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09-16-2001, 01:43 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Tainted Dreams...

(ooc: this is just a 'pass the time' thread for me while they wait for Spider to wake up. These are dreams and memories Spider is experiencing while sedated/asleep. This is not for anyone to reply to.)

Spider had no idea that Lanar was now dead and that he was once again safe within Olm's hut. He had been asleep ever since Olm gave him his latest shot of antitoxin. As he slept, old memories came back, memories he would rather forget...


He ran blindly through the maze of hallways and coridors disorenated. He had only just escaped from the lab part of the compound and he was completely lost. He stopped in a darkened hallway and leened up against the wall to rest and to gather his wits. He looked at his arms and noticed a couple of wires from the electrodes Myron had put on him were still attached to him. With a snarl he ripped them off, grunting slight in pain as he did. Then he noticed that the spots where the electrodes were had started to bleed. Not heavily, but enough to cause him to start licking his wounds, more out of instinct then anything else.
The taste of his blood ignited his hunger and his stomach growled painfully. He stopped licking and whined; where was he going to find food out here? He knew the mess hall was offlimits...even when his father was still alive. He straightened up and started wandering.
After a while he spotted what he recongized as a rat. He remembered how much his father hated those things, he would capture and kill any he came across.
Maybe...if I can catch it... he thought, I could eat it...and drive away this hunger....
He made a lunge for it, but the rat quickly scampered off and into the safety of its hole.
Dam! Ok...missed that one...but there are many more...
Over the next few hours he chased, dove for, and lunged at any rat he spotted. Unfortunately, all he succeed in was lost dignity and to make himself even hungrier. He was getting desperate and was lunging at anything that moved. At one point...a slig spotted him.
"Yer there freeze!" it said.
By this point Spider was no longer in full control of himself. Pure animal instinct, hunting instinct, was in control. He looked up at back at the slig and turned around slowly toward him, a low growl escaping his throat. The slig, unsettled by how Spider was looking at him, started shaking in fear and backed up a couple of paces. He could tell that the slig wasn't sure whether to shoot or run for his life. He didn't give the slig a chance to decide.
He ludged and caught the slig by the throat with his jaws. The sligs blood flowed into his mouth, causing his hunger to flare up even more. The preditor within him took over completely and he devoured that slig. All that was left was the skeleton and ths sligs pants when he was done.
Hunger sated, his animal side released its hold over him and for the first time he was fully aware of what he just did, and it sickened him.
Dear Odd what have I done...? he thought with a whine as he backed away from the slig's remains, He didn't deserve ter die...he was only doin' his job...What has that bastard Myron made me into!?
He backed himself into a corner and wept....


No... he thought as he pulled himself away from that memory, I had no choice. I did it ter survive, there was no other way...
Still he was saddened by what he had to resort to to keep himself alive during those hard times. It had ultimately given him a reputation that he was a cold hearted killer and a cannibal. A reputation he was working hard to rid of now....

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09-17-2001, 07:31 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: how luvverly]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-17-2001, 10:34 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Numerous memories, many bad, kept resurfacing as he slept. The one where he found his fathers murdered body. Other's dealing with his time under Myron's control...and the painful experaments he did on him. Seeing his only friend in that odd damned place get killed right in front of him just before he escaped the compound itself.
Others were more recent.
Like the time when Cyrus managed to capture him and forced him to watch helplessly as he shoot and killed two muds and a third get devoured by scrabs. Or the time very recently where he failed to rescue a child from the grasp of a hungry preditor...who ended up being a crossbreed like him.

Why am I constantly reminded o' my failures? he thought, When I have done as many, if not more, things that were successful?
//Because you are a failure\\ a mean sounding voice said.
How am I a failure!? Spider's mind voice growled.
//You grew too soft hearted for your own good, due to Bastek's influence. You never grew up to become the vicious creature you were created to be.\\
Jus' because I decided ter become something other then what the majority wanted does not make me a failure!
//Ah but you are a failure in the eyes of the Cartel. That's why you were reduced to the status of a meer lab animal.\\ the voice chuckled evilly. //You could have become so much more...evil. You started to when you became a cannibal but you reversed that now...\\
I wasn't bein' evil! I had no choice! I did it ter survive!
//There are always choices...you could have either just stayed in the labs...or just let yourself starve to death.\\
I didn' stay in the labs because that was a fate worse then death! I did what I did because I didn' want ter die! I wanted ter live and experience what life was really like!
//And do you think you could ever be truly excepted into a 'normal' sociaty? What makes think they are not just using you and drive you away when they no longer have a use for you...?\\
They wouldn't use me! They love me fer who I am!
//You sure about that?\\ the voice laughed.
Yes I am sure!
//We shall see when the time comes.\\
What the frack der yer mean by that?
The voice just laughed maliciously and there was a flash of bright red...then nothing but empty space and the voice was gone.
Who our what was that? Spider thought, Was it a glimpse of what I could have become...?

