OOC: Poor, poor Zerox, for your character is always ignored.
IC: Slurp felt that Shryke had been disturbed by the very thought of a family of his own. He had to think of how his life would be like without knowing where he came from. Slurp had hundreds of brothers and sisters, even some of them weren't alive. But still, he felt it wasn't fair that he had an enormous family, while Shryke had none or one that he didn't know that existed. But maybe, Slurp can do something about that, after the Sligs are gone. Also, couldn't the Albino Scrab do something about that?
Slurp realized that Shryke also considered that violence was not the way to victory, so he became a bit more calm about that sitution. Slurp was about to suggest his idea again, but Shredder had just said something to him. Something about that his Mudokon friend was there to help him. He became uneasy, because he never trusted Scrabs or Mudokons. Espically after they both tried to kill him. He only trusted Shredder, because Shryke made sure he wouldn't hurt him or his family. Even though the Albino Scrab said that Shredder was destined to help him, he couldn't feel that this guy was completely Fleech friendly. But when Shryke offered to protect him, Slurp felt a bit better.
Slurp cautiousily made his way back to the chamber he was at, and confronted Shredder and the Mudokon. Slurp, shaking nervousily, decided that he had to get this over with, by showing this Mudokon what was wrong with him. He slowily opened his front mouth, to reveal his sliced off tounge. The tounge ached him badily, for too many nerves were stripped away, and a major blood lose was aquired. And plus, it bugged Slurp to have blood stream along his mouth vividly, and stain the roof of his mouth. Hopefully, this Mudokon wasn't cruel like the ones that knocked him out.
Sindera sneaked with Leo, following the Scrab trails to some random place. She tried to focus on where it was going, while fighting the humid air of the night. Being that she had been through worse, she found that following the tracks quite easy. Yet, the longer it took for her to follow the tracks, the harder it was keep patient, for the Scrab that got away had more time to prepare for her next attack.
She tried to look behind every once in a while, to make sure Leo was following her. Sindera, expecting that Leo would stop once in a while, was quite surprise, that he was fully prepared for what he should do. He had a mechincal map in one hand, and his Blitz Packer in the other. One of his eyes focused on his map, and the other on the trail. And he didn't seem the bittest disturbed about the humid air. Sindera never saw a Slig so determined about his work. Reminded her of herself. "And what if he is in fact a challenger to me?...." thought Sindera worrling, a bit cautious that he may in fact that he might take her job away.
Sindera, every time, swung her head back in front of her. She always became angry, that she thought such thoughts. She doesn't even now how this guy fights in combat. But she knew that she needed to report this Gillik, and he probably would get her position, if she meationed her mistake. Trying to clear her mind of the possibility of getting downgraded, she tried to focus of what was ahead of her. Not of what was going on the back.
Once they had walked for 1/4 of a mile, the noise of a Slig's pants stopped in it's tracks. Leo had stopped and rushed circled in place, looking for something. Sindera turned around, to look at Leo a little dumbfoundily. She grunted at him, "Hey Leo, you do realize that you have to do your job right?"
Leo turned to Sindera, and suddenly, his eyes widened in fear. Slowily, he pointed his gun in Sindera's direction, and whispered fearfully, "Turn... around.... Sindera." Sindera was confused at first, but the she realized what was happening. Leo wanted to make it look like there really was something horrorfing behind, then shooting her down, to make himself head officer. This was mutiny!
Sindera rose her vaporizer at Leo and over a quiet clicking noise, she spoke intimidatingly, "So that's it, huh? You're going to shoot me, so you get a promotion, huh? Well buddy..."
Leo shouted this time, over her, "Look behind, oddamnit!!!"
Sindera suddenly realized that this wasn't a joke. The clicking noise was really...
