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11-07-2005, 01:22 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: I'm using possibly the worst keyboard I've ever had to use right now so any missing letters or spaces please excuse. I'm trying to correct as I go along, but writing out this post is taking ages!

Pseok spun round, having heard a roar, to see a rather viscious tiger come leaping towards him. With a yelp he twisted awkwardly away but then the tiger landed on a crowd of people who had evidently been attempting to sneak up on him.
He felt a flickerofannoyance which he surpressed as he shot overhead and went after another of the Tar-guys, catching a raised arm in his claw, swinging him round and battering him into another guy.

A few casualties later and he noticed some guy (possibly Benvolio) at the opposite end of the tent pointing a gun at him.
Pausing for a few seconds to process this unfortunate turn of events, he noted that he was to far away from the guy to attck him without getting shot, so instead he took the best move he could think of.
With a shriek, he dived towards the crowd again, pulling out of the dive before he was low enough to hit anybody and flew upwards in what he thought was a rather impressive display of aerobatics.
Intil he realised he'd ended up flying directly towards the wall of the tent. Reacting quickly he reached forward with his claws and beak, tore a hole in the side of the tent and flopped through as a bullet shot towards him and trimmed the feathers of his tail.

He fell out into daylight, tumbled down the side of the tent and found himself lying awkwardly on his side, very close, he noted, to a cage containing a definately female tiger-person-thing.

ooc: If anybody objects to that I'll change it, otherwise it finally brings Streak into the story.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-07-2005, 08:42 AM
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NAME: Streak
SPECIES: Female Anthro Tiger
AGE: 25
Description: Charger's and Blaze's long lost sister. Has an appearance similar to Charger's, but slimmer and not so tall. Spent much of her life as an attraction at Sombra Circus. Also I highly skilled and important Breaker (more about Breakers when Roland has the time/a reason to go into it).
Streak had the day off, and was thus taking a fine nap. And any day not Breaking was a vacation in her book.
She had awakend when the first gunshot was heard. She stood and bolted to the edge of her cage, grabbing the bars and looking around, trying to see where it was coming from. She had suspicions about what it meant, but ...
She began pacing around, and a few minutes later, there was another gunshot, this time from inside the tent. What was going on?
This was followed by an eruption of noise, as though a crowd had begun shouting all at once. The audience inside, she thought. But ... there couldn't be ... not here ...
After a few minutes of pondering, during which more gunshots - and a definate tiger's roar - were heard, Streak heard a loud ripping sound overhead, and looked up to see a hole being torn open high in the tent wall. A largish Eagle tumbled through and toppled to the ground. It took a look at her and seemed to collapse. It didn't look exhausted, just a little ... well, it's feathers were definately ruffled.
Streak: "Oh, goodness! What's going on in there? Who are you? Are you okay?" And, after a moment's hesitation, ".... is there a gunslinger in there?"
Roland was hardly watching, but he did notice the Eagle showing off and ultimately taking a dive out the side of the tent. The taheen's numbers were lowering, but there were still a good many of them.
Roland ducked aside and had time to only reload one gun, as he was seized by a taheen whose hand looked more like a talon. Roland, without looking up, fired a shot into it's head, threw him off,and stood. Five shots left, and he was surrounded.
He would have to hope the tiger could cover him ... and that that foolish Eagle would return soon.
Blaze's head ached ... he blacked out for a few minutes. He regained himself, feeling quite sore and more than a little nauseous. He sat on his knees and rubbed his forehead.
Noise was coming to him as though from a mile away and underwater. But his eyes told him it was all happening right there.
A crowd of maybe sixty people was rushing in to see something. Blaze stood to try and get a good look.
And he saw that gunslinger guy ... and Kaira! They were surrounded!
Blaze looked down at Charger. Should he try and wake him, or go and help Kaira?
After a moment he decided. If he lingered with Charger, Kaira would likely be overpowered. It was his brother he was thinking about, becuase if Kaira were hurt, Charger would undoubtedly be in agony. The gunslinger, on the other hand ... **** the gunslinger was Blaze's only thought on that matter.
Blaze rushed forward, arms raised parallel to the ground, and crashed into the crowd. He knocked several people aside, and, as he reached for two of them to crash their heads together, he unleashed a very inhuman and quite tigerish roar.
The crowd hesitated a moment, not expecting this turn of events. The gunslinger, who had by now fired his last few shots, used this distraction to reload one gun.
Look who's here, Roland thought briefly.

11-07-2005, 09:02 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Pseok struggled to regain his bearings, realised that the world hadn't tipped onto its side be he, in fact, had, and twisted over, trying to climb back onto his feet. He realsied the tiger-woman was talking to him just in time to hear her finish her last question.
Pseok: "Wow, this is wierd. All my life and not a single one and then in 2 days I see three of you tiger-people, not to mention the wolf guy, talking cats and mental cowgirls. And Roland wonders why I think I'm dreaming all this. Are you related to the other two? What are you doing in that cage?" Pseok added 2 and 2 together and got 3. "Oh, are you part of this circus? Like a freakshow? Man, i hate those things! You should get out of here, this circus is being run by some freaky-alien things from some dark world or something, at least thats what Roland said."
He paused, suddenly realising everything had gone quiet inside the tent. "Hey, what's going on?" He had barely finished the sentence when he was interrupted by a load roar. "Heh, sounds like tiger-man has woken up. the real tiger wasn't that loud! What's going on?"
Now rather enjoying himself, Pseok shook his feathers and took off and flew rather unevenly towards the hole he'd made in the tent. Pausing before he got up, he turned back to the tiger-woman and informed her,
Pseok: "That idiot shot me in the tail, I can hardly fly straight! Hey, you want me to let you out? How long have you been a prisoner?"

ooc: He's not intentionally annoying, he's not up to a human level of intelligence and it just seems to happen.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-07-2005 at 09:07 AM..
11-07-2005, 11:31 AM
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OOC: I wouldn't accuse him of being annoying. Just ... slow.
Streak: "Well, I would be out on my own, but they made this cage un-Breakable. And I'm not strong enough to smash it. So ... if you could find a way to do it...."
Blaze knocked seven or eight of these people to the ground before the crowd realized that they were surrounded. A tiger and a gunslinger on one side, and a large and very pissed of tiger of a man on the other.
Taheen are not notoriously bright. Instead of dividing themselves, they turned their attention entirely on Blaze. Their numbers had dropped considerably, and the original hundred or so taheen was now at about fifty.
Blaze saw that they were coming, and called to Charger, trying to wake him up. Without waiting to see if Charger would move, he rammed shoulder first into a taheen whose mask was coming loose, knocking him into two more guys.
Meanwhile, Roland had reloaded both guns and picked off another dozen, emptying his guns again.

