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09-12-2002, 09:53 AM
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Central Gluk 27
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: Aug 2002
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Central Gluk 27  (10)

Well, if you carefully look, I am giving everyone the attitude of a WWE superstar, and with some of the moves. For instance I'll name 2 I've already done. Sal I have given him some of the moves from R.V.D (he has the five star frog splash) and Alex is been given the characteristics of Brock Lesner (by that he has the F5). Now....

Welcome to Smackdown, coming to you live from Perth in Western Australia and it is a capacity crowd of 68,964 people. ***IF YA SMELL, WHAT CG, IS COOKING plays*** It is the boss, Central Gluk 27. "I know Alex, that you kept your promise but since you ruined a return and a very good main event, So here is the catch, If you win the title at WinterSlam, You will be putting that title on the line on the Raw and the Smackdown after WinterSlam, let alone you putting the title on the line at the Royal Rumble, But if you lose, You will be suspended for 3 pay-per-views, meaning you will miss out on the Gran Daddy of all pay-per-views, WRESTLING MANIACS, So, there is more on the line at WinterSlam than just the title and the 3 times within a month you have to defend that title. And on a lighter note, Tonights main event is Sergio vs Sal and the second main event is Alex vs Lucifier,".

***BACKSTAGE, CG RUNS INTO KEVIN*** "congratlulations on winnig the title last week Kevin,"CG says. "thanks," Replies Kevin. "But to prove your victory wasn't just the fluke that ALEX!!! hit Sergio in the head, you have to put that title on the line against Odd Rancor AND Bigface AND to unite the titles, Flaming Ray will also be in the match to put his hardcore title on the line, so GOOD LUCK, oh and the match is elimination," CG says and Walks off, leaving Kevin angry yet happy that he might be the first to unite the titles.

***Kevin's Music Hits*** And coming up is the Hardcore Cruiserweight Championship elimination match ***Rancor's Music hits*** and it is between 4 of the great superstars of this business ***Bigface's music hits*** and this shall be a great match. And The match has begun as Flaming Ray Runs down to the ring and Rancor goes for Flaming Ray and Kevin immediatly goes and drops Bigface with a big punch in the guts. Rancor and Flaming Ray are brawling and Kevin is climing to the top of the turnbuckle and has jumped into the brawling Duo. He is hitting Flaming ray a he puts him on the ropes and he looks to be signaling to do something. Oh my god. He is running in and hits the 619. He pins the hardcore champion 1,2,3 and Flaming Ray has been eliminated and Bigface with a boot to the chin to Kevin. Bigface turns around and is beating the crap out of Rancor. Kevin lying on the ground not moving. Bigface is taking Rancor to the cleaners and wait, Rancor is getting up, He obviously wants that title badly. Rancor is going to fight back and, Ouch, Kicks Bigface in the nadiculars. the rollup 1,2,3 and Bigface has been eliminated and is crawling around on the mat. Rancor has turned his attention to Kevin (who is back up). Rancor goes to punch, but gets his punch blocked, and Kevin hits him a beauty and has put him on the ropes. HE is going for the 619 and HITS it. 1,2,.. Kickout, Rancor is fighting on. Kevin is getting a chair. But Racor kick it out of his hand. Rancor just fighting back and he gets dropped with a great punch to the gut. the pin 1,2,3 WINNER AND STILL CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION, KEVIN.

***BACKSTAGE IN SERGIO IS TALKING WITH HIS FIONSE*** "baby, you are the love of my life and at WinterSlam, I am going to dedicate my win to you," Sergio says. "Oh Sergio," Mudline says. "Now, I am going to go out there and spread our love out around the world," Sergio says and walks out with his fionse (I honestly don't know how to spell it).

***SERGIO'S MUSIC HITS*** Sergio is coming out with Mudline to "Spread their love around the world". "Now, I know I have a match against Sal tonight, But, At WinterSlam, I am going to put Alex out of this business for 3 months (month's travel quickly). But first, Mudline, I love you with everything I have and I would be crushed if I ever lost you," Sergio says. "Oh Sergio, you make me fe... ***ALEX APPEARS ON TITANTRON*** "Hey, Sergio, You fionse is a slut, She bonked me earlier Today," Alex says. "That can't be you a** lickin maniac," Sergio says. (Mudline has a scared look on her face and Sergio is bright red with anger). "Oh it's true, Heck I even took the privilage of videoing it," Alex says. ***VIDEO SHOWS OF ALEX AND MUDLINE HAVING ER HEM ER HEM*** What a sick freak. (Crowd starts vomiting). Oh bugger, I thought that this was a family show, get the camera off it dammit, get the camera off. "As you can see, you fionse, or should I say Ex- fionse is a SLUT," Alex says. "YOU SICK FREAK, WHEN I GET UP THERE I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR A** DAMMIT AND Mudline, the wedding's off," Sergio says in a mad rage and sprints up after Alex.

