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12-06-2007, 03:13 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Dikky, tsk tsk, you're kinda godmoddling by doing all of that stuff on Fromage without letting him do anything about it, I mean he isn't unconscious like the last guy. Plus his arm kinda just slots into place, no need to stick a needle through him. And the spine thing kinda seems too violent, but oh well. Srry, I'm feeling nitpicky.

...Oh wait, Fromage is unconscious. :PWell he's still gonna wake up.

(Barracks, medical hut)
Fromage came round, but only because someone was driving a a needle and thread though his empty arm socket and plastic limb. He screamed out like a teenage girl watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and thrashed his real arm around. Then that vykker (Charleston) got a scalpel. He only screamed louder. When it was all over, he leapt to his feet and bawled, rubbing his masked eyes and screaming.

(Mudokon Fortress, nearer the exit)
Egamorf smiled sheepishly as he was caught.
"Hey there youngern - careful." Said a mudokon shaman (Pere) calmly. "Noting beyond there. far away are the sligs." He said, vaguely pointing in their direction. When the mudokon seemed to stare into space, Egamorf tiptoed off. He was curious...A big place stood in the distance. Egamorf had many flaws.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-06-2007, 03:33 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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alf's brother's mate  (132)alf's brother's mate  (132)

Memories passed through his brain like flies, buzzing in and out remorselessly reminding him of the highs and lows of his long, tedious life. He came back to his senses, and saw Egamorf slowly sneaking away. Pere turned and glanced at the mud.
" Going somewhere eh? " He said, slowly, but loudly so as that the mud would hear him. " I haven't been anywhere in a long time. " He looked at his twisted staff and it's blue crooked aura. The power welling within was the bane of all evil. He looked at Egamorf again, this time making a little self - introductory ' Ehem ' and saying sheepishly, " mind if I join you? " He spoke this rather shyly, as if he was not the elder and he was addressing himself as he would now. Although he seemed a little tentative, in reality he was absolutely bursting for an adventure.
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12-06-2007, 04:03 AM
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IC: Hobar watched as the vykker sewed on the plastic arm. Then in horror he saw that the vykker then got a scappel out. A particularily sharp scappel. Hobar feeling very quesy from this walked out of the medical tent, but that didn't block out the screams. Turning even more green then he was before he almost vomitted. The intense screaming continued and Hobar felt sure that any moment he would puke. Then he sprinted just outside the camp where he sat down and tried as hard a he could to stop himself. But he ineveitably threw up. After doing so he wiped the remaining vommit from his mouth and walked into the camp again. He continued to walk until he reached his quarters where he took out some of his rations and ate most of it. It had been a rather big day and he was tired and hungry. After finishing his food he lay down for a short snooze. Slowly drifting off into sleep he closed his eyes and a soft snoring could be heard.
OOC: It is a tiny bit god-moddiesh what General Dripik is doing but it is probrably hard to rp some type of surgery and in his bio it doesn't really say much on how the plastic arm is connected to him. So I do beleive that's quite enough accidents for today. No more close-to-fatal or fake-limb-falling-off type of accident is needed for the industrialists. The tree-huggers seem to have the upper-hand on the control of the siualtion though.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-06-2007, 11:07 AM
glitch taimer's Avatar
glitch taimer
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OOC: Yes, yes, I know that sleep medication wouldn't acctually wear off this fast, but I'm getting really bored having my character unconcious.

IC: Confusing and rather perturbing images were jumbled around in Palms' head as he slept. He was dreaming that a mudoken with a scrab head was chasing him around. It suddenly stop and screamed loudly.
Palms opened his actual eyes and relieved that the thing had screamed in his dream. The girl-like slig he had seen earlier looked like he was having a panick attack as a vykker attached his strange arm. Was that the same vykker that preformed surgery on him? Palms had no idea. He felt his body beggining to function once again. Turning to look at the annoying, screaming slig, he tried to give him a angry glare, but his eyes were unfocused, and he looked rather stupid.
"Don'th be surch a slurgsh," Palms told the slig, though his words came out slurred.
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12-06-2007, 11:11 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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(Barracks, Medical hut)
Fromage kept on crying hopelessly, then he heard a voice.
"Don'th be surch a slurgsh," That slig patient (Palms) slurred at him. There was a funny look in his eye. Fromage didn't know what the blazes he was saying. He didn't care.

He was already over there and half-hugging the slig to death as he weeped over-emotionally.

