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08-13-2001, 05:03 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Obitus led his army up the great water fall were Cyrus had once fallen. He slowly floated sky ward, watching as the water tumbled and sometimes splashed his face. The Reptiles on the other hand clambered up the rock face. Sometimes falling but managing to capture a jagged edge with one of their talons. Finally he came to the top of the water fall and flat ground. A forest lay opposite the water fall and beyond it Obitus could see the lights of a village and hear the talk of village folk. His horde of soldiers pulled themselfs up and scattered outward. Keeping a eye on the village. Obitus floated 2 cm's above the ground as his troops scattered out towards the forest, keeping concealed. Inside his encased body Cyrus smiled. This may not of been his plan but he felt part of it. He would witness the village been destroyed and that gave him great pleasure. They came closer to the village and pass through the forest. The voices getting louder Obitus could feel his hunger growing. His eyes glowed and electricity flowed through his palms. Cyrus could feel the power surging through his soul. The little children inside of Obitus also could feel it and grew quiet. Usually they talked exitedly and Cyrus could here their conversations. After all, their souls were part of his and Obitus'. But they were trapped..encased like Cyrus. Only being able to see what Obitus see's. And that was mound upon mound of maggot ridden corpses. The sound of a howl made Cyrus loose concentration on his thoughts and Obitus span around to see a large Dragon tearing into one of his soldiers. The Dragons talons ripped through the flesh with ease and the Reptile struggled to try and get away. Its howls and screams attracting more attention. Obitus came out of his hiding place and snarled. He raised his hand up in the air and electricity shot from the fingers. Hitting the mauled creature in the fore head. Killing it straight away. He then turned his attention to the village and flew upwards to get a better view. The creatures enhabiting the village looked sky ward and pointed. Some screaming. All ignoring the padding creatures walking forward toward it. All on all fours with drool dripping from their mouths. Obitus ordered them to stop and then looked around the village. Getting a good view. Thats when Cyrus spotted Spider. Cyrus screamed at Obitus to kill him straight away but Obitus ignored him and lowered himself closer to the being. Thats when Spider saw Obitus...but recognised him as Cyrus.

(OOC: I dont know how Spider will react to seeing the powerful Cyrus float down with a tattoo. I dont want to fight yet as i have had a few idea's on the end battle. But you can show your power. Also you can knock Obitus out of Cyrus' body but make sure Cyrus is not killed and remember he is blind. He can only see when Obitus is inside of him...k'z...thanx)
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08-13-2001, 08:46 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: i will respect thou wish...in return I request thee do not kill Dragadon and Black Dragon, as we both have plans for these characters in the future.)

Dragadon, Black Dragon, Hunter and Spider were about to enter Pyke when Dragadon heard something in the forest. Without hesitation she turned around and charged something in the undergrowth. There was a scream of pain and Dragadon ran out again, back toward the others.
"Looks like we arrived just in time my kin!" she shouted, "Our advasery is already here!"
"What!?" Black Dragon said turning around.
"I'll warn the villagers!" Hunter said as he ran into the village.
"Cyrus..." Spider suddenly said with an angry snarl.
"Who?" Dragadon asked.
"He is someone I recently fought...I thought he was done fer. Apperently I was wrong."
Dragadon and Black Dragon spotted the human like figure float down from the sky close to Spider. They immediately sensed something is not right....
"He brought a lot of friends..." Dragadon said when she noticed more of the creatures like the one she just mauled.
"Kin....I have a feeling this 'Cyrus' is not what he used to be...." Black Dragon said noticing 'Cyrus' glowing eyes.
"Aye...I believe you are right my kin...I hope we do not have to summon the Goddesses..."
Spider hadn't heard what Dragadon and Black Dragon had said....for he was too busy scowling at his hated enemy.
"Times have changed since we last met Cyrus!" Spider scowled, "I have been 'Awakened' and know of all my abilities! And I will give yer a taste of it!"
Spider went to ludge for 'Cyrus' but Dragadon stopped him.
"No my kin! Things are not what they seem to be!" she growled in his ear.
Spider snorted and relented, but still scowled at his enemy....

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08-13-2001, 10:13 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Obitus: "Stupid creature! This is merely my host. The Cyrus you knew is encased in this wretched body while i control it. You are a fool...and you Dragon...why do you protect these lower beings. They would not protect you!"

Obitus lowered himself and hovered other a house.

