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04-17-2001, 02:39 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)
Love and War (Saurian Isle fic)

This is the prologue to my non-oddworld fic. I don't know if I will continue to post the chaps here as I want to publish this someday. Anyway, tell me what you think of this. Sorry for the length.
"Eat your pear Chiatsa." a loving father said to his daughter.
Chiatsa looked at the pear with discust "But daddy, I don't like um" she protested.
"They are good for you, so eat it"
"If there good for me then why do they taste bad" she retorted, looking at her father with her yellow eyes daring him to find a way to counter that.
He sighed as bit into his own pear, trying to think of a way to get his 8 cycle* old daugther to eat hers. Then he accendently bit onto a seed, and with a spurt of intution he spat it at her landing on her nose.
"Eww" she said with a giggle as she brushed it off "How did you do that?"
"Well, I can teach you but..."
"But what?"
"But the only way to get the seeds you'll need is to eat your pear. Now eat it."
Chiatsa blinked a moment, then crossed her arms with a snort and glared at him. Got her he thought with a smile when he heard a knock on the door.
"Your pear better be gone by the time I come back or no story tonight" he said as he stood up. Chiatsa gave him a 'you wouldn't' look, and he just smiled at her as he headed towards the door.
When he opened the door he saw no other then his old friend Straki. Something was different about him, he seemed to have fancier armor then what he had last time he saw him, even his Sharpclaw* mount had different armor on. Then it dawned on him.
"Well old friend, it looks like you finally got promoted to the 5 rank. Come on in"
"Fraid I can't stay very long Hachit" he said glumly as he stepped in.
"Well thats to be expected, considering" Hachit grumbled as he closed the door behind him.
"So how's my warrior friend turned pacifest, hmm?"
"Now don't start that again Straki, you know why I left the warrior guild. It was to.."
"I know, I know. To take care of your daughter since your mate died so suddenly, but Jukco doesn't believe thats a good enough reason. You know how Jukco can be."
"Yes I know, he thinks that I should've just asked another female to take care of her and that it's not my place, as a male, to care for children by myself. Sometimes I think his part Alpakian."
"Speaking of which, thats why I came here tonight."
"Huh? What about them? I know they stubborn fighters."
"And you also know that they have no quams about killing defenseless males and females in their path." Straki said sternly pointing a claw at him.
"And what does that have to do with me and Chiatsa? Last I heard their most of their warriors was way north of here."
"Not anymore, they have moved a signifcent number of warriors south, not far from here. Thats why I came here tonight to warn you. There have been reports of Alpakian activity less then a half days ride from here."
"Thats close" Hachit said, getting worried.
"Too close, thats why I risked the journy here to warn you even though Jukco thought it would be a waste of my time"
"What can I do"
"Come back with me to the outpost, I'll see about having you relocated to a place much further into our terratory"
"Humphf, and I bet you as soon as I step into the outpost gates, Jukco will be there to grill me about leaving like the last time I came down to visit."
"Most likely" Straki said with sigh.
"Well I'm sorry, but I don't think my daughter would be able handle seeing me getting my tail chewed by that jerk. I'll take my chances here." he shuddered at the memory of Jukco eyeing his then 6 cycle old daugther, saying she looked like she would be a strong warrior.
"But Hachit, what if..." Straki said shocked.
"I can handle a few Alpakians if I have to. It hasn't been that long."
"Its been over 6 cycles, Hachit, and I don't believe you have be keeping up with your fighting skills."
"I will be fine Straki." he said starting to get angry.
"Then at least let me take your daughter back with me, Shasha can watch her."
"Appsolutely not!" Hachit said now fuming, "I will not give Jukco the chance to turn my only daughter into a killing machine."
"I wouldn't let Jukco go near her Hachit, you know that."
"Still its too great a risk. Chiatsa is staying here with me."
"I see.." Straki sighed defeated "Very well then I...will leave you here then. I wish you luck my friend." he said as he turned to leave.
"Thank you"
Straki paused in the doorway a moment "If you ever reconsider you know where the outpost is right?"
"Of course, but don't expect me to change my mind."
"Very well then." Straki mounted his Sharpclaw and rode off into the night, not looking back.
Hachit watched he friend leave for a moment, then shut the door. "Chiatsa that pear had better be gone" He walked into the room, stared in shock at what he saw. Chiatsa had ripped apart the pear with her claws and picked out the seeds which were now in a neat little pile on the table. The table was a mess with the 'remains' of the pear scattered all over it.
"Got the seeds daddy, can you teach me how you did that trick you did earlier now?"
Hachit stared at her for a moment then at the messy table then back at her again. Normally he would have been horrified at the mess, but this time he burst out in laughter, unable to contain himself.
"Whats so funny?" she said looking at her father with a puzzled look.
By now Hachit had fallen onto the floor clutching his side. "You are" he said when he was finally able to stop laughing, "my little trouble maker". He grabbed her and started to spin her around until he was to dizzy to keep standing. They both enjoyed every second of it though.
"Daddy?" she asked after a moment.
"What's an Alpakain?"
He had winced when she asked that. She'll find out about it sooner or later he thought grimly "They are a clan of beings like ourselves, that we are currectly at war with" he answered after a moment.
"What's a war?"
"Its when 2 clans with different views on life fight each other."
"Why do they fight?"
"Because...one clan thinks the other clan should follow their view of life, but the other clan doesn't want to."
"So the Alpakians want to.."she paused struggling to find the right word for it "enslave us?"
"More like extremenate us"
"But why? We haven't done anything to them have we?"
"Because they are greedy and think of no one but themselves. They see something they want and they take it, usually by force. They want to rule over all the clans, and have forsaken the gods and the guardians of our lands. As a result there are no dragons anywhere within their lands, even the mindcallers* refuse to set wing into their territory."
"They must be very bad" she said suddenly afraid.
"They are, but don't worry, if they come here, Daddy will show them who's boss" At least I hope I can. Straki was right, it has been a while since I practiced. "Well now it looks like its time for you to go to bed."
"Do I get a story?" she said hopefully as he picked her up.
"No you didn't eat your pear."
"Awwwoooohhhh but daddy!"
"No buts, I said if you didn't eat your pear you'd get no story and you didn't so you have no one to blame but yourself."
He carried one angry, struggling kid to the bedroom.

After what seemed like forever to get Chiatsa to go to bed and cleaning up the table, Hachit decided to sit outside for a bit to relax. But he couldn't relax, he kept thinking about what Straki had said.
Maybe we should have gone with him. he thought I don't have my armor anymore and my sword is probably in bad shape. What was I thinking when I refused.
He was just deciding to wake his daughter when he saw movement in the forest. His heart leapt into his througt. He had no doubts as to what was roaming the woods No no not now, not so soon he thought as he crept back into his hut. He went into the storage room as quickly and quietly as he could, he rummaged around until he found his old sword. He unsheathed it and gave it a quick inspection, not as in good condition as I would like but it will have to do he thought. He was about to step out of the storage area when he heard the door open. Insticitively he pressed himself against the wall.
No no this can't be happening he thought as he carefully looked around the cornier. There, just in the doorway of the hut, was a large fully armored Alpakian warrior. He could tell he was of good rank by the type of armor he was wearing, only the strongest and fierest Alpakians get to wear full plate like this one was wearing. Even if I knew for sure he was alone I'm in trouble he himself was only of the 4 rank, and this guy was at least 6. Still I have to at least try, for Chiatsa sake.
By now the warrior had stepped fully into the hut and was looking around slowly with his sword drawn. He watched him, waiting for the right opertunity to attack. Suddenly the warriors attention was drawn to Chiatsa room, and started to head towards it. Oh no he must have heard her. Knowing his daughters life was in danger he stepped out ran up quietly on the warrior sword raised hoping catch him off guard. But the warrior must have heard him for he quickly swang around and blocked his attack.
"I was wondering when you would come out of hiding." he said with malice in his voice.
Without any hesitation the warrior attacked, viciously slashing at him with his sword. Hachit was able to block some blows but not all. He recieved several wounds across his chest, back, and arms. And he was exhausted, while his oppenent hasn't even broken a sweat.
"You are obviously out of your prime." the warrior said, annoyed at the lack of a challege. Suddenly he yelped in pain.
"Leave my daddy alone you big bully!" he heard a small voice shout and Hachit realized in horror that it was Chiatsa.
The warrior looked behind him, seeing Chiatsa biting and clawing at his tail (the only part that wasn't armored). Then with a malicious glint in his eye pushed her back and before Hachit could stop him slashed her across the face with his sword, leaving a nasty gash on her nose. She cried out in pain and cruppled up in a ball on the floor holding her nose.
"NOOOOO CHIATSA!" Hachit cried as he dropped his sword and dove for his daughter. He managed to slash the warrior across the face along the way with his claws. He picked her up and managed to shove the warrior down onto the ground and ran for the door. He could only think of one thing now, get Chiatsa to the outpost and a healer.

