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11-28-2001, 12:16 AM
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Outlaw Bomber
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Unwanted dreams

Malice was stalking a prey animal, an elum, intent on catching it for dinner. There was a faint giggle from nearby and the elum bolted.
"Now look at what you did." Malice said, "you scared away my dinner..."
"Sorry." a female voice said with another giggle as a dark green female slig, the one that had escaped him twice, climbed down the tree next to him and padded over. "I don' know why I laughed."
"Its ok..there are more where that came from..." Malice said with a mild chuckle. The slig looked up at him with those purple eyes and smiled happily, then touched his snout with hers....

Malice woke up with a start.
What the f*ck was up with that!? he thought, disgusted. Why is that wretch in my dream and why am I being nice to her!?
He shook his head, confused and touched his snout where the slig had touched it in the dream. For a brief moment, he remembered what it felt like...a warm comforting feeling, completely different from what he was used to feeling. He didn't like it.
He shook himself violently, shaking the feeling away.
No no NO! he thought, furious, I am NOT going soft! I won't allow it!
Determined to prove it to himself, he got up and slipped out of the cave he had been sleeping in, to see who he could kill tonight....

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11-28-2001, 09:50 PM
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Black Dragon
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Hunter howled into the night sky.
"At last, I return to Pyke..." he said to himself, gazing longingly at the full blue moon above his head.
Leaping silently off of the boulder he had been perched upon, he trotted off into the Great Forest with wolf-like stealth. The crickets chirped noisily around him, being the only sound besides the steady crunch of forest debris beneath his claws and the swish of his tail. For once in a very long time, joy and happiness overcame him and he found a new spring in his step.

The clearing that lay north of Pyke finally came into view. With a bark of happiness, he broke into a full run: his destination was within reach.

A loud, deep cry echoed throuout the forest. Before he had a chance to react, Hunter howled in pain as something inflicted a deep, gaping wound in his side.

(OOC: Whoot, I'm back!! *Throws party* May be a little sketchy, hafta get back in the groove of this RPG)

[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Black Dragon ]
-Black Dragon

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11-29-2001, 08:34 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Sl'askia  (10)

It wasn't long before Malice had found a potential victim, a large Big Bro type that had hind legs; obviously a crossbreed of some type. But that didn't matter to him...he was gunning for a good fight and it looked like this thing would give it to him. With barely any hesitation he attacked, swiping at it with a paw and leaving a nasty, deep gash in its side.
"So nice of you to be so conventily near by..." Malice hissed as rammed the creature, "I am looking for a good fight...so come on...fight me! Or are you too stupid to notice that I am kicking your worthless ass?"

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11-29-2001, 09:39 PM
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can i join this fight or would i be messing a plot of some sort up?
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12-03-2001, 09:42 PM
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Black Dragon
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Hunter roared in fury and lashed out with his thick tail. His attacker appeared to be a large red... Drakkic?

"Who the hell do you think you are, rammin' inter me like that?" he snarled through bared fangs, each one like a white knife blade.

Magar raised his upper body a bit so that he looked larger than her really was. The tip of his tail was twitching in a metronome-fashion... perfecty in time: a sign of agitation.

"Yer wanna fight?" he hissed with a sly grin on his face, "Then yer found it!"

With a thunderous roar, Hunter charged forward, changing directions as to confuse his opponent.
-Black Dragon

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12-04-2001, 12:08 AM
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Sl'askia  (10)

"Oh so the animal is just smart enough to speak eh?" Malice taunted as he watched Hunter charge him. At the last second, Malice dodged to one side and used his tail to trip the angry hybrid.
"How does the dirt taste?" Malice laughed, as he jumped over Hunter, slashing at him with his claws...

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12-04-2001, 07:23 PM
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Black Dragon
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Hunter rolled into a ball upon hitting the ground and did a sort of handspring to right himself.

"Nice try, pal, but I'm smarter than you'll ever be!" Hunter shot back, shooting out a hind leg to trip the strange creature while simultaneously snapping quickly and hard with his jaws.
-Black Dragon

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12-04-2001, 08:47 PM
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Malice 'pretended' to be caught by the leg and fell over, but twisted around, whipped his tail up and smacked Hunter on the side of the head while avoiding those jaws. He quickly rolled back onto his handfeet and made a quick ludge at Hunter's leg...