11-07-2005, 01:10 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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Kaira had picked off ten to fifteen of these strange things. She had sliced, killed, wounded, bitten heads off and scratched open a few guts before there was an akward pause in the entire fighting. While the gunslinger was reloading his guns, she saw Blaze on the other side of the fight. His roar astounding. Kaira was glad to see him, even better chances of winning. Untill they all turned to Blaze that it. The second they rushed tordwards him, Kaira leaped back into the fight, pouncing on two of them in the back and digging her teeth in their necks, before burrieng her claw in the face of another. She helped Blaze in trying to get Charger to wake up.
'Charger! Wake up!'


In the distance Charger could hear his name being called. Along with screaming, hitting and deathscreams. When he opend his eye's, all he saw was blur. His head hurt... what happend?
Slowly he got back on his feet, the blur decreasing a bit but his head still hurting. He tasted blood in his mouth for some reason and spit it out.
'blegh...' he mumbled, sqeezing his eye's to make the blur go away and rubbing the painfull spot on the back of his head. 'Wha happnd...'
He squeezed his eye's a few more times, and his blur was as good as gone. The dizzyness had worn off as well and he was just about to get a good understanding of what was going on when he was knocked over again by a Taheen that came flying his way.
'What the?!' he grunted and threw the thing of him. It looked to be dead, or just unconcious.
When he looked up, he saw where it came from. Blaze and Kaira were doing their best to keep off the strange people.
'About time!' Kaira shouted after she had grabbed another guy in the back of the neck. 'Get over here and help already!'
Charger blinked as he made a quike analysis of the situation.
'Uh... right!'
Still a bit confused he ran over to Blaze and Kaira, knocking off a guy who was about to jump Blaze.
'Anyone mind filling me in here?!'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-07-2005, 01:40 PM
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Blaze had just finished snapping the neck of a maskless taheen, who resembled a weasel. He heard Charger asking for some info.
Blaze: "Not sure. But these things ... they aren't human, and they most definately aren't anthro-anythings. No time. Ask that gunslinger man if you're curious."
The crowd was thinning. Roland thought that they might actually get out of this alive. But he was too busy shooting and reloading to pay much heed to the others just now.

11-08-2005, 02:41 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Pseok fluttered down to the cage again, landed on top and proceeded to examine the bars for any bolts or locks.
Pseok: "I wouldn't call it unbreakable. Nothing I've found is unbreakable if you hit it just right."
He spotted a small panel on the side of the cage next to the door and flew down over it. It was a keypad next to a blue panel evidently for reading fingerprints.
Pseok: "This is crazy. First that gun, now this. I new a guy who used stuff just like the guys at this circus have. I was kept in a cage with a lock like this for a few months till I learnt how to get em open. Trial and improvement. Keep ripping the thing open and sooner or later you'll work it out. Helps if you have a mirror too."
He bit at the keys and started yanking them out with his beak. A few seconds later 10 buttons were lying in the grass beside the cage.
Pseok: "Here we go, you press the one thats sparking, then when that stops another starts until you've got the whole combination."
He began jabbing at the panel, every so often wincing as he got a brief electric shock. After a few seconds they stopped showing up.
Pseok: "There ya go, now you just have to jab this fingerprint scanner in the right place." He jabbed it with his beak and after a few seconds the door unlocked and swung open. Pseok glowed with pride. "All's well then. The other tiger people are inside. They were both unconscious when i left but it sounds like they're now live and kicking. I'll go lend em a hand, shall I?" He flapped unsteadily back to his hole, paused at the entrance to say quickly, "The great-and-almighty gunslinger couldn't look after himself for 2 minutes. HEY, ROLAND, AIR PATROL IS BACK!" He flies back into the tent and joins in the fight.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-08-2005 at 02:44 AM..
11-08-2005, 06:16 AM
Havoc's Avatar
Cheesecake Apocalypse
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'Welcome onboard the Charger Express!' he called in his usual sadistic and sarcastic self as he grabbed one of the guys at the troat and sent him flying to the other side of the tent.
'That guy and the Eagle are here?' he questioned Blaze as he burried his fist in one of the Taheen's faces. Charger pulled a face when it's mask came partialy off. 'Eww...'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-08-2005, 12:41 PM
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Streak watched the eagle working. She, of course, knew what he meant by "no cage is unbreakable," but she meant she couldn't Break it with her .... talents.
No matter. The eagle looked a little shaken, so she didn't want to upset him any more.
When the entrance finally popped open, she was a little scared to go out.
"All's well then. The other tiger people are inside. They were both unconscious when i left but it sounds like they're now live and kicking. I'll go lend em a hand, shall I?"
Other tiger people? As far as Streak knew, she was the only anthro tiger there was.
The taheen's numbers were falling steadily under the combined wrath of the Gunslinger, the Anthros, and the Tigress.
When the Eagle returned, there were a mere fifteen taheen left. Roland shot down twelve of them, and the final three threw up their hands in submission. Blaze noticed with fierce anxiety that one of the men was Benvolio.
"Gunzlinger! Will you grant uzz parole?"
Roland raised his guns, pointing them at the tent roof. "All of you! Stop! These things will take us to Fisher."
A voice spoke up from behind Roland. "Not today, Roland," it tittered.
Roland's eyes widened and he spun around, levelling his guns - in his passion he had neglected to reload them - and dry fired four times at the source of the voice.
He was a tall man, slim, and wore a dark suit with narrow white pinstripes. His shirt was a dark scarlet, and his tie was deep ebony. His face was pleasant, almost sensual. And his eyes ... oh, his eyes. They were a watery, clear blue, and looked lifeless.
The man tittered again and waved a long, slender finger at Roland. "Now, now, that's no way to behave. I think you deserve a bit of a lesson ...."
Roland bared his teeth, and began reloading. "Fisher," he said. "I demand answers! You can't --"
Fisher grinned. "Oh, I can! Goodbye!" And he raised his hands, cocking thumbs and forefingers like a child's imaginary gun, and said, "Bang bang!"
Roland fell forward ... and vanished.