At the outpost Straki was pacing in front of the gate, with his mate Shasha and Jukco not far away.
"Will you quit that already!" Shasha said annoyed "You're making me dizzy"
Straki stopped and looked out worryingly across the plain.
"Will get through your head already, he's not coming" Jukco said clearly aggitiated "He's too full of pride to admit he was wrong."
"I know I know, I just wish I could've done more to convice him." Straki said.
"You did all you could do, now please come home, you've been up all night."
"Oh all right." he said reluctently as he took one last look. He had just turned around to head back when he thought he heard something. He looked back straining to hear.
"Straki will you come on already." Jukco said.
"I thought I heard something."
"You're hearing things now come on."
"No wait I heard something too." Shasha said.
"Your both hearing things"
"Straki!" Jukco suddenly heard.
"Its..its Hachit"
"Well, well looks like he decided to come after all" Jukco said amused.
"Oh no he's hurt." Straki cried "Shasha go get your bag"
"One step ahead of you."

The outpost was in sight and with it safety, but Hachit did not stop running, despite that fact that his lungs and legs felt like they were burning. All he cared about was getting his daughter, who had fallen unconsious some time ago, within the outpost as quickly as possible. He could see Straki pacing in front of the gate, and called out to him. But he appearently didn't hear him as started to walk back inside. He called out again, this time Straki stopped and looked back, but looked unsure. Again he called out, this time he did hear him and saw him and started to run toward him. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his back, followed shortly by another. He fell immediately. No, so close...

"No!" Straki cried when he saw his friend fall with 2 arrows in his back. He reached him within seconds. "Easy my friend, Shasha coming with her healing bag she'll.."
"It's...too late for me...Straki" Hachit said weakly, couphing up blood.
"No, no its not, we'll see to that." he said as Shasha joined them, she immediately started accessing his wounds.
"No you must...take care of...Chiatsa first." he protested.
"No he's right my love, I can't do anything for him." Shasha said, tears in her eyes.
Shasha looked over Chiatsa, and started applying slaves and bandages to her.
"Will...she be...alright?"
"She will be fine, her wound only looks worse then it really is."
"Good" Hachit said with a smile. "Straki...I entrust you...and your mate...with her care. Please...do what you can... to keep Jukco from...making her a...mindless..killer."
"I vow to do my very best, my friend. May the guardians watch over your spirit in the spirit relim."
"Thank you Straki...Chiatsa" he said as he weakly took hold of her small hand, "I know you cannot hear me right now...but I want to let you know...that I'll always be with you...and that I love you...and always remember what I have...taught you."
And with a final breath, Hachit died.

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04-17-2001, 07:30 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Tacoma, WA
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Rep Power: 24
Osiris The Fleech  (12)

That's Really Good!
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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04-17-2001, 08:36 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
: 2,236
Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

Here's chap 1. Again sorry for the length.

Straki looked out worryingly over the horizon, just outside the gate to the outpost. It had been 12 cycles since Hachit died and despite all his efforts, Jukco had managed to turn Chiatsa into a ruethless warrior. I have failed you my friend. Despite all I've taught her, she still ended up following Jukco.
"Still no sign of them?" Shasha asked, breaking his train of thought.
"No." he replied saddly. There was a big battle that day and Jukco himself lend the charge. While it wasn't the nicest thing to wish, he often wished Jukco would get killed and Chiatsa would come back. Shasha must have read his thoughts.
"You're wishing for Jukco's death again aren't you? You know it's ill omen to wish that for any of our kind."
"I know, but sometimes I feel it's the only way to get Chiatsa away from him. She's constently by his side. And as long as she is, we can't undo what Jukco has done to her."
"I'm afraid she may be too deep into his beliefs by now, my love. If she can change for the better, I'm afraid she'll have to do it on her own."
"I was afraid you'd say that. Look here they come."
"And as usual they have casalities, I'll go get ready." Shasha said glumly and she headed back in.
Straki scanned the group of warriors looking for Jukco and Chiatsa. He saw Jukco, mounted on his Sharpclaw in the front of the group. For a while he couldn't see Chiatsa and his heart started to sink. Then he saw her lagging behind slightly. I hope she's not hurt...

Chiatsa slowed down for a moment, looking over her shoulder. Then she took a moment to straighten her armor. Stupid armor never has fit me right. It's a wonder I can even fight in this. she thought. Jukco must have noticed she had dropped back for he had turned around and headed toward her.
"Chiatsa, something wrong?" he asked when he was beside her.
"Of course not, just making sure we weren't followed." she replied.
"Even Alpakians know better then that. And I know you better then that. You want to go back and kill some more." he said with a small chuckle.
"Now whatever give you that idea?" she said with a mischievious grin.
"You are a true warrior Chiatsa." he laughed Unlike your coward of a father. he thought with discuss making a face.
"What is it?" she asked, noticing the face he made.
"Nothing, so how many Alpakians did you kill today?" he said changing the subject. The one thing I couldn't change about her was her opinion about her father. Despite what I've told her, she still refuses to except that he was a coward. Yes he did give his life to save her, but that wouldn't have had to do that if he hadn't left the guild in the first place. he thought, having to work hard to surpress a sneer.
Chiatsa thought a moment about the question he had asked her. "You know, I killed so many today I've lost count." she replied finally with a malicious grin.
"Thats what I like to hear." he laughed as they approached the gate. He shot an annoyed look at Straki as they passed. Can't he ever get it through his head that he lost?
"Chiatsa.." Straki started.
"Don't start Straki!" Chiatsa snapped as she shoved him away, "Get out of my way!"
Jukco laughed loudly as he said, "As soon as you get yourself cleaned up and have something to eat, I want to see you in my tent."
"Yes sir!" she said as she ran off, knowing it had to be good.
Jukco turned toward Straki for a moment. "I trust Shasha is prepared for the wounded?"
"Yes sir, she went to prepare as soon as she saw you come over the rise." Straki replied trying to hide how hurt he was at how Chiatsa had just treated him.
"Good, tell her that I will be by to talk to them later tonight." Jukco said as he rode off.
"Yes sir, I will."

