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05-21-2009, 08:14 AM
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I've read every single one. It's great to learn about all these little bits of info and try and piece the story together.

I was wondering, maybe Dripik sent Maylon a 'peace bird' (like a dove) and it was dead by the time it got to Maylon? Maybe that could have sparked the war?

I stream games and art now!

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05-21-2009, 08:31 AM
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I've read every single one. It's great to learn about all these little bits of info and try and piece the story together.

I was wondering, maybe Dripik sent Maylon a 'peace bird' (like a dove) and it was dead by the time it got to Maylon? Maybe that could have sparked the war?
thats actually a very good idea. i think i'm gonna do a sort of detailed timeline for the 'D&M' war in the future, seeing as i'm a bit exhausted after writing this to make part 2 (prequel to Glory Slig) and describe the 'D&M' war as a story.

after i've posted these profiles i'll give it a rest for a while and see if i'm up to it. i have a feeling i'll do a detailed timeline though, like records. who knows.
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05-21-2009, 09:55 AM
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Well, some of the things you've written so far in the biographies can be literally copied and pasted straight into the prequel. Like the nasty Slig's heroic war story.

I stream games and art now!

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05-30-2009, 05:32 AM
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Hey just to let everyone know I have opened our next post MA just to let you no put your name at the top of your chapter so they no what chapter is for which story
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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07-09-2009, 11:01 AM
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WHOA its been a long time. sorry about that, had a bit of a break from FC. anyway, here is 4 more profiles i have written. i would post the rest of them but i haven't finished them yet (surprise surprise).

Glon’s profile:

NAME: Glon.

RACE: Slig.


OCCUPATION(S): Stationmaster at a FeeCo depot station 6 years.
Rupture Farms stockyards security guard 7 years.
Served 5 year sentence in prison.
Back at Rupture Farms stockyards.

LIKES: Keeping Billy close for protection, drinking hard liquor, watching fights.

DISLIKES: Attention, Rowls sarcastic comments.

FEARS: Being spied on and having heart attack.

BOSS: Currently Molluck.

CHARACTERISTICS: Very cautious with a paranoid act to match. Glon is wiser than most sligs due to his age, and knows a few tricks of the trade after working as a station master for 6 years. He will do anything to avoid any direct attention, but when backed into a corner he will react to defend himself.

DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC(S): Very friendly and knowledgeable, but not one for the spotlight.

DREAMS: Glon just dreams of returning to his old job at Rupture Farms stockyards, seeing as it is quite secluded. He eventually achieved this dream when he was released from prison.

MOOLAH EARNED PER WEEK: After returning to his old job, 50.

RANK: Security.

PAST EXPERIENCES: Glon attempted to murder his superior officer whilst working at Rupture Farms stockyards with an iron bar. He was ordered to take night duty for the third time in a row, and due to his paranoia, thought he was targeting him and being unfair. If he was or not remains unknown. Glon picked up a short, iron bar from the table in the bunker out in the stockyards and beat the superior officer (corporal) to a bloody mess that was barely conscience. No witnesses were around, so Glon then left the corporal (alive) and turned himself in at Rupture Farms, where he was arrested and put on trial, found guilty. He was then transported to Sronti’s prison. Glon is not usually a violent person, but his paranoia may have altered his reaction to the situation temporarily.

CRIMES (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): 1 count of attempted murder.
Numerous fighting offences.
Numerous counts of sligslaughter and mudslaughter.
Numerous drinking offences.

PHYSIQUE: Glon still has his strength, but because of his age its only a matter of time before that begins to deteriorate. Glon’s paranoia about his heart may not have been in vain, because he actually does have a weak heart. It has not been discovered yet, but Glon is sure of it. This is most probably a coincidence.

MENTAL HANDICAP (IF ANY): Severe paranoia.

SUMMARISATION: Glon is a friendly sort who will crack a joke when your down and have you rolling around on the floor in laughter when your not so down. He is willing to give advice but is slightly reluctant as he doesn’t want to be seen as the ‘advice-giver’. Now that he has served his sentence and is back at his old job, it is unlikely he will live for much longer, but he has some tales to tell, many about Sronti’s prison including the riot with Nox.

