said Haigar’s voice suddenly, Bailey looked up at him sharply. “Nothing more,” Haigar murmured, “Just sleep next to me, so I can feel you close. Just…just stay with me, please.” Haigar pleaded. Bailey watched him.

She nodded.

Haigar looked relieved. He got back into bed and lay on his back, watching Bailey as she pulled off her jumper and boots. When she slipped into bed next to him, Haigar put his arm around her as she lay next to him. Bailey put an arm across his stomach and snuggled into his chest. She let out a small, contented sigh and smiled sleepily. Her breathing had soon evened out into a deep sleep rhythm.

Haigar smiled, feeling an unparalleled happiness in his stomach and a burning in his chest. He’d never felt so much love, so strongly, towards any single person in his entire life, and now she was sleeping next to him, sharing his bed. It was more then enough.

The young Steef looked down at the human, sleeping up close against him, listening to her breathing, her heart beating, every bit of her dear to him, so dear. He watched her smile in her dreams and cuddle up closer to him, burying her face in his dark fur as she slept. Haigar wondered what she was seeing while she was far away in her dreams. He wondered if she dreamed of him, as he dreamed of her.

Haigar continued to watch her, not wanting to close his eyes, not wanting to miss a single moment. He watched her face, so beautiful to him, so perfect. She was perfect, she was beautiful, and she was his. He leaned down and kissed her eyelids softly.

“You can never know how much I love you…” he whispered. He could stay here forever and every moment Bailey was with him was a moment cherished. “I just want to be with you, right here with you, just like this. I want to hold you close, feel your heart next to mine. I could stay in this moment forever…” Haigar secured his arm more firmly around Bailey before rolling his head towards his bedroom door and slowly closing his eyes, a smile touching his face.


Bailey woke slowly. She’d slept peacefully and better then she had ever before. She felt warm and safe, soft fur cradled her cheek and her makeshift pillow rose and fell with the sound of slow, steady breathing and the regularly thump of a heartbeat.

Eventually she opened her eyes. Her head rested on a firm, broad chest, covered in soft, dark fur. An arm was wrapped loosely around her waist, the hand resting lightly on her stomach, holding her firmly but gently. Bailey moved one hand and laid it, palm down, over the heart beating beneath the fur and muscle. She yawned and felt her muscles stretch satisfyingly.

“You awake at last?” teased a playful voice. Bailey laughed quietly.

“How long have you been awake?” she asked, gazing at Haigar who was looking down at her.

“Just a while, you looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bring myself to wake you.” Bailey felt Haigar begin to stroke her hair, curling the rough cut locks around his fingers. “How did you sleep?” he asked softly. Bailey made a contented sound,

“Well, very well.” She picked her head up and grinned at him, knowing full well that her bed hair was all over the place. “Must look a right sight.” She grinned, “Surprised you ain’t run a mile, screamin’, yet.” Haigar chuckled.

“Why would I do that?” he brushed a stray stand of hair out of Bailey’s face, “You’re even more beautiful than I have ever seen…”Bailey blushed, looking away. Haigar grinned to himself and wrapped his other arm around her waist, nuzzling her neck gently. Bailey apparently liked the attention, lifting her chin, allowing him more access. Haigar caressed her throat with his soft muzzle for a moment before drawing back. He looked at her half-lidded eyes. She still looked tired. “You should sleep some more, it’s not even dawn yet.”

Bailey regarded him a moment longer before she nodded and laid her head once again on his chest. Haigar also leaned back into his bed, letting his eyes droop as he continued to stroke Bailey’s hair. His eyes were closed as he felt Bailey shift against him.


“Hrm?” he didn’t open his eyes.

“I love you.” Haigar’s eyes opened and he picked up his head, staring at her. Bailey returned the gaze intently, no smile of her face, no blush on her cheeks, her eyes were serious but brighter then Haigar had ever seen them. It was the first time she’d told Haigar that she loved him. The young Steef smiled hugely, wrapping his arms around the human, bringing her up until she was eye-level with him, laying her on his chest and stomach, her toes barely brushing his forelegs.

“I love you too.” He said softly. Haigar slid one hand to rest on the back of Bailey’s neck. “I’m so in love with you, I’m amazed by you.” He put a little pressure on her neck to bring her down, but he paused, giving her time to back out if she wanted too. She didn’t. Bailey leaned down the last couple of inches and brushed her lips against his. Haigar’s eyes closed as he felt her against him. But then she drew away, Haigar opened his eyes. Bailey had drawn back, looking away in embarrassment. She glanced back at him and he smiled reassuringly, gently stroking her shoulders.

Haigar watched her, his eyes tender and gentle. He propped himself up slowly and softly pressed their lips together again, Bailey buried her hands into the thick fur between Haigar’s neck and shoulder, gently moving her mouth against his. She felt Haigar’s arms move around her as he pressed back and pulled her close to his chest. She wondered how different kissing a Steef male and kissing a human male were. She had a vague idea that there wasn’t fur involved and she was pretty sure no human man could purr into a kiss quite like as Haigar was doing. It sent a shudder of pleasure down her spine. Bailey heard a stifled moan, though she wasn’t entirely sure if it was her or Haigar and it didn’t seem to matter. All that mattered to Bailey was him, this handsome young Steef.

Suddenly there was wordless cry of shock and horror. Bailey and Haigar broke apart and their eyes snapped to the doorway. Stranger stood there. He looked furious, his breathing came in short snorts, his nostrils flared like an angry horse. He pawed the ground, fuming as he glared at the young couple, fists clenched. The rage in his blazing neon green eyes scared Bailey, but it was the disappointment in her father’s eyes that made it all the more terrible. Haigar sat up quickly, holding Bailey protectively in his arms.

