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06-13-2001, 05:04 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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Along came a Spider....*grin*

Spider ran as fast as he could, bullets streaking pass him. He was being pursued by a pair of sligs who were quite determinded to get the reward for killing him. Normaly he would have fought them, but they had caught him while he was repairing his pants and he had to abandon them. It didn't help that he was in a wide plain, with no cover. Nothing around he could use to hide behind and ambush his pursurers. Another bullet streaked by him, missing him by a good margin.
Must be a couple of rookies... he mused. Still he didn't want to hurt them, as it was bad enough that some of the local free sligs knew of his acts back in the labs, he didn't want do something that would make the stigmata that was around him even worse...
He felt a sudden sharp pain in his right hand and he screamed in pain as he fell. He looked at his hand and saw a very large thorn in it, it had gone straight through his glove. He pulled it out and he clutched his injured hand as he winced in pain.
Frack, what a time ter cripple myself... he thought as the two sligs approached him.
"Looks like we are going ter get that promotion..." one of the sligs laughed.
"Yep" the other said as they leveled their guns at him, "No way we can miss at this distance..."
@*%#! I have no choice now... Spider thought as he swung his tail and knocked both the sligs off their feet. They both gave a startled yelp in surprise and Spider quickly broke both their necks. He looked up sadly, he didn't want to kill them, but he had no choice. His injury would have slowed him down too much for it to be feasible to just knock them out. He thought a moment, and realized that he had no idea where he was.
"@$^*&@^(#$!!! today is just not my day..." he grumbled to himself. It was nearly noon and he was already getting hot from the sun beating down on his dark green skin. I need ter get out of the sun.. he thought. He spied what he believe to be a village on the horizon. With no other obvious shelters nearby, he started slowly limping/hopping his way to the village.

It took till nearly dark for him to get there, but he managed to make it to the outskirts of the village. He was exhausted and dehydrated. He saw a shack just outside the village and made his way to it. He pushed open the door and looked in. It looked inhabited, but the occupent was obviously away at the time. He went in and sniffed around, many of the scents in there were unfamilar to him, but at that point he didn't care. He hopped over to the bed, (as his hand now hurt too much for him to even limp on), flopped down onto it, and immediately fall asleep.

ooc: hehe you guessed it DH, you have a vistor in you shack , becareful how you wake him up

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06-13-2001, 03:22 PM
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*After seeing Cili, Jerr and Dragadon leave, Dark Hood comes back to Pyke. As he walks through the village center, he notices the door of his shack open.*

DH: "Uh-oh!"

*He gets out his stick and runs toward his shack, then stops. Lighting his blowtorach, he hears heavy breathing coming from inside. Peaking his head round the door and shining his blowtorch inside, he notices some strange BBS slig like creature having a sleep on his bed. He enters his shack and scowls at the creature.*

DH: (Quietly) "Aw, man! Had to happen to me, didn't it?"

*He puts the blowtorch on the table, and gently walks over to the creature and taps it on the shoulder.*

DH: "Uhm. . . Ahem."

(OOC: We'll do the rest in MSN)
- DH

06-13-2001, 05:07 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

*Spider was awakened by a light tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a strange mudokon sized creature dressed in all black looking down at him with a scowl*

DH: "Uhm, could I have my bed back, please?"

Spider: *lets out a long sigh* Alright...I didn't mean ter interude. I've had a bad day and needed ter rest a bit. *slides off the bed, ends up landing with his injured hand. He falls over screeching in pain. Hes lays on his side clutching his injured hand* {insert string of curse words here..}

DH: "Ouch. You okay?"*He kneels down beside Spider*

Spider: *after catching is breath, shows him his injury* could be better, ended up hurting myself while running from some bountyhunters...

DH: "Hmmm. I'm afriad all the medics left the village when some strange event deserted it."

Spider: *winces* don' like medics...they remind me ter much of my time in the labs..

DH: "I have some stuff with me that might help, though."

Spider: yer do? I would appreceate it..

*Dark Hood takes out a small bottle labled "Tea-tree" and a bag of yellow powder labelled "Tumeric" He opens the Tea-tree. It gives off a strong smell*

Spider: *crinkles his snout in disgust*

DH: "Yeah I know. The cats didn't like the smell when I put it on thier flea bites. Anyway, this may sting a little, but it'll get rid of any germs and prevent infection."

Spider: Here let me take my glove off *he winces as he pulls off his glove*

DH: "Okay, you ready? Brace yourself, and try not to move around too much."