DEMISE: He is still alive.


Nox’s profile:

NAME: Nox.

RACE: Slig.


OCCUPATION(S): Slig Barracks recruit and war veteran.

LIKES: Compassion, his rifle, alcohol.

DISLIKES: Cruelty, racism, the voices in his head.

FEARS: Flashbacks, harming friends.

BOSS: General Dripik.

CHARACTERISTICS: Nox was quite a deep character, and had a tangled mind. He was prone to flashbacks and violent outbursts, but was very brave and competent, especially during combat. All this aside, he was actually very kind and compassionate, unlike most sligs.

DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC(S): Brave and competent, but troubled.

DREAMS: He dreamt of having the voices in his head removed, and leading a normal life.

Once he met Lage, he dreamt of escaping from Slig Barracks with Lage and living with mudokon natives in Necrum. This would probably be impossible (to live in peace with natives).


RANK: War veteran.

PAST EXPERIENCES: During the ‘D&M’ war, the platoon Nox was in met another ally platoon, and they both were ordered over the radio to follow the orders of a drill sergeant slig stationed at the post. The sergeant ordered the other platoon to march across the minefield before them and kill the Maylon sligs on the other side. Nox stepped forward and called the drill sergeant an ‘ignorant twat’, and told the platoon to stay where they were. The sergeant hit Nox around the head with the butt of his revolver and almost concussed him, knocking Nox into the mud. The sergeant ordered the platoon over the minefield anyway.

During an operation called ‘The re-take of outpost 21’ in a derelict factory, during the ‘D&M’ war, Nox was being bullied by his thoughts, making him very nervous. Maylon forces were expected to be in the area, and Nox was even more nervous than the other sligs due to the voices in his head goading him. He turned a corner in a corridor and was taken by surprise by a mudokon child. He shot it and the noise triggered the Maylon sligs ambush. Nox’s platoon and the Maylon platoon were fighting each other fiercely, but Nox cradled the dying mudokon child until it died. Then, feeling the anger, he joined the fire fight.

CRIMES (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): Countless fighting offences.
Numerous counts of sligslaughter.
Numerous war crimes.
Countless drinking offences.

PHYSIQUE: A burly slig, stronger than the average slig due to his experiences in the ‘D&M’ war. Has a scar in the palm of his hand from when he glassed a slig in the ‘The Rotten Barrel’ pub. Also has a scar on the middle knuckle of his right hand from when he punched a slig in the visor during a riot in Sronti’s prison.

MENTAL HANDICAP (IF ANY): Schizophrenia (causes voices).
Post traumatic stress (causes flashbacks).
Possible depression.

SUMMARISATION: Nox was quite a strong character who was opposed to prejudice and slavery. He was very capable during a fight, and hosted more knowledge and know-how than most sligs, which is natural for veterans of the ‘D&M’ war. But he harboured many dark secrets, and was constantly goaded and bullied by voices in his head. He was also very selfless.

DEMISE: Nox was shot from behind by Loke who was armed with a standard issue rifle. The rifle round passed right through Nox, entering the ribcage and leaving the body through his back, almost tearing through his spine. He didn’t feel pain due to his high adrenaline levels, and lost his sight (a typical slig trait when dying), before passing away (blood loss). His dying wish was for his friends to ‘take care of the kid’ (meaning Lage).


Rolin’s profile:

NAME: Rolin.

RACE: Slig.


OCCUPATION(S): Slig Barracks recruit for his first 4 years.
Slig Barracks sergeant for 2 years.
Captain of the guards at Sronti’s prison for the rest of his life.

LIKES: Respect, hard workers, giving orders.

DISLIKES: Wimps, mudokons, CO’s disobeying orders.

FEARS: Sronti, being sent to prison himself.

BOSS: Sronti.

CHARACTERISTICS: A tough character, both physically and mentally. His zero tolerance attitude and stern demeanour both inspire other CO’s whilst at the same time scare inmates.

DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC(S): Stern, and not too subtle.

DREAMS: He had dreams of being one of the captains of Slig Barracks, but it looks like he’s got the next best thing.