(Mudokon Fortress, near the exit)
Egamorf tutted as he was caught by the same guy again.
"Going somewhere eh?" He (Pere) surprised him. "I haven't been anywhere in a long time." He looked at his weird staff and it's weird blue aura. He couldn't understand those native weapons. The guy looked at Egamorf again, this time making a little self - introductory ' Ehem ' and saying sheepishly, "mind if I join you?" The younger mudokon thought for a moment.
"Nah, you can come." He smiled.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-07-2007, 04:19 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: Hobar could still hear the screaming even as he tied to block it out with anything he could find. Then he wondered: would it really take so long for a short operation like that? He decided to peek into the medical hut. After doing so his face went green yet again. That strange slig (Fromage) was crying and hugging the other slig (Palms) pretty hard it seemed. Sickened, Hobar sprinted back to just outside the barracks. On the way he tripped on a bucket. Once there he threw up again. After that he decided to go back to the medical hut just to help out "Grey-boy". 'What's wrong with him? He's a normal slig just a tiny bit different. So what has Veleno got against him?' he thought. He asked the slig (Fromage) very gentely "You do realize that he is probrably in alot of pain?" When he noticed that the slig (Palms) was consious and probrably really embarresed.
OOC: Hopefully Palms gets better soon.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-07-2007, 12:57 PM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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Pere smiled and glanced around happily. He hoped his bones wouldn't snap in the middle of nowhere, and he hoped this mud would know where he was going. Bah the staff would guide them in a moment of need!
He hoped.
Pere nodded and said " So where is it you intend on going? The Slig Fortress? " He ambled closer to Egamorf, and glared into his dark, beady eyes. " Just to see it for yourself? " Pere looked in the general direction of the Fortress, as he could not see it, and did not know the exact location of it. Between the mighty towering Fortresses were the ruins of Mirakinia valley shrine. An ancient prayer area where the Mudokons had once gone to pay tribute and connect to the spirits of beyond. That was before the sligs had annihalated it, bone for bone, stone for stone, big, fat, bullet for big, fat, bullet. Many had died on that scornfull day. It was said that the ruins were now haunted with the lost spirits of the dead. None who venture there ever return.....
Pere looked down at Egamorf, who was busy tutting. " Well? " Said Pere.
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12-08-2007, 12:08 AM
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OOC: Ey ABM I don't think you can create places like these said Mirakina ruins. You see this place was created by Sparky(Marvak) and she dictates what is here and what isn't. Not trying to be rude just letting ya know.

Oh and Sparky four of the five sligs aboard the ship besides DJ Red are just npcs. They're not that important.

Just south of the Barracks
♪Nah nah fool what you be playin!♪
♪Crashin on the streets I be stayin?♪
♪You must be smart as a Mud♪
♪To think I won't soon be drenched in yo blood!♪

The music bursted from the headphones that had been specially added to Lietenant Colonel DJ Red's slig mask. The Big Bro was nodding his head to the music while his squad squabbled on the dropship. DJ Red took a moment to look at his squad to make sure they were combat ready.

Rend was strapped in his seat and was fiddling with his claspknife, testing its sharpness against his the flesh of his middle finger. As soon as the tip of the blade touched his skin blood started dripping out. Ren grinned and polished his knife which had to of been for the 297th time since they had gone airborne.

Charge was staring at his right hand, that was infront of his face, as he opened and closed it repeatedly. The Slig was obviously bored out of his mind. The guy could never pay attention to one thing for too long. What he had going for him though were his reflexes were uncanny, he seemed to react to something before the action eben took place. In the brief time DJ Red inspected Charge, the Slig had already bored with his hand and began to make a very irritating sound by continually flicking his metal pants.

Executer was just staring in to space as he sat obviously lost in thought. Executor was a quiet Slig of few words. No one really understood what he was saying when he did speak up due to his expansive vernacular... err big words. Executor was useless in average combat and would of been kicked from the army(which isn't pretty) if DJ Red hadn't decided to test him with different weapons. Turns out Executor is a master sniper that can take a moving Fleech out from nearly 2,500 meters away with one shot. Not to mention he doesn't take time to aim, but shoots as soon as he looks through the scope as if he had been looking through it the whole time. His near-sightedness is his only draw back.

