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08-03-2008, 07:52 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
: 534
Blog Entries: 15
Rep Power: 17
Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

Wow. Story worship. Cool. xD
I already printed it off a while ago, just so I could look it over once and a while. You're gonna want to switch the font size to eight. Trust me.

Sadly, the storys' starting to wrap up from here. =C There's only one chapter left. Or maybe two. Depends on how I plan to tie up all the loose ends.

Please excuse me for leaving you with the biggest cliffhanger in the history of fanfiction.


Vhern was fast asleep in his own private suite. It was separate from the rest of the vykkers’ rooms, and was certainly much nicer. Mumbling in his sleep, Vhern rolled over, two of his arms draping over the side of his bed. He didn’t snore. Snoring was unsanitary.


Vhern looked up from where he lay, squinting. “Who’s there?” he demanded. The loud knocking on his door continued. Grumbling, Vhern grabbed his glasses and stumbled over to the door. He jerked it open.

Thump! Two huge shapes tackled him from the dark. Vhern gasped in surprise when he recognized who they were.

“IDIOTS!” Vhern squawked, struggling between his two slig bodyguards. They stared at him blankly. “Let me go!”
And they did. The two sligs dropped him, their snuzi’s drawn. One bolted to Vhern’s bed and flipped over the mattress while Two searched behind the curtains. Vhern adjusted his glasses and grabbed One by his meaty wrist, trying to pull him back.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

Two and One regrouped and pulled out the dresser drawers, throwing clothes everywhere. After a thorough search they were sure that the room was clear; Vhern was safe. One and Two did a quick high five. Vhern jostled between them, slapping them both across the face.

“You morons!” Vhern hissed. “I told you to guard the door! WHY AREN’T YOU GUARDING THE DOOR?”

One and Two cringed. Vhern was safe with the sligs; but the sligs had never stopped to consider if they were safe with Vhern. One made tiny whimpering noises while Two twiddled his thumbs, looking humiliated.

Vhern sighed and grabbed them viciously by their wrists. “Come on,” he growled, leading them out of the room and down the hall. “I can’t believe you two. First, you lose your keys. Then, you leave your posts and trash my room. For Odd’s sake, I gave you direct orders, and all I asked was for them to be followed...”


“PROTECT ME!” Vhern shrieked as the ship tilted violently to the side. His two bodyguards, unsure of how to protect him, picked him up and lifted him out of harm’s way. The ship groaned a second time and shuddered to a halt, causing the light fixtures above their heads to rattle together. They paused, looking up at the ceiling unsurely. Then Vhern squirmed.

“Put me down!” He snapped. His bodyguards hastily lowered him. With his feet on the floor, Vhern took off down the hall, cursing under his breath. “Whichever idiot is responsible for this is SO FIRED!”



The force of the explosion was so strong that Durc fell out of bed. Instantly Durc snatched the snuzi on his night stand and fired blindly into the darkness, his head pounding. He squinted. He didn’t see any intruders. Satisfied, Durc twirled his weapon and stuck it in the combat belt he always slept with, just in case he needed it again. He got up quickly and leaned next to the door, eyeing the shadowed hallway of the vykker suites.

“Show yourself!” He barked. Nobody responded. Durc frowned; he figured that whoever had caused the convulsion that had thrown him out of bed would still be around. “Show yourself or I’ll shoot!”

Somebody moved in the dark. Durc tensed as the shape came closer, moving quickly. Durc cocked his snuzi.

“DON’T SHOOT!” Brux wailed, lunging from the shadows and clinging to Durc in desperation. Durc gagged.

“Get off!” Durc snarled, smacking Brux aside with the butt of his snuzi. Brux sniffled.

“Did the earthquake wake you up too?” he squeaked.

Durc snorted. “Earthquake? You can’t have an earthquake when you’re miles above any earth at all!” He pointed his snuzi warily down the hall, where more vykkers were gathering. “I think somebody is behind this.”

Brux looked down the hall, searching. If Durc said somebody was responsible for the ‘earthquake’, then it must have been true. After all, Durc was the head guard, and must’ve known what he was talking about.

“You!” Durc snapped, springing through the crowd and jabbing a vykker in the ribs. The vykker blinked groggily at him. “What are you doing up so late?” Durc squinted at him. “It seems questionable that somebody of your rank would be awake in the middle of the night.”

The vykker growled through his teeth. If looks could kill, Durc would be dead. “Everybody’s awake, you moron! There was a frigging explosion!”

A voice came over the intercom. The chattering vykkers fell silent, looking around confusedly.

