A few people (especially SRFRers) will have already seen these, but I'd like to post them here too.
They're hosted on Brinkster,so you'll have to copy and paste the urls into your address bar.
Dune Cat.
This beastie lives in the desert, is carnivorous, diurnal/crepuscular and is a sprinter. They live on their own or in pairs, or occasionally in little packs of half a dozen of so. They have sandy-brown coats, and the males have one nose horn, while the females have two. The females are also slightly bigger.
I know its head doesn't look very catty (it looks rather like a giraffe with bat's ears), but I didn't think of the name 'Dune Cat' until well after I'd drawn and scanned it. If I draw one again, I'll make its nose shorter, like a Siamese cat's, and I'll give it catty ears.
Feathery Dinosaur
This is basically a modification of a drawing I did a while back of a creature called Aor. The head is the same, but I decided to chane the body to a bipedal dinosaur's. Not only does it look better, but it is less complex and fantasy-like, and a lot easier to draw repeatedly.
These are mentioned in Escape From Monkey Island, but we never actually see one. The tentacly stuff is seaweed; poodles have fluffy fur round their joints, so fish-dogs would of course have seaweed.
Two sunbathing skinks.
Skateboarding Chicken
Bok bok ark! It's Tony Squawk!
Young Flut Flut
This is Jak's Flut Flut from his and Daxter's self-titled game.
In the Jak & Daxter instruction manual, Flut Fluts are described as "rare, awe-inspiring predators. Adults have been spotted with wingspans of up to fifteen metres. They are carnivorous, and will feed on almost any warm blooded creature, but they tend to prefer those over one metre tall. For some unknown reason they tend to avoid humans unless angered or starving. Fully grown Flut Fluts are forces to be reckoned with, but the infant birds hae a friendlier nature and there are many stories of them playing happily with children. However, these stories do not usually end happily. They tend to conclude with the arrival of an angry Flut Flut parent, some gratuitous violence and a very big mess. It is also said that some Flut Fluts have been tamed and ridden as easily as you would ride a common Yacow."
In the game, Jak rescues a baby Flut Flut, and the village birdwatcher kits it out in riding gear for him, and he gets to ride it in certain points of the game.
This is the picture of it in the instruction manual.
Adult Flut Flut
And here's what I think the adult Fluts look like; we only see a baby one in the game.
There are some more in the
Gallery of my site if you'd like to see more.
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