Stormstrike was of course smoking as he sat down relaxed, you couldn't catch him anywhere without a pack of cigs on him. Stormstrike was the explosive specialist of the group. He worked with mines, bombs, grenades, explosive substances, rockets, and missles. The guy had nerves of steel and had stood in many explosions, faced many enemy vehicles, and survived. Sadly he has taken more damage from himself then the enemy. Though uncommon Stormstrike sometimes discards his cigarette in the midst of planting an incendiary device and thus igniting it on himself. His body is mostly in ok shape and he has a nice sense of humor especially when it comes to death.

Lastly there was... Vicky? No... Jennifer? No... well... the other Slig. What ever his/her name was it was something very girly, but it slipped DJ Red's mind. This slig was the newest member to the Omega Squad and had yet to prove himself as anything more then an annoyance. Perhaps today was the day that little miss girly name would show everyone how capable she was... or more realistically today was the day she would get everyone killed. DJ Red would be keeping a good eye on her.

DJ Red roared over his music, "Yo Pilot how much farther till we get dere!?"
The pilot of the dropship replied from the cockpit, "Actually we've just arrived. I'm descending now. Good luck Omega."
DJ Red held onto the balancing bar at the top of the drop ship as he continued to stand and barked at his soldiers, "Look alive bruthas! We got some shi* to do! Slap on yo bags and hop out da back drop. We gonna be acting like dis be a hot landin. Executer I want a full sweep of ervrythang within 300 yards. All you other bruthas best to keep yo guns ready!"

With that DJ Red walked to the back drop and looked down at the ground that was just a few feet below the ship. The Big Bro jumped down and immediately scanned everything within eye sight with his beautiful Veronica(his gun) in hand. The squad followed suit and the dropship flew off. DJ Red looked at the Barracks he had just landed in front of with disgust. He had expected better walls, but then again that just made things more fun.
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12-08-2007, 10:46 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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IC: Altair: was tired of watching things from a tree he jumped down he walked round took in some of the details like were things were placed this whould help him get around soon he came acroos 2 mudokens (pere) (Egamorf) "hello what are you two doing" he asked.

Dengar wlaked around the barracks he looked for some other sligs to talk hopfully a sniper so he chould talk sniper rifles.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

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12-13-2007, 11:24 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Bah, I'm stuck waiting for glitch taimer to respond, so I shall respond to others.

(Just outside the Mudokon Fortress)
Egamorf trotted on, still being questioned and followed by that old guy (Pere). The older male looked him straight in the face. He gulped.
"So where is it you intend on going? The Slig Fortress? " He ambled closer to Egamorf, and glared into his tennis ball eyes. "Just to see it for yourself? " Pere looked in the general direction of the Fortress.
"Well?" Said Pere. Egamorf thought hard.
"...I dunno..." He shrugged nervously. "I wanted to look around it outside." He jumped and squealed when another suspicious-looking mudokon spoke.
"Hello what are you two doing?" A mudokon (Altair) asked them. Egamorf thought for a moment.
"...Lookin' around." He half-lied. His face scowled. He couldn't get anywhere without adults interfering.

OOC: C'mooooon, glitchy...
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 12-14-2007 at 08:34 AM..
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12-14-2007, 09:12 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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alf's brother's mate  (132)alf's brother's mate  (132)

Thanks Venks.

Pere looked at the other mud who had arrived at the scene (altair) and said to his question, (kind of ' over speaking Egamorf ') "We were going to go outside the fortress..." He started, but stopped, as he sensed alertness in Egamorf's mind, as if he didn't want him to say it. " Oh yeah nothing. " He said suddenly, scratching his bald head. " Nothing really. " He wondered if he had over done it....
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12-14-2007, 11:17 AM
glitch taimer's Avatar
glitch taimer
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IC: Palms barley had time to lean up on his arms, before the annoying slig embraced him with a hug. It felt more like a death grip to Palms. Agony shot through Palms' body as part of the slig's arm touched his spine. Yowling in anguish, Palms desperatly tried to escape his captors grip. This slig WOULD pay.
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12-15-2007, 03:48 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: Hobar could see that the slig (Palms) was desprate to get out of this very sentimental slig (Fromage). Hobar gave a hand and tried to pull the slig (Fromage) off.

Stumel was bored. He had nothing to do. In his boredom he looked for anything to do. Anything. Unfortuneatly the only thing he found to do was have a snooze. Which he did. In his dream he was standing over a pile of carcasses fighting mudokons. Slowly it became more and more delusive.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-15-2007, 06:29 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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alf's brother's mate  (132)alf's brother's mate  (132)

Quickly Zozo - Pere needs an adventure!
Sorry for the short post.