Straki had managed to catch Chiatsa before she want to dinner.
"Chiatsa? Can I come in?" he asked as he peeked through the door to her tent. She had just finished taking off her armor and was wiping herself down.
"You might as well," she said with a snort,"Something tells me you've came in anyway."
Straki stepped in, shuddering slight at the sight of her battle scars. She was of a darker color then most of their kind, very dark green. There were lighter spots where her scars are. And her eyes were a bright yellow. Unlike most females she was heavily built, and if it wasn't for her thinner waistline and her breasts you could've easily mistaken her for a male. He pause a moment wondering where he should start.
"Well are you going to say something? I know you want to." she said shooting him an annoyed look as she put on clean leather tunic and loin cloth.
"Well for one thing what you did to me earlier was uncalled for, not to mention rude."
"So? You were in the way."
"Still it would have been the polite thing to do if you said 'excuse me'"
"There is no room for politeness during a war Straki!"
"That's Jukco talking and your father taught you better then that!"
Chiatsa suddenly turned toward him, muscles taunt and eyes blazing with fury and...pain? Straki couldn't tell. If there was one thing she hated was when someone mentions her father, despite what his/her intentions are. Even after all these cycles it still hurts her to think of her father. he thought.
"You know better then to say that!" she said voice shaking. Her whole body was trembling and her tail thrushed around like and aggitatied cat's. There was a hint of tears in her eyes.
Straki, knowing full well she could kill him if she really wanted to, walked over to her and embraced her. Her whole body collapsed as she accepted it and broke down into tears.
"Why do you have to keep reminding me?" she sobbed
"To remind you."
"But why, it hurts so much.."
"I know it hurts, but if you forget what happened in the past, you will be doomed to repeat it. Yes your father made a mistake in not coming back with me when he had the chance. A mistake that cost him his life and nearly yours. But he was willing to give his life to ensure you survived. And you know that."
"But why did he quit the guild? If he hadn't he may still be alive today."
"I know, he had his reasons, some I believe he never told me, and I will now never know."
"He didn't trust Jukco with me thats why." she said grimly.
"No he didn't, he didn't want you to become involved in the war I believe. I didn't either."
"Well that was ultimiately my choice now wasn't it?" she said with a snort, pushing herself away.
"Yes it was, unfortunately." he muddered under his breath as the dinner gong rang.
Chiatsa pushed passed him and exited the tent. Straki sighed sadly and followed.

Dinner time was more of a party, with everyone celibrating their recent victory. Some managed to get a hold of some beer and many were drinking themselves into a stupor. Straki disapproved. What if we are attacked tonight? Most of us would be too drunk or hangover to fight effectively. He noticed that Chiatsa was refusing drink offers, something he was grateful for. An odd thought came to him. Well if we are attacked at least someone would be able to fight. He noticed Jukco wasn't particupating either. Make that 2 not including me.
He also noticed Chiatsa wasn't sitting next to Jukco tonight, and the local single males (most of them drunk) were hitting on her, and she was starting to get annoyed. This could be trouble. Finally one of the males pushed her too far and she tossed him into one of the nearby tents. The other males got the hint left her alone. Thank the gods she didn't toss the poor fool into a pole or something. I'm glad she has some sense, she could've killed him. Jukco laughed at the scene and motioned for her to come with him. Oh gods what is he going to do to her now?

Chiatsa followed Jukco to his tent What does he want? she wondered. "What is it you wanted to see me for sir?" she asked.
"Well for starters I would like to say I've been very impressed with your performence over the last few battles. So impressed, I've decided to promote you."
Chiatsa stared at him, mouth open. "But sir I am already the highest rank I could be without displacing you."
"Not true, there's another rank. One that is reserved for the very best." With that he opened a bag and pulled out a large black bundle and tossed it to her. As she unfolded it her eyes got very wide.
"This is..."
"A Dragonskin suit, straight from the Dragonlands itself. Covered with silk dyed black. Now can you guess what rank uses that?"
"A..a...Shadowhunter*?" she stummered, she could barely believe this.
"That's right, you been promoted to Shadowhunter. Go ahead try it on."
With only a moments hesitation, Chiatsa nearly tore off her tunic and put on the suit. It completely covered her from the neck down, only her claws and her head weren't covered. The dragonskin felt cool next to hers, and was deceptively soft. She moved her limbs around testing it's flexiablity, it comformed to her body shape perfectly.
"Fits you like a glove." He finished for her, "Oh almost forgot, here." he toss her a much smaller bundle, a mask, "To complete the suit"
She put on the mask. It covered almost her whole face including her neck. There was an opening for her mouth and her eyes. There was also a small opening for her nose.
"I don't know what to say." she said
"Ah but I'm not done yet." he said as he pulled out sheathed sword and tossed it to her, "A Shadowhunter uses only the best weapons, and this is the best there is."
She unsheathed the sword. It was long and straight, its pomel was made of brass and was covered with black leather. The hilt was also brass and sported two prongs, one on side of the blade. The blade itself had an odd look to it, it looked like it was halfway transperet. Then it struck her.
"Why the blade is coated with Clearmetal*!"
"Thats right, it is also from the Dragonlands. Where only the dragons themselves have the ability to combine Clearmetal with other materials. And it will cut through anything, provided the user is strong enough."
"I really don't know what to say now."
"Well it won't matter cause your leaving for training in the Shadowhunter guild in the morning."
"So..."she said with malice in her voice, now over her shock, "this means I will be able to kill Alpakains at my lesure."
Jukco only nodded with a malicious smile on his face, and Chiatsa smiled back, she would have nothing better then that.

Shasha had just finished bandaging the last of wounded when Jukco came in. He motioned for her to leave, and with a sigh she left but she didn't go very far. She wanted to hear what he said to them. At once he started screaming at them.
"All your performences were pathitic today! You lot acted like a bunch of weaklings, not to mention your skills were sloppy! Why Chiatsa is better then the whole lot of you combined!"
This continued for sometime, and Shasha cringed at every degrading comment he made. He finally finished by saying "The lot of you had better improve or don't expect me and the others who are worth their salt to drag your sorry carcusses back!"
Shasha shuddered, to be left on the battlefield with scavengers picking at you is the worst why to die, Straki had told her. And she believed Jukco would resort to such measures. She jumped when Jukco burst out of the tent. He glared at her, he knew she had heard everything.
"You know.."she said weakly, "if you said something to encourge them once in a while, they would probaly fight better."
He suddenly went behind her and grabbed her, placing his claws at her throat. "Your place is to heal, not to give advice Shasha." he growled. She was scared, there was no one else outside so no one would know who killed her if he decided to do so.
"If you kill me you will have no one to heal your warriors." she managed to say.
"We can always get another healer," he laughed, "or we could do without and let the weak just die." he pressed his claws harder against her throat, drawing blood. Then suddenly he released her and she collapsed on the ground holding her throat. "Tell no one what has transpiered here tonight or else." he warned with a dangerous glint in his eye and walked off.
Shasha watched him disappear into the night. She started to sob with her face in her hands. He's gone mad. He's gone too far.

Chiatsa: so does this mean you'll be finally writing those last two chapters *glare*

Chiatsa, shuddup or I won't finish it at all, so there.

Chiatsa: *snort*

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04-18-2001, 04:33 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
: 2,236
Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

