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06-21-2001, 12:47 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
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: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)
To the GT

[OOC: Since your not posting I'll start us up, I'll just say you have everything you need. Here we go...]

Kugal: GoodBye Pyke! I just came here and I'm already leaving. What are you thinkin about Rett.

Rett: Nothing, just the GT I guess. *Notices the Full-Plate Kugal wears* Isn't that thing Heavy, I know you beasts have lots of strengh but gees...

Kugal: Beasts... Ha, funny choice of words for someone who is about... one hundred times smarter than your tiny slig brain. Like a Peanut... I am shocked you can even lift your body into the air with such a weak brain.

Rett: WAT! Oh, that's it stranger! I though we're buddies, this is personal!!! *Closes his eyes and sends a force to push Kugal off his feet*

Kugal: *Concetrates and Rett's Legs go haywire, there running like a chicken with it's head cut off* Ahahaha! You fool, I have tricks up my sleaves I use in events like that for fun.

Rett: HEY! Hellllp me! The legs won't stop! Ahhhhhh! Help me!!! *the legs stop*

Kugal: It wears off in a matter of seconds. I just use it to joke around, nothing to hurt people. It's just fun watching sligs hold on to there own legs for dear life. Ah, how sligs are so weak without there toys.

Rett: Wutever. Your lucky I didn't my full power. I didn't wanna hurt mt partner in the GT... watch out next time! I won't be playing.

Kugal: Really? Hummm, interesting. Let's sit down so I can show you the spells I have studied for the first round of the GT. *Flips open his spell book*

1. I picked the green wall spell. With this I can make a bush as defence to protect us. It is really cool.

2. This is Holy Healing. With this I can heal you if you are Injured, but if your knocked out... this can't help ya.

3. I picked this Fire move - Flare. It is a newbie move, I picked it so that Dakkan the Master of the Games doesn't see the big guns.

Also, I grabbed a shield. So that I can take a hit, due to I have gotten weak in this area of the world. All my physical strengh faded. Oh well, what do you have in store Rett?

Rett: Well... *Hears something* What was...

Voice: GRrrrrrrrra! *4 Ultra Scrabs and a Alpha Male hopp out*

4 Ultra Scrabs - 7AP/21HP
1 Alpha Male - 21AP/7HP
Kugal - 7/17 -
Spells at hand: BushWall, H-Healing, Flare
Rettick - ?/?
Spells at Hand: ?

[OCC: Fill in info and do the first round]
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06-21-2001, 05:17 PM
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Rettick: 16AP/13HP
Spells available: Possession, Healing, Immunity.

Round 1

Rettick concentrates hard and possesses the Alpha Male, then splits its attack, killing three of the other Scrabs.

The remaining Scrab is unsure of itself, but decides to attack Rettick, who is unable to defend himself, and suffers 7 damage, before Kugal can hit the scrab with anything...

[OOC: do continue the battle...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-23-2001, 02:00 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Kugal: Only one Scrab left. Not a problem, Level 3 FLARE! By the power of Crimson, you will be consumed by the power of flame! *Flares Scrab with -25HP Damage* *Flare was wiped for his mind*

Scrab: Roaaaaar... *Dies*

**Battle over**

Rett: Did they have any possessions? Like money or weapons?

Kugal: *Studying Flare* There Scrabs. Maybe if we fought of a person... these scrabs are nothing what we are soon to face. People with power beowned your wildest amagination. It will be great!

Rett: *looks at Kugal* Look, it isn't the best time for books can we get the hell out of this woods. As, that we know that scrabs are out here.

Kugal: I need to study Flare again before I can cast it. It is wiped from the mind of the user right when it is casted. Only, some greats remember a single spell. Such as Greylord the Unholy; that's one of many people who will be there.

Rett: Oh, I see. Well, we need to be heading off after your done with that book. I have a feeling there are alot more than scrabs in this forest.

*15Mins later and there off deeper into the forest*
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06-23-2001, 04:11 PM
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Rettick collapses, losing blood. "Sorry, I have to stop for a while."

Kugal turns back to him. "Do you need one of my healing spells?"

Rett shakes his head. "No, I just need to rest a while..."

"Look, friend, you're injured. You need help-"

"I can handle this, okay? Now be quiet, I need to concentrate."