11-08-2005, 01:10 PM
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Charger had just picked up another Taheen at the troat when Roland called them to a halt. Charger already had his fist ready and stopped right in the middle a punch, right before the guys face.
'Now what?' he asked anoyed.
'Dunno...' Kaira said as she drew back her paw from her last victem and retracted her claws.
Charger stood staring at the scene that was going on. A light mumble was heard from Charger as Roland discoverd he had empty guns.
He was pondering wether he should drop his victim and help out that gunslinger, or stay here and see what would happen. But before he could make a choice, he heard the 'Bang bang' as if he was watching a horror movie. So simple, yet so frightning. And when he saw Roland vanish before his very eye's, his jaw dropped.
'Eh... guys...' he stumbled as he dropped the guy he was holding. 'That gunslinger just disappeard in mid air...'
He swallowed away a bit of fear, then did a step back.
'Kaira...' he whisperd from the corner of his mouth.
Kaira slowly came standing next to him.
'Get out of here...' Charger whisperd while keeping his eyes on the new enemy. 'Go find Streak... try to escape with her...'
'Yea but... what about...'
'Don't worry about me... go... now!'
Kaira looked up to Charger with some doubt, but didn't chose to argue. She turned around, using her tigrish stealth to sneak away...
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-08-2005, 01:14 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Pseok was unterstandably stunned when Roland just disappeared when the guy appeared to not actually be holding anything. It took him a few seconds to overcome the pure shock, before it turned almost to blind rage. Pseok almost felt his skin burning but he forced himself to stay in control, especially now. Even if this guy did fall the ladt thing he needed was to stay in control.
He'd never admit it but he'd began to feel almost brotherly feelings for Roland, even if he was just a human. Being an animal, Pseok was quick to imprint on those he could trust and those who trusted him back.
At the same time, being an animal meant he couldn't comprehend that Roland was simply dead. Dying left traces, blood and a body. Here there was nothing and though he couldn't understand what had happened, his mind strayed to when he'd seen one of those cats who had been with the tiger-men disappear without a trace and reappear almost instantly inside the plane. If that was the case, the only people he could see to help him were the cats, and he had no idea where they were right now, or the guy, Fisher.

Which was why he wan't about to kill him, no matter how much he wanted to. There was something familiar about him as well, which, if he'd had time to think about it, he might have worked out without much difficulty. As it was, he found only time to call angrilly to the man.
Pseok: "Hey, what did you do to him?"
All that thought and that was the best he could come up with? Mentally kicking himself, Pseok fixed his eyes on the guy to make sure he didn't do the same thing to hi as to Roland, and hoped the guy would answer.

ooc: Come on Dave, don't hold me in suspence! THis is more gripping than most of the fanfiction on the internet!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-08-2005, 01:18 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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OOC: Dave is an absolute king when it comes to story lines! And I know thats becouse all those Stephen King novels he reads! XD. Don't keep us in suspence!
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-08-2005, 01:55 PM
Dave's Avatar
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OOC: LOL. Gripping,eh?
Fisher turned to the eagle. It looked vaguely familiar... no matter just now. He had an audience. Time to entertain.
Fisher: "Don't look so sad, little bird. The gunslinger isn't dead. He's a minor inconvenience to me, and I had to relocate him. He'll soon be meeting someone I think he'll find very interesting .... but chances are he'll come back - his type always does - and try to find me again."
Fisher turned his attention to
blaze and charger said a voice in his mind
the Anthro tigers. He was fully aware that
the tigress was trying to sneak away, but it suited his purposes to let her go.
"Now, gentlemen," he said, focusing on the antrhos, "I believe my associate here brought you to the circus as an attraction. Is this right?"
"Yes. But what the hell kind of circus is this?" Blaze blurted.
Fisher tittered. "Never mind." He looked at the battle-bloodied Benvolio. "You brought them here ... and are they talented?"
Benvolio's eyes widened. "Uh ... I didn't check ... I just thought, you know, that they would be Breakers, like the other --"
Fisher looked annoyed, and flicked his hand towards Benvolio, who instantly erupted in flames. The other taheen stepped back, so as not to be burnt.
Fisher sighed. "He just thought ... hmmm ... well, no matter. He was a dope anyways."
He looked again at Charger and Blaze. "Now. Are you Breakers? If not, I suppose I can let you go on your way ..." the little voice told him why they were here. "And you'll be leaving Streak with me, of course. She is far too valuable to me, and to my superior."
Roland hit the ground. His guns fell out of his hands and skittered away from him.
He scrabbled for them and climbed quickly to his feet.
Damn! To be so close to Fisher only to be shoved aside and into ...
Where was he? It wasn't the circus, and it certainly wasn't the big city he was just in. But ... it certainly was a city of some sort. And it wasn't daytime anymore.
He looked around ... a smallish pond sat on his right, and it reflected a full moon. Across the pond was a tower which, as Roland counted the windows, proved to be twenty seven stories high. Off a ways to his left, across a patch of grass, was a large, intimidating building of interesting construct. There were no windows, and it was made of a grayish cement.
A path was paved along the side of the pond, leading towards the gray building and branching off in several places. People were walking hither and thither on these paths, yet none of them seemed to be surprised by his sudden appearance.
He sighed, finished reloading his guns, holstered them, and began to walk up the path.
Roland soon saw a tallish man with a mop of dark hair and vivid blue eyes. A sloppy goatee sprouted from his chin, and patches of hair grew in under his jaw in an embarrassing attempt at a beard. The man was a little husky, and was dressed in blue jeans, a denim jacket, and a black t-shirt with a white stick figure falling down (the caption read "I do all my own stunts"). He limped slightly, hinting at a leg injury. Over his right shoulder was a blue and black bookbag.
At first the man didn't notice the gunslinger. He assumed it was just another college student dressed funny: long dark trenchcoat, wide brimmed hat, the usual. He had seen them around, and learned not to be too freaked by it. But as he got closer ... he noticed the guy had guns strapped to his waist.
The gunslinger would have kept moving, but the man stopped him. "Hey! Uh ... your ... you wouldn't happen to be named Roland, would you?"
Roland stopped. "Yes. Why?"
The man blinked in surprise. This is it, he thought. I'm having a breakdown. College finally got to me.
"Well," he said. "Do ... uh, did you ever meet a guy who looks like ... a tiger? Like, a half-tiger, half-man?"
Roland looked impatient. "Yes. Who are you?"
The man swallowed hard. God, but was this weird. "Well .... uh, my name is Dave. I think I've been writing about you."
The real Dave - not the fictional version of himself that he just finished writing about - was nervous about introducing himself as a character. He typed out a little blurb expressing this to his fellow RPers.
"I don't know what you guys'll think about it," he began, "but there was, as far as I remember, never a rule against using yourself as a character. But this is part of a plan I have that will affect Roland's own quest, and Fisher's story, as well. And even, to an extent, Streak. So I feel it fits. If you guys think it's way out there, I will happily rewrite this part."
Dave supposed this would have to do. He clicked "Post Quick Reply."
Several minutes later, after rereading his post, Dave clicked the little link that read "Edit." He began typing.
"I also think I might need to say that my character, Roland, is based on the character of Roland in Stephen King's books. I am using his name and the fact that he is a gunslinger on a quest, similar to King's Roland, but I am not trying to tell King's story. I am using elements from it to tell a new story. Much of it is similar - multiple worlds and Breakers working to knock them all into Chaos - but the fact that there are so many other characters in this story makes it different. Roland's story is meant to be secondary to that of Charger - who, I feel, is the true Protagonist in this whole story."
Dave was unsure of how to continue. So, he simply reread what he had typed, made some changes, and hit "Save Changes."

