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09-28-2001, 03:08 PM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)
More new arrivals...

Yes, I join at last!

*critical look* I could have written this better... *shrugs* Oh well.


A young mudokon was walking down the path, tiredly, feet dragging, his loincloth dirty with several days worth of road-dust. His green-grey skin was sun-darkened, his eyes looked tired, and old, and . A small rough-cloth bag hung from the fingers on his trailing arm and dragged on the path behind him.
“Okay, so now where are we…?” he said, exhaustedly, stopping at where the track divided and dropping his bag in the dust. A rough sigh nailed to the trunk of a vigorous young sapling at the apex between the branches read ‘Sothis – 2 mi’ and an arrow pointed to the right; accompanying the arrow pointing into the left branch was a sigh reading ‘Pyke – 1 ¾ mi.’
“Oh, helpful,” he sighed, and scratched his head. “Have you heard of either of them, Aura?”
“Unh?” His travelling companion lifted her head off his shoulder and squinted dark violet eyes at the signpost. She was a young slig – only barely adult – and small, maybe a third smaller than the average slig. Her skin was a very dark green, her stripes barely visible; across her shoulders she wore a small bag, slung like a sash across her chest. Strung on a fine metal chain around her neck was a brilliant blue-white gemstone, gleaming against her dark skin. “Peh,” she dropped her head back down onto the mud’s shoulder, and complained direct into his ear. “Nope, not heard o’ neither o’ them.”
He glared sideways at her. “Fat lot of help you are, then…” he muttered. “So we still don’t know where -”
“No, I know where we are;” she cut in, as though he was stating the blindingly obvious. “We’re lost, an’ I want ter get un-lost.”
The mudokon sighed. “I know, I want to get un-lost as well, which is why I was going to say, if you’d let me finish, that we can ask for directions at one of these places,” he gestured with a paw at the signpost.
“Huh,” she closed her eyes. “Maybe if yer’d brung that map we wouldn’ have got lost in th’first place. So much fer yer ‘I don’ need no map, I know the way’ speech before we set out.”
“I did know the way, but if it hadn’t rained and then those paramites appeared out of nowhere we mightn’t be lost right now,” he dropped the shoulder she had her head on, annoyedly. “And you’re damned heavy, Aura, gerroff my shoulders.”
With a grunt she slid to the floor, and shook the stiffness out of her muscles. “I smell muds,” she informed him, turning her face into the wind and sniffing.
“Where?” He hitched his bag back onto his shoulders, watching as she cast about round the signpost.
“This way…” she jerked her head at the ‘Pyke’ branch, and was gone before seeing if he was following or not.
He shook his head, but followed her off down the track.
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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09-28-2001, 05:06 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: good to finally have you on board, Teal! it's an honour to welcome you to our RPG. have you been following the plot recently at all, or has Drag filled you in on MSN, or have you not yet been filled in? whatever, i'm sure you'll contribute a lot to the RPG, and i hope you enjoy your time here!

i've tried not to assume anything about your characters in this post, this post is as much to introduce my new character as to welcome yours, but if i've done anything wrong, tell me and i'll edit it...]

As the two of them moved off down the road, they gradually began to notice a tall figure walking silently in the shadows beside the road. As they turned to look at it, it vanished into the undergrowth, leaving nothing but the empty space beneath the boughs of the trees. Puzzled, they walked on, saying nothing, until eventually, the mudokon turned to the slig.

"You know, Aura, I could have sworn that was a glukkon there..."

"I doubt it. We're 60 miles from the nearest city. Yer mind's just playing tricks on yer."

"I guess so..."

They walked on.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-29-2001, 07:03 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
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: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)

(OOC: Excellenté Teal!! Glad you could join our happy little...uh...RPG [I'm great on words today, yay] Like Dan, I'll try to follow your lead on your characters. I'm kinda stuck on my plot, so I'll build on yours and weave into mine a bit, K?)

The Mudokon and the Slig continued down the dusty path to the town the sign had called "Pyke". They continued to argue about what they had seen.

"I still say it was a Glukkon."

"What are yer talkin' about?! There ain't any Glukks in the middle of the forest!! Get yer head on straight!"

"It is on straight, I'm just saying-!"

The Mudokon stopped short of what he was saying. The leaves in the tree above them was shaking violently as if caught in a wind that only encircled that particular tree. With a loud cry, a strange cloaked figure leapt down in front of them and landed gracefully on two long, clawed legs. The Mudokon screamed and Aura hid behind him.

"Greatest and most humble apologees, travellers. I did not mean to frighten thee." the hooded figure said, bowing.

Aura and the Mudokon glanced at each other uneasily.

"Yer sure did a great job of it," Aura muttered.

"Uh...hi. We're looking for a town called Pyke...you don't happen to know how much farther down the road it is, do you?" the Mudokon asked rather timidly.

"Aye, I do. 'Tis but a few minutes walk from here, you shan't miss it." the creature replied, poking a scaley, clawed finger out from under it's cloak and pointing down the road.

