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11-09-2002, 07:55 AM
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Outlaw Sniper
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Happy Udo Keir

It was a cold hard January morning in Russia, people were hurrying to get out of the Dismal cold but not everyone was cold.
A man named Udo was sitting in a bar drowning his sorrows by the bottle, for his wife and child had been murdered by a street thug!

Udo was a beefy character, with raggedy brown hair and a bear skin coat he sat there downing bottle after bottle.

The bar man asked him if he wanted another, Udo replied "Nyet" and paid the man his money, then he staggered off to his empty home.

When he got home he sat down in his kitchen, and started on a bottle of vodka, when he had finished that in a drunken rage he threw the empty bottle out of the window, as it flew silently through the sky it just happened to land on Christoph Polaski, he was a beefy man with a short fuse, after relising the bottle had done harm to him he shouted up at the window.

Udo slowly got up from his seat and staggered to the open window, he breathed in the invigorating air then he looked down to see a very pissed off man. Christoph shouted at him
"You drunken peice of shit! get yourself down here so i can kill you!"

Calmly Udo staggered to his medicine cupboard and took 4 asprins, then he slowly walked to his front door and left the house.

He looked around and saw Christoph standing their with a enraged stare,
"What is your name you drunken scum, because i want to know who is going to die by my hand" as Christoph said this flecks of spit went flying from his mouth.

"I am Udo Kier, and beleive me I will not die by your hand." as soon as he had finished his sentence Christoph was charging at him, Udo stuck his worn leather boot out and Christoph ran into it.

Christoph hit the floor like a sack of potatoes but that just merely slowed him down after a second he was jabbing and swingng punches into Udo's gut.

Udo was getting the wind knocked out of him but he just managed to get his breath back when he elbowed Christoph in the belly, Christoph was on his knees, coughing and retching but then he got up and pulled out a long 6 inch combat knife, he started to taunt Udo then he went for a swing but ended up being head butted by Udo.

Christoph went for for the kill but Udo grabbed his hand took Christoph to the floor and held the knife to his throat.

if you want the story to carry on just say.
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

Last edited by M.O.M; 11-09-2002 at 08:11 AM..
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11-09-2002, 04:06 PM
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MORE!!!!!!!!, WE WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11-09-2002, 04:31 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
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Udo held the glistening blade to Christoph's throat, Christophs eyes were glazed with terror, with a quivering voice that came from his blood covered mouth he wimpered "Plese dont Kill me!"
Udo stood up, he threw the knife to the floor and started to walk back to is home, but Christoph had over plans.

He reached over to the knife and picked it up by the tip of the balde, he slowly took aim and he threw, Udo grabbed the blade by its black handle and threw it back at Christoph, the Blade flew towards Christoph.

Christoph shouted "NOOOOO......" but he could not complete the sentence for the knife had drove itself inbetween his eyes, the limp body collapsed onto the ice covered ground and deep red blood slowly poured from the wound.

Udo Cursed under his breath, he went inside and called the police.
ten minutes after he called the police they arrived, and after a small amount of questioning Udo was taken into custody for Manslaughter.

He was given 1 years worth of community service at the local racetrack. Udo sat there in the ticket booth waiting for some customers, but it was the grave yard shift so he decided to cut off early, he went to the garage to get his bike when he saw a lady being molested by 2 men, he started to jog over there and he shouted "Hey", one of the men pulled out a Glock 7. started firing.

Udo dived behind behind a car, he started running, the other guy let the girl go, she ran off and hid while he pulled out a 5-gauge shotgun and started firing.

Udo had taken refuge by a concrete pillar, he kept looking round but he couldnt get a good look due to the richochet of the bullets.
He inhaled slowly did the genuflect as peices of concrete and cement flew past his face just narrowly missing him, he ran out from the pillar and dived under the nearest car and he started crawling towards the guy with the Glock, Udo found a bottle and smashed it, he started crawling to the guys ankles with his weapon he appered just by his ankles, then he relised the shooting had stopped, they probally thought they had killed him (were they wrong!).

Udo thrust the broken bottle into one of the thugs leg, the thug screamed in agony and went to the floor holding his leg, while udo got up and started smacking the guy with the shotgun senseless, the thug was dazed and bleeding, all he could see was the butt of his shotgun being pounded into his face.

Eventually the thug passed out, Udo took the shot gun with him (just in case there happened to be a bit of deja vu) as he walked to his bike, he got on and put on his helmet and started the engine, just as he had done that he herad someone shout "stop right there!" Udo glanced round and saw three more guy's on bikes (probally thugs) so Udo didn't stick around for their hospitality.

you want more, tell me
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

Last edited by M.O.M; 11-09-2002 at 11:57 PM..
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11-10-2002, 08:41 AM
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Outlaw Hunter
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Fez  (22)

this is a great story, MORE!!!!!!