Last edited by Dave; 11-08-2005 at 02:07 PM..
11-08-2005, 03:20 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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OOC: D'oh! *Falls over in a true anime way...* You had me laughing for a full three minutes when you introduced yourself there, Dave XD. Nice call. I have no problems with it, you can't stop to amaze me with story twists and great ideas. Keep it up, like I said before; You're a great asset to this RP.


Charger had noted how all the fighting stopped in an instant when this strange guy had shown up. His appearance, his powers, it was unlike anything Charger had ever seen before. And he saw a lot back at The Community (OOC: When we hit part 5, we realy need a new name for this thing... <.<). Everything from demons, to ninja's, to magic cats and... Drakko's wife and kids...
But even the Demons he saw back there were nothing compared to this guy. Who knew where he sent that gunslinger and who knew what other kind of powers this thing had!
When it asked them wether or not they were Breakers, Charger eyed Blaze.
'Uhm... Are we... Breakers... bro?' he asked, not even knowing what a Breaker was.
The only thing he wanted to do was buy time. Obviously this thing had noted Kaira slipped away, but maybe not why she slipped away. If Blaze and Charger managed to buy her enough time, and with a little luck, she might just be able to get Streak to savety.


Kaira snuck back as carefull as possible, not realizing that guy had seen her long ago. In any case she eventualy managed to get out of sight from the circus arena and ran up to the cage where Streak was held.
'Hey!' she yelled as she saw a distinctive tiger figure standing there. 'Are you Streak? Ofcourse you are, stupid question. Follow me, I'm getting you out of here!'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-08-2005, 03:53 PM
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Dave  (10)

