Okay, the reason I wanted to post here in the first place: I was reading that the Magog Cartel are pretty low down in the peking order in terms of corporate prestige; they're the McDonalds of Oddworld; creating low quality, low price products for the Khanzumerz and most people wouldn't so much as sniff at their products. As far as being crooks go, they're small time.
I'm interested to know that if this massive evil collective is really pretty minor, do we know anything about who the fuck any of the bigger, badder guys are?
It's not that they're small-time in the corporate world. They are massive, and across all the constituent families they make products and services for the financial elite and the regular masses alike. It's just that the highest-ranking members we've seen have only been in charge of single facilities or small slices of fledgling empires. They don't care about the damage they do to cultures and nature in their quest for personal wealth and recognition.
But they do answer to their investors, both within and beyond the Magog Cartel. Oktigi are a big financial family or families, but so far we've only seen Sekto, who's still at the low level of industry management. As a group they're not part of the Cartel, but individuals can be members. A high-ranking investor doesn't just damage the world as a byproduct of their operations; they deliberately engineer damage to the world that will serve their power-seeking interests. But that's harder to fight against because they're not public-facing like corporations and CEOs. They keep themselves far away from public scrutiny, operating through disposable corporate-level pawns.
Then there's the creepy fuckers a level above
them. They don't just keep their business secrets, they're keeping their very existence known only to the elites. Then there are
their masters. I don't know if that's even the top.