The idea and the screenshots looked very promising so I decided to try the mod. I *think* I have finished it, the game doesn't let me go through the final door
The mod is in a dire need of some polish, there are multiple ledges that look like you could grab them by simply hoisting up, but they require run-jump for some reason. The ledges itself aren't perfectly aligned to the steps and you can easily fall in a few places, because you thought you wouldn't fall if you make another step. On the very second screen you're supposed to drop from a ledge and fall through a distance that'd normally kill Abe but it's scripted not to.
The game doesn't really offer much challenge. It's generally easier than AE, which is not a good thing, since nearly all of the people who'd want to play the mod have finished AE already. There's a slig-lock that requires a slig to say a certain phrase to progress. The problem is that the phrase is just pressing the same button three times. I don't really see the reason to include this, then :P
The levels look mostly very, very empty, even despite the pretty photoshopped backgrounds. They miss gameplay objects. About 90% of the mod feels like that. The games like AE need puzzles, more action elements, and clever level design this mod unfortunately lacks. There are also many situations where you can enter an unwinnable state, and some of those could be easily avoided if it was designed just a bit better.
Also, it's certainly not a good decision to not base your mod on the international version of the game. And to not include the note about the DLL.
Nonetheless, if this is your first mod, it's still a good score. Most of the Oddworld mods I played were worse than that
Graphics: 7+/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Challenge: 5/10
Fun: 6/10
Amount of polish: 1/10