Obitus: "I can smell the hatred on you Spider. You want to kill Cyrus...HA HA HA...you can, but first you have to KILL MEEE!"

Obitus raised his hand in the air and watched as Spider raised off the ground, his tail swishing around wildly.

Obitus: "You are a foolish mortal...a creature that i could crush in a blink of an eye..."

Black Dragon roared and attempted to lunge at Obitus while he was distracted. But Obitus just raised his arm and created a shield in which Black Dragon rushed into and got held back. Snapping at mid air. While he was distracted by Black Dragon, Spider had summoned his lightning power. His eyes going silver and electricity flowing around his body he smiled at Obitus. As Obitus turned his attention back to Spider he saw this and gasped.

Obitus: "Y-You have the power...*Growls* Too bad your going to di..."

He stopped in mid sentence as Spider raised his left hand and gave him the finger before bringing his right hand up and shooting a bolt of electricity from it. The bolt of lightning shot through Cyrus' body and wrapped around Obitus' soul...Cyrus screamed in pain and so did the children inside him. Obitus' eyes went bright orange and his growls barked out in short snaps. His power over Black Dragon and Spider slowly dispersed. Cyrus' body was jolting everywhere and slowly lowering down on the thatched roof he was hovering over. Screams of different people came out of one mouth. Some of children, one of Cyrus and sometimes Obitus' barks could be heared. Spider concentrated his powers on the main part of the torso. Smiling as he hovered in the air due to his own powers. Then the body dropped through the roof. Black smoke sprang from the hole in the roof barking and snarling. Saying it shall have revenge in native Dragon tongue. Before gradually dispersing.
Black Dragon watched this and thanked the Gods. Watching the hordes of Reptilians turn tail and run back into the woods. Spider slowly moved towards the door and opened it. The roof was caved in and Cyrus lay on the floor. His eyes burned out. He whimpered and felt around. Trying to find something to grasp. Spider watched him, whimpering like a pathetic dog.

Cyrus: "H-hello..p-please..help me...i-i cant see...please help...i-i am blind..."

Spider watched as Cyrus bumped his head on furniture and walked crawled into other objects. Spider pondered...wondering what to do with this pathetic creature...

(OOC: Remember...he is BLIND and he has LITTLE KIDDIES SOULS Trapped inside of him causing him pain. If u kill him now not only do u risk destroying a good story but u also risk giving him the easy way out...SO, WOT R U GOING 2 DO?)
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08-13-2001, 11:38 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: *grins* have fun...)

Spider approached Cyrus and picked him by the collar.
"Wh...who is that?" Cyrus whined.
"Yer worse nightmare." Spider growled.
"P...please have mercy. I'm helpless...."
"Mercy? Yer didn't show any mercy fer all those yer hurt and killed before. Why should I show yer ANY mercy!?"
Spider pulled back his fist, preparing to beat the life out of him. Cyrus could sense this.
"No...please don't!" Cyrus pleaded.
//Stop!\\ a familar voice said.
"Why!?" Spider growled as he looked up at the Goddess of the Thundering Moon, who had just appeared in front of him, "He needs ter pay fer what he has done!"
//If thou kill him, the souls of the innocents trapped within him will suffer in hell along side him.\\
"What!?" Spider said shocked.
//The evil god, in order to retain his power here in the mortal realm, has encased the souls of many children within this ones body.\\
"Is there anyway ter get them out?" Spider asked.
//Alas...there is nothing me or my brethen can do. The only way to save the souls of those innocents...is for him\\ see points at Cyrus, //to repent his evil ways and to redeem himself. Then and only then can those innocent souls be saved.\\
"I don' see how someone like him can...become a good guy..."
//Anything is possible, my kin. With the proper help and guidance.\\
Spider put Cyrus down and backed away as the Goddess lifted Cyrus up with a foreclaw.
//Cyrus...\\ her voice purred in his mind, //Thou think thy were strong before. How ever...heed my words and repent thy evil ways. And thou will become stronger then thee hath ever thought possible.\\
She put him down then and turned back to Spider.
//Thou's powers hath grown already my kin. Becareful not to let it comsume thee.\\
"I won't. By the way...why did yer have me and Hunter go through all the trouble of fetching the dragons? I mean...I did everything..." Spider said with a shrug.
The Goddess smiled as she said:
//Thou may think that was for not, but thou will learn that anything a god asks thee to do has a purpose. Thy will learn the reason in due time. I must leave thee now...fare thee well.\\
As always...the Goddess disappeared in a flash of silver-blue light.
"Wh...who was that?" Cyrus asked nervously.
"That..." Spider said calmly. "was the Goddess of the Thundering Moon, one of the dragon gods. And if I was yer...I would follow her advice and change yer ways."