“See?” The vykker squawked over the blaring voice. “They’re just having a little problem with the generator. The control panel operatives’ll handle it. Nothing to worry about ”

“But there was an explosion....” Durc mumbled half-heartedly. His comment was ignored among the reassured crowd. If the mysterious voice over the intercom said everything was fine, then what was there to worry about?

Brux perked up. “Did you hear that, Durc?” He asked. “We’re perfectly safe!”

“Come on,” Durc growled, grabbing Brux wrist. He started heading towards the exit to the vykker suites.

Brux blinked. “Where are we going?” he asked, looking back over his shoulder. The rest of the vykkers were returning to their rooms.

Durc pulled a flashlight from his combat belt and flicked it on. “We’re going to see what’s really happened to the generator.”


Dan and Red were running. They weren’t sure exactly where they were going; they were just following Helix, who apparently knew exactly where they should be.

“The generator,” Helix gasped while they ran, “was completely trashed by Nedd. They started fixing it almost as soon as it was broken. But I’m afraid they might’ve done something wrong. They should’ve just left the damn thing alone until the airship landed!”

He destroyed it? Dan whispered. What happens if the generator’s destroyed?

“If the generator’s destroyed, the ship can still run. It would just have to land before it ran out of power. But if there’s a major problem, say, the generator catches on fire, and the fire spreads to the ship’s circuits...” Helix frowned. “Then we have a problem.”

Helix bolted up a flight of stairs, maneuvering awkwardly on his three legs. The two interns followed closely.

So what’ll happen if the circuits are ruined? Red asked slowly.

“You don’t want to know.”

They moved quickly onwards. Dan would’ve liked to slow down, but Helix was moving so frantically that he could barely keep up as it was. Dan and Red struggled to keep their flashlights fixed ahead as they wove through the rapidly-tightening corridors. Soon the hallways had become so thin that they had to move in single file.

Helix stopped abruptly. Red and Dan ground their feet into the floor, almost slamming into each other. “Here we are.”

Dan blinked up at the tall doors that marked the entrance to the Generator Room. He couldn’t help but notice that the metal was dented outwards. Helix tried the door’s handle, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Shit,” he cursed, fumbling with the lock. Red put a hand on the door’s metal, looking engrossed. “The door’s locked! What were they thinking?”

Do you feel that? Red murmured, pulling his hand back. Curious, Dan placed his own hand on the metal, only to jerk it back quickly. It was hot

Oh no. Dan gasped, trying to pull the door’s handle. Even when he pulled it, it wouldn’t open. The three watched the door long and hard, feeling with their fingertips as it became hotter and hotter. There was only one explanation.


“Come on!” Helix cried, taking off down the hall. Dan and Red followed behind quickly. “We need to get to the ship’s control panel. We can turn on the sprinklers from there!”

The trio found themselves once again running. This time, however, they were so desperate to get to the Control room that they didn’t care how hard they had to run. Dan swiped the sweat from his forehead as they swung around the corner, heading for the elevator that would take them to their destination...


Dan rammed straight into somebody, hard. Whoever they were, they were strong, and didn’t even budge. Dan staggered back and looked up, surprised by who he had crashed into; one of Vhern’s bodyguards. Whether it was One or Two, he couldn’t tell.

“Watch it!” Vhern snapped from behind him, slapping him smartly. It didn’t even hurt. Dan blinked in confusion.

“Vhern.” Helix shuddered venomously. Vhern gave him only a passing glance.

“Come on,” Vhern said dully, motioning for his bodyguards to follow. “The Control rooms’ this way.”

You’re going to the Control room too? Red muttered in surprise. Vhern stared at him. He wasn’t good at understanding interns.

“He asked,” Helix growled, “if you were also going to the control room.”

Vhern scoffed. “Of course I am! Somebody has to take control in times like these!” He made a careless motion with his hand, grinning smugly. “Now go return to your rooms or whatever. Let me, the supervisor, take care of this little mishap, okay?”

Little mishap?” Helix echoed. He was at his wit’s end with his so-called ‘boss.’ “You don’t even know what happened, do you? The generator’s destroyed!

Vhern licked his lips. “Destroyed? I’m afraid you’re mistaken. If something that bad happened to the generator, I would’ve been informed of it.”

You weren’t informed of it because nobody lived to tell you about it! Dan snapped. Vhern rounded on him.

“Did I tell you to speak, intern?” Vhern’s voice was harsh. “I don’t think so. Those stitches are there for a reason- to keep your mouth shut!

Hey! Red snarled, lunging at him. Dan had to hold him back to keep him from mauling Vhern with his fingernails. Nobody talks to us like that! We've dealt with too much shit in the past weeks to let some little dick tell us what to do!

