Oddworld Forums > Zulag Three > Oddworld RPG

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08-20-2001, 07:36 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

(Setting: The main area this is based around is in the very industrialised part of Oddworld. The city if you like. It is set in the pub were alot of different creatures come to mingle and chat. The pub has many tables and stools and a bar in which 3 Mudokons serve at, obviously under the watchful eye of surveilance camera's and a few low ranking Sligs. The bar is smoke filled and a very un-healthy place to be...Strippers dance on little raised stages and swing on poles. The strippers are of a race of female Karnexx' that are bred by the Glukkons for this type of work but also for fighting. The song they dance to...'Scream if you wanna go faster' put on by one of the Sligs...Que Sasha)

The creature walked in. Music was blasting from the speakers that occupied every corner of the room. As she stepped in her black eyes were met with the stinging fumes of the smoke filled room. Her nostrils were flooded with the smell of nicotine and tobacco. Her black hoodie that went down to the back of her knees hid the weapons that she carried around with her. She slowly walked up to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools she noticed a Slig looking at her suspiciously but did nothing. She wanted to have a peaceful drink and not get into a fight this time. She reaced into the pocket of the hoodie and took a few notes out and chucked them on the bar in front of the bartender

Sasha: "Here..get me a Vodka on the rocks and get something for yourself"

The Mudokon looked at Sasha and took the money placing it in his pouch hung on his waist and winked a thankyou at her. Meanwhile the Slig was getting suspicious of Sasha and could swear he had seen her before. He hopped off the stool he was sat on and went to a dark corner of the room, keying in the security code for the secret door. The door lock clicked and he slowly pushed it open to be met with 3 other Sligs all in front of tiny moniters. 4 phones hung on the walls and the desk's in which the Sligs were situated were littered with empty soda cans and wrappers to numerous types of food. The Slig who had just walked in stepped upto the nearest moniter and looked at it.

Slig #1: Hey, turn the cam on that creature there..."

The Slig who was at the moniter took to the controls and slowly panned the camera around and zoomed in on Sasha's face.

Slig #2: "What you wanna see?"

Slig #1: "I-i'm sure i've seen her some where before...!"

Slig#2: "Check with the Gluk's...they usually know, or maybe the Vykkers..."

The Slig nodded and trotted upto one of the phones, his steal pants clanking on the hard metal floor. He punched a few numbers into the phone and awaited a answer.

Operater: "Hello...Operater speaking how may i help you?"

Slig #1: "Yeh, patch me through to one of the Executives...tell 'em its urgent!"

Operater: "Sorry sir, the Glukkons are on a 'Do not Disturb' line at the moment and all calls will be directed to their answering machines...can we help you in some other way?"

The Slig paused for a moment and then asked to be put through the 'Vykkers Pharmaceuticals.'

Operater: "Indeed sir, which part would you like to be put in con..."


There was a short pause from the Operater and then a dial tone as she patched him through. Meanwhile Sasha was well aware of the camera that was watching her and moved her black shiny hair over her face and tried to conceal it as much as possible but also trying to be as subtle as possible. Finally the bartender came and gave her, her drink. She snatched it up and drank it in one...including the ice. Then she got up to leave. The Slig in the security room was watching her from the phone and describing her as best as possible for the Vykker on the other line.

Vykker: "Yas...vat iz her. Ve tried to capture her for 3 timez now, but she escape and foil us...quickly, activate lock down and capture her before she escapes!"

Slig #1: "But sir, that could result in alot of casualties...even our regulers may get injured..."


Slig #1: "Right away, sir!"

