...of ,erm, stuff.
Greetings and salutations to ye all.
And a big hug to all those who might remember me
Anyhoo, as the topic says, here is a collection of my recent (and not-so-recent)
unfinished doodles.
Why unfinished You might ask?
Because I'm lazy and I have the attention span of an earthworm :]
Be warned though, almost 95% of my stuff are about WoW, so...
First off is the potrait of my current main character, the Blood elf warlock, Ceras.
*scratches her head* Granted, Ceras doesn't look quite as girly in the game as he looks here.
Then there is this, which I hope to get finished, since I've worked for a good while on her. Another blood elf, another warlock.
Well... as you can see, she's a a bit...incomplete. Duh.
I can't honestly say why the heck I drew a female BE, I can't stand them really. *shrug*
Lastly, here's one of my favourites; a casual quickie of my friend's character Kyo the Forsaken warrior. This one's a scan, so pardon the smudges & general messyness.
Summer time, woot.
That's it for now!
Keep drawing folks
Muse out.