Vhern’s bodyguards cracked their knuckles. Red finally realized how risky it was to mess with Vhern. He fell silent, his fingers tightening impulsively.

Vhern dusted his glasses with a cloth. “I’d hate to have to file a restraining order on your workers, Helix. It would be such an embarrassment. I suggest you keep them under control.”

“Oh? Like you kept Nedd under control?” Helix butted in. Vhern exploded.

“Thats it!” He snapped, pointing a quivering claw at Helix. “One, Two, teach this menace to keep his mouth SHUT!”

“Hey ” A voice squeaked suddenly. Everybody turned. Brux skipped into the room, smiling widely. “Look, Durc! Other people are going to the Control Room too!”

“No!” Vhern shrieked as the two vykkers entered the hallway. “Only me and my bodyguards are going in the control room! NOBODY ELSE!”

Durc made a face. “Then what are they doing here?” He asked, pointing at Helix, Dan and Red.

“They’re getting in my way! Everybody, GET OUT!” Vhern was practically screaming now. Durc crossed his arms.

“Well sheesh,” he grumbled. “No need to get so upset.”

Dan couldn’t help but notice that Vhern’s left eyelid was twitching really, really violently.

CKKKRAAAKKK-BANG! The ship shook a third time! The group were thrown against the wall, most of whom were crunched under One and Two’s gargantuan bulk. Helix clawed free of the slig’s weight and made a mad dash for the Control room elevator, only to fall back over in a fourth violent shake. The ship screeched and tilted, throwing them in the opposite direction. Red dug his fingers into the ground.

Hold on! He cried, struggling to keep his grip. Dan tried to do the same, but couldn’t find anything to hold on to. The hallway was thrown into utter chaos. One and Two ground their feet firmly against the floor, their backs to Vhern protectively. Brux was clinging to Helix and sobbing, making it difficult for Helix to move at all, Durc was digging around in his belt for something to use to stop himself from being thrown around, and Dan had his back to the wall, his eyes rotating crazily. Time seemed to slow. Everything seemed surreal. The group panted in terror and confusion, slowly detaching themselves from whatever they were holding. Dan’s horn flicked. He could swear he heard something; a faint humming.

Do you hear that? he whispered, breaking the silence.

“Do you feel that,” Helix growled, standing up. Dan had to admit he felt it too. He felt strangely... light, like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The humming in the distance grew until it was an earsplitting roar. A voice over the intercom started shrieking.


Brux started crying even harder, if it were possible. He dug his claws into Helix’s back. Helix kicked him in the stomach, hard, and Brux curled up in a fetal position on the floor. “Go! Go!” Helix cried, pointing towards the Control room elevator. The group, no longer caring who went or not, crammed themselves into the lift. Helix pulled Brux up and dragged him into the elevator, jostling to make room.

The elevator sped upwards. Brux’s tears were soaking the elevator floor. Red patted him awkwardly on the shoulder, unsure of what else to do.

Beep The elevator swung open. Vhern, One, Two, Dan, Red, Brux, Helix, and Durc all piled out, shoving everybody out of the way. The unusual group made a break for the main control panel. The control room was located at the exact top of the ship, and was made out of nearly ten inches of bulletproof glass. Dan glanced up briefly at the night sky.

A vykker sitting in a spinning chair was leisurely pressing buttons on the control panel. “MOVE IT!” Helix roared, shoving the vykker aside. The vykker yelped as his chair spun erratically out of control.

How do you control this thing? Dan demanded, slamming his fists on the panel. It was covered in hundreds of dials and buttons; trying to steer it was suicide!

“Hang on,” Durc said, digging in a cabinet nearby. “There must be a manual in here somewhere...”

“WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!” Brux sobbed, his arms wrapped tightly around Helix with his face buried in his chest. Helix gingerly tried to pry him off. He was unsuccessful.

Red, surprisingly, was silent. He was looking out the window, at the forest canopy below. Dan put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Its gonna be okay, Red.

Red didn’t reply.

“Here!” Durc cried triumphantly. “I found it!” He held a stack of papers as thick as a three phone books over his head.

“How the hell are we supposed to read that?” Vhern demanded. He flinched when the ship jerked again, moving even faster. They were running out of time

“We don’t have to read the whole thing! We just need to figure out how to pilot the ship manually and keep it from crashing!”

Durc slammed the book down on a table. The group jostled around it as he flipped through pages of tiny script. “There’s so many words!” Durc groaned. “Who the hell takes the time to write these things?!

“Just shut up and read it!” Helix snapped from where he was struggling away from Brux. Durc stopped at a page halfway through the book and recited the title.

“‘Manually Overriding the Ship’s Controls.’ Straight and to the point. Okay, lets see...” he trailed a claw quickly through the lines of writing.