The Slig turned to the others and nodded. They seemed to smile as one of them pushed the small red button on the desk that activates lock down. The doors on the pub were immediatly sealed and the bartenders knew what was coming next and immediatly took shelter under the bar. The 2 remaining Sligs in the pub took out their electric prods and made their way across the pub floor, and towards the back of the creature. As they approached they switched their prods onto super stun which would hopefully take her out straight away. With out stretched arms they stepped forward and...
Got flung backwards as two Dragon like wings tore through the hoodie and knocked them both across the floor. Their prods thrown out of their grasp and under tables and chairs of the customers. She turned around and growled, tearing off her hoodie to reveal a belt that was strapped tightly to her waist and held 2 Uzi's on either side and a sword on her left side. The shirt that she wore underneathe the hoodie was tight and a lime green. Her hot pants were black leather. She looked around the room, looking to see if any of the customers would try their luck. As she did the Sligs that she knocked to the floor clambered to their feet and grabbed their guns from the table that they were sat at and cocked them. Aiming them Sasha. She looked at them, her black her draping over her face and her wings back to their original position. The Slig in the security room slowly came out with his gun cocked too and walked towards her. He held the gun in one hand and in the other held a electric prod. He smiled as he slowly walked towards her...trying to stay in the shadows. Sasha rose her hands slowly in the air to signify her defeat but then flipped forwards and did the splits, putting her legs down and trying to get as low as possible as the Sligs fired wildly. The approaching Slig behind her got a chest full of bullets and dropped to the ground as she un-holstered her Uzi's and fired at the firing Sligs while still in her splits position. The Sligs tried to dive for cover but failed and merely tripped and fell. One getting a gut full of bullets. The other dived for a table, knocking it over and hiding behind it. The Karnexx' halted their dancing and leapt from their mini-staged barking aggressivly. Their claws drawn and their skin colour changing slowly to a dark red. Sasha quickly scrambled up and fired in their direction, taking one out. The customers of the bar dive under the table and try and conceal themselves in the shadows. One of the Karnexx' lunges towards Sasha who quickly dispatches it with a couple of well placed bullets. It drops to the floor and squirms in pain before ceasing. Sasha holsters her guns and then brings out her sword. The blade is very thing and very sharp. While the handle is of a serpant...the serpants eyes are blue safires. Sasha walks towards the hidden Slig and looks over the desk which it is hidden behind. She see's that its bleeding and holding its chest, she does not care and kills it with a swift swipe of her sword, cutting its chest open. Two Karnivexx' try and sneak up on her from the safety of the shadows but are easily and quickly taken out as Sasha spins around with her sword at arms length and head height. She watches as blood spatters on the hidden customers and the hostile creatures heads slowly drop to the floor, followed by their bodies. After all the threat is vanquished in the main bar, Sasha slowly makes her way towards the security office, putting her sword back and once again bringing her Uzi's out. As she approaches she shoots one bullet at the security pad which immediatly fries and then kicks the metalic open, firing at the Sligs who watched her in fear on the moniters. Black blood sprayed the moniters as she fired at the creatures. Sparks flew from some of the electrical equipment that was hit from stray bullets. The Sligs lay dead, ridden with bullet holes. Some lay with their heads on the keyboards they once typed on, blood flooding the keys and blackening them. Sasha walked upto the blood stained red button and hit it with the butt of her gun. De-activating lock down and opening the doors. As she exited the security office she noticed the customers rush towards the unlocked doors and escape outwards into the dark polluted night...
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08-21-2001, 05:12 PM
Sexy Slig's Avatar
Sexy Slig
: Jul 2001
: Odd World
: 219
Rep Power: 24
Sexy Slig  (10)

...Of course, none of this commotion had gone unnoticed. Mere seconds after the last of the customers had left, Sasha heard the familiar whir off security cabs pulling up outside, followed by the mechanical racket off the sligs legs. Sasha took cover behind the bar and loaded what was left of her ammo into the uzis. "Go" came a croaky sligs voice from outside. Six sligs ran through the doors right into a wall of hot lead, so that was her ammo gone. She leapt out from behind the bar and sprinted for the security office, bullets ricocheting around her. As soon as she was in she grabbed one of the dead sligs guns and cocked it. She had around 50 bullets , not nearly enough!
She had to think fast, she took out a trio off sligs trying to rush her and reloaded. What could she do? The bar room was littered with bodies and overturned tables, the sligs outside were confused and disorderd. If she was going to do something she would have to do it now. There was a large gas pipe in the bar room leaking out its contents, and a large light above it hmmm.......

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