Oddworld Forums > Zulag Four > Necrum Burial Grounds

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06-20-2001, 12:53 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)
PSI Forest/WEAPON SHOP!!!!!!!(Finally!)

Welcome to the Psi Forest! In this forest(and yes, i do know that it seems like a spin-off of Rettick and Dakkan, and i don't care!)you will be taught the fine art and mastery of the use of Psi to controll and make stronger your psychic abillities. YOU CANNOT BUY ABILLITIES HERE UNLESS I SPECIFICALLY POST THAT YOU CAN, SUCH AS ONES THAT I AM LEARNING(Read the Last Dark Child to see what i have to learn!). So, if you have a move that you purchassed from the Psychic Training Centre, and it does one damage, if you come here , you can train with that skill, and depending on how long and hard you train the damage from that attack will go up that much.


One Train-makes any chosen skill go up one level(damage points +1)-1000 moolah.

Double Train-makes two chosen skills go up by one, or one skill go up by two(2 skills +1, 1 skill +2)2000m

Triple Train-Makes three skills go up by one, or one go up by three(3 skills +1, 1 skill +3)3000m

Special Train-Makes all skills go up by 5,(all skills +5)50000m

__Skills I am Learning that I can teach you__
*All Skills will cost you 500m to learn, and to use it you need to train and master the skill!

Psionic Waves-Wound an enemiy's mind, 15 points of damage(5 trains to master)

Psionic Surge-Creates a surge of Psychic and Magical energy for 30 damage(30 trains to master)

Mutate-Change the target into any chosen creature(like a bug!)(25 trains to master)

Also, we do have a limited Junk Shop! We do some useful things there, so please take a look

JUNK SHOP____________________________________


Machine Gun:300m +AP-1, +HP-1

Knife/Dagger:200m +AP-2, +HP-1

Shotgun:1000m +AP-3, +HP-3

Railgun:3000m +AP-3, +HP-4

Chaingun:4500m +AP-5, +HP-5

(the HP/AP bonus is what the HP/AP is for that weapon!)
AT Machine Gun:500m- 2 machine guns, HP/AP+3

AT Knife/Dagger:400m- 2 of whichever, HP/AP+2

Multi-Chain Gun:7000m- 2 Chaingun, railgun, HP/AP+8

Sniper Rifle:8000m- 2 Chaingun, 2 Railgun, Multi-Chain Gun, Knife/Dagger, Machine Gun, HP/AP+18

Stationary Gun:40000m- 4 Sniper Rifle, HP/AP +80(must be planted*, immobile once made and planted!)


Water Wand-100m HP-1, AP-1

War Trident-500m HP-3, AP-3

Battle Staff-1000m HP-3, AP-4

War Staff-2500m HP-4, AP-4

Tetra Shuriken-3000m HP-4, AP-5(boomerang action, thrown and will return)

Tetra Super Shuriken-4000m HP-5, AP-5

Thunder Stave-5500m HP-6, AP-8, has power to summon thunder strikes for 20 points of damage!


We hope you enjoyed your stay in the Psi Forest! Thank you, come again(in Apu voice!).

*The Stationary Gun is planted with four spikes, and is actually built into a small bunker, which four sligs will fit into. Best for defense. Almost useless.

[ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: Darksider ]

[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: Darksider ]
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

06-20-2001, 11:02 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Due, I'm sorry to play Rettick's Par as Ex-SuperDick, But. The is already a Psychic Store. I own a MAGIC, more spirtual energy; Rettick owns Psychic, more Brain Involed.

-Plz pick a new type of "Magic" if you wish to open a shop like this.

-Dakkan a.k.a. Kugal
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

06-21-2001, 12:57 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

It is called PSI. P.S.I. p,s,i. Clear, Dakkan, or must i put it rhetorically? PSI, the point of mastery over magic and psychic energy that you can merege them. That is what you learn off the forest. Also, you see you train here. I may make money, but I will also bring buisness to you guys, cause you can make your skills stronger, so more people will say "fuck weapons, lets get some Psychic and Magic spells!" See? or do i have to put that rhetorically, too? j/k, but back off, I know what i'm doing.(leave the superdick to rettick!). Just trust me, even if i have been gone for three months from the RPG. I'm not stupid. Oh, by the way, is it still 10000 moolah to start a shop? Or was it 5000 now? You and Rettick got me mixed up. Please tell.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

06-21-2001, 07:05 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

[OOC: talking about me behind my back? *is shocked*

it's 10000 to open a shop.

you haven't really said what things do here. for example, only one of the things you can learn in the Psychic Training Centre actually reduces the enemy's HP, so what effect would your training have on other things, such as possession or healing?

also, what effect does the 'probe' have in real terms? is it basically the same as possession?

basically, i think that three magic-type stores is just too much. customers will become confused, and won't buy anything at all. we have no weapons shop, so why not open a weapons shop? we'd all get much more customers that way.

if you do carry on with this training forest, could you at least explain it a bit more, please?

sorry if i'm acting like an arsehole, but grid ain't here, so someone has to fill in for him...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-22-2001, 06:43 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

Really, it is just a thing where you can say "Wow! I did make it to something!" It is also used by Keris quite often. It is important to the storyline that is gonna start building pretty soon. Also, the skill that gives the ability to posess, if it can, say, posess one person, then after one train it can posess two people. By the way, I still have to ask Rettick, do i get the pay for all that time i didn't play in the RPG, or is it assumed that i was off somewhere? Just curious. But yeah, you are Superdick, and damn good at it too! J/K! hehe ! But yes, i will add something else. A weapon section. But i needed a place for Keris to train his skills. I wanted you dudes to know. But, maybe, well... I'll make everyone happy, I'll change a few things, add, take away, yeah. YEAH! THANK YOU SUPERDI...RETTICK! I'M GONNA CHANGE THIS BABY UP! LETS GET IT ON BABY! OHHH YES! oops! sorry, got al little carried away there.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