“Read faster!” Vhern hissed anxiously.

“Don’t rush me!” Durc shoved him back roughly. Dan looked over at Vhern’s bodyguards. They didn’t move a muscle. “The first step in overriding the ship... press the blue ‘cntrl escape’ button.”

They got to work extremely fast. The room was small, but the panel was huge, and wrapped around all the walls; even with them all searching, it was a while before they found it. Red nailed his finger down on the blue button and called out over his shoulder Got it!

“Next,” Durc stated, claws rattling against the paper, “Hold the black ‘lock release’ button while twisting the red ‘override’ lever.”

“Oh, well when you say it that way,” Helix said sarcastically, reaching around and holding down the black button. Dan quickly twisted the red lever. Pop A little box with a red button appeared.

“Press the red button.” Durc said quickly. Dan pressed it. “Now please wait fifteen second for... oh, for odd’s sake, could this take any longer?!”

Fifteen seconds passed as the control panel registered the command. The group waited anxiously, silent. Finally Durc spoke again.

“Now unlock the black control box underneath the panel’s main operative gear.”

Helix made a face. “I don’t have a key, do you?”

“I don’t.”

Me neither.

Durc raised his snuzi and shot a hole in the black box’s lock. He looked back down at the book as though it wasn’t a big deal. “Now, just pull the lever inside. Easy.”

One and Two fumbled with their big clumsy slig hands before finally forcing the metal box open and pulling the lever.

There was a tense pause. Helix bit his claws. Brux, no longer sobbing, was still hugging Helix. Vhern stepped back to stand alongside his bodyguards. Red and Dan watched with haunted eyes as the control panel’s flashing lights started to fade.


A little joystick shot out of the center of the control panel. It had no buttons, no specific colors, nothing. It was just a stick. Vhern’s jaw dropped.

“That’s it?” he hissed shrilly. Durc looked over the manual again, scratching his head.

“Yeah. Just steer with the joystick.”

KREAAA-BOOM! The ship screeched for the fourth time. The walls shuddered. The ship, groaning, tilted slightly towards the ground. Vhern, Durc and Helix all reached for the joystick at once, pulling it back as far as it would go.

“Is it working? ” Durc cried over the ship’s howling. Dan, clinging to the control panel, gasped

I think so!

KABOOOM! Dan felt it before he heard it. He looked, wide-eyed, back over his shoulder. Through the windowed walls he could see smoke.

The fire had spread.

They were too late.

CRASH! The sound of glass shattering Somewhere nearby, a window burst, filling the room with smoke. The ship rocked and shook, screaming in their ears. Dan looked around. Everybody was close to the ground, trying to avoid the chaos.

It suddenly occurred to Dan that this could be the last time he ever saw any of these people. It had taken an entire catastrophe for him to realize that, really, they weren’t so bad. They were different, yes, and obnoxious, but not unbearable.

Durc! Dan cried, staying close to the ground. Durc’s hands were over his head. He looked back at Dan angrily.

“This isn’t exactly the best time for a chat!” He screeched.

Dan sucked in a quick breath. I just wanted to say I’m sorry! Yeah, you were a jerk, but you weren’t so bad!

Durc, caught off guard, stuttered. “I-I mean... oh fine, I’m sorry I was a jerk to you too! I should’ve listened to what you said in the basement, because if I had, we wouldn’t be so royally screwed!”

“I hate this mushy stuff.” Vhern snapped.

Helix bared his teeth. “You can apologize for being an asshole if you want, Vhern! I won’t stop you!”

“Keep dreaming!”

“I’m scared!” Brux cried.

The ship screamed louder. Smoke billowed out behind it like a cape. It shrieked towards the ground like a comet from the sky, a ball of fire that could be seen for miles. Birds flew squawking in all directions in the forest below. The trees swayed under the immense heat of the burning ship.

Red looked over at Dan, his eyes even more bloodshot than normal. Dan wondered if he was thinking of Ian. Red extended a hand. Dan, with a faint, reassuring smile, shook it.

The ship, spinning like a frisbee, struck the ground.

Fire burst from the back of it. The wharf was shattered in seconds. It ground against the forest, toppling trees and killing wildlife in one swoop. The ship groaned as it temporarily regained lift, just to crash again, harder, deeper. Crack! The basement was ground away. Boom! The intersection burst into smoke and rubble. Smoke dappled the sky. Debris was thrown all around. The ship’s main support beam snapped, causing the entire structure to cave in on itself.