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11-10-2002, 09:20 AM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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be sure to check back soon their should be more then
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-10-2002, 05:03 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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Happy Udo's Story cont.

Udo was speeding down the road with three thugs on his arse(also riding bikes), "This is not my day" he thought to himself, he glanced in his rear veiw mirror only to see it shatter, he darted his head around to see the thug closest to him aim a pistol at him, Udo cocked the shotgun and turned off onto a smaller road, he glanced round and fired at the first thugs tire, the shell ripped through the rubbed and the Thug went Tit over Arse onto the icy ground, he got up and started kicking his bike.

Udo thought "one down, two to go", he turned off into an alley, where he sped straight threw and across the road, one of the thugs followed while the other one was hit by a car, his bike went flying over the car while his body struck the cars roof and rolled off the boot and onto the floor.

"Two down, one to go", Udo was speeding down another alley, the thug was getting pissed, he had already seen his two comrades been put out of action and he wanted revnge, he pulled out from his big leather jumpsuit a SMG, he pulled back on the trigger and bullets were zomming past Udo's head while some richocheted, Udo saw a double door ahead, "I hope this works" he thought as he knocked on the door.

The look on the thugs face was horror as the top half of a door opened and he ploughed into it at 50KMH, the thug was out in one while his bike contiuned to go until it hit a dumpster.

Udo turned back onto the road and screamed "WHHOOOOOOOOO". he immediatly drove to the nearest bridge and chucked the shotgun into the river where it sank slowly to the bottom.

He immediatly went to the police station and reported that he was attacked, he told them the whole story, the policemen sat there in silence clinging to his every word.

When Udo had finished, they asked him "did you see any distinct features?", Udo had a flash back to when he stabbed the the thug in the leg with the bottle, on his jacket he had a skull with a sword going throught it and a snake wrapped around the sword.

Check back soon for more
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-10-2002, 05:17 PM
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11-11-2002, 04:36 AM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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M.O.M  (11)

you want more
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-11-2002, 04:01 PM
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Outlaw Hunter
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hell yeah!

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11-11-2002, 04:07 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
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"Yeah, On their jumpsuits they had a picture of a skull with a sword going through it and a snake wrapped around the sword!, does that help?"

"Does it ever, thats the sign of the Viper, their the most deadly mercenaries we've come across and you took down five?! Christ you must be good!" Udo blushed slightly as he was twiddling his thumbs.

"Anyway we've got a list of all the people they have killed, mugged, molested and any other crimes that can be comitted."

He typed in the name Viper and it came up with 20 folders, the first one was labelled Murder, the officer opened it and started going throught the names, Udo watched silently till he caught eye on something.

"STOP" Udo snapped, "go up" the officer did and Udo's worst Fears were confirmed their was a file named Keir, "Could you look under that folder please" The officer opened up the file and it had two names in it:

Keir, Ilsda
Keir, Boris

Udo sighed, a pain had just serged through his body like a electrical shock and before he knew it he was sitting there with his hands over his eyes crying, just like how a little kid cry's.


The officer jumped back and banged himself againt the wall "shit" he muttered as he rubbed himself.

Udo was staring at the computer screen with a blank rage then he wispered to himself, "I'll avenge you, I dont know when but honest to god I will avenge you!"
Magog on the March,
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11-11-2002, 05:02 PM
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*starts chanting* more, more, more, MORE!!!!!!!

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11-12-2002, 04:54 AM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

Udo thanked the officer and left the station, it started to snow, udo took a scarf out of his pocket and wrapped it around his neck thaen he hurried off down an alley.

He carried on walking till he came to a big dented iron door, he knocked twice, the metallic clang echoed around the alley. a veiwing slide opened up and udo's eyes met with another pair except these were a womans eyes and they were pretty, they were a sky blue that just made you feel special.

"what do you want?" came the angelic voice of the woman,
"I'm here to see Tomic", "hang on" the slider shut, udo heard a bolt being unlocked then the big iron door swang open.

Udo was blasted by a wave of warmth, he hurried in and he shut the door, suddenly he heard a voice shout "Udo" he did a 180 to see who it was, "well my my Tomic" Udo went up to Tomic and gave him a bear hug, Tomic was short he was 5ft 1" with a recididng hair line, he was tubby but he was quite strong for his body.

"So what brings you here? My old buddy", "Tomic I need a favour, you know your starting your cage tournament next week, well i want in!", "WHAT?!, WHY!?" assked Tomic who was slightly stunned.

"I've found out who lilled Islda and Boris and i need some money for revenge." Tomic sat there gawping, Udo glanced around, the room he was in was a seedy bar with a few bums and lowlifes in it.