Spider: *clutches his teeth and braces himself*

*DH holds Spiders hand as he gently applies the tea-tree*

Spider: *closes his eyes and grunts in pain, but manages to hold still*

*Dark Hood puts away the tea tree*

DH: "I'll let that absorb before putting the tumeric on. The tumeric will help the wound heal up. Works wonders. However, I gotta apply it three times a day."

Spider: I'm not goin' anywhere...I can't walk on it until it heals..

DH: "I thought sligs had metal legs?"

Spider: I der, but I was repairing them when i was ambushed. I had ter leave 'em

DH: "What's your name anyway?"

Spider: Spider

DH: "Ah. You're certainly unlike any BBS I've seen."

Spider: *chuckles lightly* I'm a crossbreed

DH: "Oh. Another crossbreed."

Spider: yer dealt with other 'breeds befer?

DH: "Yeah. Pyke has its share of strange creatures coming into it. I remember that strange scrab crossbreed thing. Dunno what happend to it."

Spider: are there any sligs that were formerly working for the Cartel here?

DH: "There were at one point, but most of them left. I think there's still one or two around."

Spider: *moans* wonderful....

DH: "I haven't seen any sligs around here lately, though."

Spider: *sigh* guess I'm safe here fer the time being then..

DH: "How come? They after you or something?"

Spider: long story, starts back when I was still in the labs..

DH: "Uh-huh."

Spider: let me give yer the main reason...when i was still stuck in the labs...I hunted sligs as food

DH: "Ah."

Spider: Now that I have escaped, I don't der that anymore...but they refuse ter believe that..

DH: "Oh. I see. Anyway, time to put that tumeric on."*He opens the bag of yellow powder. It smells like curry. (Tumeric is one of the curry powerders, but it works well in wounds)*"Mmmm! Makes me hungry. This may sting a little bit, but not as much as the tea-tree."

Spider: ok

*DH holds Spiders hand as he packs the wound full of tumeric. He places the bag underneath Spiders hand to catch the excess.*

DH: "All done."

Spider: thank you

DH: "You can stay on my bed for the night. I'll sleep on the floor and build you another bed tommorrow. I'll also try and retrieve your pants."

Spider: *slight smile* I should let yer know...they are not normal BBS pants..

DH: "What do they look like?"

Spider: why der yer think I'm called 'Spider'?

DH: "Hmmmm. . ."*Thinks*"They look like a spiders legs?"

Spider: *nods* its has 8 legs instead of 2 or 4. and yes they look like spider legs *grin*

DH: "Ah-ha. Heck, I don't feel sleepy tonight. I'll go get your pants back tonight instead. Where'd you leave them?"

Spider: um...*worried face* no idea...those bounty hunters ran me all over the place today..

DH: "Darn."

Spider: *thinks a moment* theres a couple of dead slig bodies 'bout a half days walk from here, well more like a fourth of a days...pass them somewhere shold be my pants..

DH: "In which direction?"

Spider: *thinks again* ter the east

DH: "Okay."*He helps Spider back onto the bed*

Spider: thanks again...it's nice ter find someone that doesn't try ter kill me on sight fer once..

DH: "That's okay. Always pleased to help someone in need. It's my job."

Spider: *smiles* by the way, whats yer name?

DH: "My real name is Eddie, but everybody calls me Dark Hood."

Spider: ah very well then, Dark Hood. thanks once again.

DH: "I'm what they call a human, BTW. I'm an alien to this planet."

Spider: No wonder yer smelled so strange *chuckles*

DH: "The first of my kind to come here. We don't have the technology for interstellar travel back on my planet. However, I am special and have a limited set of magic powers. No other human has them."

Spider: ah I see. *thinks* just ter let yer know...becareful of what yer say around me...I don' take insults well

DH: "Okay."

Spider: *sly smile* an' just because I'm pantless doesn't mean I'm helpless...and don' think yer safe in the trees either..

DH: "Well, I can't climb trees. I have a shield, though."*He activates his sheild*

Spider: *grin* if yer ever get me mad yer better hope that holds..

DH: "It will, don't worry."*He deactivates it*"Anyway, I'll go get your pants back. I'll repair them with my powers and ride them back for ya."

Spider: *yawns, showing lots of sharp teeth* yer der that...

DH: "Okay. I'll be off then. See ya later for now."