And then, slowly, quiveringly, unresistantly, unstoppably, the ship ground to a noisy, almost graceful, halt.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 08-07-2008 at 12:11 AM..
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08-03-2008, 08:57 AM
Oddey's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)Oddey  (994)

:O Oh my god. That is the best second to the last chapter ever made. I was feeling all tense through the whole of it. I must see the final chapter and, if we're lucky, a possible sequal. I love your fanfiction. I really hope to see Red and Dan in another story. They're like bread and... Jelly?(I hate butter.) MOAR!

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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08-03-2008, 09:38 AM
GlacierDragon's Avatar
Super Stingbee
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GlacierDragon  (114)GlacierDragon  (114)

Talk about suspence! That was a great chapter, I wonder what happened to Nedd? Did he survive? I think he did!

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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08-03-2008, 11:07 AM
Shadiela's Avatar
: Jun 2006
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Holy scrab cakes.....that was intense!I can't wait to see what has become of everyone.
Caution: Bites When Provoked!!

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08-04-2008, 06:29 AM
scipionyx's Avatar
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YAY! That was super cool!!! will we know what will happen to Nedd and all the others? Probably Nedd will escape into the wild and you'll write part two anytime...

˙·٠ The Captured Ones curretnly on hold ٠·˙
˙·٠► .The Capturers. curretnly on hold ◄٠·˙
˙·٠ W3-7 ٠·˙
˙·٠ OW-Art Thread ٠·˙

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08-05-2008, 07:11 AM
Dark lord, Gears's Avatar
Dark lord, Gears
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08-06-2008, 01:20 AM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
Rabid Fuzzle
: Oct 2007
: Under your bed
: 534
Blog Entries: 15
Rep Power: 17
Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)

ZIP! A quick shape sprang across the now-slanted support beam. Sparks fluttered over its head from the torn wiring, briefly illuminating the steel jungle that had once been the bowels of the airship.

BANG! The shape slammed the side of a tilted-over wall, clamping the metal with its iron grip. With a grunt, it lifted its head and sniffed the air. It took a few tentative steps forward, looking around unsurely. The entire structure looked unstable. It probably wasn’t safe to move on yet.

But seeing as he’d survived this long...

KLUNK! The metal hummed like a gong as Nedd jumped and pulled himself up among the twisted metal. His horns flickered left to right, like the ears of a nervous animal. He licked his lips quickly and looked around, his pupil broadening and shrinking with the changing light patterns. Little sparks of light were coming from the wires draped over the ceiling; it made him uneasy.

Climbing swiftly, Nedd continued on his way. He had no idea where he was going. All he knew was that he had to keep moving before somebody, whoever they happened to be, found him. Even though he was in danger, Nedd couldn’t drown out the feeling of elation he had.

His homicidal kamikaze attempt at crashing the ship had worked beautifully!

And he still got to live!

Pleased, Nedd swung down from where he’d been climbing and continued down what looked like it was once a hallway. It was entirely at an angle, however, and he had to shift his balance from side to side to keep steady. He flinched when what appeared to be lightning buzzed over his head. He later recognized it to be just a jolt of electricity that had escaped the broken circuits.

Nedd looked around. There was a large mound of tables piled up at one side of the huge room he was in; this must’ve been the cafeteria. Giddy with glee, Nedd sprinted through the tilted room and crashed through the kitchen door. He looked around. The kitchen certainly didn’t look as festive as it once did. Stepping smoothly around a refrigerator that had fallen over, Nedd continued on his way. He would’ve liked to do something ironic at that particular moment, just for the mood. Like whistle. But his mouth was so torn up that whistling was impossible.

Nedd thrust open a door and looked inside. This was most defiantly the loading bay. It looked more like a junkyard now, though. All the crates had been shattered, scattering jars and medical equipment everywhere. Nedd calmly strolled to the back of the room and pushed on the rusted red door leading to the wharf. It fell off its hinges and screeched into the darkness. Tentatively the homicidal intern stuck his head out through the doorframe and looked around.

It was night. Stars glittered in the sky. Stars... Nedd couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen stars. Out in the distance he could see clouds coming. They would soon block out the night sky. Blinking, Nedd realized that the wharf was still pretty high off the ground. He looked down the metal dock. The entire ship was tilted at an angle; if he could get to the lowest part, he could probably just jump down to the forest floor. Nedd stepped out onto the ship, frowning. The deck felt tacky with sap from all the trees the ship had crashed through. Nedd stalked down the wharf, his eyes fixed on the ship. It was still smoking. Through some of the remaining windows, Nedd could see light; fire, most likely. He chose to forget about it.

Just because it was his fault didn’t mean it was his problem.

