Would it make sense to say that Rupturefarms is one of the easier, and quicker, environments to remake becuase it's a 'closed scene'? I mean that it has walls. So you don't have to worry about backgrounds as much.. I'd have thought so.
Well... I still have background on many parts of RF (those with fog. All pipes, coulmns etc). I would say taht RF is easy because there aren't any organical shapes at all. Everything is geomertically simple. Stockyards are harder because it have a lot of complicated objects everywhere. It's even hard to read them by watching on screenshot
. Native locations can be hard for me because there are a lot of irregular shapes. Probably there woluld be dozens of rock formations models. Everyone needs unique texture and unique High poly model (an i'm not experienced enought in creating conivncing High poly rock model).
Yes RF is definetely the easiest environment but other environment's won't need that many assets or will reuse assets from different environment (Free fire zone uses same assets like Paramonia, so if i would finish Paramonia, then Free fire zone is easy to do).
Well... If i would finish Odysee part and decide to create Exodus, then why not. But finishing Odysee is still far future, so talking about Exodus is only wishfull thinking.