Where did paramites exactly come from? Why do they really only attack if you corner them... why are they vicious with others? Is there any interesting hypothesis of Evolution of these creatures?
They attack when cornered out of desperation. They are pack hunters, only gaining confidence with friends... the exact nature of their social system in indeterminate, whether it is loose, and they associate with any other paramites, or if they have tight-knit family groups.
They are not the only creatures on Oddworld to have finger-like appendages around their oral orifice, their superficial similarity with that of human hands is an example of convergant evolution (I am obligated by the state of Kansas to present the alternative theory of evolution:
Design). They have been referred to as fingers, fangs and tentacles in the past, they could be called pedipalps, after the analogous feature shared with spiders, I have had various terms, incuding phalangipods and pterodontophores.
What's the deal with the 'Moon' Scene in Abe's Oddysee after he gets away from the slogs, then after that he falls and meets the big face.
That would be the moment of his spiritual awakening. Pay attention!
Is the round thing around the slogs head kinda like a 'ram' mechanism? Similar to those Tri Horned Dinosaurs?
That seems to be a simple frill,
perhaps the remnants of a display crest, like that of Ceratopsidae, or serving some other biological function that we do not yet know. Of course, it could be evidence of SOD.
That is a matter of opinion, and one you should keep to yourself.