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08-14-2001, 07:42 AM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Cyrus climbed into Spiders bed. Spider helped him in roughly and purposly shoved his head down. Cyrus grumbled under his breath but never said anything. It had been quite a while since Cyrus was able to use his body. He touched his chest, it felt sore. The lightining bolt from Spider had saved him, but also left quite a mark, he could feel it engraved in his skin. Spider watched him and then noticed the Tattoo over his right eye.

Spider: "Hey...how did yer get ther tat?"

He came forward and poked Cyrus' head. Cyrus knocked his hand away and then felt around his eye were Spider poked.

Cyrus: "Probably from that bastard...Obitus. He turns me blind and then takes over my whole body...making me see only what he sees. I ha..."

Spider smaked him in the face with the back of his hand and snarled.

Spider: "I dont care about yer. I would of killed yer ter day if i weren't stopped in time. Yer lucky...dont push it!"

Cyrus' head hit the pillow. He touched the part of his face were Spider had hit and stuck his tongue out, licking the blood. He then turned his head and attempted to go to sleep.
Cyrus awoke with a startle he wondered how many hours he had been asleep and sat up in his bed and looked around for a clock. Then he remembered he was blind. He sat in the bed and sobbed into his hands.

Cyrus: "The once great hunter/killer is now nothing more than a blind, pathetic runt. Living in a shack with the creatures he wish's to kill..."

He then added in a low and un-amused tone:

"Oooooh, the irony"

A creak in the floor boards made him jump and he stopped mumbling and started to listen. What made that sound? Was it dangerous? Could it think and use stratergy to adapt? All these questions rushed through his head at once.

Cyrus: "W-Who's there?"

His voice weak and petrified. He held his hands out and clutched at the air, trying to see if anything was coming towards him.

Cyrus: "Spider...Spider is that you? Anyone...is anyone there...please answer, plea..."

He stopped in mid-sentence as a Icy Grip grasped his throat. He choked and coughed and thrashed about. Talons wrapped around his neck, and a sinister laugh echoed in his ears. His vision suddenly came back and he saw a black smoke holding him. Red eyes seemed to hover in mid air and float about as the grasp tightened. Cutting off his air ways. He tried to speak but couldn't. Instead all that came out was a choke or a cough. Then the smoke parted and Cyrus felt peace. He looked around and blinked, he was in a garden...a big garden, full of tree's and little children. The children that Obitus had killed. One child came upto him and tugged his jacket.

Child: "Mr Cyrus sir?"

Cyrus turned around and crouched down at the child smiling.

Cyrus: "Yes?"

Child: "You know what you have to do right?...you have to stop him...only you can do that!"

The child brushed Cyrus' white hair with her hand and smiled softly.

Cyrus: "Stop who...tell me who do i stop?"

The child pointed over Cyrus' shoulder and whispered "Him" in his ear. Cyrus turned and looked. A black smoke was coming towards the children and destroying everything in its path. What looked like a hundred snapping jaws stretched out of the smoke and devoured everything in its wake. The childrens laughter and conversations turned into screams and cries for help. Cyrus watched as the jaws bit into the children and dragged them into the smoke. Disapearing from view. Then the smoke centered on him.

Cloud of smoke: "You have been chosen...now you must do what must to feel free..."

Cyrus staggered back...thoughts rushed through his head. What is this thing? Where are the children? Why is nobody helping the children? What does he mean 'I must do what i must to feel free'? His thoughts were again interupted as a glow shone from inside the smoke and out stepped....himself. It was like looking in the mirror. Accept he did not hold any weapon. And his counter part that stepped out of the smoke did. He smiled and mouthed "Do what you must" before pulling the trigger.
Cyrus awoke gasping for air and clutching his forehead were the bullet was aimed. He looked around the room...darkness...he was still blind. After sitting up in his bed for what seemed like centuries Cyrus finally smiled his old sinister smile and growled:

"That bastard...that bastards gonna pay...i want my weapons. I am gonna kill the mutha f*cker if its the last thing i do"
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