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02-17-2008, 04:21 AM
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ooc: Sorry for my absense, 'Wars of the Art' has been taking a lot of my time and lectures have started again at university so I've been pretty busy.

As I said in my last post, I'm going to be taking over Kix until we get past this situation with Hembar, and then I'm going to drop her off into RPG Purgatory. Not sure what I'll do with Anni with all her friends gone but I'll manage. Still hoping and praying Nexy will come back.

Zozo, gona be moving Agent around a bit in this post. If you don't like the way she behaves tell me and I'll edit.

Krik looked with contempt at the slig clinging onto his ankles. "This slig is clearly mentally disturbed," He informed Dionysia, "I just can't understand why Arnie hires people like this."
Dion shrugged, "'Cus they're cheap I guess, and I suppose she doesn't write about this on her resume."
Krik shrugged, "Well a slig this disturbed could only ever be a hinderance to a business, and could potentially cause harm to staff, equipment, and herself of course. We should probably restrain her and then tell Arnie what he's been tricked into buying."
Dionysia made a gesture towards the door behind her, leading to the lab's livestock holding area. He nodded and threw the doll at her. She caught it and carried it into the cages room and chucked it into the back of one of the larger cages.
(ooc: Assuming Agent follows the doll here.) The slig crawled after it as fast as her arms would carry her, and Dionysia slammed the cage shut behind her, locking it. She didn't have a key for it but there was probably one around somewhere.
She headed back out and joined Krik. "Locked up," She confirmed.
Krik smiled. "Good; we'll go and tell Arnie."
Dionysia picked up the slig's pants and hefted them over her shoulder. "So she can't put them on and start using a gun," She explained.
Krik laughed and they left the lab.


As they approached the female mudokon who seemed to be in the lead suddenly seemed surprised as she noticed Hembar there. "Um, hello..." she said, sounding confused.

"Hi!" Hembar decided to go with the excessively friendly approach, "How you doing?"

Kix hesitated, slightly thrown. "Uh, Fine. I just heard Anni was upset so we came out to look for her. Is she hurt?" She assumed this mudokon would know something, since she'd been with Anni.
Anni herself was still trying to drag Jim away from Hembar without attracting attention to herself.
Jim was currently experiencing that odd '10 minutes behind everyone else' feeling he usually reserved for when he was with Anni. He'd just about given up trying to work out what was going on. But she had seemed to scared in the cafeteria, and now she was like the emotional opposite! Conceding that even if someone did explain it to him he still probably wouldn't understand he appeased himself by muttering 'girls' under his breath and let Anni drag him away, putting up a little resistance of course; he didn't want her to have all the fun.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

02-17-2008, 05:40 AM
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"Very nice to meet ya Rick I'm Corky." The little Slig said putting his hand back on his gun. "So maybe we could talk more about what I could do here while walking back to the cafeteria." He said with a grin.

"Well, if you prefer toiling to guarding, then it's fine by me. Let's go then, we might some others along the way, maybe they'll join us." said Rick, heading back towards the Cafeteria, waiting for Corky to follow.


Arnie looked over from his table at the commotion near the counters. First there was some fighting, then a Slog came in and started barking loudly. "What's going on over there?" he called out, annoyed. "What's that Slog doing in here?"

RG lifted his rifle a bit. "Shall I..."

"No!" he was interrupted by Arnie, who waiting for someone to explain.

02-17-2008, 11:33 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: If I was a jerk, I would ask if anyone missed me. But I won't.

I will try and control the characters I still have at the moment. I guess in the following post, Gappiqu and Otto will be in a time frame from a little while ago.


Gappiqu frowned a bit when Otto clearly seemed uninterested in this invention he had in mind. Obviousily they didn't see how important it seemed. All he could think of was how he could show them wrong and prove that their doubts were incorrect. However, he did believe that others had at least tried to help him out. Like #7, although he did not know where Spooce would be, he at least seemed to actually not want to be away from him. In the meantime, when he would try to find some Spooce to extract, he would get some voice samples from Otto. He said to the executive, "Follow me, it's in the Workshop."

Gappiqu led Otto (ooc: Assuming he does...) out of the Cafeteria. Outside, he did not see many inhabitants. Wasn't this factory filled with workers? It seemed like that not many Mudokons or even Sligs had their duties to fulfill. He could see this as a problem. Luckily, all of that would change when he got his plans accomplished. Of course, he would have to ask Otto if he could 'borrow' some Mudokons to work with. He had but two hands to work with, and that was simply not enough to keep the factory up and running.

Eventually, they got to the Workshop. It was plainly obvious that not many people had used this area in a while. Dust layered the desks, pipes showed evidence of moss living off of it, and he swore that the lightbulbs were going to die soon for they were flickering too often for anyone to see anything for a long time. Nevertheless, there were enough hands in Rupture Farms to clean up the place. Besides, living conditions were never high on the things-to-be-concerned-about list for Glukkons.