"O.K, your in but promise me you wont get killed"

"I wont" smiled Udo as he waited for next week to come.
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-12-2002, 03:59 PM
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please continue

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11-12-2002, 05:09 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

The Next week dawned and Udo was in Tomic's spare room, He was practising his fighting skills his dad taught him when he was a child, he was jabbing the air and kicking and rehearsing a manouvere of throws he hade devised.

The first match Began it was between Boris Yikanof vs Natayla "The woman wonder" Lenko

The commentator (Tomic) entered the cage and said to the crowd "No Holds Barred!" the crowed roared with delight, "Contestants enter".

Boris was the first to enter, he was a thin muscley man with a square chin. Then came Natayla, as she walked towards the Cage she was barraged by cheers, wolf-whistles and cat-calls, she was a slender brown haired woman wearing purple leather and high heels

The bell rang and the first to attack was boris, he went for a left hook but Nataya grabbed his fist and flipped him over, but they just slowled him down a little he was back up and he kept on back slapping her, Natayla wrapped her arms around his waist and rammed him into the side of the oily steel cage then she saw he legs were slightly apart, she aimed and powered her heel into his balls.

He was down in one, Tomic came in a announced natayla as the winner.

The second fight Was Udo 'the Bear' Keir vs Sergio Lankaton again it was no holds barred, Udo ran into the ring and he was spurred on by the crowd, while Sergio entered, he was wearing a one peice loin cloth (like a cave man) he was a staggering 6ft 8" while udo was only 6ft 2".

The bell tolled and Udo tackled sergio to the floor instantly, he was sitting on him so he couldent retaliate, so udo kept on smacking his jaw until Sergio forced him off, Udo was lying there dazed, Sergio was climbing up to the top of the cage where he hang there suddenly he lept, Udo rolled out of the way and sergio had managed to acheive a face ful of mat, Udo got him in a reverse arm lock but sergio was not giving up, he escaped and pushed Udo into the steel wall.

Sergio went to big boot Udo in the chest but Udo ducked so he had sergio's leg on his back so udo tried something new, he grabbed sergio's leg and forced it up so sergio's other leg buckled and sergio was on his back, to finish him off Udo climbed to the top off the cage and Leg dropped him in the neck.

"Mercy" pleaded sergio, "i give up please stop"

The crowed roared and udo took the winnings for his match
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-14-2002, 04:54 AM
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Outlaw Sniper
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M.O.M  (11)

more people were taking on each other but this one man was prevailing, he was known only as 'The Guillotine' and he was strong, very strong he had been taking people out in a matter of seconds.

Udo was also doing well, he had completely wasted all of his weak opponents, but sooner or later he had to fight 'The Guillotine'.

That fateful day was dawning, Udo was warming up while the Guilotine was meditating. The Time had come for the fight of Udo's life.

The crowds started pouring in and very waiting for the sight off blood, the smell of blood. Udo ran into the cage with a confident smirk on his face while inside his courage was cowering like a little child.

'The Guillotine' entered, he looked so calm that it was though he was walking to the shops....

Udo was in his ready postion and so was 'The Guillotine', they were waiting for the one sound so they could tear each other apart......'Clang' Udo immediatly uppercutted 'The Guillotine' and he was on the floor, 'The Guillotine tried a few sweeps but Udo jumped all of them and on the last one he elbowed dropped his opponent in the chest.

Udo stoodthere in suprise as 'The Guillotine' got up as though nothing happened, it was 'The Guillotine's' turn now, he was swing is fist in to Udo's jaw, forcing him slowly into the wall where he started to jab Udo's gut with force.
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-14-2002, 02:02 PM
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11-14-2002, 02:30 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

Udo spat blood into 'The Guillotine's' face, Udo slid to the floor, he was lying there blood dripping from his mouth sweat running off his skin and he could hear his opponent saying ''do you give up, little girl?", the words were rining like a church bell in his head.

''Are you going to quit little girl?'' the voice asked again, "are you gonna go home and cry to your weak mummy?" came the snide voice again.

A fire lit inside Udo, he slowly got up and speared 'The Guillotine' to the floor and started to kick him in the ribs and between each kick he said "My muother could wrestle a bear!"

Udo picked up his opponent (now who was dazed, bruised, sweating and bleeding) and threw him into the wall, 'The Guillotine' was still standing up so udo shoulder tackled him with such force the wall collapsed and 'The Guillotine' was out cold!

The Crowd roared with delight, a mob of fans completely swamped Udo, and they were complimenting him and giving him money.

After all the hubbub Udo went to his room and checked his injuries, there was nothing much a couple of cuts, bruises, sprains and bruised bones but nothing major.

