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08-12-2001, 10:14 AM
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Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)
Searching for the Dragons

(OOC: Read 'The Warning' first)

Hunter and Spider remained together throughout their journey back through the forest, but once they were out, they parted ways. Spider departed to the plain while Hunter turned towards the Mudika Camp.

Hunter ran. He had to get to the Black Dragon, she had to know. He ran for a half a day at full gallop until in the afternoon sun, a large fenced camp appeared. Panting, he ran even faster, breaking everything in his path. One of the gate gaurds saw him coming.
"What is it?" he asked his partner beside him.
"I...I think it's...yes, it's Hunter!" the other responded, opening the gate. Hunter howled his thanks and charged into the village. Villagers scattered to the sides of the streets to get out of his way as he ran blindly through the main street. He stopped when he saw a familiar face.
"Drok, where's BD?" he panted, his red eyes staring into the Glukkon's glowing orange ones.
"She's with the shaman...why? What happened, Magar?" he asked, his deep voice full of concern.
"No time to explain," he snapped and ran towards the shaman's hut. Sure enough, when he got inside, there sat the Black Dragon, talking to the shaman. She immediately turned her head at the sound of Hunter's arrival.
"Gees, Hunt, what's up? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Black Dragon said, moving towards him.
"You could say that," Hunter panted, leaning against a wall. "I just ran at full speed for an entire day to get you...I found a village on the other side of the great forest...but they are in peril, as is all of Oddworld. DragonAura sent me to bring you back with me." he continued.
Black Dragon's eyes suddenly narrowed and her tone of voice changed.
"The Goddess of Seasons sent you to me?" she said, her blood-red eyes staring into his own.
"Yes, BD...please come, we need you...I met an ally of Dragadon in the village...his name was Spider and-" he started.
"Spider?! Why didn't you say so?! Come on, we must move!" she shouted, then turned to the shaman. "Tell the rest of my group that I have gone on a very important mission in aid of DragonAura." she said before leaving the hut. She went to full size and spread her massive purple wings.
"Come, Hunter," she said, crouching on the ground for Hunter to climb on her back. He obeyed, and with one gigantic leap, Black Dragon was soring through the sky.
"Just tell me where to go," BD shouted above the wind.
Hunter pointed and Black Dragon headed towards the Great Forest.
-Black Dragon

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08-12-2001, 01:25 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Spider ran threw the plains until he reached the desert.
Jeez! How am I goin' ter find her? This place looks like it goes forever! Spider thought. He spotted a lone peak on the horizen. Well...guess I should start there.
Spider headed to the peak as fast as he could. As he drew closer he could see a large cave on the side of the peak.
If thats not were she's at then I'm a slurg...
He reached the cave and gasped at how big it was. Shaking himself off he called out:
"Hello!? Anybody home!?"
At first there was silence and Spider began to worry that either she wasn't home or this was the wrong place. But then he heard something, something huge move within. He could hear it approaching, but could not see it.
"Who are you stranger? And what brings you here?" a rumbling female voice said.
"I'm Spider." Spider said, still not seeing her, "and I was sent by the Goddess of the Thundering Moon ter get yer ter help us."
"Moon sent you!?" she said, "Then you must be the one that is a part of me." She suddenly just 'appeared' out of thin air, causing Spider to jump back in surprse.
She was huge, 120 feet in height, light lavander with light blue stripes. silver eyes and silver mohawk running from the top of her head to the tip of her tail.
"I am Dragadon, my kin." she said, "Things must be bad if the second most powerful dragon god herself has reguested that I help you."
"Yes, but there's no time ter explain!" Spider said, "We need ter get back ter the village."
"You are right, you can explain on the way. Climb on." Dragadon knelt down and Spider climbed ontop of her. She then ran out of the cave and with a couple of flaps from her wings took to the air.
"Which way my kin?" she asked.
"South, toward the Great Forest." Spider replied.
Dragadon nodded and directed herself in that direction.

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08-12-2001, 11:54 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)

After flying for a couple of hours, the Great Forest suddenly became less dense, then opened into a clearing. Pyke came into view and Black Dragon dipped her wings and landed near the gate.
"So, this is the place, eh?" Black Dragon asked, eyeing the town. "You were right Hunter, it is something."
Hunter nodded. "I just dunno how we can get you inside without causing a big ruckus...if this dragon god is inside Pyke or has allies within its borders, there will be trouble." he said.
"You're right..." Black Dragon muttered, "What should we do?"
-Black Dragon

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08-13-2001, 12:09 AM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

"Things sound bad indeed." Dragadon said when Spider finished explaining the situation.
"Yeah...don' know what we can der 'bout it...." Spider mumbled.
"We will figure that out when we reach our destination, my kin."
After about an hour more of flying, Spider spotted Pyke up ahead.
"Thats it!" he said.
"Well then, best I shrink down a bit before we get too close." Dragadon said.
"Shrink down?"
"Aye...don't want to get the villagers a heart attack you know."
Spider yelped in shock as Dragadon suddenly shrunk to only half her full size. She then angled herself for descent. She spotted Black Dragon and Hunter just outside the village and landed next to them.
"Hail my kin and my kin's ally!" she said.

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08-13-2001, 10:19 AM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Rep Power: 24
Black Dragon  (10)

"Ah, Dragadon!" Black Dragon shouted when she heard a female voice calling. A now small lavender dragon was soring through the sky and landed next to Black Dragon. On her back was Spider, looking a bit bewhildered.
"Ah, hold on Hunter," BD said and she shrunk down to the same size as Dragadon.
"Greetings, my kin...both of you." she nodded to both Dragadon and Spider. "I trust you found this place for the same reason as we did?"
"Aye," Dragadon replied, "We heard that an evil dragon god is on the loose."
The two dragons conversed for awhile about the problem, before the conversation turned to something totally different. Hunter and Spider looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
"Ladies, if yer don't mind, could we get back on task?" he asked.
"Oh oops....he is right," Dragadon said, looking at BD.
"How shall we enter? We will surely be noticed," Black Dragon said, looking around.
"I don't think it'll be that obvious, BD,just look at me! There's a buncha weird folk walkin' around in that town," Hunter said.
"He has a point," Spider added, raising a claw.
"Alright....I guess we could see what happens," Dragadon said and looked at BD who nodded. With that, they headed down the road and toward Pyke.

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Black Dragon ]
-Black Dragon

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