
07-27-2018, 02:13 PM
Riot Slug
: Aug 2016
: Joe's Pizza
: 559
Rep Power: 9
In Mudos rules peace and tranquility. The Mudokons wisely meditate in the wilderness surrounded by the quiet of the forests.
Among them there is a small mudokon apprentice shaman who tries to increase his spiritual powers. He feels his spiritual connection with his odd planet: he perceives the scrabs running through the Scrabania desert, the furious sligs who guard the factories of the threatening Magog, even the spirits flying in the afterlife. But the young mudokon felt that this wasn't enough to become a powerful shaman, he felt he had to unite his spirit with something else, something that should be of vital importance.
He constantly tormented this thought, he always looked at his hands with curiosity asking himself "You, Niok, who are you really?". These words tormented his mind without stop. He perceived the varied present of Oddworld, but he realized that he had never really perceived its past. Without it how could he perceive the future?
One day, therefore, Niok, during one of his spiritual meditations, stopped suddenly, reflecting on these tormenting thoughts for a long time. He had to know the past of his species, of his world, of his universe. Without the knowledge of it, he couldn't do anything else to become what he inspired most.
Niok went to the Almighty Raisin cave, only he could enlighten him on what he was looking for. He has lived for many centuries, as every elder tree he must has seen and heard everything that the young mudokon was looking for.
"Ah, young Niok. Approach, approach"- said the Raisin, who was not at all surprised by the arrival of the apprentice shaman.
"Raisin, I have questions for you that could help me in my spiritual journey," - said Niok, approaching and then stopping in front of the Raisin - "questions of fundamental importance for me".
"Are they questions to make you become what you must become or what you want most to be?"
"What do you mean?" - Niok asked intrigued.
"My young Mudokon, I already know what you want to ask me: who are we? How were we born in this world? Or better yet ... - "
"How was this world born?"
The Raisin laughed a little, he knew perfectly that he would ask that fateful question.
"We all ask ourselves these questions, young Niok. But find their concrete answers? Ahh, this is what we found hardly. But there is a saying that reveals how to find them, young apprentice:
"Those who wish to know about our old world
should search the chronicles of the elder souls,
whom are forever furled
in the ancient stones. ".
Niok was even more curious but also more confused at the same time. His surprised face and squeezed eyes proved that feeling.
"Ancient stones? Those found in the abandoned lands? "
"Yes, but in even more distant lands. Lands that haven't only been left to their hermitage, but also forgotten. In fact, they are lands that haven't been found anymore; the known islands of the genesis. "
"But they do not exist at all!"
"Nobody is sure, young Mudokon. The farther a memory is, the harder it is to understand if it was something true."
"So ... if the existence of these islands is not certain then how I can find my answers?"
"Fortunately for you, I know some stories that come from these stones. Sit down my dear Niok, listen and feel what I am about to tell you about our world. They're about the miracle of life, morality of choices, responsibility for our gifts and fear of death. In fact, I'm concerned that perhaps you're not ready yet to hear everything I'm about to tell you."
"Raisin, you should already know the answer."
The Almighty Raisin laughed more.
"Yes dear Niok, I know."
And so the elder tree began to tell the stories of their world. They were stories of life, strungle and death. Of the devastation of blind peace and of the creativity of free transition. They were stories of life, other lives told to give meaning to another's life. And that's why Niok listened, with unswerving attention.
This is the prologue of Oddworld: Chronicles. I thought this was unnecessary but I wanted to spend some minutes on it anyway to give you guys something before the first chapter is ready. It might not be the best, I admit that, but I hope to write better 
v- My other places -v