Off in the distance, Nedd thought he heard sirens blaring. Nervously Nedd moved faster. It never hurt to be safe. After about ten minutes of walking (the wharf was long,) Nedd looked down. He could see crushed and singed pine trees below. He jumped, letting the smashed pine needles cushion his fall. Scrabbling to his feet, Nedd smirked and looked back over his shoulder at the huge, once-imposing ship that had caused him so much pain.

“So long, assholes.”

Nedd ran. The forest was made up of huge pine trees that created a sort of umbrella over his head; it was only slightly comforting. A heavy fog hung close to the floor, and the undergrowth was wet with dew. Nedd wasn’t surprised to see that there wasn’t any wildlife around. It would only have been natural for all the animals to flee once the ship hit the ground.

The scent of smoke soon vanished. The hissing and sputtering of the ship died off into the distance. Nedd suddenly felt the urge to linger.


The airship’s impact had created a clearing in the small evergreen forest. The night, once dark, had been lit up by the flashing red-and-blue lights of countless law enforcement vehicles and ambulance-like cargo trains. Hundreds of unlucky sligs got to work stabilizing the ship while hundreds more ventured into the inside, trying to locate any survivors.

What was their motivation?

Nedd watched from where he sat on a large rock. It was perched on top of a small cliff poking out of the hills; it gave him a perfect view of the totaled ship. At such a distance, the airship seemed small. The entire ship, which had once resembled a bloated tick, now seemed strangely empty. Like the long-rotting carcass of an animal. Nedd couldn’t believe he’d done the damage all by himself.

Though he had the vykkers, and pretty much the entire world, to thank also. Without them, how would he have found the inspiration to do such a thing?

Gzzzzzzzzzz.... A strange metallic humming broke the silence. Nedd ducked back instinctively into the forest. Something flew far above his head, clipping off the tips of the pine trees. Little pine needles fluttered down past his face. He swiped them away and backed up farther as more of the strange, humming shapes gathered. What looked like flashlights scanned all around. Were they searching for... him?

Somebody started yelling. All lights fixed on him at once. Bullets screeched through the treetops. Nedd bolted, kicking up wet forest soil in the process. Hissing, Nedd looked back over his shoulder to see what was pursuing him.

Flying sligs; he could see the metal fans on their pants spinning so quickly that they were a blur. They took off after him, circling the treetops and cutting through the wood and branches like circular saws. Nedd swung around the corner as they lowered, coming closer and closer.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME!” Nedd roared, flinging himself back and grabbing one of the sligs in a bone-breaking embrace. The slig screamed. They had only been sent out as a precaution; never had they predicted they would run into a psychopathic intern on the way.

The slig lost control of its flying pants, and the two crashed towards the ground with a loud thump. Nedd tore free and took off through the forest, ducking and weaving as bullets pierced the air. After all he’d been through, he wasn’t going to let some flying sligs finish him off. Nedd bolted to the side and sprang over a small gully, landing unsteadily on the other side. The undergrowth was loose and wet; he was having trouble keeping his footing. The sligs, however, didn’t have to worry about footing at all. They kept zooming in, frantically trying to ram him with their spinning blades or shoot him with their guns. Nedd wouldn’t let them near enough to do any damage.

GZZ! An faint whine in the distance became an earsplitting roar in less than a second. A slig’s spinning blades shaved the nape of Nedd’s shoulders, deep. Nedd howled and swung around, killing the slig with a clean punch to the skull. The slig crashed to the ground. Nedd saw blood on its propellers. Lots of blood.

Nedd suddenly felt dizzy, feeling hot liquid running down his back. Nedd took off running in a painful gait, biting his tongue. His back was raw and bloody, and yet, the pain was already subsiding. The cylonite’s remarkable ability to heal its host quickly kicked in. Nedd felt the skin on his back tighten as though stitches were pulling it together. Without bothering to check on himself, Nedd banked to the left, avoiding more fire. He wove around more soggy pine trees, wincing as he was whipped by passing needles.

The shouting of sligs became more frantic. He could hear them up in the treetops, muffled but loud. “Call in backup!” “What the hell is that thing?” “Somebody go for reinforcements!”

The trees started to thin out. Nedd saw them gaining on him. He looked around frenetically, eyes wide. His legs were beginning to feel heavy, and he was kicking up more undergrowth than before. He couldn’t keep running much longer Nedd tipped to the side and took on one last desperate burst of energy, feeling weak from blood loss. Up ahead he saw a dip in the earth; another trench. Beyond that the trees were thicker. He’d be able to hide there. His legs pumping the ground, Nedd ran like he’d never run before, muscles rippling and sweat dripping. He stepped once, kicked off the ground, and was in the air, weightless.

Only after he jumped did he see the rapidly-churning water below.