Rett closes his eyes, and his breathing slows almost to nothing. Kugal bites his lip. This isn't how spells are meant to go. He considers waking Rettick up, but decides against it, and sits by his side to wait, studying his spell book.

After a while [Kugal lost track of time], Rettick sits up. His wounds have healed, and he looks refreshed. Kugal looks at him. Rettick is beaming. "You okay now?"

"I thought I had that spell licked, but I needed to check." He stands, picking up his Rucksack. "C'mon, let's get moving."

They set off once more.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-23-2001, 04:19 PM
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After a while, Kugal realises that Rett has not been very talkative. He looks over, to see Rett studying his notebook intensely.

"Watcha doing, Rett?"

Rettick quickly closes and pockets his notebook. "Nothing. Just Studying."

Kugal frowns, but sighs and turns away.

As soon as Kugal's back is turned, Rettick pulls out his notebook again, ans flicks to the page marked 'Immunity from Possession'.

I thought i had this one sorted, he thinks, but it looks like it needs a bit more work. He isn't going to catch me out again like he did earlier...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-24-2001, 09:18 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Setting & Conditions: Days pass... about 3 maybe 4 about. The Cold of then northern forest is putting work on Rettick.

Rett: I could die, why is it so cold up here. I hope to god that it warms up. The metal of my legs are locking up; I maybe stranded here... for-ever.

Kugal: Get a grip on reality. Even if you get frozen, I am not going to leave your popsicle self up here. Plus instead of praying to any god, why don't you pray to crimson.

Rett: Who?

Kugal: Oh ya, you wouldn't know your gods being that your a industrial slig. Crimson is the god of the clan Slidonka in the south. They pray to him for the gift of heat and crop. Also, the men there can summon him with a orb like this. *Shows Rett the Crimson orb* It's very beautiful and powerful and a gift of your people.

Rett: Wow, that is a beautiful stone. Well, summon him... I mean you are a wizard right? You can make him come! Huryy up, I'mma Freezing!

Kugal: Okay... *Lifts the stone* Tarasha Crimson - COME FORTH TO BASNISH THE COLD!

*The Slig of pure flame flys out of the orb*

Crimson: For I am the great Crimson! What can I help you with Summoner!

Kugal: I need you to heat this place up as I instructed! Obey at once! *The snow melts and flowers bloom* *Crimson nods*

Crimson: Who is the one with you summoner!

Kugal: He goes by the name of Rettick! What do you need with him?

Crimson: Boy speak forth! You are a very powerful being of a slig with no tribal culture. You shale take my blessing! The seal of Crimson!

Rett: what if I refuse...

Crimson: You won't and you can't. Your race was born with fire and you don't change my rulings! *Points at Rettick* *A red circle with a Black slig with his arms held straite making him look like a cross bears across Rett's chest*

Rett: What does it do?

Crimson: You know what it does... It will come to you later in many ways... ask Dakkan what he knows of this symbol represents. *Crimson Vanishes into the orb*

Rett: Let's go Kugal. Why is it always me? I don't want any of his.

Kugal: What you been given is a honor! Respect it well! Let's continue... we are maybe a 8 Days away.

OOC: Sorry to intrude on you Rettick. If you don't want this, just pretend like it means nothing. But, if you do... ask Kugal about it next post.
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06-25-2001, 05:58 PM
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"Okay, what the fuck was that?"

"That, my friend, was Crimson. One of the Old Gods."

"How did you do that?" Rett's eyes are filled with fear.

"I? I did nothing. You have been blessed by one of the Old High Gods. Consider yourself lucky. If he [OOC: she? it?] hadn't liked the look of you, you could well have not only been dead now, but never have existed at all."

Rett snorts, uneasily. "Aw, c'mon, there's no such thing as gods! Admit it, that was an illusion of yours!"

"Where do you think magic comes from?"

"There's no such thing as magic! It all comes from within!"

Kugal shakes his head, smiling. "You'll see."

"And don't patronise me! You act like magic is something that comes from outside, something we just tap into, but it isn't! It all comes from within! All your..." Rett looks around exasperated. "All your spells, all your rituals, they are just to help you to believe! But if you believe you can do it, you don't need spellbooks or rituals!"