Pere glanced around, waiting for Zozo to say something to the other mudokon. He wasn't sure if this smaller being was invited to their party (altair).
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12-15-2007, 08:25 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry for the delay. Lack of time and this post already has been gotten deleted once.


South of the Barracks

Pulling out his baton and strapped his bags to his shoulders in response to his Lietenant Colonel DJ Red's orders, Jaime H. (aka Aimer) was prepared for combat. Jaime was in the Omega Squadren for all of two days, and it was a necessity to impress to squadren. He had already known that some of the squad members had already been doubting whether he was even useful to the squad.

Jaime had met DJ Red when he had actually been commanded to be move to a privately-hired squadren (sometimes referred to as a gangs who serve for Magog Cartel owned militarys). Both were reluctant to allow him in, but what happens, happens. The owner of the factory highlighted most of Jaime's accomplishments, to hopefully not cause a disruption between him and DJ Red. As far as Jaime knows, Red still is curious whether he will be useful to the group.

After a little planning done in another base somewhere around the Barracks they were going to, the new group slept at the base. Early in the next morning, the group had to be awaken and moved in the ship they needed to go on that would transport them onto to the Barracks. That was when Jaime made first impressions, and from the looks of them, they were not good.

Jaime was the only Slig on the entire ship that was even concerned that his seat had bits of blood, slime, oil, and a rare form of fungi on his seat. He spent the first ten minute using a hankerchiff trying to clear of the disgusting elements of his seat. Rend, a Slig who had tested out his knife for 32nd time at that time period, had informed him that only girls cared about their seating and only ladies carried hankerchiffs. (with a mechnical pants on a seat). Embarassed, Jaime had placed his hankerchiff back into his bag, trying to stop the looks of amusements and disgust among them all.

After a few moments inside the ship, Jaime had gotten bored and grabbed a book within his backpack called, "That Dam*** Blue Ba*****", which was a book informing people about what they knew about the Mudokon Natives so far. (It's clearly bias as well, but Jaime doesn't know that) It was an actual fact that Jaime knew a lot about the enemy from reading this book and probably was the only one who could understand the language used. (Although, it should be noted that he still has less-than-average intelligence) Another Slig named Stormstrike, who was the bomb professional on the squad, had told him that "Only sissies read papers like dat." Jaime placed the book away after feeling hurt.

Throughout the rest of the trip, he made sure that his bag had everything he needed and was prepared. Not exactly interesting, but it made him worrisome. He actually counted every single thing he had more than 124 times, every time with the idea in mind that he missed out on something.

At last, the ship landed on the ground, and DJ Red ordered everyone out like they were going into battle. Jaime had actually looked out the window and believed him. He unbuckled his strap from the seat and fled the ship.

Jaime now looked about the place with utter curiousity. He had never actually been outside before. There was a certain strange scent to it, an unusual amount of warmth, a sight full of detail, a strange non-vibrant sound echoing around him, and a small feeling his pants that pressed into the ground a little further than metal. He could not have these feelings through looking out the windows of the flying ship or his old work place. Jaime did not know what to expect anymore.

His new team mates had taken out their weaponery of all sorts. Stormstriker was already taking out a TNT stick from his back and a pack of matches. Rend took out his knife to assult any enemies up close. Executor examined the surroundings upon DJ Red's orders. The other Slig, Charge, had taken out his gun and poked Jaime in the back with the gun point. Jaime flung around with his baton at hand, only to realize that Charge was walking away from him. He heard him mutter, "Jus' checkin' ta see if yer were awake."

Jaime looked about the field, in a more prepared position. The scene seemed very still and seemed as if nothing could possibly happen. So why doesn't anyone say anything? wondered Jaime. He grouped close to the squad and muttered so everyone could hear, "Sirs, it seems like there is no threat."

Stormstriker twitched his head in Jaime's direction and snapped quietly, "Dammit private, thanks for da obvious! Next time, say only somethin' when somethin' hasn't been clear enough ta da rest of us!"

Jaime got the message and quickly jumped back. It couldn't be more clear now why didn't someone say anything before. There just was no need. This was different from the factory life when Sligs could discuss to each other any time. The transition was still in effect, and it was going to be hard to keep going.

Although, Executor had made a brief statement about the surroundings that was not so clear. "Sir, dere is a few injuried folks comin' to da Barracks. Security at the Barracks are not threatin' anyone. Permission to continue moving?"