Streak turned at the sound of the voice. She was confused when she saw only a tiger, staring at her. Then, it hit her. The tiger had spoken.
"Uh, sure, I'm Streak. Where are we going? And ..." she hesitated. "Uh, do you know about other tiger people that might be here? There was this bird who told me that there were some around."
Blaze turned to Charger. "I don't even know what the hell a Breaker is!" Then something hit him. "But maybe Streak is. That might be why he asked if we are ...."
Why not?
NAME: Dave
RACE: Human
OCCUPATION: Student, Dishroom Attendant
AGE: 17
Other Details: Dave is a college student who, between work, classes, and his girlfriend, spends much time on the internet. He visits sites like White Ninja Comics, Bob and George, and Oddworld Forums. He is currently writing an Oddworld fanfic, and is responsible for several important characters in an rpg called The Community RPG. The real person Dave is being used quite fictitiously.
Roland did not seem fazed to meet this guy Dave. He had encountered strangeness before. Someone turning up to tell him he was, essentially, the author of his existance, was not surprising. The surprise would be if it were true.
But then, how did this kid know his name? And about Charger?
Roland: "Writing about me, eh? So are you saying you 'created' me?"
Dave immediately shook his head. "Nuh-uh, not me. I'd never be able to create a character like you. Not on my own, that is. You were heavily inspired by a character I read about. You've got the same name and the same guns and stuff, too. I guess I liked the character so much I wanted to write him some adventures of my own."
Roland finally looked upset. "What does this mean? That my entire destiny is in your hands?"
Dave appeared to think about this. "No, not quite," he said finally. "I'm using your character in a role playing game. Many of the other people you've met are not my creations. Like Charger, a guy who calls himself Havoc made him up. And that Eagle, Pseok-"
"That is the eagle's name?" the gunslinger interrupted.
"Yeah, didn't you .... no. I don't think you did. Well, now you know." Dave shrugged. "Anyhow, Pseok belongs to this guy Splat. That wolf-guy, Drakko, he was -"
"Shut up. This is not of any importance." Roland's tone was quite sharp. "What you're telling me is that you and these others are directing what I and the others I have met are doing?"
Dave nodded. "Sure. Online."
Roland looked confused. "Online?"
Dave rolled his eyes. "Computers? Internet ... oh. I don't think I ... hmm. You don't know anyhing about computers."
Roland shook his head. "I know that there was a race of people long ago - at least in my home world - that used such things." After a moment's thought, he said, "I would see this internet. And I would know who I know that you are controlling."
Dave looked alarmed. What would his roommate think if he brought the gunslinger back to the room? His roommate was as big a fan of The Dark Tower as he was, and might have a heart attack if he saw Roland Deschain sitting on the futon.
He would have to hope Brian was out at dinner.
"Come on," Dave said. "And would you hide those guns?!"
Roland did so, and they began walking along the path towards the gray building. "Tell me. Who else are you ... responsible for?"
Dave coughed loudly, realizing what he was about to say. "Uh, well ... you, and Blaze, the tiger-man you were chasing, and the wimpy bounty-hunter guy, Art, and a Breaker named Streak - another Anthro tiger .... and ...."
Roland had filed these names away, making a special note of Streak, the Breaker. "And who? Is there another?"
Dave swallowed. "Ever meet Robert Fisher?"
Roland stumbled, but otherwise his fury was masked. To know that one mind could contain the lives of both he and his quarry .... maddening.
And this Dave could have made Roland have one shot left with which to incapacitate Fisher! And he could have kept Fisher from sending him here!
And he could have done all manner of things to keep you from ever hearing of Fisher in the first place, came a voice. It sounded like Roland's father. Stop your puling and put it behind you.
Roland took a deep breath. "Yes. I have met him. And why, pray tell, did you send me away from him when I caught up?"
Dave looked puzzled. They took a path to the right, which led away from the windowless gray building and around it. "Did you catch up with him? I haven't written that yet. Is it in the circus tent?"
Roland nodded.
"Hm. Well, I'll let you in on a secret. I don't plan out what I write. Mostly ideas come to me and I think, 'Hey, that sounds good. Let's use it.' You know? I just ... type. But now that I know what's happened ...."
Roland stopped him. "Now that you know, you can change it! You can send me back to the tent! It is in your power!"
Dave looked at him seriously. "Do you think so? I could write it, but would that make it happen? I doubt very much that your life has felt scripted. I bet that to you, life has always felt like you were always making decisions on your own, living your own life. Is that right?"
The gunslinger realized he was right. Yes. His whole life he had been in control. To think now that it was some kid writing a story was ridiculous. He was a real person, dammit!
Roland looked at Dave, and they began walking a bit. Slower than the gunslinger would have liked; he noted that Dave limped, and it was slowing him down. He guessed there had been an injury, but felt it would be pointless to ask about it.
Instead, he said: "So let us see this inner-net-"
"Internet." Dave corrected.
"Fine. Let us see it, and you can write my story a little farther."
Dave felt bad for making such a long post. And he felt worse for going back to edit and make it longer. But he reread it and decided he should clarify one thing. This encounter between Roland and Dave takes place shortly before he wrote Post 309 in The Community RPG, meaning not only did Roland move through realities, but also through time.

Last edited by Dave; 11-08-2005 at 04:33 PM..
11-08-2005, 04:31 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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OOC: This... should be very interesting :P. I'm gonna make my next post tommorow, I want to give T-nex and Brewy some time to expand their side of the story line a little.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-09-2005, 09:47 AM
Splat's Avatar
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As the guy's attention was turned away from him, Pseok took the oppertunity to process events in his mind. He couldn't comprehend how Roland had just disappeared.
Pseok: "Hey, where did you send him?" If he could work that out then he could start looking for him and leave the tigers to their own problems. Right now he had to find Roland and bring him back here!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-09-2005, 01:10 PM
Dave's Avatar
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Roland and Dave reached Dave's building. It wasn't 8 yet, so thankfully Dave didn't have to register Roland as a guest.
Dave took Roland up to his dorm and found, much to Dave's chagrin, that his roommate was in.
"Hey," said Brian. He was chatting on his laptop with his girlfried.
"What's up, playa?" Dave replied, then took a deep breath. "Uh, I guess there's no hiding it. I've got a visitor."
"Hi, Sarah," Brian said without looking up.
The gunslinger stepped in. "Who is Sarah?"
Brian's head snapped up. He saw the gunslinger and for a terrifying moment Dave thought Brian would scream. Then ... "Oh, hey. Nice clothes. You look kinda like ... a character in a book I've read."
Dave looked at Roland, hoping he wouldn't slip. "Yes," said the gunslinger. "I've always liked that story, and that character in particular. My name is .... Robert."
Dave loosened up a bit. "Okay. Well, uh, Rob, this is Brian."
They shook hands. Brian stood. "Yeah. I think I'm gonna go get some dinner, if that's cool. Robert, you can help yourself to some soda or whatever."
Roland nodded. "Thankee-sai."
Brian laughed. "You even talk like Roland. Anyhow, see you guys later." And he left.
Dave heaved a sigh. "That was close." He sat on the futon and picked up his laptop.
Roland sat next to him and watched the screen. He marveled at how when Dave moved his finger across a grey square at the base of the computer, an arrow moved correspondingly on the screen.
Dave clicked on a small blue and orange icon with the nonsense words "Mozilla Firefox" underneath it. Roland watched as Dave navigated to a screen with the words "Oddworld Forums" across the top.
"Okay, now I'm going to open your story...."
Dave clicked on the words "The Community RPG." The screen changed again, this time to a box of text headed by the words "Splat Slig Armored Popper."
Dave summarized the last few posts for Roland. "This is from just about the time Fisher arrived, right?" he ended.
Roland nodded. "Yes. Write of our encounter."
Dave wrote what would soon become the 309th post in the thread.
"Now what?" Roland asked anxiously. "Write more!"
Dave shook his head. "It doesn't work that way. I have to let everyone respond to this first."
Fisher had grown impatient with the anthro tigers. They obviously weren't Breakers; they would have been able to prod his mind and figure out what Breakers were if they were.
So he turned to the Eagle, Pseok. "I sent him to a little college town in Massachusetts. But you wouldn't be able to find him if you flew there - he's in a different version of Massachusetts. Please don't tempt me to send you somewhere less pleasant."