Eventually, Gappiqu found his work station from last night. He realized that the program for downloading the voice into the small pin Gappiqu's hands would take quite a bit to upload that software. Unfortunately, that would mean Otto would have to wait a while before that Glukkon could go onto more 'meaningful' things. Gappiqu turned to his executive and said quietly, "Just wait one moment."

After uploading the computer, plugging in several more wires, 3 searchs for more wires, several curses on the breath, and downloading of more information to the pin, all of the work was accomplished. Gappiqu wiped his sweaty hands with a hankerchif, and looked at Otto. "All done! Now all you have to do go right next this screen," he pointed to the monitor with a program on it in which would record his voice into the pin, "And we're all set!"


Slap the Intern walked side by side with Chris, the rather gay Vykker, going back to his Laboratory. They were in a hurry to get some weapons to find their patients and retreive them back to the Laboratory. They could not have patients in places their fate would be doomed in! He tried to rush himself into the Laboratory a little faster, as he had seen many workers go into the Laboratory. Only Dek was in the Laboratory, and last he had seen him, Dek was asleep. This day was surely to be busy as the rest.

Just then, Slap came across two other workers, both familiar to him. One of them was Dionysia, a dark-skinned Mudokon he had encountered before. The first time they met, she had a mark on one of her arms. From what he could tell, she still had the mark. Afterwards, she commited a crime before his very eyes. She rescued a Slig whom had assulted him, almost resulting in him being killed. Slap desperately wanted the Slig to be arrested, but she got in the way. Ever since, he wanted to hold her responsible for such actions. It was only a matter of time really...

The other worker was familiar not because he worked at Rupture Farms, but because he was famous. It was Doctor Krik, a Vykker who revolutionized genetics. It would be an honor to have him teach him a thing or two about Mudokons, which he so desperately needed, but he held himself back. Too many things were wrong with the picture of the two workers.

Did Krik just laugh? Slap thought to himself. It seemed as if the two of them were close somehow, almost as if they had gotten each others' acquitnances. Seems rather interesting, being that Krik normally doesn't talk to Mudokons for the sake of socializing. Could there be something greater in this relationship? And why he is still walking with her? Why were they in the Laboratory? I certainly don't remember that mark on her arm... Is that injection spots? Who was using a needle? Was it Dek? If it was for the mark, that would make no sense. He would rather place a bandage around the wounded area. Was she trying to receive medication? Wouldn't she need a paper clarifying that she needed the such to prove it to Dek? No, she does not appear to have any paper within hand or loincloth. Was it Krik? That would explain the reason why she didn't need any medication. It would make perfectly logical sense. But why? Do they know each other somehow? Why would Krik make a trip here in the first place? If it was a business trip, I doubt why he would need to go to the Laboratory. Is he here to visit Dionysia? Perhaps he needs to inject something into her? Then why didn't he leave instructions with us doctors of Rupture Farms? Isn't he intelligent enough to think of that before wasting his time making such trips? Maybe it something rather that Rupture Farms isn't suppose to know about... I need to get to the bottom of this...

Slap stopped in his tracks and flew open his laptop. He started to type down everything so he could show Krik. "Excuse me, Dr. Krik, but I need to interrogate you. Did you perform injection on this Mudokon? If so, are you a medical personel involving injecting such into Dionysia? If not, I will have to fine you for impersonating a doctor here at Rupture Farms."

02-17-2008, 01:34 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Kotez shook his head at the Mudokon and followed the Slog. It could get in trouble if it wandered off on it's own. He followed it into the cafeteria, where it stopped and began barking. That could mean a number of things. He looked ahead, but saw nothing that could be a threat. Maybe it was hungry. He walked forward and grabbed an eaten Scrab bone from the counter and slid it across the floor to the Slog.

Slash found Arnie in the cafeteria. he didn't seem too preoccupied, and this shouldn't take long. He buzzed over "Arnie, sir, I have succeeded in mostly repairing the main central pulley, however, the wire for the lever summons is damaged, and it would be dangerous to attempt repairing this wire unless I could temporarily shut off mains power. Do I have permission to do this? Shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes, and then the lift will be usable again. It's been in a state for a while..."

Silph growled as the Slog came in and made a racket. He was on the verge of going over there to shut it up manually when some Steef strolled over and tossed a bone to it. If that didn't shut the thing up, he'd use that bone in another way to achieve the same effect. For now he yawned, and narrowed his eyes onto the robot lifting it's rifle to it. Peculiar thing. He didn't trust it, whatever it was meant to be.
02-17-2008, 06:47 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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IC: "Being a guard is fine!" Corky replied. He started to follow Rick to the cafeteria but couldn't help but notice Phats wasn't around. "Hey where's my Slog!?" Corky yelped in a panicked tone. He and Phats were always together no matter what was happening. If Corky were beating a helpless Mudokon Phats was right besides him enjoying it as much as his master. Corky ran past Rick towards the cafeteria.

