Apologising for a bump doesn't make it break the rules any less
Even if you have something new to add, you're usually just better off making a new thread and linking to the old one. You can only bump threads this old in the Fan Corner, and that's only for people to update their old projects without having to contact a mod.
You can revive very old threads in FC, but please only do so if the thread starter (or relevant contributors) are still active and/or the project is assertively still alive.
I thought after six months threads were automatically locked down. Never understood how people can necrumate them.
That applies for the rest of the forum but not for FC, where the condition was lifted under my request after a discussion about it with Nate, many moons ago.
With FC in the current state I don't see why they don't change that and just make it clearer that you need to contact Nate if you want to post in an old thread.
Make Nate do
more work?!
Actually thinking back they lifted it when FC died off and Splat became more inactive. My suggestion was the total opposite of what actually happened.
I lurk!
I just have nothing to say much these days.
But I am watching. Always watching you...
It's because I love you.
you monster why do you want Splat dead
OMIGOSH you monster!
I did notice this thread a few days ago; I was just too lazy to do anything about it.
(P.S. Nice models!)