Kugal shakes his head again. "You seek to explain that which cannot be explained, in order to control it. But magic cannot be controlled, only used. You'll see when we reach our destination."

"And quit the mystery. It's a sign of insecurity."

But Rett is still shaken by what happened.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-26-2001, 12:55 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Rett: But really Kugal, you expect me to beleave a god just flew out of that orb there and gave me magical powers. C'mon Kugal! Magic and gods are things of childrens bed-time stories! You put this on me Kugal... somehow...

Kugal: Face the facts, Rett. You have a great power and your so closed minded that you don't even see it in front of your eyes! I mean really... I know since your a Slig you have the brain of a peanut, so I guess I can forgive you a little bit, but, why can't you just finally see magic comes from a source. It can be generated by yourself, but the best magic of all is when you tap energy from a greater power.

Rett: Look Kugal, you can beleave in all the mubo-jumbo weirdo magic stuff... but, it is for the weak! They need someone to look up so they can feel they have someone helping them. For people who can't take reality. I can't beleave a what I saw intelligent person beleaves in this children's stories.

Kugal: Come here, Rett. I can prove these "childred's stories" are for real. *Rett walks over and Kugal puts his hand on his head* Now, concentrate on fire. What is fire really... a heat; a light; a power.

Rett: Okay... *Concetrates on Fire*

Kugal: Now, lift up your hands and focus what you see in your mind into your hand and release it. C'mon you can do it! Unleash it on that tree.

Rett: *A fireball flys out of his hands and hits a tree, sending it to blaze* YOU DID THAT KUGAL! QUIT USING YOUR STUPID TRICKS TO MAKE ME BELEAVE IN CHILD'S STORIES! Your getting me a tad upset here Kugal!

Rett's thoughts: No way... that did not come from me. Kugal and his tricks! I really need to watch him...!

Kugal's thoughts: Why can't he beleave? Oh well, he will learn soon enough.

Kugal: Okay, I think I have learned your powers. You have Fireball [Dam:-18HP] and Restance to Fire [All Fire Spells do 0DAM]

Rett: Yea... Kugal. Your not gonna make me beleave in your tricks. I'm on to your game.

Kugal: Okay, don't. Let's just go. We have a long way ahead of us...

*Both of them on there last nerve head off deeper into the woods*

[ June 27, 2001: Message edited by: Dakkan Blackblade ]
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06-26-2001, 03:31 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: do you think that you could edit that one slightly? the thing is, Rett is convinced that things like magic and gods do not exist. it's almost an obsession with him. i think that Rett's attitude after this incident would be that he would believe that the power came from Kugal. I'm sort of building towards a sort of subplot here, in a way. Rett believes that all power comes form within, and that spells and rituals are just a way for the weak-willed to learn to believe in themselves, whereas Kugal believes in magic; he thinks that magic comes from outside, from gods and things.

what i had in mind was that the contestants at the GT could all have their abilities swung one way - either Psychic, like Rett, or Magical, like Kugal - and that, by working as a team, Rett and Kugal can defeat them by using their weaknesses. but then they would discover that the prize can't be shared, so they would have to compete against each other. this would basically become a battle between the different views of their abilities [even though the truth is a combination of the two, rather like that taught by Keris]. i had a few ideas for things that could happen in and after the battle, but i think i'll keep that to myself.

what do you think? i know you probably had this sorted out in your mind, but do you think we could work that into it? it would become quite important to Rett's mental development.

anyway, just edit the post, so that Rett still doesn't believe that it came from some kind of god. ta.]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-28-2001, 02:01 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

OOC: Edited... continue with the story... add a fight or some village if you want.
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06-30-2001, 05:03 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

[OOC: We focus off of Kugal and Rettick for a bit and focus on a character that will be joining Kugal on his mission to the GT. I am please to bring you Drake. Thats ME!]

Setting: We see Drake cleaning the front of the store as a old mage walks out, Drake is also a mage; it's easy to tell there mages, they all where funny hats and trench coats.

Old Mukodon Jagger: Can you do anything right, boy?! I told you to get done with cleaning so I can give you your training. Your such a bright kid... why are you always acting so slow?! When your done cleaning come in back for the lesson. *Walks into the back of the store*

Drake: *rolls eyes* That stupid old man! He is always on my case. Just because I am his apperance doesn't mean I have to be his slave too! I'd rather go back out on the streets with the Rats and Mukodons and all that such. *gives up* Well, I guess I'm done. *Walks in back* Okay, show me some new magic...

