I remember hopping into this dream years ago, back when I frequented Furcadia to chat to people.
As far as keeping the dream up goes, unless DEP have changed a lot of things since I last played, it's as easy as getting someone who can keep their computer online forever to upload it, and use a proxy/bot program to make an anti-idle script (which usually consists of sitting up/down or rotating every so often, or say something in chat). It isn't quite as simple as uploading, going in and leaving it.
I would really love this to be back up again, seeing the work that went into it makes me really appreciate it as a labour of love, moreso than I did when I just made a passing glance of it years ago. The sprites are all great, the rooms look really well designed, and the fact you guys pulled off that scripting really impresses me (I sucked with DragonSpeak xD). It's all a matter of whether many people have the time to be active though; dreams kinda suck for the most part if there's not plenty of people in them.
Also, if work still needs to go into it there's the possibility I could spare a little time, I have a bit of experience working with Furcadia's editing tools. May need to refresh myself a bit, though. I haven't played in a year at least...
Munch's Exoddus: the quest for a can opener. Which will be just as squeaky as the wheelchair.