Phats smelled the Scrab leg and quickly chomped on it. Nawing and drooling he was happy that someone had giving him something to eat. He's short tail began waging and he was now content. He made chewing and growling sounds but he was pretty quit. Not even looking at anyone he gripped the leg in his mouth and walked in a corner.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

02-19-2008, 02:40 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: Krik isn't that famous. He hasn't officially done anything for about 30 years.

Krik looked somewhat afronted when an internt appeared at the lab door and shoved its laptop in front of his face.
"Ignore it," Dionysia advised, shifting the pants on her shoulder to get them more comfortable, "Its just some stupid intern who works here."
Krik would have taken her suggestion, except that he had already read the first two lines on the screen and it was making his blood boil. Interrogate him? What gave this low-ranking filth the right to interrogate him?
He hadn't even finished reading before his indignance boiled over.
"What rubbish is this? This is my mudokon! If I want to work on it it is my business!"
For a tenth of a second Dionysia's face twisted as if she had been slapped, but then she gained control of herself and smirked at Slap over Krik's shoulder.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

02-20-2008, 06:00 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: But his work before 30 years ago was pretty big. Some sciencists are known for only accomplishing one thing.


Slap only rose a brow from Dionysia's insult towards him. He had been taken critisism from multiple Vykkers for too long to be affected whatsoever by a mere Mudokon worker.

After hearing Dr. Krik, he knew that all of the information he needed was fulfilled. From what it seemed, Dionysia might have been here for some sort of form of experimentation. From the reputation he heard of Krik, he doubted that this was an ordinary Mudokon worker. Perhaps it was being tested in an environment without reach of Vykkers to assist it. So in theory, Dionysia was no more part of Rupture Farms as Chris was. Slap knew that Krik was doing what must be done and did not want to interfere with his work. However, perhaps the master of Dionysia would be interested in the trouble she has gotten into...

"Sir, I know that you must have better things to be done on this Mudokon, but may I ask, why here at Rupture Farms? From what it seems, it seems unfit for Dionysia to be living here at a meat plant, where so much danger is around the corner. The first time I saw her, she had gotten a scrape/cut across her arm that caused her nearly pass out. She had to be held by a fellow Slig employee in order to get around to the Laboratory for further treatment.

"Which reminds me, she also seems to let her feelings get the better of her. This Mudokon had let a Slig criminal go, even though the Slig was about to be sent to Skillya, due to the fact it could no longer function properly in an Industrial society. And it was a fact that this Slig had formed a relationship with this very Mudokon. If you ask me, that would be considered not doing work-related actions, in could consquence as being beatened very harshily.

"I must say, I have to go. Unless you have more questions, I will go now."

02-21-2008, 12:07 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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OOC: *sigh* year twelve FTL D: oh yeah, long post (well by my standards)

IC: Scri snapped out of her daze. Barking? that didnt seem like something normal to hear when envisioning about your eventual demise. The sound was defineatley coming from the cafateria, so scri, being as curious as she was, decided to ignore her gut feeling for a little while and go in.

As she scanned the room, Scri found the source of the commotion was a slog. almost everyone in the cafateria was just staring at it, while a lone steef (Kotez) gave the slog a bone. Scri had never seen a slog up close before, sure she'd seen them with the sligs back at her old facility but they were always too far away to see. Sneakily, scri followed the slog and sat close enough to get a good look at it, but not so close that it could attack her instantly if it decided it was still hungry.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

Last edited by WaterMelody; 02-21-2008 at 12:10 PM..
02-21-2008, 12:15 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Uuhhh...Sorry for not posting in...Ages 8(, very sorry, I'll try to do so tommorow, I have bedtime now so off I go. Plus I think Venks said he wouldn't be doing this anymore but hopefully I'm wrong. @ Slaveless: yay Slaveless! I remember my slig character bumping into Slap and Chris in a previous post though before running into Dek's room.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

02-21-2008, 03:21 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: I know, that was one the first things I wanted to talk about. But after a while, it seemed like I didn't have to use it. We can assume Chris would run in there after her.

02-22-2008, 09:40 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
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Ic: Slax saw a slig sit at the tabel he asked if he knew were the boss was "sorry no I have'nt seen him myself yet sure hard to find".

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

02-22-2008, 04:16 PM
MA's Avatar
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I.C: the slig that was sitting at the table with Nox replied by informing him he didn't know where the boss was.

for odds sake! what you gotta' do to get employed 'round 'ere!?