Jagger: Well.... I have shown you all I can, you need a new master. You are above even the level I'm at. I never was a real mage, I only knew a spell or two...

OOC: The scene fades out...
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07-01-2001, 07:42 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Setting & Conditions: Kugal and Rett are a bit fed up with walking and decide to head into the closes town to rest and sleep.

Kugal: *Sees a sign* *reads aload* Mukodona 5 Miles ahead. Home of World Famous Scrab Stew. Homecooked meals at low, low prices.

Rett: Okay but I don't have any cash on me...

Kugal: Me neither, oh well. We are sure to get water at least from the town well. Everytown needs a well.

*After walking a bit, they head into the main gates of the city*

Kugal: I'ma take a look at the shops in a minute. Wanna look around and meet back here? you can come with me if you like...

Rett: .....
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07-01-2001, 05:20 PM
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"Nah, I'm gonna take a look around the surrounding countryside. I never feel welcome in native villages, what with being a slig and all. Besides, I'm getting bad vibes from here. If you can get hold of some food, bring me some, would ya?"

Kugal shrugs. "If you wish." And he heads into the village.

Rett heads out into the surrounding forest.

[OOC: read 'New Character: Salkin' next...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

07-01-2001, 07:35 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

[OOC: With Rett gone, Kugal explores the Village. He finds the village just like Pyke; they all have about the same types of stores and same population. But he finds one unique thing to this village... a large fountain where most of the children hang out]

Kugal: *to a Mukodon child* What is this place? The water is so clean and cool, *takes a drink and washes up* the energy emited from this pool is amazing. The statues of... *What god is that, the holy Mukodon* Rahi the Blessed.

Mukodon Child: Yep, you know your gods. This water has been blessed by the guard himself. His spirit lays within the water itself, giving the water super healing abilities. The orb of Rahi is right there. *Kugal looks at the orb in the center of the fountain* Are you a traveler?

Kugal: Yes I am, Rettick, my friend *Friend? I hope so...* and I are on a quest to get to the Mind GT. We have been invited by Dakkan personally. I know it will be a great experence for me. Okay, I have to get going, I have to look around some more.

Mukodon Child: Have this before you go *Hands Kugal 5 glass bottles filled with the Fountain water* I give this to all the travelers who come. You will need it.

Kugal: Thanks, *Goes looking somemore*
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07-09-2001, 06:49 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
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Darksider  (11)

(OOC:Sorry for diggin up an old topic, but i didn't take the time to read it. But, reading about rettick's subplot gave me an idea, and i think that i will have Keris catch up. He will also enter the Tourney of the Mind, if Dakkan will let him.
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

07-10-2001, 03:40 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: i thought sligit was leading everyone to find us anyway? and no worries, this ain't an old topic, we would have come back to it anyway.]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

07-11-2001, 04:55 AM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

What's Been Up?: Kugal has been looking in the city for a while now. He has seen all the shops, the boy in the magic shop is of the same race of the dark hooded character in pyke. This boy seems to be more powerful than his master. I have taken this boy under my wing. With my training... he can become something.

It took a while to get the old mukodon man to say yes. The boy wanted to go, yet was afraid of me, but he didn't wanna stay as a apperance of someone who could teach him no more. So finally I got him in a casting duel. It wasn't the hardest thing I've done. He was feeble in his magic... how did he train such a boy...

The boy's name is Drake. He also weilds a weak charged [been blessed with] unholy bolt staff. He wears the cloths of the dark faced ones of the northern forest. He is the first faced one I have seen, but he is diffrent from them. I guess me and the boy will wait here at the gate till Rettick gets back from whatever he is doing.

Kugal - 7AP/17HP
His Backpack: Magic Book containing all tower's spells; Summoning Orbs; Glasses of Healing Water.

Drake - 3AP/3HP
His Backpack: Unknown to Kugal.
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07-11-2001, 05:30 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
: 67
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Darksider  (11)

(OOC: no he would go ahead and catch up. Like he would get there in time to enter the tournament of the mind. But that could take a while. Tommorrow the Pyke refugees get there, and I will post it.)
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!


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