Sindera turned around to face two Paramites, screeching loudily, and bolting at her. Their webbings had been placed so very well in front of her, and this frigthened her that she didn't notice them in the first place. And they were companioned, by three other vicous and hungry looking Paramites. And those three had already been trying to launch at her. Sindera, unable to prepare for this fight, didn't get a lot of time to react. In order to give her some more time, she harshily whacked the closest Paramite that already was in the air with her vaporizer. The Paramite whimpered once it hit the ground, and it's mouth started to drip blood in seconds. However, the whack didn't touch the other Paramite, and it gave it's battle screech. Before Sindera could give off her own growl, the Paramite was trying to gorge her breasts in mid air.
Sindera, crying and cursing of unbearble pain, was flunk to the ground in millsecond. She could fell her blood rushing out her body, while the Paramite clenched it's grip on her, and tried to tear away skin. Before she gave the monster the chance to continue trying to makea feast, she decided to make this Paramite pay. Using her anger to move for her, she clenched on the Paramite's throat and slammed her other hand into the diaframe of the pityless Paramite. The Paramite stopped it's gorging on her, and all the air escaped from it. Suddenly, it was trying to gasp for more breath, but being that it's air tube walls were being clenched together, the Paramite wasn't going to breath for very long. Sindera efforted herself to get up, and threw the Paramite with all of her remaining strength. The Paramite hit the ground hard, and for the good for him, passed out.
Being that Leo had been shooting from behind her, already one of the Paramites was rotting away. Another one was partily injured, but still was launching itself toward Sindera, along with another agressive Paramite trying to use the fact that Sindera was weak as a dinner chance. Sindera, breathing heavily, used her anger again to smash the heads of the Paramites together, by clapping when they close enough to her. Her vicious anger caused her strength to increase dramiticly and cause the two die with flatten heads.
When all five of the Paramites were dead, either that they shot down, or the loss of blood killed them. Sindera breathed heavily enough for her body to rise up every time she inhaled. But once all of her anger drained away, her chest began to pain even more. The blood was rushing out of her too fast, that she had to hold onto her chest. Groaning in the pain, Leo rushed over to Sindera, when she fell of unable to keep her balance. Leo exhaled loudily in fright, while thinking in what to do. Sindera shouted, being that pain was insanily painful, "Take off my shirt and wrap it around my chest already!!!"
Leo, a bit embrassed in what he had to do, hastily unbuckled what was left of her jacket and took it off. Sindera slowly removed her bloody arms away from her chest, allowing Leo to wrap the jacket around her gored injury. Leo, shocked of how much blood there was being released by her, slowly wrapped the jacket around her chest.
Sindera breathed heavier each minute, and just wanted to stop all of the bleeding. But she had to remain strong, in order to avoid Angela's office. So, she pressed the jacket closer to her, in order to make the blood absorbed by the jacket.
Leo looked at Sindera shockingly, being that he never saw such an injury before, and that he never saw her in such pain. He whispered to her, "What can I do for you?"
Sindera tried to think about that one. She didn't like Vykkers, and didn't want to be near Angela, for she goes crazy about every patient she sees. So she rasped, "You can start, by following that track. And giving me my vaporizer. Don't worry about me."
Leo sighed, for maybe he wanted to do more. He sneaked over to the lone vaporizer, and delivered the vaporizer to her. Sindera smiled a bit, and rasped again, "You know, you did good. I will see that you are the newest major officer."
Leo felt surprised, for a guy that had a bunch of surprises in one day. Never had he expected that he would be nearily in control of the operation. Since he couldn't find the right words for his thanks, he just said, "Thank you." and ran off. Sindera just sat there thinking of what just happened. She had tell herself that everything was OK, nothing bad is going to happen.
She sat there thinking of what made this happen to her. And then she realized, this happened because she didn't trust anybody. That was a bad habit, and now she had a bunch of skin ripped off, blood is on her, and she ruined her only shirt. But now, she knew what she did wrong, and Sindera thought, "Maybe this what I have been doing wrong. And now, it costed me greatly." And now, she is laying, alone, waiting for Leo, to come back.
OOC: Someone could control Jeff, for I don't have a good feel for him.