Chap 2 Warning, this chap contains a scene some may find disturbing

The morning gong rang, waking him from his restless sleep. Man I do NOT want to get up today. he thought as he sat up in his tent. More training, more them trying to get me to do want I don't want to do. he thought glumly as he stepped out of his tent and headed to the dinning area. As usual the dinning area was a madhouse, here if your not fast enough to get your share of the meal you go without. He deafly snatched up some fruit and a hunk of meat and calmly walked off, dodging other males as he went. Finding a relitively peaceful spot under a tree, he sat down and started to eat.
Blah, undercooked meat and overripe fruit again he thought with disgust, how do they expect us to stay in good health if they give us crap like this. I bet even the females eat better then this. Then he remembered what his superiors told them about what the females role was. Their role was to mine the ore within the Iron Mountians and to bear many sons. Then again maybe not. He looked at the mountians which towered over him. He pityed the females, forbidden to see sunlight, forever trapped within the tunnels of the mines. He also heard stories of males who betrayed the Alpakian race and were casterated and sent to work in the mines for the rest of their lives. He shuddered.
"Thinking of what goes on in the mountian again Sabono?" a voice asked.
Sabono jumped. "I wish you wouldn't scare me like that Xaner" he complained.
"Well someone has to wake you from dreamland." Xaner said with a smirk.
"Funny, so what are you doing in this part of camp Mr" he looked at Xaner's armor carefully, "4th rank"
"Well I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm here to warn you they are planning on testing you again today."
"Again?" he shuddered.
"Sabono, you are going to have to kill sometime or you'll be rank 1 all your life. Or..." he glanced at the mountian, "they'll but you in there."
"I am perfectly aware of that." Sabono said standing up.
"Sabono in terms of fighting skill you are the best, but in terms of deadlyness..."
"I know I'm as deadly as a blade of grass"
"Sabono, you really need to do it this time, Hasik himself will be watching."
"Hasik?" Now Sabono was really worried, Hasik is one of the most ruethless Alpakians around, and he doesn't take shit from no one.
"That's right, and if you fail today, Hasik might cull you himself."
"But I..."
"I know the first time is hard, but it gets easier each time. Trust me I know."
"But I don't ever want to be like that."
"Then you might as well kill self now, if you can even do that." Xaner said and he walked away.
Sabono watched Xaner leave and sat back down, trying to push back tears. What I am going to do? If I don't kill, I will be killed. And I don't want to die. I could ran away, but what good will that do me? The first Serian that spots me will kill me on sight, and if they don't get me, my own kind will hunt me down and kill me. There has to be more to life then this.

Straki was worried, its been nearly 8 moons* since he last saw Chiatsa and no one knew where she was. That and his mate has been acting strangely. She jumped everytime he came up behind her and has been strangely depressed. He also noticed a small scar on her neck, but everytime he asked where she got it, she would just say that she had a minor accident and that it was nothing to worry about. And lately she has been having nightmares.
"Oh please please don't I haven't told anyone I swear." she mubbled in her sleep one night as she thrushed in bed.
"Shasha wake up, your having a nightmare." he said shaking her. Her eyes flew open and she sat up with a scream.
"Easy Shasha your safe here at home."
"No no we not safe."
"What are you talking about? Shasha please you need to tell me what is wrong."
"Jukco, its Jukco" she finally said.
"What about Jukco? I know he's been acting more screwy lately."
With a sigh Shasha told him about the night Jukco threatened her.
"What!? He did this to you?"
Shasha nodded. "He's gone mad, he really has."
"What are we going to do? If we suddenly disappear he'll know you've told me and will come after us."
"There's something else. I had a different dream the other night. I vision I think. I've spent the last 2 days trying to decifer it."
"What?" Straki asked now curious, Shasha has been known to have visions, visions that always came true.
Shasha took a deep breath before she continued "There was battle raging between two warriors, one was clad in black, the other in steel."
"A Shadowhunter and a high ranking Alpakian warrior no doubt."
Shasha nodded and continued "Then they stop and just stare at each other, their eyes unblinking."
"The Calling*?" when she nodded he shook his head in disbelief "Alpakian don't have the ability to feel The Calling."
"This one did, he was different."
"Well that I will have to see to believe."
"Whatever, anyway to make the story short, they both make a break for the northern border. Toward the Dragonlands. However they are pursued by both sides and both are badly injured. Then they are surrounded."
"Ok go on."
"Then was a flash of silver and a roar of a dragon."
"That's when the dream ended."
"Man I hate it when they leave you at a cliffhanger like that."
"I know, that last part was pretty hazy, like it was only a possiblity it will happen that way."
"Did you figure out who the Shadowhunter was?"
"No, but I did get the feeling it was someone we both care about."
Straki layed back deep in thought Could it be Chiatsa? he mused. No it can't be, she isn't a Shadowhunter. Unless Jukco recently promoted her. That would explain why she disappeared all fo a sudden, it is a secritive guild, and she would have had to go though training. I hope she is all right.

Sabono was terrified, here he was along with five other males who were considered 'ready' to achieve their second rank on the training grounds (or the slaughter grounds as some called it). And as Xaner had said, Hasik was there, standing on the other side in his full plate armor. His battle scars could be plainly seen, including two scars running parallel to each other on his face. His tail looked like it was chewed on by a Miniclaw* (though anyone who teased him about it quickly lost their head he heard). He stepped out into the circle of the training ground, clearing his voice.
"Alright you weaklings!" he boomed "Today is the day some of you will prove yourselves worthy of the second rank. You have two tests and you have to pass both tests to acheive your second rank. The first is the test of skill, where your fighting skills will be evaluated. The second is the test of how well you can kill." Sabono glupped subconsiously "Now I have heard that some you are a bit squimish about that part. So I will give you fair warning, if you do not pass, I will kill you myself. And don't think of running or sneaking away for that will be considered cowardus and you will be hunted down and excocuted publicily. Now let us begin!"
So began the first test. There were two parts to it, hand to hand and with weapons. Two males didn't pass with one being so bad he was killed on the spot. Sabono had just completed the hand to hand portion and was about start the second part.
"Hold I will test this one myself" Hasik said taking off his armor.
Sabono gasped as Hasik enter the training circle, he was huge!
"Better fight with all your heart kid, I won't be easy on you." he said with a snear as he accepted he sword.
With that Hasik swung at him, Sabono was barely able to bring up his sword in time to block the blow. Geez he's both fast and strong. All he did for the first few moments was block and dodge.
"You better make an attack kid or I will kill you." he threated.
Seeing no other recourse Sabono attacked, one which Hasik blocked easily.
"You'll have to do better then that." he laughed.
The fight went on for quite some time. Sabono got some light wounds for not being quite fast enough, but nothing serious. He hadn't even scratched Hasik, who was still going strong, while he was exhausted. Geez when is he going to say I passed or not? What is he looking for? Still the fight went on, until by some mircule he landed a blow to Hasik's arm. It wasn't a serious wound, but Hasik looked it in shock. Sabono looked at him, wondering what he'll do next. He wasn't sure if he could block another attack, since he was so tired. Then Hasik started to laugh.
"You pass kid." he said as he turned to exit the training circle. "Prepare for the next test!"

Everyone was allowed to rest before the next test started, so Xaner took the opportunaty to check on Sabono. He found him sitting under a tree.
"Hey man that was a really impressive fight there." he said.
"Thank you." Sabono managed to say.
"Boy you look beat, here have some water." he offered him a water skin and as Sabono drank he continued "Even Hasik was impressed."
"Bet he was, but he probaly won't be when the next test starts."
"Huh you mean you still don't think you can do it? Sabono you heard what Hasik said, he'll kill you if you don't."
"I know. I don't know what to do."
Xaner looked at him straight in the eyes "You KNOW what you have to do." and with that he walked away.

It seemed like everyone from the higher ranks was there for the second test. Again Hasik was there, his arm bandaged. Not far away there was a cage of prisoners, destined for death. Sabono shuddered. Hasik ordered one of the prisoners to be taken out, a young male, no more then 10 cycles old. The boy was brought in front of Hasik, who spoke.
"Now the second test is really simple, all you have to do is kill your target." he said as he unsheathed his sword. The boy whimpered, and trying to crawl away but Hasik stepped on his tail preventing him from going far and raised his sword.
Oh god he's going too...Sabono couldn't finish the thought.
"Like this!" Hasik brought down the sword with murderous intent. The boy didn't have a chance, Hasik's blade cleanly severed his head off. Blood splattered everyware and everyone cheered, except Sabono who felt sick.
Hasik ordered another prisioner taken out of the cage, this time an old male. He was chained to two posts in the center of the circle. Hasik looked along the line of the remaining 'testee's'. Oh please not me first. To his horror Hasik stopped front of him and smiled.
"You first kid."
Nooo! he thought as Hasik put a sword in his hands and pushed him toward the prisoner. Sabono to look at Xaner who only gave him a 'you better do it' look. Fighting back tears, he approached the old male. Hasik was right behind him.
"You better not take long," he growled in his ear, "or my blade will taste more blood...yours."
Sabono hesitated a moment, then he heard what he thought was the unsheathing of a sword behind him. Then without further hesitation, he pulled back his sword and with a heavy heart ran the sword through the old male. For a moment there eyes meet.
"I'm sorry" Sabono whispered tears in his eyes. The old male nodded slightly and then slumped against the chains, dead. Sabono fell to his knees not believing what he had just done, he looked at his hands which were covered in blood.
"Well done kid, you even made sure he lived for a few moments before he died. Thats the level of cruelity I like." Hasik said with a laugh.
Cruelity!? I thought I was being merciful! he thought, shocked.
"Xaner! Take him to his new tent and get him the proper armor for his new rank! And get him washed up!"
"Right away sir!"
Sabono didn't notice Xaner taking leading him away from the training grounds, he was in too much of a shock to notice anything.

