Hey, did ya see that new SW movie?
I think it somehow became even more polarizing than SW7 was. Some themes were cool, like the concept of Ben Swolo's struggle and grey morality but they were so poorly executed. I was surprized to see him proposing to abolish the Empire/Jedi organizations and think of something better - "Finally something both cool in original in the series" - I though. Of course the Disney stakeholders and toy makers wouldn't want to make any risks, so Rey had to decline, making the endless stupid circle of incompetent Sith vs hypocritical Jedi continue forever.
The mediocre writing was all over the place. Maybe by just calling it "mediocre", I'm giving it too much credit, as at some places it went to
Batman & Robin movie level of stupidity. (You know which scene it was) The movie surely is bad if it makes you think of Batman & Robin.
Not to mention plot holes as big as the one in Imperial Ship torn into two by a ship going into light speed. Turns out the Rebels had the ultimate weapon throughout the whole 8 movies and only know they decided to actually use it. Man, the previous 7 movies are so rendered pointless.
Not as pointless as the entire Finn+Asian Sidekick Diversity Fill Character subplot that took a big chunk of the movie that could've been used better, like e.g. for making the important scenes better-paced (When watching the movie I got the feeling that cool scenes lasted for a way too short time, to make space for the bad ones)
Porgs are unsignificant. No reason to hate them. Chewbacca was pointless. Phasma was pointless. They killed Ackbar just like that. There was little tension in the movie, you don't feel like the bad characters are any menacing when they act like they suffered brain damage. Snoke was a mistake. The movie was a mess. It was enjoyable to watch, if you don't expect a good movie. It gives you a lot food for thought when it comes to bad design. You question movie's logic a lot in this movie.
I could go on and on about it... Let's hear your opinions, instead. The above was just, like, my opinion