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09-19-2001, 09:29 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: last one)

Spider found himself in a dense forest in this dream. The foliage was so dense the he couldn't see very far into it. This didn't worry him, as he been in places like this before. Though it did seem a bit weird that he was wearing his pants this time...
"Nothin' ter fer me ter worry 'bout 'ere." he muttered to himself.
//Are you sure about that?\\ a voice said.
Spider spun around but didn't see anyone.
"Who's there?"
The voice just laughed. It was an evil sounding laugh and it sounded like it came from all around him.
//Someone you know...yet don't know.\\ it said with another laugh.
"What the frack are yer talkin' 'bout!? Who are yer!?" Spider growled, spinning around trying to locate the source of the voice, but he still couldn't see anything.
Suddenly the forest around him erupted into flames. By reflex Spider searched for a safe way out and ran. He ran until he reached the village...but the village was in flames as well.
//Thought you would find safety here?\\ the voice laughed, //boy were you wrong...\\
"What's is goin' on!? Why is the village on fire?"
//It's on fire because of you.\\
"That can't be right! I would never der such a thing!"
//Are you sure?\\
"Yes! I would never hurt innocents!"
Spider tried to enter the huts to try to rescue some of the villagers, who he could hear screaming for help. But the flames were too intense and drove him back.
The dark clouds above him thundered and a heavy rain began to fall, putting out most of the fires. Spider could then enter the huts, to see if he could find any survivors...but he only found charred corpses.
The rain then stopped and the sun came out, drying the dirt and ash.
//Some hero you are.\\ the voice mocked, //you couldn't save one villager here. tisk tisk. Not that any of them deserved to live anyway...\\
"Yer wrong! These people had the right ter live!"
//And why do you say that? They are inferior to you. Toy's that you could do as you please to. Their lives mean nothing to you.\\
"THAT"S NOT TRUE!" Spider howled, "WHO ARE YER!?"
A gust of wind came up, stirring up the dust and ash, blinding Spider for a moment. When he could see again he saw a figure take shape in the dust cloud. At first he couldn't see it clearly, but once he could his eyes widened in shock. Standing in front of him...was him. Exact in almost every way, right down to the pants. There were differences....the eyes were red and the tattoo and pants were black.
"No..." he muttered, stepping back, "It can't be..."
"You figured it out now eh?" his double said with a evil sounding chuckle, "That's right...I represent that which what you could have/should have become. Instead...you became this...pathetic goodie tooshoe, intent on undoing the 'evils' of your past."
"Wha...what der yer want...?"
"What do I want?" his double rubbed it's chin and looked like it was in serious thought. Finally it said, "What I want...is for you to forget your...," its face crinkled in a expression of disgust, "honorable ways and become what you are suppost to be!"
"Yer me like yer..." Spider said, narrowing his eyes, "Forget it."
"Oh come on now." his double started circling him, "You honestly think you can get far being the way you are now?"
"The path of evil and hate can only lead toward pain and suffering and I want no part of that."
"Ah..." his double suddenly appeared right beside him, "But you at one time enjoyed inflicting pain and suffering on others. Yes I remember that well..."
"Back then...my heart was full of hate and the desire ter avenge my father." Spider said, closing his eyes and shuddering at the memories, "and I have no intention of becoming like that again..." Spider opened his eyes and with a quick swipe knocked his double away from here, "No matter what yer say! I am not goin' ter go back down that route! I'd rather die before that happens!"
"Tch." his double said as it righted itself and rubbed the spot where Spider had struck it, "You are too good hearted for your own good. Perhaps..." Suddenly his double turned into raging fire, but keeping its original shape, "I need to be more...forceful."
It leaped at him then and Spider barely was able to dodge in time. It struck again, this time scoring a hit on his arm, leaving three burnt cuts. Spider screeched in pain and ran, knowing he could not fight this thing hand to hand.
"Fleeing now are we? How cowardly..." the flame double said and appeared right in front of him, "You can't escape me...you never can..."
With a growl Spider picked up and threw a log at the double, only for it to burn to ashes and the double to laugh at him.
"Is that the best you can do?" it said, mockingly, "I think you are too dependent on those pants of yours...let me...liberate you..." it lashed out then, grabbing a hold of his pant. they immediately melted and Spider screamed in agony as the melted metal fused with his flesh. The double laughed at him.
"You see there is no escape..." it said grinning, "I can 'get rid' of the pain...but of course there is a price...."
"Ter join the dark side I'm guessin'..." Spider groaned...grimacing in pain.
"Oooo you have a mind like a steal trap...so whats your decision?"
Spider looked around desperately, looking for a way out of this nightmare. He spotted a bucket and Odd-be-praised it was full of water. he kept looking squarely at the double as he reached for it.
"So what is your decision?" It said getting impatient.
"My decision is..." he grabbed the bucket and threw it at the double, "**** YOU!"
The water in the bucket spilled all over the double, sending it shrieking in agony. It started to turn to steam, shrinking and it cursed at him.
"You may have won this round! But I will always be in the back of your mind! Both in and out of reality!"
By then it was nothing but a small pile of ash...which a passing breeze blew away. The melted husk of Spider's pants disappeared and Spider started to limp his way out of the ruined village.
What did that creep mean by 'in and out of reality'? he thought.
Suddenly a bright white light appeared in front of him and it was blinding…