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04-18-2001, 11:46 AM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)

well, I think a fanfict even if it´s a non Ow fanfict dont belonge here. Perhaps you can post your non OW fanfict in the fancorner, too.
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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04-19-2001, 02:27 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

sorry, but Fan Corner is strictly for OW related stuff, as is the General section. That is why I am posting this in Off Topic Here's the next chap.

Chiatsa stopped a moment to scan her surroundings. It's been a half moon since she finished Shadowhunter training and she was still getting used to being on her own. Well she wasn't quite alone, she had come across another Shadowhunter about a quarter moon* ago and he had tagged along with her ever since. She hasn't quite decided wether or not she liked him. He kept calling her 'Scarface' (after the first time he saw the scar on her face), dispite her warnings not too, so at the moment it was leening toward 'dislike'. Plus she had a feeling he wanted more then companionship.
"Why are we stopping again Scarface?" he said annoyingly "I told you, Alpakians always take the paths through the forest, they never cut through the forest itself."
"And I've told you, my name's Chiatsa." she growled.
"Yeah but Scarface suits you much better."
"Oh shut up Shinik!"
Shinik just grinned at her with mischievously (they don't show their teeth when they smile because it's considered a threat if you do). Unlike most Serians, he had orange eyes and light green (almost yellow-green) skin which showed through the gaps of his suit and he was a bit taller. He must have some Terrikian* blood in him. she thought. She also noticed (with great pride) that his armor and weapon wasn't as good a quality as hers.
"You are too cautious." he sighed.
"Better to be too cautious then to be overconfident and get yourself killed." she countered.
"But then there's not as much excitement."
"What is it with you? Do you have a death wish?"
"Oh forget it, lets just move on."
"Now your talking."
They continued on for awhile, moving sliently. Occasionally they would both stop when one or both of them thought they heard sometime, but it always turned out to be nothing. Doesn't anything live in this forest? Chiatsa thought at one point. Sure she'd seen small game, but nothing big like a Sharpclaw. It's like they killed off all the large game in here. Then sometime late in the afternoon, she stopped so suddenly that Shinik bumped into her.
"Clumsy fool watch where you are going." she snapped.
"Well excuuussseee me. So why are we stopping this time Scarface."
"If you shut up a moment you'll find out, don't you hear it?"
Shinik shut up and listened, it took him a moment to realize what she was talking about.
"Why that's.."
"Water and you know what that means?"
"Bath time!" she yipped as she ran toward the source of the sound.
"What! Are you crazy!?" he yelled as he ran after her. "We're not supposed to expose ourselves like that, especially in Alpakian terratory!"
"Well..." she paused a moment to think, "What good is stealth if they can smell you a lemi away?"
"Hmmm valid point. Race you!" he said as he ran past her.
They both ran the rest of the distance and stopped just before the forest ended. There before them was a fairly large pond with a waterfall and a stream leading away from it. They both checked for danger before they stepped out of the forest completely.
"Cool looks deep enough to swim in." Shinik mused.
"Yep" Chiatsa replied as she started to remove her suit and paused.
"Remember we are here to take a bath, nothing more. If you try ANYTHING..."
"I get the picture, sheesh your no fun." he mumbled as he took off his own suit and waded in.
Chiatsa finished removing her suit and joined him, watching his every move.
"Sheesh I told you I won't try anything, stop watching me like a mindcaller already." he said, annoyed.
Chiatsa sighed as she waded in deeper, the water reaching her waist. She dove under a moment, her nikating membrens* sliding across her eyes instintively. The water was somewhat murky so she couldn't see very far. She surfaced and started to rub her skin to get any dirt and sweat off. She felt awfully alone all of a sudden and she looked around to find Shinik, she couldn't see him.
Where is he? she thought annoyed and yes a little frightened. Suddenly something touch her in the place NO one is supposed to touch her. She jumped and screamed and then growled as Shinik surfaced in front of her laughing histartically.
"You should've seen your face." he barely said between laughs.
"You..yoooouuuu..." she growled as she backhanded him across the nose (which is a VERY sensitive place). "Pervert!"
"YEEOOOUUUCCCHHH!" he yelped as he held his nose, "jeez its not like a penetrated you or anything." he whined.
"If you ever try something like that again I'll rip your balls off." she growled.
"Eep ok ok I won't try anything like that again."
Chiatsa snorted and walked over to her suit, turned it inside out and started to wash it.
"Hey isn't that Dragonskin?" he asked, surprized.
"Yes." she pause a moment, "Wait a minute, you don't have Dragonskin in your suit?"
"No I only have the black silk."
"I didn't know that, I thought all Shadowhunters had it."
"Nope, only a select few get it. Your superior must have thought you were special."
"Must have." she said quietly, thinking. What does Jukco think is so special about me?

Sabono appsolutely hated this. Sure, I have better food, armor, and weapons but at what cost? he thought grimly. He couldn't get that day out of his head, the day he was forced to kill a defenceless male at the treat of his own death. He had nightmares every night about it. At least this new training is giving me something else to think about. he mused, though it didn't help much. With his new rank they started giving him field training, stuff like wildness survival and such. They also touched on fighting tactics in a group, which he was doing now. And he found something else he hated: marching.
"I don't think my feet will ever be the same." he groaned as he rubbed his feet when they had stopped for a rest.
"Your telling me?" a nearby male said.
"QUIET!" the instructor boomed as he walked along the ranks. There weren't many in this group, only about 20 males including Sabono. 6 of them were of higher rank including the instructor, and they were all badgering them.
"You are all a bunch of worthless wimps!" one of them said.
Sheesh how movitivating. Sabono thought. Then he noticed the instructor had stopped to look at something.
"What is it sir." one of the higher ranking males asked.
"Someones been through here recently." he said fingering a broken stem of a fern.
"It could've have been one of the group sir," another said, the whole group listening now.
"No..it is just old enough to count us out. You!" he pointed at one of the higher ranking males, "stay here with our useless trainees here, while the rest of us check this out."
"Yes sir!" the male said as the rest of the higher ranking males followed the trail. After a moment he said, "You all keep quiet now, we don't know whats out there."
"What could be out there?" someone asked.
"Shadowhunters for one."
"Who or what are they?" the same male asked.
"Well, according to myth they are very high ranking Serian warriors."
"It's been said that no one has survived an encounter with them."
Their THAT good? Sabono thought, a little frightened now.
Appaerently the male noticed the fear in their faces for they said, "Heh don't worry you wimps, its only a..."
He was suddenly interupted by sounds of battle and screaming. Only the owners of the screams were of their group. The male was clearly shaken.
"It it can't be true, it can't be." he stammered.
Now who's the wimp? Sabono thought as he strained to hear whats going on. The screams ended almost as quickly as they began. They listened intently, fearing whatever it was was coming their way.

