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08-08-2001, 01:08 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)
For people in or entering High School

I read in the paper this morning that school is gonna start up again. It makes me think back to when I was in high school, they were the best years of my life. You still had your parents but all the prilaviges as an adult. Which makes me think, I want all of you to know to...


I was captain of the football team, honors in math, social studies, arts, science, and computer programing. If it wasn't for trying new things, I would have never been in the collage I'm at now. So do everything you can do in high school.
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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08-08-2001, 01:14 PM
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Oddworld Almanac
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Oddsville  (236)Oddsville  (236)Oddsville  (236)

Thanks Dakkan, Im going to Hight School for the first time, even thought I will be turning 15 on Aug 25. Im gonna take as many art classess as I can as I hope to become a big artist one day.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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08-08-2001, 08:33 PM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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I'm expected to go to some whakkass seminary school, learn three other languages, take eight years of theology, and become a preacher!!! holy shit, my plates going to be so full doing the basics that I don't think I'll have time for anything else. I went to so many acting classes and forensics contests it was only natural that being a pastor was an option being crammed down my throat. I feel like this a topic better suited for Ask Abby but does anyone have any advice about how to tell people you don't want to enter the ministry without sounding like a heretic?
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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08-08-2001, 08:35 PM
General Drippik's Avatar
General Drippik
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General Drippik  (11)

I'm going to high next year and I don't have a clue what you're on about.
- Drippik

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08-09-2001, 10:22 AM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
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Black Dragon  (10)

I know what you mean, Dakkan, and you are absolutely right. I'm currently a sophomore (I'm in 10th grade) and that means I only have 2 more years of school after this one before I'm out on my own and off to college. I'm trying my best to fill in as much "stuff" as possible: band, classes, etc.
-Black Dragon

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08-09-2001, 02:26 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

This is my last year in high school. Sometimes you can't do everything. It's best to take all your classes and some honors because sometimes councelrs recommend stuff that's not for you. But yup, I was recommended for precal because I got an average of 100 in math, I was in spanish club and was in the nation spanish society, I got the urban league, and that's about it

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08-09-2001, 02:44 PM
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

And it kinda stinks up in New York, Because you have to pass the regents in order to not go to summer school. If you fail it, and take it again, you don't get a regents credit. 11th grade would be your last year of taking them they are state test. uuughhh...

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