***IN CG's OFFICE*** "Oh dear God," Alex, next time you do something like that you are FIRED,"

***SAL'S LOCKER ROOM*** "Well, I finally get a big break, if I can beat the heavyweight champion of Oddworld, I will prove that I can be the champion and I get to be, a big shot," Sal says to Sally, his gorgeous (supermodel) girlfriend. "Oh Sal, just come back in one piece and at WinterSlam, keep this title because it looks so sexy around your waist," Sally says.

***Lucifier's music hits*** This is going to be one action packed WinterSlam. ***Alex's music hits and Alex entres through the crowd***. Alex not wasting any time and starts kicking the crap out of Lucifier. Alex is throwing Lucifier into the turnbuckle and has ran like a steam train into him as he falls to the ground and Wait a minute, It's Sergio with a chair and he cracks Alex right in the head with it, and he keeps on hitting him with it. He won't stop. DING DING DING DING. Winner due to disqualification via interference, Alex. Sergio with the microphone "And I still haven't finshed with you Alex,".

***Sal's music hits*** And it's Sal. He has his interworld title around his waist proudly and gets to the ring with Sergio, ready to start the main event. But wait, Sal is shaking Sergio's hand. DING DING DING DING. The match starts and Sal immediatly starts punching, he has to look up to this big beast. Sal backs Sergio to a corner and starts kicking. Sergio grabs Sal and tosses him to the ground. Sergio going to the top rope. He jumps and misses Sal. Sal goes for the pin .. Kickout before 1. Sal starts kicking. He is going for the top rope and hits Sergio. He is going for the Mexican ass basher. He is raming ass. He is taking forever to wind up this move. Wait here he goes to the ropes to catapult at Sergio and Wait, Lucifier (from outside the ring) trips Sal. Sal is distracted by lucifier and goes to hit him but Sergio gets up and goes for the 2 handed chokslam and hits it. He goes for the pin but Alex has a chair and is in the ring. Sergio sees him and goes to hit him but Alex slides out of the ring. Sergio leans over the side to trash talk to him and Bam Alex hit him with the chair, outside the ring so it is legal. Sergio is staggering around, bewilderd and Sal is hitting the bigger version of the ass basher. He goes for the pin 1,2,.. Shoulder up. Sergio is not giving up. Lucifier is distracting the ref while Alex hits Sergio with a chair several times while Sal is thumping around in dis-belief. But wait a minute, Sal has grabbed Alex and starts hitting him and topples him over the top rope. the ref gets back as Sal goes for the pin 1,2,3. Sal wins, but wait a minute, after the match Lucifier and Alex get in the ring (with the chair) and knock Sal out of the ring and with severe pain. While Alex starts wacking Sergio with the chair. Wait, it's CG, the owner. "Woah, easy big fellar, Save it for WinterSlam, Where your match against Sergio has been upgraded from a normal match for the title, has been changed to a HELL IN A CELL. No way out of the cage, just you, him and whole heap of chairs," says CG.


What do you guys think. WinterSlam is after the next Smackdown

Last edited by Central Gluk 27; 09-14-2002 at 01:37 AM..
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09-15-2002, 11:13 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: May 2002
: In my own little world
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oddling  (10)

Odd Lucifer sucks, whta the hell was I thinking when I made him? What was I thinking when I replied to this topic? I hate wrestling! Oh well, might as well sit back and watch my ass get kicked! : D

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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09-16-2002, 12:49 AM
Central Gluk 27's Avatar
Central Gluk 27
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: Aug 2002
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Central Gluk 27  (10)

Oh bugger. You don't like it. I won't be updating for awhile. Maybe in a couple of days, but on Saturday, I am going to Japan for 2 weeks so I probably won't be giving you WinterSlam until after that 2 weeks.

Oddling, Lucifier can still win the interworld title at WinterSlam.
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09-16-2002, 10:28 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
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Jacob  (87)

Kewl lil thing you got here. *Coughs-check out my fic-Coughs*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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09-16-2002, 11:33 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: May 2002
: In my own little world
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oddling  (10)

no I like it, it's funny as hell, it's just that I made a cheesy character. His moves, name, everything is corny. hehe, corny*starts laughing like nuts* hahahaha!Corny, hehehe gravy hehehehe corny wrestling! hehehehehehe *slaps herself* ahem..um...what the hell did I do that for? Oh my, I do belive I need my medication.

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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09-19-2002, 11:51 PM
Central Gluk 27's Avatar
Central Gluk 27
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: Aug 2002
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Central Gluk 27  (10)

***BEFORE RAW,WE SEE ALEX'S LIMO PARKING IN THE CARPARK*** "yeh thank's driver, I will take *** LOOKS AT SERGIO'S CAR THAT IS HEADING RIGHT FOR HIM*** "SH**, I better get back in the car. Sergio starts ramming Alex's limo. "I said I'd get you back you bastard"Sergio says. Alex's limo is nearly all dent and crumpled as we head onto Raw.

Raw and WinterSlam will be up in two weeks so if someone would keep posting on this topic until I get back that would be good. There will be NO Smackdown to make up for the time we lost. If you don't know what to post then Tell us your views on how you think your wrestler is doing and how you think it will fare at WinterSlam
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