Thanks for the comments on the music, guys, I was afraid you wouldn't like it
Nice musics! But how will bosses be implemented? Would you run from them, then get them killed later? (if this is that similar to the usual Oddworld gameplay) Abe barely could fight or anything, not directly
Wait and see XD
Gretin, that’s really a rather funky ditty! Well done; it suits the gaming medium well!
I may get around to PMing you some story/setting/gameplay ideas soon, if I can remember to, just to see if I can’t come up with something productive for this project.
I've had plenty of practice, I learn heaps of game musics by ear so yeah...
Dude! I love it! Did you actually play this yourself or did you compose it on the PC? It's awesome, well done!
A little of both... I started with a bit of a play on the keyboard, but as the music is going to be module format, as far as I know there isn't actually any way to go direct from the keyboard to the module file
But I got the next best thing, I recorded the instruments from the keyboard (with a crappy microphone, hence why there's a little bit of noise in it as well - I'm getting a new keyboard soon, though, so I'll probably try to get a cable to go direct from the keyboard to pc and then I can record the better instruments from the better keyboard and hopefully avoid the noise
and then I composed it on the PC using the recordings. So yeah...
These are some random doodles I did. I dought you'd want to use them though.
We'll see, they
might be able to be used in a cinematic sequence (the still frames I talked about before), but I doubt that the sprites for in-game will really be detailed enough to show a heck of a lot of the design of weapons...
Except for the basic shape etc...
Love dem gunz!
So uh, i've made a n00b for the demo, based off zero's sprites. I hope you like 'em =D. I've only done one incase they get rejected or summat...
That looks alright, though if I wanted to be
really picky I could say "It resembles the base too much!" But I'm not going to be
really picky XD
The only thing is, I don't know that there's much point doing that, the demo will just be using the sprites from MMZ and then we'll
probably be shifting to a different style.. Though I don't know, the spriters may decide they
want to do it in MMZ style
We'll see.
Anyway, as for a progress report, I'm sorry to say I haven't been able to make a lot of progress recently... I've been extremely busy, and haven't even had time to post this reply until now (I know I've posted other little things, but they were just that - little
). Hopefully I'll be able to get a bit of work done on it now, though, that things seemed to have eased of a little.