Oddworld Forums > Zulag Three > Oddworld RPG

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08-15-2001, 07:54 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)
The gaping mouth of Insanity...

Cyrus staggered through the little house. Crashing into everything as he did, he was not used to being blind and pathetic but he knew one thing...he was going to pathetic no more...he was going to do something. He finally felt what was a opened door and flung himself outward. He tripped over something and fell with a thump. A little squeel came from the object he fell and thrashed under his legs. Cyrus snarled and raised his legs to let the creature escape before standing up himself.

Cyrus: "Spider...Spider...anyone, i need to speak with you"

He felt a creature brush past him and grabbed it.

Cyrus: "Who's that...who's there!? Spider is that you?"

He was immediatly pushed to the ground and heard Spider.

Spider: "Dont touch me...what yer want, why yer out of yer bed?"

Cyrus staggered to his feet, brushing himself down with his right hand and snarled in the direction of the voice.

Cyrus: "I have a plan...i need my weapons back tho..."

He stopped as he felt a hand wrap around his throat and push him to a wall. Warm breath breathed on his face.

Spider: "Yer want yer weapons back...dont take me fer a fool Cyrus. yer'll massacre this village as soon as one crosses yer palms"

He squeezed Cyrus' neck as he said this. Cyrus tried to push him away but to no avail. Finally Spider let go and allowed Cyrus to fall to the ground coughing and choking.

Cyrus: "In my -Cough- condition...I -Cough- have more of a chance, killing my -Splutter- myself then any of you lot...!"

Spider looked at him and realised he was right. The creatures would be back for Cyrus and they had to do something. Even his powers could not kill a God. But Cyrus was the chosen one for the evil creature and if Obitus got his hands on him the world would surely perish. He thought about it and then realised if he did not let Cyrus try his plan the Reptilians would soon attack this village and raid it for Cyrus. He picked Cyrus up by the coller of his jacket and flung him against the wall.

Spider: "Now yer listen here...yer try anything and i'll personally rip yer spine out and feed to a horde of Paramites yer here me!"

Cyrus nodded and felt for Spiders arm. Which abruptly grabbed hold of him and led him down the village. Cyrus could hear hushed gasps and whispers. Things hit him..some hard things and some soft, people hated him...and he could not maim, execute or destroy them...he had to rely on them.

Spider: "Ere yer go...i took these weapons off yer troops when i killed them. And here's yer gun"

Cyrus: "You killed my soldiers...wh-why?"

Spider: "Apart from the fact they wer going ter kill me...they reminded me of yer"

He laughed as he closed the door to the big shack were they kept the weapons. Cyrus held his gun in his hands and gently stroked it...he held it and felt its warmth. He had a urge to shoot something and listen to the cries but realised then realised he wouldn't get a chance. Cyrus slowly walked towards the way he came in, his arms out stretched.

Spider: "Where yer goin?"

He grabbed Cyrus' shoulder. Cyrus never turned back but instead replied over his shoulder:

"To continue with my plan"

Spider opened the door and then led him outside, closing it behind him. He then asked Cyrus where he wanted to go now...

Cyrus: "I want to go to the village entrance and wait for them there. You may want to have some soldiers watch the forests with some of the guns and shoot anything that moves..."

Spider heededhis words and nodded for a guard to get the guns. He then continued to lead Cyrus to the entrance.

Spider: "Now what?"

He asked with curiosity in his voice. Cyrus turned in the direction of the voice and replied:

"Now we wait"

3 hours had passed with Cyrus sat at the entrance. Although he could not see anything Spider acted as his eyes. Cyrus said he needed to do this if things were to go to plan. There was a movement in the foilage up a head. One of the soldiers shouted down to Spider. Cyrus heard the warning and stood up...

Cyrus: "Show time...point me in the right direction and tell me where to shoot"

Spider did this and got ready to tell him where to shoot. He too armed himself with a very powerful rifle. A Reptile slowly edged out into the moonlight. It padded on all fours and stayed close to the ground. Spider did not bother telling Cyrus and just shot it himself. The creature flung back and squirmed on the ground before going limp. Cyrus held his gun out right and listened for sounds. He heard a rustle to his right and fired. A screech gave him confirmation that he hit something. But then a familier voice echoed in his ears. And he heard slow foot steps standing on dried leaves and shrubbery. The voice was scratchy and it sounded like Shrikk but the words were better pronounced.

Spider: "Cyrus...SHOOT...SHOOT IT!!"

Spider shouted to Cyrus and then attempted to shoot it himself. The bullets he shot just missed Cyrus but never hit the creature. Instead the creature held up a paw and stopped the bullets in mid flight. Making them drop to the ground. Spider looked in amazement. The creature that he had shot at jerked its head up suddenly and black smog came from its mouth. The black mist surrounded his body and made it float upwards. Hovering in mid air. Then the voice spoke.


