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08-11-2001, 10:16 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
: 574
Rep Power: 24
Black Dragon  (10)
The Warning

(OOC: This is after 'Rising Waters')

Hunter went at full gallop and didn't stop once until he had reached Spider's hut. He burst through the door flap, panting, and shouted "Spider, wake up!" Spider grumbled and rolled over on his bed.

"No BD, don't land on me again..." Spider muttered in his sleep. Hunter rolled his eyes and shook Spider viciously.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!!" he snarled, "My Odd, Hunter, what's the bid idear? Wakin' me up in the middle of the night, what's wrong with yer?!"

"You aren't going to believe this...but I was just visited by a dragon goddess..." Hunter panted, putting his hands on Spider's shoulders.

"WHAT?!! What did she sound like?!" Spider demanded, now fully awake.

"She had this sharp, clear voice...and she rose out of the water!" Hunter started, talking very fast.

"Couldn't have been the same one that visited me, she had a soft voice..." Spider said thoughtfully. "Now slow down and tell me exactly what happened..."

Hunter told Spider his story with every little detail. At the end, Spider was out of bed, his eyes wide.
-Black Dragon

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08-11-2001, 11:33 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: i have a feeling Rett is not going to like this whole deal....*sighs and shrugs*)

Spider paced outside his hut, Hunter watching.
"Dang it...what are we goin' ter der 'bout this? How can we fight against a god?" he grumbled.
Hunter sat on his haunches and bowed his head in thought. After a few minutes he finally said "We're going to need help, that's fer darn sure."
"But from where? Who would be powerful enough to help us with this?"
"Nothing less of a full-blown dragon....heck, even a dragon might not be powerful enough. We'd need a dragon god."
A white mist suddenly surrounds them.
Hunter jumped back, startled. "I...I think they heard me..." he stammered.
//Thee be not afraid, ally of my kin\\ a voice soft as a gentle rain said.
Hunter knew that this was not the same goddess that had visited him before.
The mist condenses into a chinese dragon.
Hunter jumped back again. Two godesses in one night? This was too much.
"Goddess of the Thundering Moon..." Spider gasped,"I wasn't expectin' ter see yer again so soon..."
//I had not intended to have to appear again so soon. But things hath changed drastically within a very short time\\ Moon said.
//Indeed...thou hast not been in such peril before\\ Came another voice. THis time, Hunter recognized it.
He whirled around to see the dragon form he had seen before, btu this time it was not made of water. It was a white-silver dragon with a lavender mane and piercing eilver eyes.
"You!! You are the one who spoke to me earlier!" Hunter cried, falling to the floor.
//Indeed.\\ The goddess bowed to Hunter and Spider. //I am the Goddess of Seasons, DragonAura.\\
//Greetings my sister\\
//I knew we would meet again, spirit of the Moon\\
"Ok..we know 'bout this 'god of destuction' how can we fight him?" Spider asked.
//Tis impossible for mortals to battle a god directly. And by code...we gods cannot get directly involved.\\ Moon answered.
DragonAura nodded. //Thou art not powerful enough\\
"We figure that..." Spider mumbled.
//The only way we can get involve is if thy foe hath directly involved himself in mortal affairs.\\ Moon explained.
"Wasn't what yer did fer me direct involvement?"
//We can have contact with one mortal at a time, as it is expected of us. However, if this god has involved himself with many...then we need to get involved to 'correct' the errors of his ways. Til then...we can only advise.\\
"Ok...so want der we der until then?"
//Find thy kin...and ask of their aid. They will be able to help thee with this matter.\\
DragonAura turned to Hunter. //I have already talked to thy ally of black scales as I have ties with her. She shall aid thee\\
//And thee, Spider, will find thy sister in the desert to the north. She is expecting thee\\ Moon said.
"Sister!?" Spider said, shocked.
//Aye, she is the one that thee are a part of.\\
"Alright...I will go to her then..."
Hunter nodded
//We must depart thee now. Good luck my kin and my kin's ally. Pray the God of the Cosmos doesn't not need to get involved...\\
//Aye. Fare thee well\\ DragonAura said and disappeared in a flash of silver light.
The Goddess of the Thundering Moon suddenly disappeared in a silver-blue light.
"We got some travelin' ter der.." Spider grumbled.
"Let's go ," Hunter said with a nod and trotted like wolf to the north end of the town, back towars the Great Forest. Spider quickly followed behind...knowing they had little time to waste...

[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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