(OOC: Well, I've been fussing around with a chat client called mIRC which I have had stored on my computer. For those of you unfamiliar with the client, you can create channels or join one of the many to RP or just chat about basically anything.
Anywho, basically it's like Oddchat... only it's a prgram. The program is relatively small and doesn't tkae up much space on your computer. But to the point: I wanted ot see if anyone had created an Oddworld RPG channel... which they haven't... which means I now own it... whoops. So, if we could have people who choose to do so, we could have some people log on and just do some free-form RP live, kinda like a chat. If anyone is interested, you can download mIRC from
http://www.mirc.com .
Again, this is just an idea, but hey, it might be fun since MSN window RPing is entertaining. Let me know what you guys think.)