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12-04-2001, 09:48 PM
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Black Dragon
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Hunter screeched as he was slammed in the face by surprise. Viciously, he shook his head to get rid of that numbing, spinning feeling. Opening his blood-red eyes, he saw Malice charging at him, appearing to be aiming for Hunter's right leg.

Quickly, he spun around at precisely the right moment, so that Malice would miss his limb completely and be sent straight into a large rock behind him. Then, with a powerful thrust of his hind legs he charged at Malice's back, ramming straight into him.

"How ya like this?" Hunter grunted, as he then grabbed the Drakkic's left arm and threw him into the ground.
-Black Dragon

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12-04-2001, 09:59 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: I wonder when Rettick will come in?)

Stunned briefly from getting rammed, Malice couldn't prevent himself from getting thrown. Instead he flipped back over onto his belly and fianed(sp) unconsciousness, waited a moment, then lept up suddenly and onto Hunter's back.
"I'm having the time of my life!" Malice laughed as he slid down Hunter's back, raking it with his claws on the way down....

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12-05-2001, 08:15 PM
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Black Dragon
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(OOC: *Grunts* I dunno, I haven't seen Danny-boy in awhile, now that you mention it...)

"Ya sure are!" Hunter hissed, doing a body slam backwards on top of his attacker. Curling back his lips, exposing his pair of large tusks, Hunter grabbed for Malice's arm and bit hard.
-Black Dragon

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12-05-2001, 11:52 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

Malice got the wind knocked out of him when Hunter bodyslammed him and he howled with pain when he managed to bite his arm.
"Now you did it..." Malice growled as he lunged with his jaws and bit down deeply on the area between Hunter's should and neck...the metilic taste of blood filling his mouth...

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12-06-2001, 06:17 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: Sorry, I haven't been able to come online since Monday. I thought I'd told you, but obviously I hadn't...]

Hoan had scouted around Pyke, avoiding slig patrols, and had concluded that Malice wasn't based anywhere within the town. He hadn't held much hope of him being there, but if he had been, it would have made the search much easier, because now he had a much wider area to search through...

He wasn't long out of Pyke, however, when he heard sounds of conflict. Heading stealthily towards the noises, he checked his poison needles and flick knives, and prepared for battle.

When he reached the clearing where the sounds had been coming from, However, he couldn't believe his luck.

That's Malice... he thought, and if I'm not mistaken, the other one is Hunter... He's got quite a high price too... But I can't take them both on at once, so I'll have to pretend to be on Hunter's side for now... He smiled. Two birds with one stone...

Leaping into the clearing, he saw Hunter roll off Malice to avoid his teeth, and turn to punch at Malice's head. Not giving Malice time to recover, Hoan threw himself upon the huge crossbreed, delivering blows to his head thick and fast with his knuckledusters...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-06-2001, 08:42 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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Sl'askia  (10)

"Wha the...?" Malice said as he got jumped by a third party. Snarling he managed to throw the mud off and dance away.
"So someone new joins the game..." he growled, "I was just fooling around before...time to get serious...."
At the he charged, making like he was going for Hunter but then changed targets at the last second. Spining on one handfoot, Malice slashed at the mud with the other while striking Hunter with this tail. Right after he rushed forward and rammed into the mud and flipped him over his back...

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12-07-2001, 06:44 PM
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Surprised by the Crossbreed's sudden attack, Hoan flipped his wrist to unsheathe a knife, but Malice was on him before he managed to aim it properly, and it pierced Malice's arm instead of his chest. As Hoan fell to the ground beneath him, Malice gritted his teeth and tried to pull the knife out, but it was barbed and refused to budge. In anger, Malice rained blows onto Hoan's head. In retaliation, Hoan swiped at Malice's cheek, scoring three deep cuts in the flesh. 10 minutes should bring him down, Hoan thought through the blows, If I survive that long...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-07-2001, 08:46 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

Malice screeched when he was struck in the cheek. He could feel his blood running down his face where he was struck. In retalulation...he grabbed one of the muds arms with his jaws and bite down until he heard a satisfying crack. He then unleased a fury of slashes on the mud, cutting deep wounds with his claws.
Then he remembered Hunter...so after a quick blow to the muds head he jumped on the mutant, biting and clawing at him...losing total control.