Spider: bye *lays head down and falls asleep*

*Dark Hood exits his shack and heads off into the night*

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06-13-2001, 05:17 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
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OOC:One thing- Can you discribe Spyder for me. Is it a slig or what?
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

06-13-2001, 05:35 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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ooc: sure...Spider is a mix of Slig, Paramite, and ?(not telling hehe). He is 7 feet tall('bout as big as a BBS), dark green skin, yellow eyes, and he has a quills/spikes running from half way up the back of his neck to the tip of his tail (which is about 3 or 4 feet long). His overall shape is like a BBS, he only has 3 face tenticules(which are more like a paramites then the sligs). He uses specialized pants(which at the moment he doesn't have), but can get around with out them (he can trot just as fast as a slig when pantless, he's even faster when he DOES have his pants.) Despite his size he can climb and move about in trees with ease. If you need pic references you can go here: -Spider Pics-
psst! that dude in my banner is Spider..

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06-13-2001, 06:49 PM
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*Dark Hood travels across the desert by moonlight. After a few hours walking, he sees a dead slig.*

DH: "Ah, I think I've found them."

*After more walking, he comes across Spiders pants. He sets up his blowtorch on a nearby rock, and gathers the tools Spider was using.*

DH: "I'm not gonna need these, but he might, though."

*He searches the pants for a compartment. When he finds one, he puts the tools into it.*

DH: "Better repair them before trying to get them back. Gotta think of a way to control them as well."

*He charges up his weapon, and fires a blue energy beam at the pants. It repairs them. Examining further, Dark Hood discovers some port at the back, probably to fix a device so Vykerrs can control them. The socket looks very familier.*

DH: "Hmmm, now where have I seem a socket like that before?"

*He thinks*

DH: "I know!"

*He pulls put a computer keyboard from his pocket, and plugs it into the back of the pants. To his suprise, they switch on. He sits ontop of them, and taps the directional keys on the keyboard. The pants move.*

DH: "Wow! Thats amazing! It actaully works! Go figure! Well, I'd better gather everything up and start heading back. This should be easy."

*He gets off the pants, and turns off his blowtorch, and puts it in his pocket. He gets out a cuisoin from his pocket and puts it ontop of the pants in order to have a more comfy ride back. Sitting ontop of the pants, he puts the keyboard on his lap and presses the directional keys. He makes the pants go back, left, right, and foward. He then makes them go diagonaly by pressing 2 of the directional keys at once.*

DH: "Cool! Just like a 3d game!"

*He begins his journey back to Pyke.*
- DH

06-14-2001, 01:04 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Spider tossed and turned in his sleep, he was experencing a nightmare. A nightmare that dealt with what happened to him in the past...

It was only a month after his fathers murder and Spider was forced to go through horrific tests. Tests that tested for pain tolorence, how resistent he was to certain illments, heat, and cold, and many more. It just the beginning of the worse two years of his life...

"Why are yer doing this ter me!" he cried as he was forcefully thrown onto an examination table and strapped down.
"Because..." a Vykker named Myron said coldly, "you are the prototype for a new breed of BBS. And as the prototype we must run these test to see if you live up to our expentations."
"My father never treated me like this!" Spider howled.
"Your 'father', Bastek, was too soft, to gentle with you. The the bosses don't care for that. He was too slow in running all the nessecary tests. He was also giving you too much free will. That's why he was...but away." Myron said as he stuck electrodes on various parts of his body.
"Father never treated me like I was just a lab animal!"
"But thats what you are...a lab animal. A plaything for us to experament and to run tests on. In other words..." Myron grabed one of Spider's face tenticules and pulled him close, "you...are...nothing!"
"No, yer are wrong...I am something more..."
"Thats what you think." Myron released him, "Begin the test"
Spider screamed as thousands of volts of electricity shot through his body...

Spider woke up screaming. It took him a moment to realize that it was nothing but a dream and that he was safe in Dark Hoods shack. Still he was shaking, shaking in fear of that terrible memory. One of many he would rather forget forever. But they always came back to haunt him, no matter how hard he tried to forget them.
He took several deep breaths, calming himself back down. After a bit of effort, he forced himself to go back to sleep...

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06-14-2001, 04:34 AM
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*A few hours later, Spider is woken rather rudley by a loud "WHOA! S***!" and a CRASH! outside.*
- DH

06-14-2001, 05:03 AM
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Spider: *is apprehensive*what the frack was that? *He slides off the bed, hops to the door, and causiously looks out. He sees his pants have been crashed into a tree, and Dark Hood on the ground looking a little stunned. He is shocked at first, then gets angry* what the FRACK did yer der ter my pants!

*Dark Hood gets up and grins sheepishly*

DH: "Oh, uh, Morning, Spider!"

Spider: *just growls, bearing his teeth*

*Dark Hood gets nervous*

DH: "Uh-oh. . ."