Cyrus staggered back and shot in the direction of the voice. Spider watched as the bullets missed the floating body and went throught the smog.


Cyrus heard these words and aimed his gun a bit higher and fired. He listened to hear a cry of pain but all he got was a laugh of glee.


He screamed and fired 2 more shots. Thoughts rushed through his head...but he was interupted when he felt that cold icy grip he felt in his dreams. Only this time it was real and raised him off the ground. He thrashed around blindly, shouting and cursing. And then was flung to the ground.


He laughed this and then attempted to possess Cyrus once again. But was stopped as Cyrus looked in the direction of his voice. And smiled...his smile was sinister and filled with evilness.

Cyrus: "You want my soul asshole...heh, its mine...and if you want it, you can go f*ck yourself!"

Cyrus put the gun to his chin and laughed at the astonished Obitus. He heard the growl from the mighty Dragon God and then pulled the trigger. Spider watched his eyes wide with amazement. Cyrus' lifeless body collapsed to the ground, blood and brains littered the ground and the silver gun lay in Cyrus' limp hand. The smoke of Obitus absorbed back into Shrikk and then turned to Spider...hissing:

"You think this isss the end. You pathetic creaturez will suffer...this body will last for 4 more dayzzz and then i will find a new chosen one...when i do...youur shit little town shall perish"

It walked forwards and spat on the ground. Then hissed some more insulting words before stopping. Lights shone from Cyrus' body and slowly raised upwards. It was like one big light. All shining and white with a tint of Red. Cyrus' growl came from the shinig red and then a hand emerged. Obitus had now turned around and looked through Shrikks eyes. The eyes widening. The hand slowly stuck up one finger to Obitus and laughter echoed around the village. Spider smiled and watched as the light devided. Lights surrounded everywhere, too many to count. The Redness of Cyrus slowly dispersed in the air. But his laughter continued. The Reptilians looked at the lights and watched them curiously. Then Spider realised what they were...they were the childrens souls that Obitus had left inside Cyrus. They were free. Slowly the forms of the children appeared in the light. Their eyes glowing they gently bobbed in the air before flying around Obitus. They never said anything just flew around. Some going to investigate the Reptilians who were watching them. The Reptiles looked and growled gently. The children smiled at the creatures before killing them with a sharp electrical current which they shot out via their hands. Then joined the whirls of other children who were slowly focusing on Obitus. Obitus snarled and barked at the souls as they rushed around in a circle above his head. He tried to push them away with his powers but failed. Spider watched...a smile forming across his face. The smile widened as the children started attacking Obitus. They flew into him, went through the body and passed out the other side. They didn't draw blood just made the body jerk. They did this repeatedly (Like at the end of'Blade' until finally one went inside of him and dragged out some smog. The smog was wrapped around the soul and tried to drag it inwards towards the body but failed as 3 other souls broke the smog away from the body. The smog spattered on the ground like sewage. A scream roared from the opened mouth of Shrikk, but Spider knew it was Obitus' soul. The scream was interupted as one of the children flew down his throat. The creature Obitus possess fell to his knees and roared. Electricity shot of his body, drawing blood. The Reptilians stood watching howled and ran back to the safety of the forest. Watching their God get tore apart. Finally Obitus surfaced. He appeared out of the wounds and gaping mouth of Shrikk. Smog and smoke escaped out of the body and then joined in the air, glowling yellow eyes looked at the children. They floated upwards and circled around him, laughing. Electricity shot and connected with each other. Obitus snarled and barked at them. He raised a smoggy paw to bat them away but was shocked by a shock wave of electricity emitted from one of them. They all started to circle again until they were nothing but a blur, the blur of white and blue light slowly started moving upwards towards the clouds and then dispersed into nothingness just like Cyrus had done. Obitus looked around. The smog moved slowly and then spoke in native tongue for one of his followers to come closer. The creature bounded forward, eagerly wanting to be blessed by Obitus being inside him. But as Obitus possessed him slowly Spider took aim, the laser sight focused on the eyes of the creature Obitus was possessing, after all the eyes were the windows to the soul. As he prepared to fire a bolt of lighting from the clouds struck the creature. Obitus screamed and the electricity shot around the body and smog gaining power. Spider looked up to see light shining from the clouds and then another blast of electricity, this time it destroyed the body and made it crumple to ashes. The smog was now whirling around, roaring in native tongue.
Another bolt made the smog spatter into sludge and hit the ground. Frightened cries of followers in the bushes and shadows could be heared as they ran away. Spider looked into the clouds and thanked the children. Obitus was vanquished and the village of Pyke was saved, at least for now...
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08-15-2001, 08:32 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: one little prob with this post Oryon...and i have this stated in the character description...Spider does not use guns...he won't even touch them!)

My Site | My Board | My RolePlay

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08-15-2001, 08:47 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

hehe, poor oryon, and after going to all that trouble, too...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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