"OK, thanks mate." Nox replied, and with that, he picked up his rifle once more, and proceeded to walk briskly out the Cafe.

f*ck this, lets just wait a while...

and so, he leant against the wall just outside of the cafe doors, and began to unload his rifle of bullets, preparing to clean the gun bore.
02-23-2008, 05:55 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: I don't mind Splat, but if you're trying to rid of her...I'll godmoddle you back and let her run away to the stockyards.

Aaanyway...It doesn't say in the start of the thread what random characters are allowed. People have gotten away with using animals but not sligs and such, so if someone could edit that in somewhere...Great.

Population: Cylepso, RG-49, Arnie, Vester, Lenny, Ralph, Roy, Otto, Silph, Slax, Nox, Scri, Phats, Kotez, Silph, Slash
Tiro half-expected her to launch into a rage at him, but she didn't. She leant down at his height and spoke in a soft voice, the polar opposite of her enraged self.
"Ahh, well here is a lesson, little dude. No touching guns, alright? You might be shot accidentally by some moronic meathead who stupidly things you would shoot them," She smiled sweetly and ruffled his ponytail feather. “Okay?” He smiled back and ruffled her bald head.
“Okay Cy!” He giggled.
Tiny finally relaxed. The ordeal was over and Cylepso had calmed down. He decided to leave her be in case he somehow set her off again. He hated it when sligs got this mad or worse...Even less.

Scarface merely sulked in a corner by himself.
“He would of so shot me...” He muttered under his breath in retaliation, loading and unloading his blunderbuss to amuse himself.
Really, he was slinking into depression. He wanted Dimitrio but Dimitrio would rather shake hands with a meatgrinder than see his masked ripped-tentacled face. He didn't have any fake friends at this new place either. In fact, given the amount of nice sligs here that didn't take a shine to beating mudokons...He had no one. It was Dimitrio, the painfully shy and emotionally scarred one that had the friends now, and Scarface that got hunted should they see him.

Population: Rick, Wic, Corky, Kotez, , Roy, Nox, Krett

Memories were so lucid to him now like he had been sucked into the past. He could hear the laughter of many older sligs yards away in a filthy room. Slobbering, biting, barking, snapping and chewing was far too close for personnel safety. He could see them do nothing as the red liquid of life made its way in large-ish amounts onto the already-stained floor. The huge pair of jaws lunged and tore whatever it could from him. The place wreaked of the alcohol, the tobacco and the strong smell of blood that spilled from him. Worst of all was the pain. The horrible searing pain, one of the worst things he'd ever felt as a child and the fear that came with it. No one was helping. He didn't stand a chance against such a killer. No one ever thought they could die one day, and yet here was the possibility.

He awoke in a flash and gasped years after what happened, grabbing his right arm with his left hand. More reality sunk in. He wasn't a little boy anymore, he was a 5 year old (20 in slig years) slig who escaped the consequences of being fired. If this new place he was at figured that out, he'd imagine being in Skillya's platter. He'd been hugging a little mudokon (Wic) tightly all along. How embarrassing. That slog (Phats) could be heard barking in the cafeteria...He curled up tightly and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping and begging to himself that it would go away.
"I'm Wic, what your name?" The kid named Wic asked with an innocent smile. Dimitrio sniffled, trying to control his pathetic tears.
“D...Dimitri...Dimitrio...” He stuttered, still clinging to that mudokon child.
He was almost as young as Tiro but more well-behaved and...Innocent. Tiro could be a cheeky little bugger when he wanted to.

Population: Only Agent
Agent the superbutchy slig chased the toy desperately, cradling and cooing to it when she got the chance, and only realised it was a trick when that cow (Dionysia) locked her in. An ephiphony swept over her. That familiar little click of metal meant she had been locked in. She could only watch in horror as Dionysia took her pants and was off, the two of them laughing down the hall. Just what had they said? She hadn't been paying attention. She chucked every swear word she could at the door closed behind them and curled up.

The cage was metal, hard and cold and she was all alone, save for her beloved doll. In remembering 'his' existence and making sure he was alright, she had screwed over her own safety. What were they planning? That guy (Krik) was a vykker. Her personality was still intact, leaving clues to her past. She trusted vykkers less than a suicider outlaw asking you to light a match. She wanted more than anything right now to know who her friends were and be with them.

Not locked up in a cage awaiting some unjust punishment. For the first time in a while, she clinged to that stuffed toy in a tightly curled up ball and cried her eyes out, pouring out her heart to the only one she felt comfortable doing so. There was things she did and didn't want to remember. But ultimately she felt she had to know the good and bad before she could go on as normal.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 02-23-2008 at 05:59 PM..
02-25-2008, 01:05 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Did ya miss me? XD


Kix: "Uh, Fine. I just heard Anni was upset so we came out to look for her. Is she hurt?"