Spider stirred and moved his head to get the light out of his eyes.
“Well someone move that frackin’ lamp!” he growled, irritated.
His outburst startled Olm and Hunter who both exclaimed: “He’s awake!”

(ooc: your turn...Rett or BD.)

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09-20-2001, 07:36 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Olm was the quickest to think. "Teb! Go and tell the mayor he's awake! And try and find that other young mud, Mirv, I think he was called, I want a word with him..."

Teb stood up. "Okay then," he said as he walked outside. The guards began to stop him, then saw that it was him, not Olm or Hunter.

Inside, Olm and Hunter were gathered around Spider. "Are you okay now?" Hunter asked.

"Where am... The village?"

"Yes, you're back here now."

Spider looked around, confused. "But... the flames...?"

"Flames?" It was Olm's turn to look puzzled. "There haven't been any flames, you're back in my hut, and you're safe, don't worry..."

"What happened? Oh hang on, I remember now... Lanar..."

Olm gently patted Spider on the shoulder. "Lanar's dead. You're safe now, I managed to get Jase to make an antidote."

Spider sat up for a few moments, looking around, then collapsed onto his back again with a sigh. "Thank Odd fer that!"

There was a knock on the door, then it opened to reveal six guards and Seltin, the Captian. "All right, come with us, we're taking you to see the mayor, to get this all sorted out..."

Spider frowned. "Get what sorted out?"

Olm sighed. "They still think we kidnapped you..."

"Well, I'll soon sort that out!" Spider leapt to his feet. "Lead the way, Guards!"

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-20-2001, 10:08 PM
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Mirv wondered the streets of Pyke in a state of wonder. He took in all the sights and sounds, far different from the village he grew up in. There were a variety of creatures, such as a blind mudokon around Mirv's age that looked greener than most...

At that instant the blind mudokon tripped over a pothole in the middle of the road and fell forward on his face with an audible "Oomph!". Most of the other pedestrians didn't give him a second look, but Mirv rushed over and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" Mirv asked, genuine concern coming over his face.

"Hmm? Oh yes. Thank you. That was very kind." Teb said thankfully.

"Oh, it was nothing. I hate to see people in pain." Mirv said inspecting the blind mudokon for wounds.

"I am very grateful. I would like to talk, but Olm sent me to find-" Teb started.

"Olm? Who'd he send you to find?" Mirv said, excited.

"Well, his patient Spider woke up and I need to get some young mudokon named Mirv-"

"That's me! I knew Olm might need me! Now let's go!" Mirv said with glee, and started off.

"Um Mirv? The mayor's house is the other way," Teb said shyly.

"Wha-Oh yeah. Of course." Mirv said and started towards the mayor's house.

What a strange person... thought Teb, and hurried to match Mirv's stride.
"To 'BOX or not to 'BOX, is that even a question?"
"OW Forums Test, All the cool kids are doing it!"
"It takes all kinds to make a world,"- Badger, Wind in the Willows

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09-21-2001, 08:25 AM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: Umm... well, if you read my post carefully, Teb had actually already been to the mayor, which was why the guards had been sent to escort them to his office. but that doesn't invalidate your post; your post could either be set in the middle of mine, before Teb fetched the guards, or else set afterwards, after Teb had fetched the guards, then gone on to find Mirv. just thought i'd clear that up...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-21-2001, 05:24 PM
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[OOC: Sorry 'bout that. *shamed at his newbieness* I guess that happened before Teb got to the mayor's house (Of course, planned it all along...)]
"To 'BOX or not to 'BOX, is that even a question?"
"OW Forums Test, All the cool kids are doing it!"
"It takes all kinds to make a world,"- Badger, Wind in the Willows

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09-21-2001, 05:55 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: np we were all newbies at some point. I'm going to try to continue with this in a new topic...if I can get my brain in gear *whacks it a couple of times*)

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09-21-2001, 07:44 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: done...topic is 'Path to Innocence')

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