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12-16-2007, 11:18 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

OOC: I am not a mudokon, ABM.

(Just outside the Mudokon Fortress)
Egamorf stood and awaited that mudokon's (Altair) response.
"We were going to go outside the fortress..." Pere started, but stopped for some reason or another.
"Oh yeah nothing." He said suddenly, scratching his bald head. "Nothing really." Egamorf eyed the other mudokon (Altair). He looked skilled...Perhaps he could prove useful.
"I...Suppose you could come..." He said like he had no choice. "...What's your name, fellow mud?"

(Industrial barracks, medical hut)
Fromage cried hapilly as he gave the injured patient (Palms) his biggest hug ever (Being a slig, he didn't really get to hug people and avoided it. People would give you funny looks and shoot you to ribbons). He was oblivious to the gray and red stained-skinned slig yolwing as he touched his spine, which had the poor guy cut open to get at.

He didn't even realise a slig (Hobar) said "You do realize that he is probally in alot of pain?" He only took notice when he was tugged off by said slig (Hobar). Wide-eyed, he squealed happilly and skipped off like a girl, after beaming obliviously at the injured slig (Palms).

Outside, he saw a group of sligs. Some walking ones all redied up in weapons, a big bro (DJ Red)...He giggled coyly at the chemically-enhanced butchy slig and skipped off and away to wander.

OOC: Eh oh, g2g.....Back 8D.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 12-25-2007 at 12:29 PM..
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12-17-2007, 10:17 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
Howler Punk
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Slig 7665  (11)

Altair looked at the Mudokon Egamorf "My names Altair" he anwserd this was a good oportunity to get to know the landscape Altair thought "yeah I'll come".

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

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12-20-2007, 05:29 PM
glitch taimer's Avatar
glitch taimer
: Jun 2007
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IC: Relief flooded through Palms as the seemingly crazed slig bounded off outside the medical hut. The pain in his spine began to null as he managed to slig himself back into his pants. Palms turned and eyed the slig (Hobar) that pulled the other slig (Fromage) off of him. He was a little too angry to show much graditude towards the slig.
"Thanks," Palms managed to say too Hobar. He streched and yawned off the last bit of the sleep medication. Only now did Palms relieve that the pavilion smelled like expired scrab cakes. He turned to Hobar. His anger edging away, he managed to be a little nicer to the slig.
"This place smells like the sewers. I'm going to step outside. My name is Palms by the way."
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12-21-2007, 12:00 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: "I'll see you around then Palms, and my name is Hobar." he replied to Palms "I think I'll go outside too." He then walked out of the smelling medical pavillion. The shock of how fresh the air was, was quite disturbing. If the medical pavillion stank so bad then Hobar wouldn't want to go back in there for as long as he lived here. That wasn't guaranted because of the nearby tough mudokons. He could still remeber how the battle in close to full detail. So bloody, so mean, so many loses, and so disturbing. As he thought he saw a nearby slig (Dengar). Hadn't he seen him before? One glance at his gun told him he was a sniper. The slig seemed to be searching for something. Wondering what else he could do, he walked across some of the barracks to him and asked "Are you a sniper? Because you have got a sniper rifle." It seemed bigger than his but he wasn't sure. A tad jealous about this, he attempted to control it. Not an easy task for a slig.
OOC: Palms is better again!

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-21-2007, 06:03 AM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
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IC: "What oh yeah I'm a sniper you to huh" another sniper perhaps Dengar whould'nt get bored after all.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

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12-22-2007, 07:37 AM
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IC: "Yep." said Hobar sort of to himself. "What type of sniper have you got there?" he asked. Hoping it wasn't better than his pulled his own up with his right arm which looked really stupid. 'Why for the love of odd did I make it on the left side?!' he thought very angrily. "Sorry." he added a little embarresed. After all with an almost useless left arm why put it on that side?
OOC: Pretty short post.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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12-25-2007, 12:52 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: ...Eh. Haven't been posting since I figured there was nothing to do but...Eh. I shall eat Palms.

(Just outside the mudokon fortress)
Looked like he (Altair) was coming. Egamorf signalled to him to come and began running. He didn't want to get caught running off, after all. The flake (himself) risked getting into trouble by his superiors. He was a sinner. He put himself and his own wants first. He could still see that industrial palce in the distance...Presumably that old geezer Pere was still following, right?