"Not recently, as far as I can see," Hembar replied, "but..." noticing that Anni was moving away, she lowered her voice slightly, "if you ask me I think something's wrong. But hey, I've only known her for a few minutes longer than I've known you, so I figure you'll have a better idea of that than me. Speaking of which... I'm Hembar, and who might you be?"

OOC: Ok, there's been quite a lot happen at the cafeteria so it might be a few more months before I post as Ralph. Hehehe, nah, not that long, but it could be a while. Hopefully only a couple of days at max though.

02-25-2008, 11:13 PM
Marvak's Avatar
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OOC: The lack of contribution saddens me.
In other news today, I just accidentally stabbed myself in the eye with a plastic fork.

IC: Wic cocked his head at the cyborg (Dimitrio). He seemed to be whimpering and cowering from unseen horrors. Wic looked around, but there seemed to be nothing to be afraid of. He then began to wonder, maybe it was him who was so scary?! No, surely not, he only a little four-year-old Mudokon child (8 years human equivalent) and this guy was a big ol' Slig! Wic shuffled his feet and looked down in uncertainty.
"D... Dimirti... Dimirtio." The Slig stuttered at last.
"...Dat's a nice name." Said Wic, trying to keep his voice sounding happy. "... You okay Mister D... Dee-mee-twee-oh?" He added. He wasn't the best at pronouncing names.

02-26-2008, 06:40 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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OOC: yay, I eat babies…is it just me, or has the weather gone bad? Rain everywhere…
Odd art back up!!! XD
Cylepso grinned and said, “Good, good! Last thing we need is more blood letting,” Her tentacles twisted in disgust, “Yeah, it stains clothes, that’s why I have black!” She plucked at the long sleeve of her shirt with her pink nails. “
You mudokons don’t have to worry about that though…well, you might, but your not that old yet…At least I don’t think you are…Wait, how old are you?” She asked the mudling.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

02-27-2008, 12:28 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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IC: Roy decided it was best to leave the twosome alone. They new eachother more then he new them anyway so maybe leaving wasn't a bad idea. Scratching his head he turned towards the cafeteria he was so worried about Wic and Dimitrio that he didn't even hear the loud barking Phats was doing just minutes ago. He needed to find any kind of Boss around here and ask for a job. He was so caught up in stuff that he had forgotten all about finding a job. He started walking towards the cafeteria.

Phats who was enjoying his Scrab leg noticed Scri staring at him. He didn't know who she was or anyone else in the cafeteria for that matter. He stopped nawing on the leg and took a minute to look at her. Well Slogs couldn't really see since they had no eyes but they had a highly sense of smell. He growled a little and stepped on his bone guarding it and tauting her. Slogs couldn't talk either but they had different kinds of growls to use to communicat with their Slig masters. He was toying with Scri he could jump on her at any giving minute if he wanted to. Phats smirked evily.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

02-27-2008, 08:48 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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Scri watched the slog carefully, it was almost as if it was staring back at her, if it had eyes, that is. It began growling at her, and stepped on its bone. Scri came to the conclusion that it was getting terratorial, and didnt want her anywhere near it while it was eating its prize. a few quick calculations later, scri (who was on the adventurous side, after all) decided that she would stay where she was and see what the slog could do. She may have been forced to do menial labour for far too long, but Scri still kept her mudanchee reflexes and she could easily dodge an attack from the slog at her distance.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

03-07-2008, 06:47 AM
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OOC: my character (Nox) is going to have to be frozen, until i get connection to the internet once more after this saturday. may take a while, blah blah blah.

03-08-2008, 05:29 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: (Is shattered from lack of sleep) I see silence.

Population: Cylepso, RG-49, Arnie, Vester, Lenny, Ralph, Roy, Otto, Silph, Slax, Nox, Scri, Phats, Kotez, Silph, Slash
Tiro couldn't see the expressions on her face but her voice made it obvious.
“Good, good! Last thing we need is more blood letting,” Cylepso's tentacles twisted. Something bad, perhaps? An angry face?
“Yeah, it stains clothes, that’s why I have black!” She plucked at the long sleeve of her shirt with her pink nails.
“You mudokons don’t have to worry about that though” She went on. “…well, you might, but your not that old yet…At least I don’t think you are…Wait, how old are you?” She asked. Tiro counted on his three fingered paws for half a minute or so.
“...Two an' a half.” He grinned widely. That would be five in mudokon years. Elsewhere, Tiny poked around for food and Scarface sulked in a corner.