"Oh, well, thank you. I guess we'll...uh, be on our way then," replied the Mudokon, carefully passing the hooded creature but not taking his eyes off of it. Aura sneaked behind him, also not taking her dark eyes off of the stranger. Suddenly, just as they were about to continue down the road, the figure said in a tone full of warning, "I would not go to that town if I were thee."

"And why the heck not? Look, mister, I dunno who you are, but who are you to tell us what ter do?!" Aura shouted, putting her small hands on her hip area.

"I warn thee, a great danger looms over the town of Pyke like bees around a hive. Thee shall be in great peril if thee continue down the road."

Aura snorted and continued down the road despite the warning, montioning for her now terrified friend to follow.

"Suit thyself, but don't say I didn't warn thee," came the voice from the creature and within a blink of an eye it had vanished.

"What was that??" the Mudokon asked, blinking as he stared at the spot where the creature had been.

"Who cares? Let's get goin'!" Aura said, and continued down the road.

(OOC: Howzat? Lemme know if I screwed anything up with your chars)

[ September 29, 2001: Message edited by: Black Dragon ]
-Black Dragon

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10-01-2001, 06:59 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

[ooc: Just one little point - Aura was born & brought up entirely as the natives do - so she doesn't wear pants, which is why she travels with Jan - he carries her if they need to make a quick exit...

Hence if she tried to put her hands on her hips she'd fall over. That's all

I'll try think of some more later, unh, too much thinking being done...

*runs off before she's late to lectures*]
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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10-01-2001, 10:26 AM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)

(OOC: Jah, I know she doesn't wear pants, I just had this cute lil' image of her looking peeved...*runs to get sketch book* Shhh...I'm not in school 'cause I'm sick...nobody knows..*looks aorund**Bolts* Ow...that hurt.)
-Black Dragon

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10-01-2001, 10:42 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

[ooc: heeh, no comment... I'll keep the ear-mufflers on her, maybe she won't hear the part about "cute"... oops, no, oh well. Just keep a trout handy and you should be safe.

Anyway, back to business...]

The second they were out of sight round the corner Aura turned back to Jan and held out an arm. "Carry me, Jan, please, I don' like it down here no more..."
He rolled his eyes, exaggereatedly, but caught her wrist and hoisted her so she could ride piggyback. Her arms immediately went round his throat, nearly choking him. "Steady on, Aura, you want me to suffocate?"
She whimpered softly in his ear, but loosened her grip. "I don' like this, Jan, I don' like it, it's scary... let's go back, huh? That's a marvellous idea, yes it is..." she hauled on his ponytail. "Come on Jan, turn round, we're going back."
"Aura!" he snapped, sharply disengagin his feathers from her grip. "We might as well just go there, I'm guessing we're so near by now it won't make much difference if we go there or not."
"But y'heard what that... that thing said...!"
""Look, it can't be any scarier than what we've already been through this past couple of months, can it?"
"Bet it can..." She leaned her head on his shoulder, eyes flicking back and forth, scouring the under-tree gloom. "I bet there's thing watchin' us, Jannie, nasty things, things what want to eat us..."
"He really got you spooked, didn't he...?" Jan shifted her weight a little so she wasn't strangling him quite so much. "This from the young sligette who in her own words ain't scared o' nothin'."
She scowled and tightened her grip, deliberately. "Don' you take the piss, fish-head."
He smiled, tautly. "Well, at least you're getting back to your bolshie old self..."
"I am not-" she started, but wisely thought better of it and shut up, instead pretending to bite his shoulder.
Jan just smiled, and padded tiredly on, wondering what all that "warning" had been about... He dismissed it from his mind, at least for now. "I don't think we have much to worry about, anyway," he said, mildly, trying to keep his spirits up. "After all, we're only passing through, hey? Maybe snatch a bite to eat, if there's any shops around, find somewhere to kip for the night and we can be off again come morning..."
Aura watched silently as they walked, chin on his shoulder and mind in turmoil, and wondered just how right he was going to turn out to be... And there, on the wind, she was sure she could hear the thin, high, keening cry of something being killed, and not killed cleanly, either...
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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10-01-2001, 05:41 PM
: Sep 2001
: Cali
: 36
Rep Power: 0
SlogMaster  (10)

hey wat^, can i join???
oh well here it is:

Name: Slick
Species: Slig (BigBro)
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Occupation: Security Guard/Slog Keeper

That good enough

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10-01-2001, 05:52 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)

(OOC: Greetings, and welcome to the forums. I am Unopa Nightfire, the resident Black Dragon of Oddworld. There is a topic within this forum for character descriptions, you can not miss it. After you have your character's description entered, you may join whenever you like, just stick to the rules. Advice number one: Watch out for a guy named Malice. Number two: Done't make Voltian mad. *Grin* Au revoir!! *Flies out*)
-Black Dragon

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10-02-2001, 12:47 PM
: Sep 2001
: Cali
: 36
Rep Power: 0
SlogMaster  (10)


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