RANK: Captain of the guards.

PAST EXPERIENCES: He was always a quick learner, and for the first 4 years of his life at Slig Barracks he stood out from the other sligs. That is the reason why he was promoted to sergeant.

He was working at Sronti’s prison as captain of the guards when the ‘D&M’ war broke out, so never saw any action. If he had, its likely he would have proved himself quite capable and would probably be a lieutenant by now, if he survived.

3 years into his career at Sronti’s prison, during a riot, he led the CO’s into the fray in the hall using only their batons as weapons. Rolin drifted away from the rest of the CO’s and was cornered by 5 mudokon inmates. They beat him badly with their fists, and Rolin was found lying on the floor after the riot had been stopped by CO’s, battered to within an inch of his life. Rolin recovered, obviously, but this is quite possibly the reason why he hates mudokons.

CRIMES (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): Even though he is technically ‘the law’, outsiders would argue he has still committed a few offences:
Numerous murders.
3 counts of sligslaughter.

PHYSIQUE: A normal sized slig with scars on his hands and knuckles from all the riots he and the other CO’s have had to stop using their fighting skills and truncheons.


SUMMARISATION: Firm but fair. Someone who is always willing to give out punishment and isn’t too subtle. He may not be too opposing in appearance, but you still wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him. He knows the meaning of hard work, and when he isn’t inspecting the prison, he’s overseeing the chain gang’s mining.

DEMISE: He is still alive.


Wrask’s profile:

NAME: Wrask.

RACE: Slig.


OCCUPATION(S): Slig Barracks recruit and war veteran.

LIKES: Smoking, relaxing at ‘The Rotten Barrel’ pub.

DISLIKES: Exaggerators, having his working routine interrupted.

FEARS: A smoking ban, losing contact with his war veteran friends.

BOSS: General Dripik.

CHARACTERISTICS: Wrask usually uses brawn before brains, and has an extremely raspy voice, possibly due to his heavy smoking routine. He sticks up for his friends and seems to always know what’s going on in Mudos, keeping a close eye on ‘The Daily Deception’ and M.O.M. News.

DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC(S): Chain smoker, a slig that ‘knows things’.

DREAMS: Wrask leads a simple life, since the war anyway, and has the same dream every day; to get to ‘The Rotten Barrel’ pub and relax.


RANK: War veteran.

PAST EXPERIENCES: Wrask first started smoking during the war, to help ease the extreme pressure all sligs were being put under during that bloody time, and has smoked ever since, out of habit. It doesn’t seem to have helped that much seeing as he now suffers with post traumatic stress due to the war, but that’s not to rule out the possibility that it could have stopped more serious mental illnesses (like the schizophrenia Nox suffers with).

Wrask once had a fistfight with his superior officer (who was a nasty piece of work, many said) during the ‘D&M’ war, for moolah. Wrask beat him fair and square, and since then, Cossle (the superior officer) took a liking to Wrask, but was still begrudged with the rest of his platoon. Cossle, who was a captain, was the same captain Nox killed in the office.

CRIMES (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER): Numerous war crimes.
Numerous drinking offences.
Numerous fighting offences.

PHYSIQUE: Wrask is quite tough and is as strong as the average war veteran.

MENTAL HANDICAP (IF ANY): Post traumatic stress (causes flashbacks).

SUMMARISATION: Wrask is a knowledgeable slig that has served his due in the ‘D&M’ war and seems to have entered his own version of retirement by ‘playing it safe’ and sticking to what he is told to do. His reward at the end of each day is that first pint and 100th cigarette in ‘The Rotten Barrel’ pub. An honest slig with morals who doesn’t give any grief as long as he receives none in return.

DEMISE: He is still alive.


once again i apologize for the ridiculous wait, i should have said something.
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07-09-2009, 01:46 PM
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It's been a long time coming, but I can safely say, it was definately worth the wait. Better to take your time and make a masterpiece than to rush it and be ridiculed forever!

I stream games and art now!

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07-14-2009, 11:40 AM
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nice ot see a bit of life in this thread, PS sorry for not being on in ages
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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