"They never stray from the paths you said." Chiatsa growled as they walked back they way they came. They had just finished puting theirs suits back on when five Alpakians came upon them. The even though the fight last only a few moments, Chiatsa was still aggitigated.
"Ok so I was wrong everybody is wrong at least once in your life." Shinik whined, his nose was still throbbing from the blow she gave him before. "Besides, its your fault."
"My fault! How is it my fault!?" she growled.
"Well you're the one who started to run carelessly through the woods and not making sure you're not leaving a trail."
"Well if I remember correctly, you were running right with me, so its both our faults!" she suddenly stopped...

Sabono wasn't sure if he was impressed or terrified by what he saw. Barely a moment ago, two black clad figures stepped into the small clearing they were in. They had stopped and looked as surprized as they were in seeing them. One had orange eyes and a heavy build, the other had bright yellow eyes, was slightly less built and was shorter. Both carried swords that were covered with blood. The..they must be the ones who killed the others. he thought, shaking. Meanwhile their 'guard' had turned very pale.
"Sha..sha..shadowhunters!" he said dropping his sword.
One of them, the taller one with orange eyes, suddenly smiled, showing his teeth.
"Boo!" he yelled.
Unable to take it the male took off running screaming as he went. There was a small puddle of piss where he once stood. Coward. Sabono thought. Both of the Shadowhunters were laughing now.
"How pathitic! You would think they would have more balls then that!" the taller one said.
The other just smiled and looked at the remainder of the group with dangerous glint in his eye(Sabono automaticly assumed they were both male).
"Come on, these guys are rookies, not worth the effort." the taller one said.
"Todays rookies, are tomorrows mass murders." the other snorted.
What!? Mass murders!? Sabono thought shocked.
"Look we'll kill them some other time alright, lets go I'm getting hungry." he complained.
"Oh alright!" the yellow eyed one looked at them growling, "consider this a reprive, you won't be so lucky next time!"
Then they both stepped back into the forest and disappeared.
Sabono sat, shaking he wasn't sure what to do. No one did.
"What do we do now? What if they come back?" one asked.
"I guess we try to head back on our own." Sabono managed to say, his voice shaking.
"How? The only high ranking male that was left has fled."
"Well ah.." he started thinking, then he remembered what the instructor saw to spot the trail the Shadowhunters used, "we follow the trail we made on our way here back."
"I don't see a trail." one said looking back.
"We'll find it, but we have to work together." he said as he walked over to the forest edge where they orginialy came out. He looked carefully, then he spotted a scraped branch, "This way."
"How can we trust you?"
"Look either you can trust me or sit here waiting for the Shadowhunters to come back."
That got them going and they all started slowing and painfully make their way home.

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04-20-2001, 03:27 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

is anyone still reading this? I know each chap is long.

"So who's doing first watch tonight?" Shinik said after he and Chiatsa started settling down for the night.
"You" Chiatsa answered.
"Ack! But I did first watch last night!"
"Well shouldn't we be taking turns like we usually do?"
"Normally yes, but...One, you asked. Two, I still need to get you back for that 'stunt' you pulled earlier today."
"You're still uptight about that! Sheesh talk about a grudge."
"Whatever. Now shut up and let me sleep." Chiatsa said as she climbed a tree and layed down.
Shinik sat quietly for a moment, then a thought occured to him.
"Hey Chiatsa?"
"What?" she growled.
"Well I just realized that today was the first time I've really seen you fight."
"Well I could be giving you too much praise here but you fight with the fieriousity of a dragon."
"Yes, you had cut down three of those warriors before I had even killed one."
"Well thats because you attacked the highest ranking one first."
"I did?"
"Yep, he was rank 7 or so, the rest were only rank 5."
"Geez talk about just plain dumb luck."
"Yep." Chiatsa chuckled.
"Your sword must be really sharp too, you were cutting right through their armor."
"Yep it's coated with Clearmetal."
"What!? Boy are you the priviledged one. Where did that stuff come from anyway?"
Chiatsa merrly chuckled and fell asleep, leaving Shinik's question hanging.

It had taken the rest of the day and late into the night for Sabono and the rest of the group to make it back. But before they were allowed to get some food and sleep, they were grilled by their superiors.
"How many were there?" one asked.
"Two sir." Sabono answered.
"Describe them"
"Yes sir. One was fairly tall with a heavy build and orange eyes. The other was shorter with a lighter build and bright yellow eyes. Both wore only what seemed to be a black suit made of silk that covered them from head to toe. Both carried swords, one was Serian make, the other I have know idea what make it was."
"Describe it."
"Yes sir. The blade was about 3 feet long, hilt made of brass. The blade had an odd look to it."
"How so?"
"Well sir it looked like steel but coated with something else, it looked halfway transperent."
The male looked shocked for a moment, then continued. "Do you see them kill the others."
"No sir."
"You said one of the assistent males was left to guard you and the others. What became of him?"
"Well sir, when the Shadowhunters came he turned and fled. Haven't seen him since."
The male scowled at this. "When the Shadowhunters saw you what did they do?"
"For a moment they just stared at us, then one of them looked like he was about to attack us."
"The other said to leave us 'cause we weren't worth the trouble."
"Hmm, very well that will be all. You may go now."
"Thank you sir." Sabono said gratefully and exited the tent.
The male that had interogated him also exited and went into a nearby tent, where Hasik was waiting. After recanting what he'd been told, Hasik said:
"This can be bad if the Serians are truely starting to get their weapons from the Dragonlands."
"Yes sir." the male said.
"Did all of them give such a detailed descripation?"
"No sir, only the last one did. The rest could only give vague information."
"Hmm, are you sure he didn't make it up?"
"Positive sir."
"What was the youths name?"
"Uh I believe it was Sabono sir. He was the one you tested yourself recently I believe."
"Sabono huh? Well then have him promoted to the 3rd rank. Someone that is that observet is quiet valuable."
"Yes sir! Right away sir!" the male said and exited the tent while Hasik sat and thought. Well now, he is turning out to be worth something after all, unlike the others.

Meanwhile Sabono was laying in his hamock thinking. He couldn't get what that one Shadowhunter had said. What did he mean by 'mass murders'? Sure we kill when we fight and take prisioners to use for the first rank test, but what else could he had meant. He was imaging him in his head, going over the insendent, but now he noticed something different about one of them. That one, with the yellow eyes, his body wasn't quite like the other. He was thinner at the waist then he ought to be. I can't quite place why. And those eyes, they seemed to be...draw me in? It doesn't make sense. Suddenly there was a knock on the tent door, making him jump. It was Xaner.
"Yoh! Lucky one! Your moving again!" he said.
"Huh why?" Sabono asked confused.
"You've been promoted. Again."
"What!? What did I do?"
"Well word is that you impressed Hasik with your observation skills. Not to mention surviving a Shadowhunter encounter."
"Really?" Sabono said, stepping out of his tent.
"Yep, now gather your things, I'm taking you to your new 'home'"
Sabono quickly gathered his few belongings and follow Xaner to his new tent. He still couldn't get the image of the one Shadowhunter out of his head. What is it with that one?