(Industrial Barracks)
Bored and carefree, Fromage skipped away, sighing at the dull landspace. Just scruffy barracks, confined within some wood walls...An object caught his eye. He whined and ran curiously over to it.

It was a harmonica. Probably used and left by some other poor slig. A little rusted too. Plus it was on the ground and had probably been in someone's mouth (Ick!). Yet he put his girly standards standards aside due to boredom and picked it up with his organic arm (How he hated having his plastic one sewn on by that controlling doctor. How would he wash his armpit now?). He blew into the wheezing metal and trotted off, making up a tune as he went on.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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12-25-2007, 06:58 PM
Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Moosh da Outlaw
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I haven't really done a roleplay in a while, but i'll try.

Name: Known as Whicker, real name unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Mudokon

Alliance: Tree hugger

Rank: None

Age: 28-35, age unknown

Physical Description: Tall and lean, dark green skin w/yellow and white tattoo stripes down his arms and legs, pale eyes, thick leather mask over his entire face w/paramite teeth bordering the sides, black sholder sash w/cape, long, trailing black loincloth w/paramite teeth sewn at the ends, a single black feather is braided into his ponytail, which he dyed black and blue
Equipment: Heavy wooden weapon decorated with bells and red ribbons, its a cross between a battle-axe and a hammer

Biography: Was a scrubb working in Rupture Farms until he was shipped off with 50 other muds to work in a seperate factory. As the heavy caravan transporting them passed through a lush valley they were ambushed by a large, unidentifiable creature with massive smashing fists. It killed the sligs' driving the caravan, crunched the hell out of it, and vanished. Whicker was the only one to survive and wandered for days through the forests and hills, hopelessly lost. He stumbled upon an abandoned mud temple hidden in an ancient cave where he found his hammer-axe and clothing, and made a home out of the building's remains. He learned every secret passage and entrance to the complicated temple's miles of underground tunnels, hunted his own food, vowed to hunt down the monster that killed the 50 innocent muds that traveled with him in the caravan, and has been a little emo inside ever since. C:

(The abandoned temple is a few miles from the fortress, and is extremely well hidden)

D&D: Neutral-good


A particularly short scrab with a limp in its left hind leg rooted around in the underbrush, eager for something to satisfy its grumbling belly. It grunted as it pushed through leaves and dirt with its beak-like snout, its small, watery eyes wary and alert. It was unable to hunt due it its injury, and it would make an easy target for Whicker.
The dark mudokon gripped the handle of his hammer-axe, his pale yellow eyes bright with concentration.
Poor beast hasn't even noticed me yet, he thought, blinking sadly. It must be so hungry it can't think straight.
The scrab's head shot up, causing foam to fleck the nearby trees. Its head rotated hungrily and it made small whining noises, begging in his own language for something to eat. Whicker hopped silently forward, careful not to rustle the leaves, and raised his weapon over his head.
BLAM! Gunshot from a slig's rifle rang through the forest, followed closely by voices.
"...this way... I heard something this way!"
Whicker looked up in suprise and ducked into the leaves, holding his weapon close to his chest. The scrab sensed his movement and bounded forward, its head swinging around wildly as it struggled to pinpoint the sound. Whicker could hear sligs clearly now, rummaging around in the forest. What the hell could they want? He wondered, backing up into the foliage. The scrab reared up on its back legs and bolted forward towards the sound of exploring sligs, its jaws dripping and his chest bellowing in a savage roar. Startled voices rang in the air, and gunshot shook the forest to its roots.
With no time to think Whicker ran down the narrow path ahead, ducking to avoid being seen. He could only think of one place he would be safe; the Mudokon Fortress. For now, anyway. He leapt over a mound of gnarled roots and ran onwards, swinging his weapon to clear away low-hanging branches.
Finally he saw the tall trees circling the fortress, and he smiled to himself. He jumped inbetween two of them and shimmied himself deeper into the roots and leaves, panting heavily. The sound of sligs and scrab alike died into the distance. Whicker didn't see it, but deeper in the forest the scrab licked its jaws and dug into the flesh of a freshly-caught baton slig, the corners of its face curled into what was almost a smile.
Whicker sighed and slowed his breathing, still wary of attacks.

Last edited by Moosh da Outlaw; 12-25-2007 at 07:33 PM..
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12-25-2007, 07:55 PM
glitch taimer's Avatar
glitch taimer
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I shall eat Palms.