Spider: *low dangerous voice* those pants are one of a kind...I can't get no replacement *starts advancing(well more like hopping over to him...)*

DH: "Look, uhm, it's nothing serious, I'm sure. I can fix them in a few seconds. . ."*He backs up, only to trip over Spiders pants again* "Ow!"
Spider: well yer better fix 'em, and fix 'em fast
DH: "Okay, okay, you got it!"*He gets up and quickley manovours the pants away from the tree to reveal a dent in the front of them. He unplugs his keyboard, removes the cuision, and starts charging up his stick.*

Spider: *just watches, glowering at him*

*Dark Hook fires a blue enrgy beam at Spiders pants, and they glow for a bit, then return to normal, fully repaired. Even the wear and tear on them has dissappead. They are now looking very new, but a bit dirty.*"And whilst I'm at it. . ."*He charges up his stick again, and fires a purple energy beam at Spiders pants. They get cleaned in a few seconds. Both Spider and Dark Hood are dazzaled by the gleam of the morning sun reflecting off the pants.*

DH: "See? What did I tell ya?"

Spider: *calmed down now* Alright...I forgive yer this time. Next time however...

DH: "Sorry I crashed your pants. I'm a bad driver."

Spider: *snorts, hops over to his pants, and gets in. He looks quite relieved to be back in them*

ooc: more will be added on to this later. We ran out of time...

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06-14-2001, 06:53 PM
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Spider: Sorry 'bout my reaction...these pants have a...*suddenly looks a little sad*sentamental value ter me...

DH: "Yeah, I know. I was wrong to crash them in the first place, and I'm sorry about that. Since I probably won't be piloting them again, you shouldn't need to worry."

Spider: *looks like he is just staring into space, looking depressed*

DH: "What's wrong?"

Spider: *shakes himself out of it* just remembering somethin'...a memory actually...a memory of my...*breaks down into sobs*

DH: *Goes up to Spider and comforts him* "One of your relatives?"

Spider: *manages to calm himself down* no...my creator...my father

DH: "Ah, I sypmpathise with you. My father is dead as well."

Spider: But I bet yer father wasn't killed by one of his own colleages..

DH: "No, he died a horrible death of cancer 4 years back." *He sighs sadly* "Ah, memories." *He shakes himself off* "What, is that what happend to your father?"

Spider: *takes a deep breath* First of all, my father was a Vykker. He raised me as if I was his own son, taught me ter read and write, told me of the wonderfuls outside the labs. basically he showed me that I was worth much more then just a mere lab animal. He was the one that made me these pants, as he knew how unconfortable I was in the normal BBS ones. However, the upper management and his colleages didn't like his 'nice' way of doin' things and had him killed, I was barely a year old at the time. The memeory of the day I found his murdered body still haunts me ter this day...

DH: "Did you get your revenge?"

Spider: *nods with a victious grin on his face* heck yah, I gave his murder a taste of his own medicine...then escaped. But that didn't happen until 'bout 4 years after my fathers death. Two of those years i spent trapped in his murders grasp, undergoing terrible experaments *shudders*. I was able ter escape, but as I didn't know how ter get out of the compound itself, I spent another two years roaming the halls, looking fer a way ter get my revenge and ter escape. It was my fathers old assistent that adventrally gave me the oppertunity ter der so. Unfortunately....he didn't survive ter see the outside himself..

DH: "Wow, you sure have a sad life story." *Sympathy*

Spider: yeah i know...*sighs* But I intend ter make the most of the rest of my life

DH: "Boy, will you make the most of it here or what! Pyke has strange goings on in it daily."

Spider: *looks worried* i just hope their aren't any blasted bounty hunters living 'round here...

DH: "Well, everybody fled a while ago, so there aren't. . . I think."

Spider: I hope not...I rather not kill anyone if I can help it. 'Specially sligs, as I don' want them ter hate me anymore then they already do..

DH: "Uh-huh."

Spider: hmmm*sniffs the air* I smell scrab...*stomach growls*

DH: "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too after walking through that desert, but I can't eat scrab, though."

Spider: *raises brow* why not?

DH: "I'm vegitarian. I belive it's wrong to eat animals because of they way they are treated before they get slaughterd." *He thinks* "In that case, if I kill an animal myslef, then I can eat it, but since I've been off meat all my life I'd rather not it."

Spider: *shrugs* more fer me then...besides, yer wouldn't want ter see me eat...I'm kind of messy. Well...I'm off ter catch me some breakfast...see yer in a bit *scuttles off*

DH: "Bye spide." *He thinks* "Come to think of that, I ought to go find something to eat myself and then catch up on sleep."
- DH

06-14-2001, 08:05 PM
: Apr 2001
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Darksider  (11)

(OOC: ummm... DH and Dragadon, you might wanna be ware, cause you're guy is something to hunt, and even if Sligit isn't around now, in a couple of weeks(more than that in Oddworld time)he'll be back, and i doubt that he will get along with Spider. though, i dunno yet. Have to wait till they meat...uhh, i mean meet!)
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

06-14-2001, 09:40 PM
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(ooc: yeah, when we noticed that you were back we were kind of expecting something like that. Oh well, looks like Spider will have to watch his back....