Startled, Nedd lost balance, and with it, momentum. He saw the ledge in front of him, felt it knock the wind from his lungs. Only his shoulders had managed to go over. Nedd dug his claws into the tough forest soil as the ledge started to give way.


The earth crumbled, and Nedd found himself in a free fall, air rushing by so fast that his eyes watered. His limbs felt limp, useless. He saw the sides of the trench loom up above him. Smack He struck the water with a slap. Before he could even scream, Nedd felt the current drag him under. The water pressure against his skull was horrible. He tried to paddle to the surface, but with no success. Nedd had, like most interns, lived on an airship his entire life. So, like most interns, Nedd had never learned to swim.

Nedd struggled with whatever energy he had left, trying to reach the surface. The water was dark blue and choking. He was completely blinded. Nedd lashed out with his legs, trying to pedal to the surface. The rapids, however, were unforgiving, and pulled him under just as fast. Huge rocks crushed against his body. The air left his lungs in a startled gasp. Opening his eye, Nedd saw the faint glimmer of starlight shining through the darkness, mocking him.

Nedd felt a blackout coming on. His vision flickered and died. Nedd clamped his eye shut, feeling his whole body go limp as the water threw him downstream. He was shredded against jagged rocks. Never before had Nedd felt this way. So lost.

So scared.

Farther back upstream, the flying sligs circled, shining their flashlights on the spot where the intern had vanished. One of them whistled and crossed its arms.

“Nothing could’ve survived that.”

“D’you think it was that rouge intern the Boss told us to look for?”

The slig shrugged. “Well, if it was, it sure as hell ain’t gonna bother anybody anymore.”

The sligs chuckled. Death was funny, as long as you weren’t the one dying. “Lets get out of here. Its freezing!”

The sligs flew off, complaining about the chilly weather as though they actually had something to complain about. The trees swished as they flew off. A few pine needles fluttered and landed on the forest floor, glossy from the moonlight overhead. Somewhere deeper in the canopy of trees, a bird shrieked a warning call, and flew off.


In other conditions, Nedd would’ve felt pretty invincible. He’d cheated death once again. But at the moment he was too exhausted, in too much pain, and overcome by the ice-cold weather to even think straight. Nedd pulled himself up so he was at least halfway out of the water. His head was limp on his shoulders. He wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to survive.

Nedd felt his bowels jerk. He doubled over and vomited up a mixture of water and little dead fish. Suddenly weakened, Nedd fell to the side and gasped in as much air as his lungs could possibly hold. He forced his eye open. He was still partially blinded from all the stress his body had endured. Nedd let his eye fall shut, panting. It hurt even to breathe. The water, combined with the cold night air, was torture. Far in the distance the sun was starting to rise, creating dark, purple-pink streaks in the sky that reflected dimly off the water.

A curious bird hopped over to where Nedd was lying. Snarling, Nedd scared the bird off, then tried to stand. He fell over instead. Nedd crawled away from the bank and curled up against a fallen tree, eye pivoting cageyly.

Freedom had never been so cold.


Dan could hear a sound. His horns twitched.

Birds chirping.

Slowly, Dan opened his dark-honey eyes. He winced and closed them again. Coughing through his stitches, Dan slowly picked himself up and looked around. A heavy cloud of dust hung in the air. In the dim light, Dan could see the twisted silhouettes of broken metal. His voice hoarse, Dan called out,


There was no response. Desperate, Dan said quickly

Hello? Somebody! Answer, please!

The debris began to shift. Hidden partially by the cloud of dust in the air, Dan could see bodies moving. Only when he heard voices did he feel relieved.

“I’m okay.” That sounded like Brux.

“Same here.” He couldn’t tell who that was.

Oh, shit, so we’re all dead. Dan chuckled. He knew that voice.

Dan looked around curiously. He squinted. Then, recognizing something he hadn’t seen in too long a time, Dan looked up. It was filtering through the stained plexiglass window above, among the bent and shattered remains of what was once the airship. Sunlight.

Vhern crawled out from under the shattered control panel, his eyes wide and his glasses askew. “My AIRSHIP!” He shrieked. “My beautiful airship!”

“Beautiful?” Durc coughed, propping himself up against a wall. “What makes you think this ship was every beautiful?”

Just be happy you’re alive. Dan heard Red growl. Dan looked around. Where was he? The rubble nearby shifted, and a spidery hand lashed out, struggling to break free. Dan grabbed the hand and pulled Red out.

Helix, leaning against a bent support beam, finally brought up the question they’d all been wondering. “Do you think Nedd could’ve survived?”

Vhern adjusted his glasses, his face slightly red. “The bottom half of the airship was torn apart. I doubt anything could’ve survived the crash from that angle.”