Palms watched Hobar exit the hut, and followed him out. He split company with the slig and walked down his own path. For a second, he though he heard a strange melody, but than pushed the thought out of his head. This place was to morbid for anyone to play music. Palms did a quick survey of the battlefield. Not much to see. Turning slowly, he looked at a few of the other sligs near the barracks. He saw Hobar talking to a slig with a sniper rifle, and a little battalion of sligs that looked pretty prepared for action. Then, suddenly, the melody came back to him. Palms turned swiftly. Too swiftly. His back gave him a reminder that he wasn't completely healed yet. With a grimis of pain on his face, he looked back towards where the music was coming from. He saw the slig with the plastic arm had a little instrument. Damn that slig. Palms still had some plans for that slig. The anger ebbed away from Palms slowly, and he turned to face the battlefield once more. Corpses littered it. This place was hell.
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01-03-2008, 10:48 AM
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OOC: I might add another charactor. For now I'm going to wait.
IC: Stumel woke from his nap. Sure he had slept far to long, he rubbed his eyes. He sat up and wandered the camp for a while until his venture led him just outside when a noise caught his ear. A harmonica, not that he knew it was called that. A rather girl-like slig was playing it. It was a wonderful sound, putting Stumel at ease. He slid into a sitting position where he simply listened. So beautiful. How could it be so lovely when nothing else in his world was? His wonderful thoughts were peirced like an arrow. The unmistakeable stench of vomit filled the air. With his rag and water he clensed the spot just so he could listen to the sound in peace. He almost fell asleep with comfort. In his trance, he forgot where he was. All that mattered was that the sound continued. It filled his brain to the brim like a glass of water, and it was as though nothing existed but the music. Drifting off he would like to have said to the slig how that music was so wonderous. He smiled. Not a wicked, twisted smile, but a true smile. Humming along he sat on the hard ground that felt like a cushion with the music drifting around like feathers from a pillow.
OOC: Stumel likes the music.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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01-03-2008, 11:15 AM
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Slig 7665
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IC: "I gotta SVD sniper its pretty good gets the job done and all that" Dengar replied what type have you got.

Altair ran after Egamorf.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

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01-04-2008, 02:00 AM
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Skrishiy had been circling above the fortress and giving surveillance for a long time and after a while he grew bored and his mind began to wonder. because of his daydreaming he was no longer guiding his mount and the circle he was going in gradually became wider and more oval until, without knowing, Shkrishiy flew strait out of the mudokon fortress and directly towards what any slig would have recognised as the slig barracks.

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01-05-2008, 12:43 PM
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IC: Hobar had gotten his answer and was wondering what an SVD rifle was when he heard him ask about his own. "Let me see." he muttered as he looked under, over and under again for some kind of trademark. At last he found a small print on the barrel. "It's a GL89 rifle. Hang on I think I have a little pad saying some stuff about this rifle." He replied as he began to search everywhere he could store things and finnaly found it in the bottom of his gun holster. Skimming through it, it seemed that the GL89 rifle was quite a normal gun for mid-rank snipers. "It says it's something for middle-rank sligs." He added. "Ah well. Have you seen those expiremental ones at Vkker's labs? They don't have a name but they look nasty and fun." He thought about how much he longed to have one. No other rifle would be better. He would be on top. 'But you can't have everything in life.'
OOC: Nothing from Stumel as he's humming along with music.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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01-14-2008, 09:19 AM
mudling's Avatar
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Not sure if all of my characters are going to correspond with the rules, want to make another character called Elen, Az's sister, but as a meetle rider, or winged calevry for the tree huggers, would that be ok?

Name: Az

Gender: Genderless (But technically male)

Species (No non-Oddworldians, and keep wildlife to a minimum): Mudokon

Alliance (Tree Huggers [Fortress] or Land Muggers [Barracks]): Land muggers (Or nuetral will explain in my bio)

Rank (In correspondence to Alliance): Was trained as a piolet

Age (In comparison to Human Lifespan): late teens

Physical Description (include both body and clothing, you may provide picture if you wish): Green skinned, but covered with grey, red, crimson and black warpaint, in a simular colour to the mudokon warrior warpaint.
Wears salvaged outlaw armour, made of rusty steel, think of a ned kelly style suit, and a WWII style pilot's helmet, with crimson lenced night visioned googles.