He collected his money, and he bid Tomic farewell, then he walked down the dalk alley into the cold harsh heart of russia
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-14-2002, 02:31 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
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M.O.M  (11)

more coming up
Magog on the March,
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11-14-2002, 04:46 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

As Udo trotted through the blizzard worn streets, he was not alone, a dark figure had been silently following him since he left the fight club, Udo was hurrying to get out of the weather but every now and then he looked over his shoulder for the sense off paranoi had set in.

He got home and he started looking for his keys while his stalker went round the back and forced his way in, then he postioned himself in the living room so he had full veiw off the door, then slowly from a holster inside his jacket he pulled out a desert eagle magnum calibre and held it ready.

Udo opened the door and was greeted by warmth, he took off his heavy coat and shut the door behind him, he turned into the living room to find the stalker, the stalker was a lean man with cold, hard, blank eyes and his index and middle finger was missing on his left hand, he also had a cigar in his mouth.

"Good evening MR. Keir." came the calm deep russian voice.
"Who are you?" asked Udo.
"I am a buisnessman in respect, but i have a proposition for you, I know your family was kiled by the Viper, so now you have an easy way for revenge."

"Go on" Udo said.
The stalker holstered his weapon and offered a cigar to Udo, Udo took one and lit it.

"anyway all you need to do is join our small band, we know you fight and we have heard you are quite good at improvising weapons, anyway if you want to join come here and we will give you a trial"

and with that the character left,

Udo looked at the card it read 937 Polov building

Udo chewed on his cigar and started to think
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-20-2002, 03:28 PM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

I have serious writers block so no new episodes for a bit
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-21-2002, 12:36 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

A Question is bugging me, shall i carry on with this story???????????????????????
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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11-25-2002, 02:21 PM
M.O.M's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Jun 2002
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M.O.M  (11)

Udo sat there chewing and thinking about his loved ones her were brutally taken away from him!

The next cold day dawned, The Blizzard was terrible as it battered him as he walked to what would be his destiny!

He walked in to the building and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck, he grabbed something and tore it from his neck, he looked down at the object, it was a needle he looked up to come face to face with his stalker!

"Uh..." Udo eclaimed as he jumped and as he jumped out of his skin he felt himself getting woozy, his eyes started to dilate and the next thing he knew was that he was out for the count!

He woke up to see a door, he started to walk to it but he was restrained with a chain, the stalker came in,

"How are you feeling Mr. Keir?"

"Woozy....now who are you?"

"Im sorry, beg my rudeness im nikolai"

Udo looked down at the chains, they were big and beefy, they looked like boat chains.

"Why am i Tied up?"

"This is part of the trial!" smiled nikolai and with that he left.

Udo heard the bolt lock and as he heard water started gushing from a hole in the wall, He started pulling at the chain with all of his strength, the bolt on the wall started to creak, he pulled even more.

The bolt started to pull off, aUdo roared and yanked with his might and the big bolt clanked to the floor, the water stopped, udo sighed as he looked down at the knee high water.

he noticed that there was chunks of ice in the water.
He started to shiver, the water was only knee deep but it was freezing!

He scrabbled under the water for the chain, he touched the cold iron, he grabbed it and looped it through the door handle, he started pulling, he had to break this lock otherwise he would freeze!

He pulled to see as what to be no avail but he carried on pulling.
on the other side of the door Nikolai undid the bolt,
with this udo plummeted into the ice cold water, as he came up he gasped and climbed out of the door and passed out
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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12-01-2002, 05:08 PM
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He woke up to find himself being dragged by two men to another large room, he was still cold from the last exercise.

The room was full of huge speakers that were all positioned around one wooden chair, they strapped him to the chair with leather straps and left.

Udo heard a loud crakcle from the speakers then nikolai's dry voice came up;

"Udo this is part of the trial, but at any point if you want to stop push the red button next to you."

Udo glanced left and saw a single red button,

"Here we go....." chuckled nikolais voice as it left the speakers and was replaced with extremly loud feed back, udo cringed and grunted at the irratating nosie, he noticed a glass on the table, it was shaking......

The feed back stopped and someone shouted

"Phase Two"

Again the feedback came execpt a twice the volume, udo's chair toppled to the side as he was writhing try to break himself from the straps.

The glass slowly rolled off the edge of the table ant hit the floor, though it did not smash or crack.......

"Phase Three"

Again feedback with the volume at the max, Udo Screamed it felt as though his head was going to burst, he just kept on staring at the glass and with no warning the glass exploded!

"Phase Four"

The feed back was now unbearable, udo wa clenching his teeth so hard that a few af them chipped and cracked, he freed a arm and reached for the button, his fingertips kept on scraping the edge but it got so frustrated, he slammed his fist down on the button and there was silence............Nothing but silence Udo couldnt hear a thing, he sighed and passed out!
Magog on the March,
News You cant Abuse

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