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04-22-2001, 03:21 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

This will be the last full chap I will be posting. I will post only parts of the rest(teasers in other words )

Another rank, another set of training. Sabono groaned quietly. It's been about a half moon since he had been promoted, and he now was a part of the patrol squad. Patroling he didn't mind, it was a chance to get away from the camp and the instructors. Plus the other males in the patrol group he was in didn't badger him, instead they told stories and jokes, basically getting to know each other. He and the others would patrol for half the day, then spend the rest of the day learning the basics of smithing in the mountain. He hated that, it was always too hot in the caves and the smell of sulfar made him gag. Not to mention he sweated in places he didn't know he had.
"How can anyone stand to work in here?" he whispered to Teran, one of his patroling buddies.
"You ask that every time we come in here and I've told you you just get used to it." he whispered back, somewhat annoyed.
"Still I don't see how, I mean I'm roasting here."
Teran chuckled softly and motioned to pay attention to the instructor, who was going over how to purify the iron ore. He seemed a bit aggitiated, he kept pacing, like he was waiting for something. I wonder what gotten into him? Sabono wondered when the wooden door behind the instructor opened.
In the door was a large wooden cart filled with raw ore. Behind it was female, the first Sabono had ever seen. She didn't look to well either, her skin was sagging barely staying on her bones. She was sickly thin and had numerous scars. Her red eyes were dull with no spirit in them. And she was starting to get gray on her brow, nose, and chin. She was straining against the cart, desperate to get it into the room fully. Sabono noticed behind her, was a small child, no more then 5 cycles old and fairly healthy looking, closely following and holding on to her tail. Sabono's stomach felt like it tied itself into a knot.
After what seemed like forever, the female had finally pushed the cart up to a bin near the center of the room. The whole time the instructor was watching her, scowling.
"This shipment was supposed to be in this mourning." he growled at her. She cringed at his glare as she started to unload the cart, her heavely calused hands trembling. Suddenly she fell against the cart, barely hanging on to it, her hand clunching her chest.
"Did anyone tell you you could rest!" the instructor screamed, grabbing a whip.
The female struggled to get up, but couldn't. Sabono could she the pain and fear in her eyes as the instructor loomed over her and started to stike her with his whip. The child, frightened, ran back though the doorway where they came from.
Sabono was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He started to step toward the scene but Teran held him back.
"Obviously this is the first time you've seen this." he said, "It's suppost to be like this. The females know their place and if they screw up they get punished."
Sabono looked back at his 'friend' who only had an indifferent look on his face. He glanced at the others in the group, hoping someone else felt the same way he did, but all he saw was more indifferent looks, with one even laughing at the scene. He started to feel sick.
All this time the instructor had continued to whip the fallen female, until finally the female lay still, the life gone from her eyes. It took a moment for the instructor to realized she was dead.
"Crap." he mumbled, with an annoyed look on his face. he grabbed her body by a leg dragged it to the door, and unceramonisly threw it outside. "Other one dead!" he called out. Then he went back to the group and continued where he left off, as if nothing had happened.

Chiatsa and Shinik walked along the path just outside the forest. They were getting low on supplies so they were heading to the nearest Serian village to stock up.
"Its been too slow lately. We haven't killed any Alpakians since those five at the waterfall." Chiatsa said, somewhat annoyed.
"I know, I wonder what their up too?" Shinik said.
"What do u mean?"
"Well in my experence, whenever its been hard to find Alpakians, it usually means they are about to do something big."
"Like what?"
"Can never tell, usually its either they mount an attack on an outpost or raid some villages."
"Can't we report when it's been slow for us so they can prepare?"
"We thought of that, but the thing is by the time we really notice it and get word to the outposts the Alpakians have already done what they were planning to do."
"That sucks."
"I know."
"How much further to the village?"
"It should be just over this...hill, oh no."
Chiatsa and Shinik stood shocked at what they saw. The village had been attacked and it didnt look like there was a living soul around. They both dropped into stealth mode and causiously entered the remains of the village. Most of the huts were burned down, the bodies of males, females, and children where everywhere. Chiatsa had to fight to keep from gaging at the way they were slain. They searched the village in vain, hoping for survivors, but there was none.
"Hey Shinik." Chiatsa called.
"Yes?" he answered.
"I just noticed something, all the females here are either very old or very young. Whats up with that?"
"Crap they took prisoners."
"I didn't think they took prisoners."
"They do, mostly young females. To turn them into combubines from what I heard."
Chiatsa shuddered. To her, and to many other females, that was a fate worse then death. It was one reason why not many females joined the warrior guild. "It doesn't look like well be getting any supplies here." she said, her voice trembling.
"No, we won't but before we leave we should send a message to the nearest outpost about this, do you have the whistle?"
"Yes" she dug into her pack and pulled out a small whistle and handed it to him. He blew the whistle and within moments a mindcaller came. Chiatsa had seen many of the small dragon like creatures in her life and they come in many colors, this one was blue. She invited it to sit on her arm. It accepted and chirped happyly as she scratched it under its chin while Shinik wrote the message for it to carry. It looks more like a wyvern then an actual dragon and it stood only a foot tall. Its blue leathery skin shimmered in the sunlight as it waited patently.
"Take this the ranking male in the nearest outpost please." Shinik finally said rolling up the message and handed it to the mindcaller. It took the message in its mouth and flew off. "Now lets get out of here."
"Shouldn't we attend to the dead?" Chiatsa asked.
"They'll send some folk out to do that, its not our place to do so." Shinik answered as he started to walk out of the village.
Chiatsa with a heavy sigh, followed him.

Sabono layed in his tent, unable to forget what he saw that day. How can my own people be so cruel? he thought when there was a knock at his tent.
"Who is it?" he called out.
"Yo Sabono you're missing the party!" he heard Xaner answer.
"What party?"
"You didn't know? Well its in celebration of our lastest victory." Xaner said as he came in.
"I didn't know there was a battle."
"Nope no battle, just a raid on a village."
Sabono's mouth suddenly went dry. "A village?"
"Yep got some good quality future pleasure females for the high rankers, too."
"You mean there weren't any warriors in the village?"
"Nope, I told ya it was just a raid."
Sabono layed back down again, feeling very sick.
"Yo you ok there?"
"Huh why? Was it something you ate?"
"No its just that this whole business of killing non-combatents and...and the way our own females are treated is just to much for me to stomach."
Xaner stared at him for a moment, not believing what he just heard.
"Just what is wrong with you huh? Did they leave you with your mother too long or what? Whats with this...this dispicable behavor of yours!?"
"I..I don't know." Sabono said, cringing at Xaner's words.
"Well you better stamp those feelings out quick 'cause if Hasik, or any other high ranker for that matter, finds out what you just said, you WILL be culled for weakness!" with that Xaner stormed out of his tent, leaving Sabono shaking with fear. Why? Why AM I so different from the others? Why?

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04-25-2001, 03:38 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Like i said, i will only be posting parts of the remaining chaps. Hehe just to get you asking for the whole thing, MWHAHAHAHAHAAHA!
Heres the parts to chaps 6 - 10.

Chapter 6

Sabono, by pure chance had decided to look behind him when he saw the two Shadowhunters running up behind him.
"Look out!" he cried.
"Huh? OH SHI..." one didn't get to finish his sentence as his head was cut off. Other was run though before he could even draw his sword.
Sabono was in the middle of the chaos, sword drawn totally confused, then he realized he'd seen these two before. Oh crap, its the same two from before.
It wasn't long before he was the only one left. I'm dead he thought.
"This one is mine!" the one with yellow eyes said.
"Hey you had your three, this one is mine!" the other complaned.
"Sorry you took too long with your first two." the yellow eyed one said as she charged him.
"Why you greedy $%%^@."
The Shadowhunter's sword slashed at him, Sabono instinctively dodge it and counterattacked. The Shadow hunter blocked it and attacked again. He blocked and again counterattacked. This went on for about a min.
"Looks like I got a challage for once!" the Shadowhunter called back to its companion.
"Humphf! Well if you need any help just ask." the other grumbled.
The fight continued on for a bit more. Then the Shadowhunter said, "I grow bored of this." and with one swift motion, cut Sabono's sword in two.
Sabono stared at his broken sword. Impossible Then the wind was knocked out of him as he was kicked against a tree and he sat on the ground, trying to regain his breath.
"This ends now!" the Shadowhuner growled as it raised it's sword for the death blow. It was that moment their eyes meet....

Chapter 7

Hasik paced angerly in his tent How could that little brat have survived! he thought fuming. He remember that day when he killed the kids father. I'm sure I give that kid a fatal wound. No matter, if I see her, I'll finish her off my self! No... he sat as a new plan occured to him. Instead, if I catch her and breed her...just think of all the strong sons she could produce! Sons worthy of my attention! Unlike all my other sons. Only one has shown some promise but he may prove yet to be too soft hearted. Yes, thats what I'll do, I will find her, catch her, and make her my own personal breeder! His laugh could be heard through out the camp.