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12-07-2001, 09:38 PM
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Black Dragon
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Hunter howled in pain.

"He's gone nuts!" he yelled, trying to shake the crossbreed off of his back. Not knowing what else to do, he rolled into a ball and sacrificed his own body to the mercy of the large boulder. Slamming into it at full force, it took him a few minutes to come back to his senses. However, this gave him time to attack: if he could just get to Malice before Malice got to him. Taking his chances, Hunter threw all of his weight on Malices back and thrust his large hind claws into the Drakkic's back while he ripped at his neck fiercely with his powerful jaws.
-Black Dragon

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12-07-2001, 10:29 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

Malice yelped with pain as Hunter tore into him. Fortunately, his near scale like skin on the back of his neck kept him from getting too much damage. And the situation made him start to think rationally again. He knew he had to think fast if he was going to get out of this one.
Remembering the knife in his arm, Malice clenched his teeth and pulled on it with all his might. He managed to rip it out, leaving a nasty wound behind. He took the knife, flipped it so that it was pointing downward in his hand, then swung his arm backwards, stabbing Hunter in the side. He then reached up with both arms and slashed at Hunter's face and neck. He felt Hunter rear up in pain and he pulled forward, causing Hunter to lose his balance and fall off him.
Malice decided to fight the rest of the way using hit and evade, using his speed and agility to there fullest...

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12-07-2001, 11:02 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Hoan leapt onto Malice's back, taking him by surprise. Feeling something jab into his neck, Mal wrenched the mudokon off him and was amazed to see that the mudokon had pulled out a shard of his arm bone and started using it as a weapon... Even as he thought this, the Mud leapt at him again, attempting to jab it into the already gaping wound in Mal's arm. Mal howled and swung at the Mudokon...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-07-2001, 11:18 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

and delt the Mud a glancing blow...but it was enough to stun. Malice then grabbed the Mud by a leg and swung him into a tree. Then grabbed him again and swung him into Hunter, who was just getting up.
Malice charged and rammed into both them in full. Backed up a bit, then pounced on them, slashing at them alternately with his claws...

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12-13-2001, 04:07 PM
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Hoan cried out in pain as Malice's claws raken across his skin, but Hunter was in better shape, and rose to his feet, growling. As Malice steeled himself, Hunter flung himself at the red crossbreed. Malice swiped at Hunter's face as he flew, before he landed on Malice, crushing the wind out of his lungs. Malice tried his hardest to push Hunter's huge weight off him, but Hunter didn't budge, and flung blows at Mal's head.

Then Malice managed to swing a fist straight into Hunter's face, managing to make him howl and falter. This gave Malice the opportunity to roll out from under Hunter, and get him in a quick headlock...


Malice and Hunter froze, turning their heads to see a large platoon of slig guards from Pyke entering the clearing. The Sergeant aimed his gun at Malice's head.

"Now nobody move, and nobody gets hurt, okay?"

Some of the guards fanned out towards the combatants. The now unconscious Hoan was handcuffed and dragged off, and several guards converged on the crossbreeds...

Suddenly, Malice raised Hunter as best he could and flung him at the guards. Caught by surprise, the guards leapt back to avoid the huge figure, and were distracted long enough for Malice to get out of the clearing...


Shit, thought Trey. "After 'im!" Raising his rifle, Trey charged after Malice, followed by half of the guards. The remaining guards tied up the injured Hunter and began to escort him and Hoan back to Pyke...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-26-2001, 07:48 PM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
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•[cyrus]•  (10)

Coool Fic Guys{and Girls}

Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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12-26-2001, 08:45 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Look, 101, I've been just ignoring you for a while, but this is just too much. This isn't a Fic, it's an RPG. STOP STICKING YOUR NOSE INTO THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! This applies throughout the forums, not just here. Just because you haven't posted in a topic, doesn't mean you should. Hardly any of your posts are EVER worth reading! I am the first to complain about "Spam Witch-hunts", but you are nothing but a Spammer! I'm sick of you! If you don't have anything worthwhile to post, just DON'T POST!

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-27-2001, 10:01 AM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
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•[cyrus]•  (10)

....sorry rettick......i'll stop posting in rpg from now on

Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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