Equipment (what the character carries, other than his/her/its clothing): An old pistol called Maggie, left behind from an outlaw, several vyker stength inhancing drugs, non of them meant for mudokons. Piolts a slig copter, equipted with an unreleiable turret and severale bombs stolen from the flying sligs.
Biography (the characters past): With the gaining tension between the industrailts and local mudokon tribes, the vykers labs 19 called for it's eggs to be brought to the mother ship, however, the cargo was intercepted on the way by meetle raiders, and several of the eggs were taken, including the only other egg in his batch, which would become Elen. As a result, Az was breed up feeling lonely and excluded from the other scrubs, but was trained and cared for by a engerneering slig called Yabbs. This was considered a sign of weakness, but their freindship soon showed, but before they could be descraced, their talents were realised. They rose up the ranks together, Az becoming an ace piolet, and Yabs becoming co piolet, altough he was average at flying, his skills in engernerring and with a turret and gun became a valuable asset.
The pair become one of the most succsessful pair, and so were given their own slig copter.
Az never cared for the industrialists, but Yabbs was as close to a brother as he could be to him, and despite his ambitions to find his sister, was convinced that his people were a misguided cause. Even so, he was determined to save his people from their fate, and bring an end to his fighting, but he had no life outside of the fighting with the industrialists, and he was as good as dead to them, so he was persuaded to become a piolet only, for he could never kill a soul, let alone one of his own people.

Was going to create 3 characters quite a bit ago, but got hit by writer's block, which effected my profile making, so here's one for now.

Name: Yabbs

Gender: Genderless (But technically male)

Species (No non-Oddworldians, and keep wildlife to a minimum): Slig

Alliance (Tree Huggers [Fortress] or Land Muggers [Barracks]): Land muggers

Rank (In correspondence to Alliance): Co-piolet, engineer

Age (In comparison to Human Lifespan): late teens

Physical Description (include both body and clothing, you may provide picture if you wish):
Yellowly green. Wears a matching helmet to Az, like most other sligs, bare chested, but is adorned with tatoos. Wears simular headgear tp flying sligs. Muclely aswell, due to his big bro training (though he was only subjected to stereriods once)

Equipment (what the character carries, other than his/her/its clothing): An average slig gun, equiped with a scope, a sligcopter equipted with an unrealiable turret, parichute, bombs, parichute and a flying slig machine (what ever it's called),
Biography (the characters past): Was born from a war veteran father, and breed in a squadron of elite warrior sligs, he was always a disapointment to his patrol. He was oringanly desinated to become a big bro, and so took part in heavy physical activities, and yet, despite his bulk and agility, but one thing bothered everybody, he was heavily tramitised by his job, and by violence.
His father assumed steriods would kick this instinct out of him, it didn't. So after only minor steriod treatment, he retained the normal look of a slig, however, much more bulkier and faster than an average skill, as his accuracy was undeinable, yet he was still useless according to the Glocken owner, and scedualed to be terminated, but it was his father's influence that kept him alive.
He then became an engineer, but his father's reteirement meant that he had no longer any say in his position, and was declared to be descraced unless he become useful with a gun.
He then encounted a sad mudokon attempting to look in the archives for his true history, they soon become best freinds, and under his influence, the mudokon became an ace piolet, and Yabbs become co-piolet, in charge of everything else, from rallying other troops, turreting, and giving valuable stratagies, something inherted from his father. He promised to not kill Az's people were he could, despite there forced service to what began to look like a war. But under the under the watchful eye of his superiors, he knew it was always going to be hard.

Last edited by mudling; 01-14-2008 at 09:43 AM..
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01-15-2008, 10:01 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

OOC: Srry for doing nothings, I is lazy and consider this thread kinda dead since Sparky said she lost interest...Ah well. I can try.

(Outside the Mirakin Fortress)
Egamorf the young selfish mudokon ran, regardless of whenever Altair or Pere were following. He just wanted to get on with with things and go see the industrial place...In truth, he wanted a 'better' place to live. He wasn't too familiar with all of this native stuff. He could still see that towering building inthe distance...

(Industrial Fortress)
Fromage skipped away merrily, blowing a tune he had made into his harmonica. It was all his...Unless it got nicked off him. Some loser slig would have to go through a lot of bslaps before he'd let them get away with it. He walked like a woman with his head held high, before soemthing caught his eye. His infra red mask vision caught sight of a warm-blooded body running...On two legs...Towards the fortress? He growled like a mad chihuahua, screamed like a madwoman and ran towards this figure. An invadar? Who did they think they were? Abe?
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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