“What The HELL do you think you’re doin’!?” Stranger suddenly bellowed. Bailey, very uncharacteristically, cowered. She’d never seen him so furious before. But Haigar returned his uncle’s gaze stonily. He remained defiantly silent. Daimen and Alika suddenly appeared behind Stranger, Bailey couldn’t even begin to imagine what they were thinking on finding all these people in their hut and being woken up by Stranger roaring. Loki would have been there as well, but had gone to stay with Chiron’s family until the Joining.

“Stranger, what in Odd!?” Daimen exclaimed, Stranger moved aside with frighteningly quick movements so they could see.

“I’ll tell yer what’s happenin’.” He snarled, “YOUR BOY HAS BEDDED MY BAILEY!” The sudden roar shook Bailey’s nerves.

“Stranger…” she whispered, Stranger rounded on her, his eyes became marginally softer, the disappointment and sorrow in them taking the forefront.

“I don’t want to hear it.” He said, his voice sounding achingly sad and quiet, almost breaking. He was disappointed in her, and that stung Bailey to the core.

“Stranger,” said another, stronger voice, all eyes turned to Haigar. Stranger bristled,

“Don’t yer dare speak ter me boy.” He snarled. Haigar’s expression hardened.

“We haven’t done anything Stranger, nothing happened. It’s not what it looks like.” Stranger glared at him, baring his teeth.

“Oh really?” he growled in a low voice, “I find you, in bed with my kid, and you tell me nothin’ happened and it’s not what it looks like. Then tell me, what is it?” he snarled.

“I haven’t touched her, not in the way you think. I had a nightmare and I just needed to have her close by, so I knew she was safe.” Haigar drew back the bedclothes, revealing that Bailey was indeed, still in her pyjamas. “I would never touch her, not without her consent, and not without your blessing.” Stranger still fumed.

“Alika, take Bailey back home. I need ter talk to yer son.” Bailey’s eyes widened as she clung to Haigar.

“No.” she whispered, so low it was only audible to Haigar. He looked down at her, his eyes were firm, his expression set.

“Go on Bay.” He said softly. Bailey turned her fearful eyes to him. He smiled as reassuringly as he could. “It’s alright, I promise.” He smile became teasing, “Where the strong warrior I know and love eh?” he pushed back her hair, “Where’s my Bay?” Right before his eyes the human changed. She straightened, no longer cringing, a firm expression coming to her face. Her eyes glimmered like steel, she looked no longer afraid. She was Bailey again. The Bailey that had fought beside Stranger, the Bailey who had taken a leap of faith into snow and storm, who had followed the souls of Steef that had passed on, and the Bailey Haigar had fallen in love with.

“She’s right here.” Bailey said softly and smiled confidently. As if there was no one in the room with them, she put her arms around Haigar’s neck and kissed him. She drew away after a moment and laid one hand on his chest, over his heart. Haigar glanced down at it then met her eyes, in one glance she told the Steef how much she loved him. He laid his own hand on top of hers and looked at her in understanding. He leaned forward and returned the kiss quickly, barely a touch of lips, before pulling away, Bailey looked at him with sad, but strong eyes. He squeezed her hand.

Without a word Bailey drew away from him and pulled on her boots and jumper. Haigar swinging his legs also out of his bed and standing up, watching as Bailey went, silently. Alika followed her, also in silence. Daimen put a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder for a moment, Stranger nodded sharply, never taking his eyes from Haigar. Daimen too, left.

Leaving the pair of Steef alone.

Haigar met his uncle’s gaze squarely, ready for whatever was in store. He didn’t care. Bailey loved him. That was all that mattered.


Dun, dun, DUH! What is Stranger gonna do to Haigar? Havta wait an’ see won’t’cha? Man I love being evil.

03-05-2006, 10:44 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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2 things, my dear...dear...Lobo...
1) Me and my friend were laughing our heads off when Hiagar and Bailey got caught by Stranger, and we laughed at the line, "YER BOY BEDDED MY BAILEY!"

2) OMFGHS! What's gonna happen to Haigar? Oh, and nice bit o' fluff/anger there. Made me soft again...
The Stranger's girl

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03-05-2006, 10:47 AM
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ROTFL! Hullo, DE *waves* this is me yer talkin' too, you should know by now that fluffy moments are swiftly followed by humour in some shape or form.

Glad you liked it.

03-05-2006, 10:59 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Great. Now I'm engrossed, Lobo. You've got me wantin' more. I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO oor: HAIGAR!
How could you, Lobo? How...could...you? :Becomes dramatic:
The Stranger's girl

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03-05-2006, 11:36 PM
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Dancing Steef
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Great chapter Lobo I was laughing so hard as well when reading the line "YER BOY BEDDED MY BAILEY!" that was hillarious! and yes I do wonder what will happen to lil poor Haigar - I'm curious, eh?


03-06-2006, 10:49 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Surely it was, DS.
So...when's the next update, Lobo?
You gonna keep us in this tension forever?
The Stranger's girl

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03-06-2006, 10:59 AM
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Next to forever...maaaaaybe. Are you really that eager for a Haigar-Stranger showdown...or do you just want more fluff?

03-06-2006, 11:09 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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:jumps up and down:
Just give it to us...
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03-06-2006, 11:16 AM
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Alright, alright, lemme finish the chapter first...*roll eyes and grins* Sheesh.

03-06-2006, 11:26 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Ya see what ya did ter me, Lobo?
Now I'm begging from yeh to post up more.
The Stranger's girl

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03-10-2006, 01:44 AM
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