Sabono didn't know why he was feeling depressed lately. But he did know Xaner's constent questioning about it was getting on his nerves. Being of the 4th rank now, he had to patrol with Xaner, who he despesed since the tongue lashing he gave him.
"So just want is eating you lately, Sabono?" Xaner asked for what seemed like the thousandth time.
"I've told you I don't know." he asked with growl.
"Well you don't have to growl at me."
"Why not! You keep asking me the same question over and over again! You would get annoyed too!"
"Whatever, now you stay here while I go relieve myself." Xaner said as he went into the bushes.
"Whatever back at you." Sabono scowled folding his arms across his crest.
"May aren't we testy today." a voice said behind him.
Sabono turned around and saw a Shadowhunter sitting in a tree behind him...

Chapter 8

"Don't you guys feel lonely?" Sabono asked as he watched them set of the small camp.
Shinik paused a moment before he answered, "Yes, yes we do. We miss our friends and our families, its hard not knowing whether or not they are still alive." he said with a hint of saddness in his voice.
"If you feel that way then why do you come out here?"
"Because," Chiatsa started, "If the Alpakian we kill today would've been the one that would've kill another one of our children or rape one of our females tomorrow, then any amount of loniness and saddness is worth it."
Sabono, a bit taken back by her answer, decided not to ask any more questions for a while...

Chapter 9

"I was only 8 at the time, an Alpakian warrior attacked our home. Dad was fighting him and I tried to help by biting the creeps tail. But I got this for my effort," she pointed to the scar, "The last thing I remember was seeing Dad swipe the warrior across the face with his claws and picked me up. Then I blacked out. When I woke up again...." she tried to surpress a sob, "my father was dead, shot in the back twice just before...he had reached...the outpost." She broke down into sobs. Sabono embraced her, trying to comfort her.
"I'm sorry." he said. Then he remembered something Teran had told him not long ago. Could he..could Hasik be the one who killed her father? Then he remember that he had told Hasik Chiatsa's name, and his reaction to it. It has to be, it would be too much of a conwinadence not to be. If so, he would be looking for her, to finish what he had started. If he does find her, how am I to protect her?
"Your body feels so warm." Chiatsa suddenly said, breaking his chain of thought.
"Uh thank you." he said as he looked down at her. She had stopped crying and was resting comfortablely on his chest. She had started to purr and she looked back up at him. Then she kissed him on the lips, and with a purr of his own eagerly accepted it and replied with his own...

Chapter 10

Shinik was in trouble, not only was he being attacked by several Alpakians, but he was still dazzed from before. Lets see one, three, six...oh crap there's to many for me to handle on my own! He looked for a way to escape, but his back was to the cliff face and he was surrounded on all other sides. What are they doing? They're just standing there.
He got his answer when a hugh male stepped through the half circle of warriors, followed by a smaller one, who looked awfully familar. Thats the one handed dude from yesterday. And the other...oh gods! That's a general! I'm dead.
"Is this one of the ones you saw yesterday?" the general asked the one handed male.
"Yes sir, thats the one that Sabono kept me from killing."
"Well then," the general spoke to Shinik, "where is the female Shadowhunter Chiatsa? The one that was with you yesterday."
How did he know her name!? "How should I know, we don't exactly hang around each other. Besides, even if I knew who you were talking about, why should I tell you?" Shinik growled.
"We have information that states that you DO know her and that you DO stay together. Now as for why you should tell me what I need to know, I believe the answer is obvious. You are against impossible odds at the moment."
"Humpf! I would gladly die to protect my kin!" Shinik said as he charged the line of warriors.
"As you wish! Attack!"

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04-25-2001, 09:30 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Here's more chapter teasers, hehe

Chapter 11

Chiatsa slowly became consious. She tried to open her eyes, but the stuff that was thrown into them earlier was still burned them. She tried to move, but she found she couldn't. She eventrally determined that she was being suspended from the ceiling in some kind of room by her hands and legs. Her hands were hanging above her, while her legs were bent back at an unconfortable angle. And it was quite hot, and she could tell from the way she was sweating that she had been stripped of all of her clothing. What Shinik had told her before at the burnt out village immediately came to mind. Oh gods no, I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this. Then she remembered Oh Sabono, Shinik I hope you two managed to get away. Oh Sabono, I am so sorry, I let my rage and lust for revenage get to me. I pray you are all right. Her thoughts were broken by a familar voice, a voice from her past...

...Sabono felt new strength in his muscles and rage. He didn't care where it came from, he just knew he had to escape and punish the one hurting his mate. He strained harder against the chains and with a sudden snap they broke and he was free. Xaner looked at him in shock and backed away.
"Im...impossible..." he staggered as he backed away from him. He could see nothing but pure unbrideled fury and rage in Sabono's eyes. He continued to back away and forgot about the lava. He tripped and fell in and he screamed in pain as the lava consumed him.
Sabono stayed for only a moment, then he ran off toward the direction of Chiatsa's scream...

Chapter 12

...For the next few moments Chiatsa heard the sounds of fighting. She couldn't tell who was winning. Once in awhile they would come very close to her and she was afraid they would ram into her, but they never did. She could hear the sounds of chains being struck against flesh. Then finally she heard a loud crack then a thud as one of the combatents fell to the ground. She stayed still, not sure if it was her rescuer that won or not. She could hear him breathing heavely and approach her. She tensed up, not sure what was about to happen next. The she felt a gentle touch on her face...

Chapter 13

The next few days went unexpectedly smooth. They were expecting to encounter patrols but they never did. Once in a while they would hear warriors behind them, but they always stopped hearing them after a few moments. They thought it was a bit strange but they carried on. Right now they were traveling in a dense forest and the path was quite bumpy.
"Hey could you take it easy over those bumps, we're trying to sleep here." Sabono complained.
"Look I'm doing the best I can here. Do you think this is any easier on my rear?" Teran replied, "Oh crap."
"Crossroads, and I have no idea which one to take."
"Take the East path." Chiatsa said, "Thats your safest bet."
"True but the only thing is that theres no sun out today. And even if it was it would be difficult to detreme direction because of all the trees."
"Oh crud."
"Well just pick one, we can't stay here, sitting around like idiots." Sabono said.
"Well ok. Ennie, meenie..."
"Take the right path." an annoyed voice said.
"Huh? How do you kn....AAAHHH!" Teran screamed when looked to see who owned the voice.
"What? what is it? EEK!" Sabono had peeked out from under the tarp to see what scared Teran when he saw a Shadowhunter perched on the side of the cart...

Chapter 14

Even though she felt like she was looking in fog bank, since her eyes weren't completely healed, she still reconized the place of her youth. She walked along side it, touching the ruined walls. She could feel the memories coming back to her. Oh father.. she thought, I miss you so much. She stepped inside the doorway and looked around, there were several young pear trees growing where the table once was. She remembered how they got there. You always were thinking of new ways to try to get me to eat my fruit, and I was always thinking of ways to avoid eating them. she chuckled at the memory. She started to head into her old bedroom when her foot brushed against something. She knelt down and brushed away the debris to see what it was. She gasped at what she saw...

Chapter 15

Where is he!? Jukco thought as he paced the small clearing, He does this just to torment me, I swear! He was deep into Alpakian terratory and he didn't like being out here by himself, still it was the only way he could get what he so desprately wanted. He looked at his hand, and saw it twitch ever so slightly. Damnit, the effects are already starting to ware off and I just ate the last one this mourning! The effects have been waring off too quickly lately. He looked up when he heard a rustle in the nearby trees. He put his hand over the hilt of the sword, he didn't know if it was his contact or something else...

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