Population: Rick, Wic, Corky, Kotez, , Roy, Nox, Krett

He hardly paid any attention to the mudokon. He was too lost in angst thought that didn't help anything. Hunger was taking its toll. He hadn't eaten since yesterday. The growls of burning acid in his stomach scolded him, but he longed to actually have control over his life. There had been too much things that progressed to worse, what would happen next? Would Agent flip again? Was she dead already? Would the friends he had now grow sick of his worthless self and scamper off? What was Scarface up to? Little could he see how much he was losing it. With little to no fat, his muscles were starting to waste away. The heart was a muscle. If he kept it up he'd die.
"... You okay Mister D... Dee-mee-twee-oh?" Wic stuttered. He snapped out of it for a moment.
“Fine, fine...” Dimitrio barely whispered. The bony slig attempted to get up, but fell into darkness.

A smack on a cold hard floor threw him out of it. He used his brain. He went to get up to look for Agent then fell back down. He hadn't slept all night from stress and hadn't eaten since yesterday. It wasn't too surprising. He wanted to just drift off to sleep on the floor but its harshness and the fear of others noticing him prevented that.

Population: Only Agent

Stressed out of her mind, the female slig clinged to the precious doll and shivered. Being naked could chill a person pretty quickly. She hissed in shivers and curled up tighter, contracting a bunch of visible muscles. She was done a crying spree for now. But the memories hadn't came. Some things were apparent. A slig was special to her. He had others with him, some mudokon...But things also came as they went. She couldn't remember why she was in some strange box thing. Was she born here? What was it made of? Rage gone, she fiddled with the doll before re-remembering its importance to her.

Gasping softly, Agent held 'him' loosely in guilt.
“I keep forgetting stuff...” She whispered, too faint for even herself to hear. She curled up tightly, shaking slightly from sobs and exposure to the cold.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

03-09-2008, 10:28 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Exams, coursework and housing; oh my!

Things haven't seemed to have changed much since me and Dripik made our announcement. The fact is that without some more realistic characters, that is, characters you could possibly find in an actual Oddworld game, I don't think we'll ever see a W@RF 9. At the moment we're stuffed full of happy happy sligs and mindless mudokons and the plot is going slower than, to quote a certain English genius, an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping. There's no character development, mainly because most of the characters are so 2D they make the 60s Doctor Who cardboard cut-out Daleks look convincing.

I really don't want this thread to die but some players need to take a long, long look at their characters and consider whether they could appear in a game alongside Abe, Queen Maggie and other famous Quintology Characters. (Please note that I am deliberately not naming names; you know who you are and I don't want anyone posting to say 'och, he's talking about me, sob, sob, emo, emo'.)
If you conclude that your characters are emotionally shallower than a tellytubby, kindly do something about it. Change them, replace them, whatever. Gosh, we could do with some fresh blood around here.

And at long last it is IC time.
Slaveless, when Krik got arrested they took his fame away from him, even for the things he'd already accomplished. But nevermind.

Krik put on his very best 'I-am-your-intellectual-and-social-superior-you-looser' expression and informed the intern, "This mudokon has her own, very specific work to do, and is none of your business how she does it. She is here for a reason and does a job, neither of which one such as yourself," (He made every sign of disdain) "Would be expected to understand." And he marched away, Dionysia trailing behind him without her usual smirk.
"So," Krik declared firmly as they moved out of sight of the lab, making Dionysia wince.
However, she was not to be outdone, "Well I couldn't let them call Skillya, couldn't let her send anyone here to look around or it'd be the death of us all!" She snapped at him.
"And was this before or after he declared his passionate, undying love?" He sneered.
She tried to ignore the jibe but it bit at her and threw her off, "I don't... It was after, when I... we... After the lab. I took his down to the basement and he said he... Well, he said some rediculous stuff, like I was some idiot! I told him to get lost and left, I thought I was blunt about it. I didn't expect him to run about telling everyone how much..." Her rising anger trailed off and her body-language became rather confused.
"And was what the intern said true, that a slig carried you to the lab after your accident? Was it the same slig?"
Dionysia fingered the scar on her arm, "I don't know, I wasn't paying attention." Anger flared up again, "It hurt! I had my mind on other things for Odd's sake!"
Krik stopped walking and glared at her until her anger faltered, "You are not an idiot, Dionysia."
She opened her mouth to argue, and then shut it again.
"And neither am I," He added pointedly and recommenced walking.
Feeling that the intern had ruined a good afternoon, she followed reluctantly.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs she asked, "What you said, about me being your mudokon..."
"Yes? What about it?" He snapped irritably.
She looked awkward and said nothing.
"It's perfectly true," He told her snippily, "Don't delude yourself Dionysia. We made you, we own you. That's life."


"Uh, Kix," Kix replied to Hembar distractedly. She knew that the other mudokon was trying to be friendly and that she was just being rude but she was worried about Anni. She glanced over her shoulder and saw her running around the garden while Jim stood nearby, even from a distance looking rather bemused.
Trying to ignore the nagging worry for her friend, she turned to Hembar, gave a (slightly forced) smile and asked, "So uh, how long have you worked here?"