06-22-2001, 09:24 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

hehe... i like the 'almost useless' weapon... i applaud honesty!

aw c'mon! you can't sell possessionn when i already sell it! at least come up with your own original powers! *tut* psychic people are so unoriginal these days...

i think you were kinda away... anyway, you're using a new char, who wasn't here while you were away anyway, so it's moot. ya get no dosh, buddy!

yup, i am THE superdick... forget grid, i have enough dickiness for seven moderators when i'm in the mood...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-22-2001, 09:41 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

jst a cuppel ov kweschons:

i take it that the upgrades powers are equivalent, not the actual weapons, as none of the characters actually have 9 arms...

and just to check, you are going to pay for your own training, aren't you? me and dak are, so it's only fair. after all, owning a shop is no excuse for giving yourself free upgrades...

akchully, i had more questions, but i can't remember what they were. damn my feeble short-term memory...

[ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-23-2001, 01:36 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

OOC: You know I was joking Rettick. I knew you would jump all over this post.
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

06-23-2001, 03:07 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

I will pay for my own training. Don't wanna get everyone pissed off. (OOC: When Keris is gone this will only be a Training Center for physical attacks/weapon shop, i think. Maybe I'll teach Sligit this branch of magic, but not likely. Don't tell anyone, though !) Ok? Ok. Good. Goodbye. And also, can i get an ARAT job too? Also, i don't sell possession, but that example on posession was if the person trains here. Also, can you clarify this
i take it that the upgrades powers are equivalent, not the actual weapons, as none of the characters actually have 9 arms...
wasn't quite sure on that one... oh well. I will follow the rules, as well as i know them. If i break a rule, just tell me and i will rectify the situation.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

07-09-2001, 06:59 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

Keris spent 5000m training(OOC: i am just posting it in this topic, but he did the training while they traveled.)He learned the following skills.

Probe-2 trains
PSI Waves-5 trains

(OOC: Rettick, i have kept track of the stats and spells for Keris and Sligit, and the 4000 came from workin in ARAT. Alf decided everyone would need lots of tea on the trip, so he is gonna keep selling tea, at 3/4 the price cause the tea suffers from the travel, but everyone(including Keris, who took over Sligit's spot!) still gets paid. So i got another 2k, and so does everyone else in the party.)
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

07-09-2001, 08:35 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Hey...errrm, the pychic training center type thing. Cud i have a discount, i supposedly only have 1000m according 2 Rettick, but then again he has it in 4 me eva since i killed a hunting party of Sligs and Slogs. Do u have n e blak Staffs? Or Magnums equipped wiv Laser sights...cud i have them 4 around 500m each, or 1 4 500m plz. How do i get more munni...?
07-10-2001, 02:50 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

(OOC: ummm... if you can catch up with Sligit, this place is a little pile of burned rubble. He may be able to give you a discount, but if you piss him off expect to get knocked around a bit. he isn't the polite type. Oh well. The deal is done. 1 Magnum(shotgun stats)-500m on discount. ! Retrofitted Sniper Rifle laser sight, 500m. you pay 1000m, get the stuff. BUT NO MORE COMING HERE UNLESS YOU ARE IN THAT DAMNABLE PARTY WALKING TO THE VILLAGE SLIGIT VISITED! NONE! NO MORE SALES ARE MADE HERE UNLESS YOU ARE IN THE PARTY! GOT IT!? GOOD!!)
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

07-10-2001, 04:13 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Thanx! Where has Sligit gone 2...is he allied with the Vykkers and Glukkons? I will leave this place once you tell me that!
07-10-2001, 04:27 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

i'll tell you. Sligit is on the good guys' side, and fled Pyke along with the rest of the inhabitants, in search of Rettick and Keris, and to find help to win back Pyke.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

07-10-2001, 05:18 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

k'z, thanx. Who playz Sliggit aswell? How many peeps is he with and who are they if they are just characters that aint being played do you mind if i waste a few?
If they are been played by some one i will be cautious. I am intending to kill a couple of Mud's, do u know where the nearest village is? And i have created a Vykkers labs in a forest some where. If theres a lab somewhere else i dont mind changing and not mentioning the one i have created. I will ADAPT.
07-10-2001, 07:56 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
: 3,961
Rep Power: 26
Danny  (11)

Sligit is played by Darksider. I'm not sure who's with him, some of them are PCs, i think Pacen and Salvador are with him, and maybe some others. basically, there are hundreds of NPCs with them, but i should point out that you can't just 'waste a few', since you'd have to attack them, and they'd fight back. i think i posted the basic mud/slig stats somewhere, i'll go fish them out.

can i ask a question? are you basically just against everyone? if you are, then good, because we don't yet have any PC bad guys, and we've never had a PC-PC battle yet, so things may get interesting...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

07-11-2001, 03:41 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

When you say evry 1...do u mean evry 1 who is good cos then yes. I will kill Sligs here and there but that is jus' to give myself pleasure. The Mud's will fight? Wot about a village full of non-fighters who will surrender and bow before me for me to blow them to bits. It is actually quite important 4 the plot line. But if Pyke is gonna get rebuilt i will wait...i may appear shooting something from time to time but nothing to hard. Also IF Pyke does get rebuilt i may try some things that will include Mud's...but that will be part of the plot so dont worry, it includes many gamers and loads of shooting and blood. Mean while i will just do Fics. K'z.
07-11-2001, 04:48 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
Rep Power: 24
Darksider  (11)

Sligit comes charging up.


Rettick and Oryon are sent running by a barrage of weapon fire.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!


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