11-10-2005, 12:34 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Now THAT was an interesting twist, Dave.

Silvia finished setting up the camp and decided to have a look around on foot, so she tied the horse up to a nearby tree. If anything wanted to let her horse free this time, she didn't think there'd be much chance of anything pulling the TREE out! Even so, there were other ways for it to get away, so she decided not to go too far.
She walked up to the entrance of the shack and cautiously pushed what was left of the door. For a moment it didn't budge, then it suddenly swung inward with a loud squawk of old hinges. She stood for a moment, just looking around the single room that was in here, or what was left of it at least. She could see what must have once been a bunk in one corner, and there were burnt out and partly rotted wooden cupboards along one wall.
Then she started walking around the room, opening the empty cupboards and generally checking everything out. A few minutes later she heard a strange sound come from outside, so she quickly ran out and looked over at the tree.
The horse was gone; rope and all. Silvia silently cursed, thinking, "Great, not AGAIN!" Then she heard a laugh from behind her. She spun round instantly to see a man standing next to the shack, hands on hips, laughing. He was dressed all in black, save for an orange pentagonal star on his front, and he had dark brown hair.

He stood for a few minutes in this pose then, as neither had moved, he spoke, "Well, well, fancy seeing you here," then laughed.
Silvia narrowed her eyes, "Just who are you?"
He looked at her in surprise, "You mean you've forgotten me already? Perhaps this will jog your memory..."

He held out his hands and flames started curling around in mid-air above them. A solid shape was materializing in his hands inside the flames, but its identity was concealed by them. Then, all at once, the flames vanished, revealing a large black bow in the hands of the man. An arrow materialized on the bowstring in the same manner, and he immediately let it fly. The arrow itself burst into flame and flew into the tree behind Silvia, where the horse had previously been tied. She expected the tree to start burning, but the fire disappeared a few seconds after the arrow embedded itself in the wood.

But jog her memory it had; she turned back to him and said, "The 'Flaming Arrow'?"
He laughed, "One and the same. And what crazy idea made you think you could come back here, Silvia? You think cutting and dying your hair made you unrecognizable?"
She scowled at him, but didn't answer. She was longing to reach for her gun, but something made her reluctant to do it. At last she spoke, "What do you want with me?"
He sobered at this, "If I was to have my way, you'd be dead by now. But it's not for me to decide..." his voice drifted off for a few moments, then he spoke again, "You will follow me. There's... someone I'd like you to meet!" he grinned.
Silvia stood obstinately, "Why should I? And what did you do with my horse?"

"Let's just say he's gone to a better place... and you'll follow him there if you don't do as I say!"
Silvia stood scowling for a moment, then quickly reached for her gun and, bringing it up before he could move, she pulled the trigger. *click*
She looked at in surprise. It couldn't possibly be empty, she was sure it had been fully loaded before! She lifted it up and examined it closer, and sure enough, it was loaded.
The "Flaming Arrow" laughed again, "Your gun won't be much use on me anymore, Silvia. You might as well give up, you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

He turned and started walking down the road. Silvia stood for a few seconds, but much as she hated to admit it, there was no choice. She started walking after him, heading towards what she now remembered was the way to Los Santos. She'd have to find some way to get away from him, but for now she'd have to do as he said.

OOC: The new character is going to have a profile, but I don't have time to make it right now so I'll put it in my next post. Sorry about going on a bit of a solo-thing for a bit, but I can't really interact with anyone at this stage.

11-10-2005, 03:51 AM
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OOC: No problem Gretin .
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-10-2005, 04:22 AM
T-nex's Avatar
Frosties and Buttsex
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OOC: Wow, i guess i should check up on TC RP more often :-o Anyways, there's not much i can post.


Kix looked at art, thought it through.

"Look... i wont use magic... Not this time. The only spell that works, is dark magic, but it can mess things up... In a weird sorta way." She said.

She looked down at drakko. She hoped he wasn't completely dead. She sighed heavily, and thought that using a spell would be the only thing to do left.

"I've promised myself never to use dark magic again... Ever... And especially not this spell. It's just like cheating death kind of. Like taking another persons life, to heal him." She then explained.

Krisha grunted slightly. Kis glanced at her, and tried to understand why Krisha was so happy about using her magic, and dark one too. Maybe she should just let herself go too, and for once bring unbalance. Kix's head was beginning to hurt from all the thinking. What would happen if she'd cast the spell on him?? She didn't know, but it was the only hope. She sighed, and put both her paws on drakkos chest.
Then she concentrated on the only spell that could revive him now. Then she felt a massive energy, stream through her body, and bringing pain through evry inch in her body, and then it streamed into drakko. She could feel feel life from her own body, being transported to drakko. Soon she couldn't keep on. She felt that if she would go on even a second more, she would probably die, so she let go. Her head was feeling dizzy, and she couldn't see proper.

((OOC: Well TBM, It's up to you if drakko dies... But if you do kill him, i'll kick you in the ballz...))
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


11-10-2005, 08:12 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Oh, the world of the community is already messed up enough! One little spell won't make all that difference!

Pseok didn't have the faintest idea what masa-shoe-sets was, but he felt anger burn inside of him at the guy's words. He desperately tried to remind himself he was inside a tent and letting himself go would probably result in Fisher not being the only one to die.

Frustrated, he turned to the only other thing he could think of. If those cats had moved about without moving, then maybe they could work out where this guy sent Roland.
Pseok: "Hey, Tiger-people, where are the talking cats you were with earlier?"
He eyed Fisher closely as he spoke, remembering how effortlessly he'd attacked Roland.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-10-2005, 09:56 AM
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Charger looked up, glancing at Fisher every once in a while.