"So how does it work?" Anni asked excitably.
"It's not complicated," Said Jim in a resigned sort of way, "We grabbed the pump from the grinders; there's a lot of spare parts lying around there from when they fixed them. Kix and Dean found that long tube somewhere the day before yesterday, so we connected it to the water supply in the security tower and to the pump here, and then put that hose on the other side of the pump. You just flick the switch on the pump and the water comes out," He finished, slightly lamely.
Anni pranced across the garden and picked up the hose and turned on the pump. Then she spent a happy minute watering the as-yet-unseen seeds.
After a short while it became rather obvious that the plants couldn't possibly need any more water, however, and she flicked off the pump. A awkward silence seemed to have shot up since she'd turned it on. "So er, what did you all do yesterday?" She asked Jim, trying to carry a conversation.
"Just fixed p the pump... Listen Anni," He spoke very quickly, trying to get the words out before she could interrupt, "What happened in the cafeteria earlier?"
"Nothing, I told you! I just had a headache!" She replied loudly.
"Some headache!"
"That's all it was; I just felt really ill and needed to get outside!"
Suddenly realising they were arguing, and not enjoying it much, Jim stopped and forced himself to calm down. "Listen Anni, we're your friends and we want to help y-"
"If you were my friends you'd believe me!" She shouted, somewhat inconvincingly, and then ran off.
Slightly annoyed at himself, Jim found that he was running after her.

ooc: Anni and Jim have their first big argument!
I've always seen Kix as a sort of Mother-figure to Anni. She looks after her.
Dionysia was I think slightly more annoyed at being refered to by Krik as 'it', but she can't tell him that any more than she can tell him the truth about her and gappiqu.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 04-11-2008 at 12:32 PM..
03-10-2008, 12:02 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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(Sob sob emo emo) Well my sligs look like a bunch of awkward emo kids to me, so no happy but no realistic either...I'll see if I can stick in a sadist vykker later, too much happy-slappy no-sadistic vykkers.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

03-10-2008, 12:58 AM
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OOC: I better try and do something now.

IC: *Slash is waiting for Arnie still*

Silph was now bored. Work still wasn't starting, and everyone was in mid-conversation, so no chance of attempting to establish himself amongst the uh, 'community' here, if it could be considered as such. Maybe he'd try his hand at getting something other than Scrab Legs available on the menu. He went back into the kitchen to the strung up Paramite. He looked to the side and noted a basic employee guide, fairly old looking from the original Rupture Farms before it went down. A quick scan revealed the meat cut pages. Some Paramite Steaks would make a nice lunch. He had to go about gutting the thing though...hard hands made this a little easier. He cut straight down the centre of the belly, and removed the internal organs, putting them in the freezer for possible use at a later date, possibly as Slog food or something. He then cut down the the sides of the spine and broke off the ribs with flesh on. He quickly separated each rib, and opened the large oven. He just managed to fit the 20 of them in on the rack. He put them on to cook for an hour, that should do them nicely. They could always be reheated later. He left the remains of the Paramite hanging to dry out some more, and perhaps for use in the afternoon. He came back out from the kitchen and headed out of the cafeteria for now. Perhaps the lab would yield some interest.

Kotez yawned as he slouched on the counter. This was boring. Maybe there was something of interest outside, at least until work started. He strolled off for the front.
Kotez stretched his arms and his back satisfyingly as he observed the scene. Meugh. Not alot of greenery here, not that he'd ever seen it much anyway. A large tower was clearly visible against the sky, the water tower for the factory presumably. Nearby, he noted two Mudokons running off away from it. Maybe they'd seen him coming and pegged it. Not surprising if that was the case. He went over and observed the area they'd left. It appeared to be some sort of a garden. Pah, Mudokons were meant to be good at growing plants, they'd managed to overwater the ground somewhat, though based on the plant growth that may have been a one off. He could do probably better himself still. He sat down and observed what progress could be made. If those Mudokons had grown this, however...did they have permission to this plot of land? Why would the boss give them it? Unless this was a secret...
03-10-2008, 08:08 AM
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OOC: I havent posted much lately so I am a little behind. A list of people (if there are any) that work at/are at the production lines where Krett now works would be really appreciated. I'll have a little difficulty continuing without it.

And Splat, if I am one of the people you are referring to I wouldn't be offended if you pointed it out and gave a little advise on how to improve. I haven't had any good plots since Beetleroot and am aware that goings on around Krett are fairly dull.

Ground Floor Corridors - Outside Cafeteria

During his terror and confusion Krett had become absent minded and, as he does when absent minded, began to wander round aimlessly. It was not long before he found himself in a large room full of machines working away and pumping out all manner of gasses. Krett was still absently wandering through until he reached the centre of the room and felt so nauseous that he went into a gagging fit, soon to bring him back into full consciousness.

now in the Production Lines

After recovering from his fit Krett began to scan the room but it was full of machinery and visibility was limited by the smoke.
"Hello? Is any one there?" Krett called out. He waited a while with no reply and then called out again, this time a little louder.