Dan looked away. He’d learned not to trust anything Vhern said. Looking down, Dan saw the faint scar on his hip from his operation. It had all been Nedd’s fault. He could remember a time, long ago, when they had been friends. But that was the past.

Come on, Dan said, pulling himself up. He looked over at his comrade’s reassuringly. Lets get out of here.


Does this ending demand a sequel? Most likely.
Will I be writing a sequel? Probably. If I can.
I felt sad writing the ending. I really enjoyed writing this story. And I hope you enjoyed reading it too! <3
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08-06-2008, 02:06 AM
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awww x3 A verry good ending! I love open ends! (though I hate when stories come to an end)
and of course it NEEDS a sequel! I still can't believe this story is over now, keep us alive and write the sequel! xD

EDIT: Please I need to know which one is Nedds 'bad' hand. Is it the right or the left one? I wanna try to draw something if you allow me

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Last edited by scipionyx; 08-06-2008 at 11:58 AM..
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08-06-2008, 09:09 AM
Shadiela's Avatar
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This totally needs a sequel . Your story rocked, it was the best fanfiction I have ever read.
Caution: Bites When Provoked!!

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08-06-2008, 11:32 AM
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Oh my god! Awesome ending! You could publish this! It's that good. Ever considered becoming a writer? You could be a really good one. An extremely good one. If this was an actual book I'd rank it as a book nearly as good as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and a book by a fouteen-year old called Eragon. I demand a sequal to this story and if I was wearing a hat I'd not only take it off to you, I'd give you it. A Tale of Epidemic Proportians is my favourite fan fic and I think it'll take a pretty hard-core advesary to beat it. I guess now we're two who need to make a sequal now. This is so worth making into a movie, a game, a ride at Universal studios, or an entire theme park. You go Mooshy!


Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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08-06-2008, 09:53 PM
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Moosh da Outlaw
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Nedd's right hand and right eye are missing. ^^

But wow, I feel EXTREMELYOOBERLOVED now, seriously guys, you don't know how much this means to me. Yes, I do want to be a writer, and I hope I can publish stories that people like as much as this one. ^^

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 08-06-2008 at 10:08 PM..
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08-07-2008, 09:32 AM
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Nedd's right hand and right eye are missing. ^^
thanx ^^ lets see how the picture would turn out! -if it's good I'm going to upload it

But wow, I feel EXTREMELYOOBERLOVED now, seriously guys, you don't know how much this means to me. Yes, I do want to be a writer, and I hope I can publish stories that people like as much as this one. ^^
we hope that too

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08-07-2008, 06:44 PM
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Yeah I'm attempting some fanart too.So far it looks okay so lets cross our fingers that photoshop is nice to me after the sketches are done.
Caution: Bites When Provoked!!

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08-08-2008, 05:52 AM
Dark lord, Gears's Avatar
Dark lord, Gears
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amazing story, moosh I might start a fanfiction of my own soon

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08-09-2008, 04:17 AM
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GlacierDragon  (114)GlacierDragon  (114)

Yay, an open ending! Great fiction, it really is. And of course it demands a sequal!

~The Madness Of Life - On hiatus~
~Shrown - Edited and completed~

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09-14-2008, 12:31 PM
Xizmik's Avatar
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Nice story make more please .
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11-21-2008, 08:31 AM
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Hoooorraaaaaayyyy! my digicam is working again

And I finnished the fanart!!!!

do you wanna see it???

It was hard to draw him, because in the story he is growing and gets muscles and his colour changes due to the cylonite and he gets scars and other injuries, and he has to look creepy and ... well you know all this... I hope you like it, and I hope I hadn't mixed up left and right xD

I tried hard to not mess anything up

here is


EDIT: btw: are you at dA Moosh?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Nedd 2.jpg
Views:	367
Size:	670.7 
ID:	9951  

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Last edited by scipionyx; 11-21-2008 at 08:37 AM..
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11-22-2008, 12:28 AM
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Moosh da Outlaw
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Moosh da Outlaw  (145)Moosh da Outlaw  (145)


That's awesome! 8D He doesn't look exactly how i'd imagined him, but its still really, really cool! Thanks! ^^

My dA is Cylonite (i'm so creative >>) but I haven't uploaded anything there in ages so its empty right now.
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11-22-2008, 02:08 PM
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That's awesome! 8D He doesn't look exactly how i'd imagined him, but its still really, really cool! Thanks! ^^

My dA is Cylonite (i'm so creative >>) but I haven't uploaded anything there in ages so its empty right now.

oh ok, anyways, I'm so glad you like it ^.^

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