'I think they're still with that wolf guy, Drakko. We kind of got into an argument and well, you know...' he stared at Fisher again. 'Nevermind...'


Meanwhile Kaira snuck out infront of Streak back onto the strip of desert Kaira had crossed earlier. If she could at least get her to the ally she was at earlier, that should provide her enough cover for now.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

11-10-2005, 06:29 PM
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Art watched as Kix worked her magic. She looked to be exerting tremendous effort...
And she fell off of him. He saw no visible change in Drakko ... but that didn't neccesarily mean it didn't work.
"Drakko? How are you feeling?"
Streak followed Kaira. She had no idea where they were going. So ...
"Uh, where are we going?"
Fisher observed the exchange between Pseok and Charger with silent amusement.
All at once, he decided what to do with them.
"Charger, Blaze. And Pseok, you too. I just wanted to thank you for coming, and ... yeah. I'll see you all later!" And he raised his arms, pointing the index and pinky fingers on both hands outstretched.
And cages manifested themselves around each Blaze, Charger, and Pseok.
Fisher lowered his hands. "Much better." He looked directly at Pseok. "I think I'd better leave. Although I doubt there'll be any danger for me if I stay, I'd hate to see what happens if one of us ... looses his temper." He tittered, and turned around. He took two steps and vanished with the sound of a door closing.
Blaze was thunderstruck. "The hell is this? Who is that guy? Do you think the gunslinger knew about him?"
As Blaze spoke, there was a sound from behind the three of them. It sounded like a door clicking open.
Dave and Roland sat around waiting for others to reply.
After an hour, Dave went back to the RPG page.
"Is it your turn to tell more of the story?" Roland asked. "Because I want you to write me back to the circus."
Dave heaved a heavy sigh. "That would be ridiculous and stupid and make your disappearance pointless."
Roland replied by looking at him. His gaze did not falter. It looked as though he would sit there all night if that was what it took.
Dave rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Uh ... let's see ..."
Dave opened up the notepad program on his laptop. He typed a message. Roland watched in silent wonder as these words marched across the screen:
Dave turned his head and looked at Roland. "If you're so eager to go back to that circus with Fisher, be my guest." He pointed at the door to his room. "Go on through that."
Roland looked doubtful. "That door only leads into the hall. Don't be foolish."
Dave rolled his eyes. "Who is writing this story, you or me? I say that door will lead you back to the circus tent. I suppose ... that five minutes will have passed from when you disappeared. No go before I change my mind!"
Roland nodded. "I thank you, Dave. Perhaps our paths will meet again some day."
Dave shrugged. "Honestly, it would be better if they didn't. Go on, get."
Roland turned to the door and grasped the doorknob. When he did, a bright, unnatural light spilled through the cracks around the door's edges. Roland hesitated for only a moment before turning the knob and pulling the door open. He was blinded for a moment as the full light hit him, but stepped through, closing the door behind him.
Dave sat back. That was probably the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me, he thought.
Even though Dave hadn't actually posted this, it did, in fact, take place shortly after it was written.
Dave, however, had to take a few posts and explain where Roland went after Fisher sent him away.
Wouldn't it be funny if I made Fisher take off just before I sent Roland back? he thought to himself, smiling a bit. Maybe tomorrow. Fisher has other plans ...
Dave typed and submitted what became post 315 in TCRPG. A while later he called it quits for the night and went to bed.
As Blaze spoke, there was a sound from behind the three of them. It sounded like a door clicking open.
Blaze turned and saw ... Roland tumbling through a rectangle of light hovering about two feet off the ground. When he hit, the light vanished.
Blaze: "The hell?! Where ... how ... could you ... what the hell?"
Roland stood, drawing his guns as he did. "Shut up." He looked around... and realized that Dave had fooled him. Gods, but Dave was insensitive! Almost as terrible as Fisher himself. He had purposely made it so Fisher would get away before Roland returned.
Grimmacing, Roland reholstered his guns and began inspecting the cages. "Did Fisher tell you anything?"
The next afternoon, it rained. Dave didn't go to Marching Band. Instead, he typed up post 318, his only post for the day. He thought nothing the full passage of a day taking almost no time at all in Roland's version of reality. It was simply the relationship between the two worlds: no time passed until someone here said it did in The Community.

Last edited by Dave; 11-10-2005 at 06:40 PM..
11-11-2005, 12:16 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: One profile coming up:

Alias: The Flaming Arrow
Name: Daniel O'Reagan
Species: Human
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Bio: Daniel has been training in the arts of dark magic for more than 10 years. He took up his title of "The Flaming Arrow" from his preferred choice of weapon and has never used his real name since. He works for someone Silvia knows of only as "J. K. Slade," but he is rarely seen and those that see him don't usually get to tell anyone about it. Deep down, he questions the reason for doing these things, but so far he has made no effort to change it.
Equipment: Daniel has the ability to "summon" practically any item he wishes, as long as he has learned how to summon that particular item.
Appearance: Short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He stands at about 6 feet. He wears an outfit of complete black except for an orange pentagonal star on his front, but sometimes he also wears a brown jacket and cloak over the top of these.

Silvia followed Daniel silently for while, brooding over this sudden change of fortune. This was the third time such a change had happened in her life, and as far as she could tell, "The Flaming Arrow" was responsible for them all. She was confused, though, she had spent nearly seven years trying to find out about J. K. Slade and had found an appreciable amount of information about "The Flaming Arrow," and then she just seemed to have forgotten it. That just wasn't right; but no matter, she could remember all now. At length she decided to see if she could get any more information from him, so she spoke:
"So... who is this 'someone' you're taking me to? Or is that some special secret I'm 'not worthy' to know?"

Daniel laughed, "Oh no, you'll find out sooner or later anyway. Ever heard the name Slade?"

Yes, she certainly had heard that name before, but she knew he was just being smart, so she didn't answer for a few moments, then asked, "Just who is this Slade character?"