03-10-2008, 09:37 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Carnix, I doubt any major machinery would be active yet until work has started, which for some reason hasn't.
03-10-2008, 09:42 AM
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OOC: Carnix, I doubt any major machinery would be active yet until work has started, which for some reason hasn't.
I was planning some sort of machinery/system malfunction. It would disrupt the plant and add a little more plot. But to do that I need to know who else is in/works at the production lines.

03-10-2008, 12:47 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Hmms...(Twiddles beard) Well Carnix request help, so I try and help! Lessee...

In the games, sligs can smoke, drink me thinks, and if you play the games, all shoot Abe or any moving mudokons/mudokons attempting escape on sight and beat mudokons. They're lazy bums who sleep when unsupervised, hang about each other in groups for security, have infra-red vision (email said so) and were obviously trained to be mean (the fact we don't know how isn't so much help). Not all are from Skillya (again, email said so) so you could use some creativity there, and I repeat, they were trained to be mean. Having nice ones doesn't make much sense, its like if you disipline your kid right and he still comes out bad but vice-versa. Pretty much not gonna happen.

The problem with the sligs is they're all too nice for no reason, don't have much mud bias and waltz in seeing everything as normal - mudokons running about not scrubbing, sligs not smacking muddy skulls etc. They don't smack folk first before someone tells him it isn't like every other place. Every other place is. Misunderstandings are going to be made, people shot/swung at and feelings hurt. Just refrain from shooting in case someone gets maimed and the mod/mods eat you.

Sooo, for normal slig I conclude:-

Normal slig = mean, doesn't know no-beating-mudokons' rule until told so, could smoke, sadistic, sees themselves as above mudokons, has infra-red vision instead of colour vision due to mask and is dumb as two planks and not trained to use weaponry efficiently.

Abnormal slig = nice, different skin colour, super brains, treats muds like fellow sligs, female worker( Points at self and not Skillyaslig ), does not know said mudokon rule but acts accordingly.

Problem: An unrealistic amount of nice sligs when most should be mean. It makes the place unrealistic when you compare it to canon and limits drama. Sligs don't have much of a logical reason to care and hug everyone.

There's a high percentage of nice sligs it seems, which isn't realistic, unless Arnie shipped all the nice sligs in for convenience. I'll do mudokons later. Bed now.

All mudokons, save for Abe and the spirits seen so far are green. There seems to be a trend of any-skin-coloured mudokons. Only purply and green have shown to be physically possible, so this can ruin the realisticness, similar to the nice sligs. Girl workers can also be a problem, especially if they have boobs, mudokons prolly aren't monotremes.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 03-11-2008 at 11:59 PM..
03-10-2008, 01:57 PM
OddYouko's Avatar
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IC: Phats had now stopped his smirking. He sniffed the bone and growled deeply. He quickly looked at Scri and jumped forward mouth wid open. He grew tired of the bone and wanted to have a little fun while his master wasn't around. Corky would usually beat Phats if he did something his master didn't want him doing. It was normal for Phats to go a little out of control sometimes but without his master? He and Corky always did things together even when Phats was a Sloggie.
OOC: Should Corky wait on Rick?

(outside the Cafeteria)
IC: Roy was making his way back to the Cafeteria but had stopped by the door way. "I haven't seen any Bosses around." He said messing with his ponytail. He stopped and looked around. He then turned away from the Cafeteria entrance and began walking in the halls. He took out the wash cloth from his back pocket. He now made his way to a lone meat grinder. It looked as if no one had even touched it but it was rusty with dried blood. Roy gribbed the cloth and bagan washing the bottom of the meat grinder. Hoping it wasn't gonna turn on and crush his head Roy continued to scrub it down. "It looks...clean I guess." He stopped cleaning the bottom and looked around for more. Though the grinder wasn't completely clean Roy didn't dare touch the blades.
OOC: Cleaning without permission is that ok?
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

Last edited by OddYouko; 03-10-2008 at 02:14 PM..
03-11-2008, 11:39 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: No one's at the production lines, Carnix, since work hasn't started yet.
Roy seems to be cleaning the currently inactive meat grinders though/
03-11-2008, 07:17 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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OOC: Noes, we need baddies! *dies*

"Really?" Cylepso clapped her pink-nailed hands together in delight, "My, aren't you a tall one?" She giggled and brushed some dust off her sleeve. "EVen older then my wee baby."
Vester glanced around and sniffed a scrab leg, and then proceded to cram the whole thing in his mouth. Lenny giggle happily and said, "Slog! You will choke."
"Nuffa yoh," Vester snorted in a humoured voice, "Youff eateft somthug."
"Not hungry!"
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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