Spider: oh great...a PC bounty hunter...wonderful *groans*

don't worry Spider, I'm sure everything will turn out alright.

Spider: yeah? We'll have ter wait and see 'bout that...

*sigh* true...)

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06-14-2001, 11:26 PM
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Spider watched the scrab herd from behind some bushes. He was looking for a scrab that was old or sick, most of this herd seemed pretty healthy though. But he knew all hunters must have patience, so he watched and waited.
There.. he thought as he finally spotted an old scrab that was starting to lag behind the herd. He watched as the old scrab paused to rest. It was obviously fast approaching its death bed, only Spider was about to send it there a bit quicker...
Spider waited until the rest of scrab herd was a good distance away, he knew that if he attack too soon the rest of the herd would attack him and that was the last thing he needed. After a moment more, Spider charged. The old scrab didn't know what hit it and was quickly slain. He looked back up toward the scrab herd, fortunately the herd hadn't even noticed and kept moving away. Relaxing, Spider started to eat.

After finishing, Spider washed himself off in a stream. When he was done, he started back toward the village. Suddenly a strange, unfamiliar scent hit him. He stopped, sniffing, trying to identify it. But the scent was already gone, gone as fast as the breeze that carried it.
Wonder what the heck that was? he thought. He shrugged and continued on his way back to the village.


The time is near. Our numbers have grown. Soon we will start our attack. We will take out our strongest oppostion first. Then the planet will be ours.

Beware the Skrakians...

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06-20-2001, 10:05 PM
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*Spider enters DH's shack after his meal*

DH: "Oh, Hi Spide. Enjoy your hunting?"

Spider: *smile* yep scrab always hit the spot

DH: "Poor things."*He suddenly remembers how annoying they were when pkaying Oddworld games*
DH: (With a frown) "On second thoughts, maybe not."

Spider: anyho *stetches* was thinkin' of checkin' out the village itself. Any points of interest in there?

DH: "None really, just the village center and Alf's Rehab and Tea. We call it ARAT."

Spider: what 'bout shops? not that I have any money ter spend in them..

DH: "Theres a weapons shop very near here which you may of noticed already. Theres a training yard nearby, but that isn't exactly in the village. I think there is also a misc items shop as well, but I'm not sure. You'll have to ask at ARAT, I haven't really needed to go to any shops lately."

Spider: hmm weapons I don' really have a need fer...That training place i would use..them blasted hunters are getting smarter and tuffer all the time...

DH: "That's at the southern side of the village, I think."

Spider: I may be paranoid...but der yer think I should disgues myself befer heading in?

DH: "I dunno, but I think it might be a good idea."

Spider: Ok...but how...my size isn't exactly widely available in stores...

DH: "I'm not sure. I'm not a costume expert."

Spider: *thinks a moment* Got any large blankets yer don' use?

DH: *Pulls one out from under his bed* "You can use this one."

Spider: Ta *takes it. Looks it over a moment thinking. Then he puts blanket around his back and ties two of the corners in front. Now he looks like he has a cape with a makeshift hood. Pulls the 'hood' up over his head* Will this do yer think?

DH: "Yeah, it looks cool. You're gonna have to do something about your pants, though. They look a little distinctive."

Spider: *shrugs* not much I can der 'bout those...

DH: "Take them off? But then youd have to hide your face tenticals."

Spider: *thoughtful* well I could always say that these are experimental...as fer my face...as long as no one takes a good look they'll think I'm a BigBro with a fancy set of pants..I'll just have ter make sure ter keep my tail hidden..

DH: "Okay then. That looks like a better idea."

Spider: I'll be off then. See yer later *waves as he head fer the door* Oh..if yer suddenly hear a bunch of gunfire...It's most likely due ter me being found out..

DH: "If I hear a bunch of gunfire, I'll come running to help you out. I have my shield. It can withstand gunshots."

Spider: if yer really want ter *shrugs* thats yer choice.

DH: *Thinks: Perhaps I should follow him silently just incase he does get found out.*

Spider: thanks again *exits*

DH: "See ya, Spide. Good luck." *Thinks: I've got nothing better to do. I'll wait for a bit then sneak out after him.*

*After a while, Dark Hood sneaks out un-noticed and follows Spider. . .*

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