"Who is Slade?" Daniel feigned disbelief, "Slade is a remarkable man. Soon you will learn much, more than you want to know, I'll bet," he laughed again.
"The stories say that he came across an unknown power source and, after much studying of it, was able to draw the power from it and use it for his own purposes. He spent years teaching himself to master it, and master it he has! To such an extent, he was able to pass down that power to two other men, one of whom you are looking at."
He paused for a moment, then went on, "I was, and still am, Slade's unseen worker; I carry out what Slade commands, but nobody who sees me ever lives to tell anyone - except for you," he stopped and glanced back at her.

Silvia looked up and said, "Your boast doesn't hold much water; I've found out a lot about you from the many places I travelled, and someone even had a photo of you,"

Daniel was startled by this, but didn't show it. Instead, he carried on as if she hadn't spoken, "The other of Slade's men was his incognito worker, he was seen by all, but nobody knew his real purpose. That man," he paused and looked back at Silvia again, "was your father," here he held up a hand, "and don't start on with the old 'my father was an honest businessman' story, your father was Slade's. End of story."

Silvia stared at him, but she didn't say anything. Daniel waited a few minutes, then started again, "As you know, your father is... no longer available, and I myself am soon to be moving to another position, so Slade is seeking replacements for both of his workers. He has already found someone to take my place, and he has someone in mind for your father's old position..."

Silvia thought she had an idea what he was going to say, but she still kept silent.
At length, Daniel finished his statement, "Slade wishes for you to join him, to take over your father's old position. There is much in it f-"

Now Silvia interrupted with a sharp, "Never!"

Daniel raised an eyebrow, "Ah, that's what they all say. But that's before they get a taste of the power..." his voice drifted off and he was silent for a few minutes. Then he spoke again, but it was more like thinking out loud than talking to her,
"Once they taste the power, they can't think of anything but getting more! They get their power, but sooner or later, it gets out of control; they don't control the power anymore, their power controls them!"

Silvia said nothing, but he had given her a lot to think about. Then she noticed that while they had been talking, his bow had disappeared, and he was now wearing a brown jacket and cloak, so only the black of his trousers could be seen. They continued on the road in silence for now...

11-11-2005, 12:21 AM
the brew master's Avatar
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"Your time is up and your choices are numbered my dear Drakko"

"Your revenge will come but not now..not until i say so."

"You will return to the land of the living with the powers i give you."

"I...i decline your offer."

"Hahaha...but you have no choice or option in this..you will do what i tell you ..i will contact you soon"

Drakko felt like he was crushed into an air tight bag and thrown into a black hole..and in an instant Drakko awoke.

*GASP* Drakko sat up breathing heavily and quickly.

Drakko slowly opend his eyes and saw Kix and Krisha to his left and Art to his right.Drakko looked towards Art.

"I..i'm just fine"

Whats stopping you?

11-11-2005, 12:32 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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Krisha woke up by all the noise, and saw Drakko was alive.

"Oh you survived... What happened?" Krisha asked.

"I... Don't know. I... Tried using the reviving spell... The one you know..." Kix said worried, but then she got interrupted by Krisha.

"HA!! You used yer magic... And it was the dark kind too!!" Krisha teased Kix.

Kix angrily pulled Krisha aside.

"You know fairly well that, that spell isn't made to toy around." Kix said, and then lowered her voice, "I think... It felt like someone else was there... Speaking to him or something..."

"Oh Kix you're just being paranoid." Krisha said, then she turned to Drakko "So how are you feeling?? Uhm... Anything weird happened?"

Kix rolled her eyes.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


11-11-2005, 12:44 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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: Umm...what?
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"Werid? how bout dieing and then coming back to life?"

Drakko lifted his hand to look at his wound and to his suprise found his wound had been healed and all that was there was his bloody paw.

Perhaps the voice on the other side had something to do with this..perhaps the voice was death..or even the devil.

Drakko didn't know what had happend and was still shivering and numb..he stood up and leaned against the wall to help support him.

Whats stopping you?

11-11-2005, 12:58 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Having a rather too-small cage materialise around him was almost enough to send Pseok into blind panic and rage, which might have not been so useful for the tigers.
The fact that the guy seemed to have some idea as to what would happe if he lost control was enough to help him stay in control. Especially as he was beginning to understand what as so familiar about him. But was that possible?

The sound of Roland's voice was enough to bring him back to reality.
Pseok: "Roland! Where did he send you? What happened?" He hed to get ut of here, whatever happened he had to find that guy.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-11-2005, 02:48 AM
Havoc's Avatar
Cheesecake Apocalypse
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Charger looked around fiercely as the cages enclosed him.
'What the hell is this!' he roared just as Fisher disappeard. He worked all the strength he had on the cage's bars. But they wouldn't even flinch. They were made from some sort of metal, a strong kind Charger never saw before. They were rock solid, unbreakable, even for him.
'I don't know, Blaze,' he groaned as he tried all his strenth on two of the bars once more. 'Ahhrgh! Goddamnit...'
He rubbed his arm, having almost stretched a muscle to far.
'Judging by that gunslingers reaction... I'd say he certainly knew him.'
He crouched down and sat against the bars just as Roland dropped back in the scene. Blaze already was confused enough for all four of them, so it seemed. So Charger didn't even bother to give a respons.
'He didn't say anything... and in case you havn't noticed, we are locked up in a cage. Mind giving us a hand, mighty gunslinger?'


Kaira and Streak reached the ally where Kaira had been hiding out earlier. It still wasn't that crowded on the streets at the other end.
'There...' she sighed. 'We should be save here. For now anyway.'
She looked up to Streak, with a bit of jealousy, so she noticed. Charger sure came from a varied 'litter'. Where Blaze looked more human, Streak looked almost as feline as Charger did. For a moment Kaira caught herself in thinking that Charger would maybe fall in love with Streak, and forget about her. Afterall, Streak was more fitting, seeing they were both anthros.
'So... Mind telling me a bit about yourself?' she asked. 'What kind of place is that? how did you end up there?'
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

Last edited by Havoc; 11-11-2005 at 02:50 AM..

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